Past Simple утвердит предлож. V2 = Past form вопросит предлож

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Часть сказуемого to be + inf.

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модальный глагол глагол-связка – ( R.) означает;

( R.). должен, нужно заключается в том, чтобы

2.1. This method is to show the dependence of temperature on solubility.

(должен показать…)

2.2. One way of obtaining hydrogen is to pass electric current through

water. (заключается в том, чтобы…)

2.3. New sources of cheap energy are to be found.(должны быть найдены)

2.4. Our goal is to prove this hypothesis. (… - это доказать…)

  1. Определение


существительное + to inf.

(R.) ,который нужно сделать предстоит сделать.

3.1. The first scientist to discover this phenomenon was Lavoisier.

(ученый, который первым открыл…)

3.2. The problem to consider next is concerned with the ionization of

gasses. (проблема, которую должны рассмотреть…)

3.3. The terms to be insisted upon are as follows. (условия, на которых

надо настаивать…)

3.4. In vacuum molecules have large space in which to move. (,в котором

они могут двигаться.)

NB! Запомните:

this is (these are…)+ сущ. + to inf. – (R.) вот…

there is (there are…)+ сущ. + to inf. – (R.) существует, есть…

3.5. There are many examples to illustrate the rule. (Существует много

примеров, которые…)

3.6. This is the example to be mentioned first. (Вот пример, который…)


Translate the sentences.

1. If fuels are to be burned efficiently it is necessary to mix air with the fuel.

2. The band theory we are about to discuss makes rather useful statements.

3. It is to be noted that at ordinary temperature this substance dissolves only slightly.

4. Little or no oxygen is to be found there.

5. It is to be emphasized that the electrical conductivity of beryllium is by no means as great as was formerly assumed.

6. You are to take into consideration that apart from kinetic theory there is little direct proof of the production of free oxygen atoms by photolysis of any oxygen.

7. Our task has been to determine the effect of X-rays on the substance under test.

8. The next step will be to produce a diagram of the system.

9. The object of these experiments was to find the connection between secondary electrons and the primary beta-rays from the radioactive substance.

10. Account is to be taken of the high boiling point of this liquid.

11. Use is to be made of the data obtained.

12. Unfortunately the thermal conductivity is very hard to determine.

13. The experimental results are few and not easy to interpret.

14. A weighed quantity of the material to be tested is placed in a capsule.

15. To explain the pressure of gases and their diffusion, it is generally supposed that all substances are made of very minute particles called molecules.

16. To find the mass of the electron was then of prime importance.

17. To be fully effective control must start with the production of raw materials.

18. To consider the special properties of matter in this state would be outside the scope of this book.

19. To define exactly what is meant by the total heat in a body is at present still not possible.

  1. For-phrase with the Infinitive.

NB! Запомните:
1. for” + сущ./местоим. в объект. падеже + инфинитив - (R.) сложноподч. предложением с союзами что; чтобы; для того, чтобы

    1. For a force to exist there must be two objects involved. (…,чтобы сила существовала…)

    2. The temperature was too low for the substance to decompose. (…,для того, чтобы вещество…)

    3. The tendency was for the gas to become ionized. (Тенденция заключалась в том, что газ…/ Существовали тенденция, что…)

    4. The tendency for the substance to become ionized at high temperatures was investigated. (… тенденция, что вещество…)

    5. It is possible for the reaction to occur. (Возможно, что реакция…)

2. эмфатическая конструкция: to be + “for + сущ./мест. + inf.”

- (R.) именно к-то должен сделать

2.1. It is for him to decide. (Именно он должен…)

2.2. It is for the assistant to prepare everything for the experiment.

(Именно ассистент должен…)

3. определяемое существительное + “for-phrase

- (R.) сложноподч. предлож. с союзами который, которые…
3.1. The only conclusion for him to make was the following.(…вывод, к

которому он пришел…)

3.2. This is the book for you to read. (…,которую ты должен…)

Translate the sentences.

1.The tendency is for the molecule to become agitated.

2. For the observation to be of service two facts must be known.

3. In order for two molecules to react they must be in contact.

4. The motion took place long enough for the bodies to become heated.

5. Under what conditions will the reaction proceed sufficiently rapidly for the method to be practicable?

6. Here is one more important point for the speaker to explain.

  1. It is not unusual for the phosphatic uranium minerals to be used as a commercial source for uranium.

  2. Rusting represents the tendency for the iron to revert to the unstable condition.

  3. Two conditions must be met for this process to occur.

  4. The time taken for equilibrium conditions to be set is small.

  5. A slow molecule is a nearly stationary target for other molecules to hit.

  6. For a reaction to take place, an A molecule must first meet a B molecule.

  7. The accuracy of the lunar and solar theories is not sufficient for them to be significant.

  8. The tendency for a substance to come to a metastable state must be taken into account.

  9. It is possible for the substance to be compressed.

V. Complex Subject - Complex Object.

Образуются: именная часть + инфинитив

Сравните: He is known to come soon. – Complex Subject

Сложное подлежащее (именительный падеж) – “he… to come”

We know him to come soon. – Complex Object

Сложное дополнение (объектный падеж) - “him to come”
Повторите Table 2, Unit 4.


↓ ↓ ↓

существит./местоимен. + сказуемое + инфинитив to know (будущ.,наст.)

to be working (наст.)

to have done (прошедш.)

Сказуемое может быть выражено:


Active Voice | | Passive voice

seem be likely be said

appear be unlikely be supposed

turn out be sure be expected

prove be certain be proved

happen be believed

NB! Запомните:

prove – (R.) оказывается

be proved – (R.) доказано

be likely – (R.) вероятно

be unlikely – (R.) маловероятно

Перевод Complex Subject начинайте со сказуемого , которое в русском переводе станет безличным. Сложное подлежащее превращается в придаточное предложение с союзом “что”.

Before going on, revise Unit 5.

    1. They seem to have applied strong ionization. ( По-видимому, они применили…)

    2. The result was expected to agree with theoretical predictions.(Ожидалось, что результат будет соответствовать…)

    3. Water was considered to be an element. (Считалось, что вода является…)

    4. This method is unlikely to have been used. (Маловероятно, что метод использовался.)


Put the words in the right order to make meaningful sentences.

  1. is/ to/ more/ black/ absorb/ known/ intensively/ light/ colour/ rays//

  2. have/ interesting/ the/ is/ collected/ said/ expedition/ material/ to/ very//

  3. up/ much/ help/ save/ believed/ to/ to/ metal/ invention/ this/ is//

  4. to/ a/ known/ lecturer/ is/ have/ wonderful/ been/ Zhukovsky//

  5. 19th century/ Mars/ thought/ be/ to/ the/ the/ seas/ dark/ in/ areas/ on/ were//

  6. is/ to/ me/ he/ notice/ unlikely//

  7. to/ hard/ to/ she/ be/ seems/work/ used//

  8. supposed/ ski/ year/ people/ there/ round/ are/ to/ all//


Translate the sentences.

  1. Heat was for a long time considered to be an invisible fluid.

  2. In ancient times light was thought to be a property of the eye.

  3. This state of motion gives a representation of what is supposed to be the condition of matter in its gaseous state.

  4. This substance is very unlikely to have possessed valuable properties.

  5. There seems to be some confusion of terms in this paper.

  6. This device is likely to give the results required.

  7. The technique proves to be too complicated to be really useful.


NB! Запомните: Сложное подлежащее с отрицанием


- (R.)

Активное сказуемое – “не“ в переводе относится к инфинитиву,

Пассивное сказуемое – “не“ в переводе относится к сказуемому.

e.g.: 1. He does not appear to know them. (Кажется, он их не знает.)

2. This substance was not observed to exhibit radiation. (Не

наблюдалось, что это вещество обладает…)

сравните: This substance was observed not to exhibit radiation.

(Наблюдалось, что это вещество не обладает…)

NB! Запомните:

Именная часть + Participles I or II// likely|/unlikely… + to V.

↓ |

- (R.)

Подлежащее, + который вероятно, как полагают + сказуемое


1. The book assumed to be published soon has not even been written yet. (Книга, которая как предполагалось, будет опубликована…)

2. Here is the device likely to give the results required. (Вот прибор, который, вероятно, даст…)

3. He used a substance appearing to induce X-rays. (… вещество, которое, видимо, испускало…)


Translate the sentences.

  1. This substance may easily be demonstrated to be a compound.

  2. The bombardment of beryllium by alpha-particles from polonium gives rise to a very energetic type of radiation. This radiation was first thought to consist of gamma-rays, but the energy relationships were found to disagree with this assumption.

  3. Lansmair’s attempt to account for spectral series without the assumption of moving electrons cannot be said to possess any real value.

  4. This method does not seem to offer any advantages over that discussed above.

  5. A substance known to possess these properties is called an acid.

  6. Heat was proved to be a form of energy.

  7. Many substances are known to dissolve in hot water.

  8. The substance reported to dissolve in hot water was thoroughly tested.

  9. The eclipse of the sun was predicted to occur in 1460.

  10. The eclipse of the sun predicted to occur in 1460 took place at exact moment foretold.

  11. The postulates of the theory are of fundamental importance, and are likely to form the nucleus of future theories of the structure of molecules.


Before starting this theme, revise Unit 5.

______________ _______________

| know, find, | | him/ her |
| consider,want… + them… + to come

|______________ |__________________

Подлежащеe + сказуемое + сложное дополнение + …

______________ ___________________

| see, hear, |

| feel, observe… + him/… + come

|_______________| |___________________|
NB! 1. Переводите такие предложения сложноподчиненным предложением с союзом “что”.
2. Сказуемое выражено глаголом физического восприятия – инфинитив без “to”.

  1. Запомните: Let’s do= Let us do– (R.) Давайте мы (сделаем)…

Let me do– (R.) Давайте я (сделаю)

Let him/ her/ them…do - (R.) Пусть он, она, они… (сделают…)

Не употребляется в Passive Voice.

  1. Запомните :

to make smb do smth

to cause smb to do smth – (R.) Заставить к-л сделать ч-л.

But! to be made to do smth (Passive Voice)


Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Я знаю, что его коллеги (colleagues) сейчас проводят эксперимент.

  2. Он думает, что они скоро закончат этот опыт.

  3. Они полагали, что вещество уже растворилось (dissolve).

  4. Пусть они подготовят (set up) эксперимент.

  5. Никто не заставлял (1. make/ 2. cause) его пользоваться именно этой методикой.

  6. Давайте я найду это слово (look up) в словаре.

  7. Я видел, как он разговаривал c профессором.


Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. The experiments have proved the pressure of a gas at fixed temperatures to depend on its concentration.

  2. One may safely expect this prediction to be quite reliable.

  3. Let us take the force to equal 17 dynes.

  4. They found radon to be 3 times as heavy as hydrogen.

  5. Let them take the volume of this body to equal 0.

  6. They expected the acceleration to have been changed but this was not the case.

  7. It is customary to consider the electric current to flow in the opposite direction to the motion of the electrons which constitute it.

  8. This substance was supposed to be an element.

Revise Unit 5.

Translate the sentences.

  1. The radius of our orbit is believed to be increasing very slowly.

  2. The copper to be refined is cast into large plates.

  3. This property allows the alpha particle to be detected.

  4. The source is so weak as to add comparatively few additional counts above the background.

  5. There appear to be two distinct effects in this case.

  6. Electrons can be made to travel at very high speeds.

  7. The idea of nuclear charge and atomic number is now realized to be most important.

  8. A certain period of time must be allowed for the oil drops to be removed by the electric field.

  9. There appears to be direct evidence of the existence of negative electrons in matter.

  10. The best agreement is to be found in the case of carbonic acid.

  11. In this discussion the nucleus will be taken to be at rest.

  12. Ordinary objects are not likely to move with a velocity approaching the velocity of light.

  13. The lithium nucleus is too small for so many collisions to occur.

  14. Secondary radiation may be expected to rise when the primary radiations are observed.

  15. Light is to be considered as some kind of wave motion of electromagnetic origin.

  16. Alpha-rays are shown to be identical, no matter from what radioactive element they are emitted.

  17. Pitchblende was shown by X-ray and emission examination to have been a mixed salt.

  18. It will be necessary for the observer to remain in the dark at least ten or fifteen minutes to accustom his eyes to the darkness.

  19. In liquids and solids the movements of molecules must be supposed to be more restricted.

  20. Samples of two ores from a region known to be geologically very old have ages close to 2000 million years.

  21. To test for a soluble iodide one adds to a test tube containing the solution to be tested one cubic centimeter of carbon disulphate and a few cubic centimeters of chlorine water and shakes the mixture vigorously.

  22. To maintain a constant temperature in a small or large container was for years and still is a very important technical problem because most precise physical and chemical experiments require the temperature of the object to be constant at the moment when the readings or any other kind of observation are made.

  23. The speed of the particles is a bit too swift for us to study in detail.

  24. For the growth to continue steps must be formed gradually at ordinary temperature.

  25. The theorists were not sure whether what the observers considered to be the brightest stars in a galaxy were actually stars.

  26. The discussion of too many details and special cases does not seem to be desirable, since it is likely to obscure the fundamentally important points.

  27. As information accumulated, it became clear that the work was unlikely to yield necessary data.


Before starting Unit 6, revise Unit 4, Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1. Forms of the Participles.
Participle I = Present Participle

Причастие настоящего времени = Ving


Active Voice

Passive Voice


doing, reading, looking

being done,

being read,

being looked


having done, having read, having looked

having been done,

having been read,

having been looked


Passive Voice


done, read, looked

Participle II = Past Participle

Причастие прошедшего времени = V3

Table 2. Parts of the sentence.

Члены предложения


Часть сказуемого

1.1. They are talking now. (Present Continuous, Part.I)

1.2. They have finished their talk. (Present Perfect, Part.II)

1.3. The article was published last year. ( Past Simple Passive, Part.II)


    1. The work performed by this scientist is interesting.(Part.II)

    2. The room was lit by a burning candle. (Part. I, present, active)

    3. The technique being used now was developed by his team. (Part.I, present, passive


3.1. Being invited too late he could not come. (Part.I, present,


3.2. Having been heated the substance began to melt. (Part.I,

perfect, passive)

3.3. Given the data, we can start work. (Part.II, simple,


/ причастие + сущ. (e.g. The heated object became red-hot.)

1. Определение

\ сущ. + причастие (e.g. Hydrogen is the lightest element known.)


1.1. The kid is playing. – the playing kid (present, active)- (R.) играющий ребенок

1.2. The sun is shining. - the shining sun (present, active)- (R.) сияющее солнце

1.3. The paper was written. – the written paper (past, passive)- (R.) написанная статья

1.4. The test was discussed. – the discussed test (past, passive)- (R.) обсужденный тест

Повторите значения глагола “to follow”, Unit 1.
Turn the words given in brackets into participles and insert them into the English sentences. Use preposition “by” where necessary. Translate the sentences.

  1. The substance (на которое оказывает влияние – to affect) a magnetic field was a metal.

  2. The substance (которое оказывает влияние на – to affect) a magnetic field was metallic.

  3. The phenomenon (которое влияет на – to influence) the rate of the reaction was thoroughly investigated.

  4. Cooling (вслед за – to follow) heating gave good results.

  5. Cooling (за которым последовало – to follow) heating gave good results.

  6. The procedure (которой пользовался – to follow) this investigator was proposed by Dr.Smith.

  7. The scientist (пользовавшийся – to follow) this procedure investigated some phenomena of radioactivity.


Translate the sentences.

  1. The paper on heat conduction of gases followed by the report on diffusion was presented by Dr.Lewes.

  2. Still other arguments have already been produced in studies following quite a different line.

  3. Here we shall outline the basic approach followed in each of these formulations.

  4. The period following Fresnel’s death was characterized by the gradual triumph of his ideas.

  5. Galileo, following Copernicus, believed the Earth to move round the Sun and rotate round its axis.

  6. Young, followed by Fresnel, showed that under these conditions light does in fact present phenomena of interference.

  7. Following these early discoveries, a great many alloys have been discovered.

NB! Существительное + Part. II involved, concerned – (R.) данный, о котором идет

речь, рассматриваемый, связанный с…


  1. The properties of the substances involved are well understood. (Cвойства данных веществ…)

  2. The phenomenon is rather complicated and the processes involved are not clear. (… связанные с этим процессы…)

  3. None of the authors concerned describes this process. (Никто из авторов, о которых идет речь…)

NB! Подлежащее + Ved + Ved – Подлежащее + Part. II + сказуемое (Simple Past)

  1. The substance obtained contained some impurities. (Полученное вещество


3. The work performed showed good results. (Проделанная работа показала…)

  1. The engineers invited graduated from MEPhI. (Приглашенные инженеры окончили…)

NB! Perfect

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