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функцию причастия настоящего времени

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функцию причастия настоящего времени: 
1.All European countries are working today on the problem of au-
tomating land records. 2. This is what is now happening in the most 
countries. 3. Utilities such as water, sewerage, electricity and tele-
communication are becoming more complex. 4. Starting with the most 
highly urbanized area, the cadastral maps are increasingly being digi-
tized. 5. Soil damaging utilities must not be used. 6. Demands for effi-
cient maintenance and management are increasing. 7. The Cadastre 
provides information identifying those people who have interests in 
parcels of land. 
11. Заполните пропуски предлогами: 
1.A land use planner undertakes different roles ... different coun-
tries. 2. Modern technology can offer new possibilities ... lower the 
costs ... cadastral reforms. 3. A parcel can be an area ... land with a 
particular type ... land use. 4. Land registration is the official recording 
... legally recognized interests ... land. 5. Cadastre helps ... avoid du-
12. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам: 
1. A land use planner plays different roles in different countries.
2. A surveyor is responsible for recording cadastral information.
3. Computer technology offers better access to information. 4. Limit 
of trained personnel restricts the use of modern technology. 5. Aerial 
photography and photogrammetry offer new possibilities to lower the 
costs for cadastral reforms. 

13. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скоб-
1. A land use planner ____ different roles in different countries (to 
undertake). 2. Modern survey instruments ____ new possibilities (to 
offer). 3. The Cadastre ____ in the management of land and land use 
(to assist). 4. The Cadastre ____ different forms of land tenure (to re-
cord). 5. A successful Cadastre ____ reliable information at low cost 
(to provide). 

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