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Ильясова Нағима Əбзелбекқызы
Филология ғылымдарының докторы, доцент
Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Алматы қ.
Summary. The article analyzes the categories of the linguistic communication and communicative
grammar. The author defi nes the syntactic synthesis as a combination of the linguisticunits which is
necessary for the speech. The syntax of the word synthesis is recognized as a semantic -grammatical
interface. Synthesis of the words is determined by the specifi city of semantics and grammar. They
syntactically synthesized and have a semaciologic signifi cance. As a result the following types
of phrasesynthesis were determined as syntagmatics of variance,syntagmatics of evasion, the
amplifi cation of syntagmatic ( syntagmatics of amplifi cation ),syntagmatic synonomy ( syntagmatic
synonomy), the valence of syntagmatic (syntagmatic valency).
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