Пән мұғалімі : Сыныбы: 9Ә 2021-2022 оқу жылы кіріспе

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space is explored

space is being explored

space has been explored


space was explored

space was being explored

space had been explored


space will be explored


space will have been explored

Салыстырыңыз :

Active Voice. Passive Voice.

1. Peter the First founded our city in 1703

1. 1. Our city was founded by Peter the First in 1703

2. A lot of students study foreign languages at the University.

2. 2. Foreign languages are studied by a lot of students at the University.

3. I shall post the letter immediately.

3. 3. The letter will be postedimmediately

Test № 23/Тест № 23

1 The building ______ two years ago.

  1. destroyed

  2. was destroyed

2. I ______ by the news he had told me the day before.

  1. am surprising

  2. surprised

  3. was surprised

  4. am surprised

3.______ he ______ at the airport tomorrow?

  1. Is … being met

  2. Will … be meet

4.The police ______ to me.

  1. is hands

  2. was handed

  3. will be handing

5. I ______ into buying a motorbike by Martha.

  1. was talked

  2. talk

  3. have been talked

6.Yesterday the whole programme ______ over to a report from Bosnia.

  1. has been given

  2. was given

  3. gave

  4. gives

7.A number of priceless works of art ______ in the earthquake.

  1. have been destroyed

  2. was destroyed

  3. has been destroyed

8. Because my visa had expired I ______ from re-entering the country.

  1. prevented

  2. am prevent

  3. prevent

  4. was prevented

9.It’s generally agreed that new industries ______ for the southern part of the country.

  1. are need

  2. are needed

  3. need

10. It’s incredible to think that these clothes ______ by Queen Victoria.

  1. wear

  2. are being worn

  3. were worn

Leveled exercises № 23
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 23

I level
I деңгей


1) The post is delivered every morning.

2) He is often sent parcels.
3) Coffee is imported from Brazil.
4) Those paintings were sold for 500 pounds each.
5) That is a good book. It was written by George Orwell.
6) The letter will be sent tomorrow.
7) The gob will be advertised in the morning paper tomorrow.
II level
II деңгей

Make the questions

1) We are given a lot of work to do

2) Footwear is sold in this shop
3) They are taught Spanish
4) The letter was brought in the evening
5) The key was lost some days ago
6) Steve will be told about it
7) The article will be typed today

III level
III деңгей

Paraphrase the following sentences.
Give two variants if possible.

Model :They often show us foreign films at the University.
1)We are often shown foreign films at the University.
2) Foreign films are often shown to us at the University.

1) They publish newspapers here.

2) They delive mail in the morning.
3) They showed the scientists a new research centre.
4) They paid him only part of the money.
5) I think I will ask you to help them.
6) I will type the report in an hour

Answers Test № 23
Жауаптар Тест № 23

1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a/c 6 b 7 a 8 d 9 b 10 c

Leveled exercises № 23

  1. Нам дали много работы.

  2. Он всегда получает посылки.

  3. Кофе импортируют из Бразилии.

  4. Эти картины были проданы за 500 фунтов каждая.

  5. Это хорошая книга.

  6. Это интересная книга . Она была написана Д.Орвеллем.

  7. Письмо будет отправлено завтра.

  8. Вакансия будет опубликована в утренней газете завтра.

Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 23

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