Пән мұғалімі : Сыныбы: 9Ә 2021-2022 оқу жылы кіріспе

Since және For сөздерінің қолданылуы

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Since және For сөздерінің қолданылуы

since seven o`clock since Monday since December
I have been here since 1983 since February 3, 2007 since last month

Since сөзі ай, кҥн, сағат,
жылдармен қолдынылады.
Since бір іс-әрекеттің белгілі бір уақытта өткен шақта басталғанын және қазіргі уақытқа дейін жалғасып жатқандығын көрсетеді.

I have lived here since I was a child

for twenty minutes for three hours for seven days
I have been here for about three weeks
for almost five month
for many years for a long time

For сөзі уақыт созылыңқылығын көрсетеді.

Егер зат есім – s жалғауына аяқталса (hours, days, weeks) for қолданылады.

Test № 20 / Тест № 20

1. Present Perfect Actіve-тегі етістік:
A) Have been waіtіng.
B) Was cought.
C) Has fіnіshed
D) Had read.
2. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз.
Who ... the door.
A) had opened
B) has opened
C) is opened
D) have opened
3. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз
We ... our task by Saturday.
A) is finished
B) have finished
C) had finished
D) has finished
4. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз
I ... my work by 7 o’clock.
A) are finished
B) is finished
C) have finished
D) has finished
5. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз
I ... his film several times.
A) has seen
B) are seen
C) had seen D) have seen
6. Present Perfect Actіve-тегі етістік:
A) Were havіng.
B) Has fіnіshed.
C) Was cought.
D) Have been waіtіng.
7. Who ... the can?
A) is opened
B) are opened
C) has opened
D) had opened
8. He ... his film several times.
A) had seen
B) are seen
C) have seen
D) has seen
9. He ... our preparations by Monday.
A) has finished
B) are finished
C) have finished
D) had finished

10. What ….your father just....?

A) has, done
B) had, done
C) are , done
D) have , done

Leveled exercises № 20
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 20

I level
I деңгей

Fill the sentences with the following words. already * just * still * yet *for

1. Have you dreamt of winning the lottery 2 years?

  1. I haven`t worked out how to set the timer on the video.

  2. The film has finished.

4. Bruce has knocked three men out of the competition
5. He`s not got home.
II level
II деңгей

Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.

a) Harry (do)...............has done....................the housework.

b) Kate and Bill (find)................................................a new flat.
c) Nick (write)................................................a book.
d) We (decide)................................................to start jogging.
e) Sam and Dave (eat)................................................all the sandwiches.
f) Carlos (buy)................................................a dog.
g) Maria and Helen (start)................................................at a new school.
h) Frances (break)................................................her cup.
i) I (lose)................................................my umbrella.
j) Max (take)................................................the dog for a walk.

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