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14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту: 
What is а Cadastre? 2. What role does a land use planner play in 
different countries? 3. What is a land use planner responsible for?
4. Can computer technology provide better access to information?
5. Is it necessary to make careful investigation for cadastral reforms? 
6. What kind of modern technology do you know? 7. Why should the 
Cadastre be managed by the government? 8. Is Cadastral Reforms 
concerned with the improvement of cadastral systems? 
15. Перескажите текст 5А 
16.Прочтите, переведите текст 5В и сформулируйте ос-
новную мысль каждого абзаца: 
Text 5B 
Different Cadastral Issues 
There are a number of legal, technical, and operational cadastral is-
sues that must be resolved according to the needs and constraints of 
each country or jurisdiction. Some of these are: 
Documentation of informal or customary rights is sometimes con-
nected to the establishment of land markets. In other cases the aim can 
be a document of а customary tenure system for land management 
purposes without changing the nature of the system or tenure relation-

ships. In both cases it is essential that such reforms are only started af-
ter careful investigations of the need for and the consequences of the 
Land registration is the official recording of legally recognized in-
terests in land and is usually a part of a cadastral system. From a legal 
perspective a distinction can be made between deeds registration
where the documents filed in the registry are the evidence of title, and 
registration of title, in which the register itself serves as the primary 
evidence. Title registration is usually considered as more advanced 
registration system, which requires more investment for introduction, 
but provides in principle greater security of tenure and more reliable 
information. Title registration usually results in lower transaction 
costs than deed registration systems thereby promoting a more effi-
cient land market. 
Land registration (land titling) can be undertaken sporadically at 
the time of each legal transaction or systematically, area by area. 
While the sporadic approach gives more immediate benefits to indi-
vidual land holders, the systematic approach provides a wider range of 
benefits more quickly, especially if the land registry is a part of a more 
comprehensive land information system. 
The basic unit in a Cadastre is known as the parcel. A parcel can 
be an area of land with a particular type of land use, or an area exclu-
sively controlled by an individual or a group. A property may consist 
of several parcels. The flexibility of the definition of a parcel makes it 
possible to adapt the cadastral system to various circumstances, for in-
stance to include large parcels to represent the interests of land use in 
traditional tenure systems. 

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