Программа дисциплины для преподавателя (Syllabus). Содержание дисциплины. Распределение часов по видам занятий Требования к курсу. Критерии и система оценивания знаний студентов

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Краткое описание содержания дисциплины.

Курс «Базовый основной иностранный язык (английский)» уровень А2 имеет объектом своего изучения устную и письменную английскую речь, включая грамматику, фонетику и домашнее чтение.

Целью курса является обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных речевых навыков, развитие техники чтении и умения понимать английский текст, содержащий ранее усвоенную лексику и грамматику, а также развитие навыков письменной речи в пределах программы, Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи на заданную тему, развитие навыков аудирования.

Задача курса заключается в том, совершенствовать коммуникативные умения, систематизировать филологические знания и их практические применения, развивать умения творческого владения устной и письменной речью в различных коммуникативных сферах и ситуациях общения.

По завершению курса студенты должны уметь

- излагать свои мысли на иностранном языке соответственно нормам языка;

- поддержать беседу на заданную тему;

- соотносить языковые средства с конкретными сферами, ситуациями и задачами общения.

- вести беседу на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

-запрашивать информацию, подтверждать сведения, выражать просьбу, поддерживать разговор.

-понимать на слух иноязычную речь, построенную на программном языковом материале;

-определить тему текста, озаглавить прослушанный текст, перечислить основные факты и передать содержание текста на английском языке

-понимать 70-75% информации, содержащейся в тексте после первого прочтения;

-читать литературу по специальности для ознакомления с зарубежным опытом и критической оценке информации;

-читать текст со словарём и без, понимать прочитанное, уметь передать содержание.

-логично и последовательно излагать прослушанный или прочитанный текст в письменной форме;

-написать небольшое письменное сообщение по изучаемой теме.

Пререквизиты курса:

  • Английский язык, Базовый основной ИЯ: уровень А1, А2

Постреквизиты курса:

  • все дисциплины по английскому языку

3. Список литературы.

  1. “New Inside Out” Pre-Intermediate Student’s book

  2. “New English File. Elementary Workbook” C. Oxenden, C. Lathan-Koenig, P. Selidson.

  3. “Intermediate grammar” by Alexander, Longman

Дополнительная литература.

  1. “Inside Out. Elementary Student’s Book” S. Kay, V. Jones.

  2. Upstream Intermediate Oxford Press University

  3. “English Grammar Reference & Practice” Т.Ю. Дроздова, А.И. Берестова, В.Г. Маилова

  4. “The Lighter Side of TOEFL” edited by T. Kral

  5. “Games for Vocabulary Practice” F. O’Dell, K. Head

  6. “Games for Grammar Practice” M. Zaorob, E. Chin

  7. KET and PET tests.

  8. “English Vocabulary in Use” Elementary. Michael Mc Carthy, Felicity O’Dell

  9. “English Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy

  10. “Grammar for IELTS”, Cambridge, Diana Hopkins with Pauline Cullen

Дополнительные источники

Поисковые и справочные системы Интернет:





Предметное содержание речи.

(Сферы общения, речевая тематика, ситуации, проблемы).

Коммуникативные сферы, темы, субтемы, реализующие коммуникативные цели 1 курс

I. Социально-бытовая сфера

1. Первые контакты.

Имя. Фамилия. Национальность. Пол. Дата и год рождения. Место жительства. Место работы.

2. Семья в современном обществе

Состав семьи. Родственные связи. Повседневная жизнь семьи. Семейные отношения. Деньги, цены, семейный бюджет. Основные траты. Отношения между поколениями в семье.

3. Современное жилище

Типы жилья (городской, сельский, дом, квартира, общежитие). Поиск квартиры. Плата за жилье. Мебель. Проживание в отеле и услуги.

4. Еда

Продукты питания. Продовольственный магазин. Места общественного питания. Студенческая столовая. Гастрономические традиции.

5. Одежда

Покупки. Супермаркеты и бутики. Современная мода.

II. Учебно-профессиональная сфера

6. Учеба и жизнь студентов в стране и за рубежом

Выбор профессии. Рабочий день студента. Режим студента. Наш университет. Досуг студентов. Обучение языкам.

7. Здоровье. Спорт и здоровый образ жизни

Части тела. Личная гигиена. Основные болезни и их профилактика.

Самочувствие человека. Физическая культура и спорт. Выдающиеся представители отечественного и зарубежного спорта. Из истории возникновения Олимпийских игр.

8. Свободное время

Города и их достопримечательности (музей, театры, выставки, памятники). Ориентация в городе. Путешествие. Средства массовой информации.

Ш. Социально-культурная сфера
9. Города и страны

Географическое положение. Климат. Окружающая среда. Природа. Времена года.

10.Праздники, традиции и обычаи

Семейные обычаи и традиции празднования дня рождения, рождения ребенка.

Национальные праздники (Новый год, 1 мая. Праздник Победы и другие)

11. Литература и искусство в нашей жизни

Современная литература в нашей стране и стране изучаемого языка. Мой любимый отечественный и зарубежный писатель.

4. Глоссарий.
Heroes and Villains:

Character and appearance: nervous, gloomy, suspicious, selfish, irritable, shy, lost, lacking self– reliance,talented,trusting,wavery,weak–willed,conflict,irresponsible, unpunctual, lazy, indifferent, non industrious hard-working, active. attentive, responsible for work, concentrate on main things, friendly, faithful, frank, generous, open – hearted, brave, kind, sensitive, creative, hopeful, gifted, genius.

Build: powerful, slight, slim ,solid.

Height: tall, short, medium.

Age: young, middle age, old.

Shape of face: oval, square, round, thin.

Complexion: dark, fair, swarthy.

Hair: red, fair, chestnut, black, short, curly, long, thin, thick, straight, bald patch, bald head.

Forehead: broad, narrow.

Nose: snub, straight, hooked.

Eyes: blue, brown, hazel, wide-set, close-set, deep-set.

Eye-brows: straight, bushy, thin.

Eye-lids: heavy, drooping.

Lips: full, well-cut.
Parents, father, mother, sister, brother

Son, daughter

Grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter

Grandchildren, grandparents

Great-grandfather, great- grandmother, great-grandchildren, great-grandparents

Uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece

Husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law

Stepfather, stepmother, stepchildren, stepbrother (son, daughter, sister)

Worker, mechanic, turner, locksmith, farmer, engineer, teacher, doctor, surgeon, dentist, soldier, sailor, pilot, officer, salesman, saleswoman (shop-assistant, shop-girl), research worker, architect, lawyer, journalist, typist, driver, actor, actress, composer, painter, writer, poet, playwright, musician, conductor, chemist, physicist, accountant, book-keeper

Fit for a life. Healthy lifestyle:

Aerobics, athletics, back trouble, backache, baseball, billiards, bowling

To eradicate disease,

to keep fit,

to prevent ill health,

to promote teamwork,

to relax,

to diagnose illness,

to impose self discipline,

to cultivate a competitive spirit,

to improve quality of life,

to increase life expectancy, conventional medicine,

inflamed joints, blurred vision,


to catch a cold,


to flick through.

Holidays. Celebrations:

To have a (birthday) party

To invite guests; to accept the invitation (present); to receive visitors

To have a walk; to go hiking; to gad about; mountain climbing

To laugh at; to tell jokes

Seat (in the stalls; in the orchestra stalls; in the pit stalls; in the pit; in the dress-circle; in a box)

To play the part of; leading part; applause; a storm of applause

Curtain call; the first night; rehearsal; refreshment room; concert hall

Amusing, attract

Barbeque, bizarre, bouquet,


Wedding, get married ,couple, to marry smb, to kiss, to fall in love, marry for smth, bachelor, bride, groom, matrimonial happiness, to hurry into marriage, to make a date for smb.

go to the cinema

go to the pictures

go to the movies

go to the theatre


act with brilliance

book a ticket



be at one’s best

be bored to death

a sheer waste of time

the leading part




horror film


adventure film

fantastic film

feature film

documentary film


action film




take photographs (pictures)

collect stamps/coins
Eating out:

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, first course, second course, dessert, for the first course

A plate, a glass, a cup, a saucer, a tea-pot, a kettle, a fork, a spoon, a knife

Bread, meat, fish, butter, eggs, cheese, sugar, sausage, bacon, herring

Potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, beets, peas

Salt, mustard, pepper, water, milk, tea, coffee, cocoa, beer, wine, fruit-juice, honey

Soup (clear, cabbage, pea, fish), porridge, macaroni, salad, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, chops, cutlets, beefsteak, chicken, goose

Pudding, cake, sweets, pie, ice-cream, jam, jelly, stewed fruit

Apples, pears, plums, oranges, tangerines, grapes, bananas, berries, cherries, peaches, nuts

To have (to eat, to drink), to dine, to cook, to fry, to boil, to taste, to prefer

To lay the table, to sit down on the table, to be (to sit) at the table, to clear the table (to take away the dirty dishes)

Fit for life. Healthy lifestyle:

Aerobics, athletics, back trouble, backache, baseball, billiards, bowling

To eradicate disease,

to keep fit,

to prevent ill health,

to promote teamwork,

to relax,

to diagnose illness,

to impose self discipline,

to cultivate a competitive spirit,

to improve quality of life,

to increase life expectancy, conventional medicine,

inflamed joints, blurred vision,


to catch a cold,


to flick through.
Education system.:

Attend lessons

Play truant

Suspension (suspend)

Expulsion (expell)

Favourite subjects



Keep in touch

National curriculum


Portable stereo

PC (personal computer)

Flexible timetable (schedule)

Obtain degrees

Pocket calculator

To have high (low ) grades

Scientific experiment

Get qualification

Floppy disc

Chat room

Disc tray


A wide range of


Surf the Net

Text messaging

Hang around the home

Be busy

Part (full) time job


Be on time

Plot summary


Environment. Climate:

Environmental problems and solutions

Endangered animals and protected species

Petrol station

Traffic congestion


Water (air) pollution

Environmental group

To protect the nature

Join “Green Peace”

Be a member of the environmental union

Animal adoption


Going out



Box office

To get tickets


Upper circle

Perfomance times

15 minute interval

matinee perfomance

running time

seting prices

reduce prices

title of the fdilm

main subject




to have a good (bad) impression

to leave an unforgettable impression on

type of the film

cast/ characters

plot summary

set up

broadcast on BBC

to value

famous artists

Лингвистический компонент: грамматический и лексический минимум


Правильные и неправильные формы;

I.Модальные глаголы

Cаn - мочь, уметь (способность, просьба, разрешение)

Could - мог (способность, возможность, вежливая просьба)

Would - вежливая просьба)

Will - (предложение)

Shall - (совет, предложение)

Should - (выражение совета)

May - (допущение возможности)

Might - (прошедшее время глагола may, выражение возможности)

have to - (обязанность)

ought to - (выражение обязанности, долга)

must - должен (неизбежность, обязанность)

mustn’t - (строгое запрещение)

need - (необходимость)

needn't - (отсутствие)

used to - инфинитив (прошедшие привычки)

IV. Условные предложения

0 Тип: An iron bar expands if/ when you heat it.

1 Тип: If you do that again, I'll leave.

2 Тип: I would tell you the answer if I knew it.

If I were you, I wouldn't do that again.

V. Косвенная речь

Заявлении, вопросы и команды: say, ask tell;

Не said that he felt ill.

I asked her if I could leave.

No one told me what to do.

Косвенные и прямые (врезанные) вопросы: know, wonder;

Do you know what he said ?

I wondered what he would do next.

VI. Вопросительные формы:

What, What ( + существительное)

Where; When

Who; Whose; Which

How; How much; How many; How often; I low long; и т.д.


(включая вопросительные формы всех времен и модальные)

1. Личные относительные, притяжательные местоимения

2. Возвратные и усилительные: myself (сам(а)) и т. д.

3. Безличные: it, there

4. Указательные: this, that, these, those

5. Количественные: one, something, everybody,!* т.д.

6. Неопределенные: some, any, something, one, и т.д.

7. Относительные: who, which, that, whom, whose


Местонахождения: to, on, inside, next to, at(home), и т. д.

Времени: at, on, in, during, и т. д.

Направления: to, into, out of from, и т. д.

Средства: by, with

Другие: like, as, due to, owing to, и т. д.

Предложные обороты: at the beginning of by means of, и т.д.

7. Methodological recommendations for students

Methodical recommendations for reading, listening and writing.

Good pronunciation helps you to communicate better.

You can easily improve your pronunciation.
Tip 1. Concentrate on English sounds, which you don’t have in your language.

Try to recognize phonetic symbols. Then you can check the pronunciation of words in dictionary.

Tip 2. Many letters have more than one pronunciation. Try to see the spelling and pronunciation rules. Many combinations of letters always make the same sounds.
Tip 3. When you pronounce a word try to exaggerate the stressed syllable. Always underline the stressed syllable on a new word.
Tip 4. Pronounce strongly the stressed words or syllables. Say the other word quickly without stress. Try to get the right rhythm in each sentence you say.
Tip 5. If you use the wrong intonation, they can think you are bored or unfriendly. Try to sound interested friendly.
Tip 6. Practice your pronunciation outside class.

  • Use a dictionary to help you to pronounce new words.

  • Use ‘Listen and Speak’ cassette.

  • Read aloud and record yourself on a cassette.

  • Listen to spoken English as much as possible, e.g. songs, films.

Understanding spoken language is more difficult than reading because you don’t have time to translate every word. In conversation people use a lot of constructions and weak form (words which are not stressed) so it is possible to hear every word clearly. When you listen to a cassette you can’t see the speaker’s face. This makes it more difficult.

Listening to cassettes or watching videos is a very good way to practice understanding different voices, accents, and situations.

Tip 1. Relax. Don’t stop listening when you don’t understand words or phrases. It’s normal not to understand everything. The first time you listen, just try to get an idea of what you are listening to.

Tip 2. You don’t need to hear or remember every word. Try to listen for the key words – words, which carry the important information. These are usually stressed. Focus on understanding the general idea.
Tip 3. If you are listening to a cassette and have the script, use it to check what you have and haven’t understood.


Tip 4. When you listen for specific information (e.g. a train time, a price in a shop) you usually know more or less what you are going to hear. Concentrate on listening for what you need to know. Don’t worry about understanding the rest.
Tip 5. It isn’t enough to listen only in class. You need to practice outside class too.
You can:

  • Record and listen to satellite TV news in English.

  • Practise with the ‘Listen and Speak’ cassette.

  • Listen to songs (and read the words if you can)

  • Read ‘EASY READER’ with the cassette.

  • Watch English films with subtitles.

  • Talk to English-speakers as much as possible.

8. Темы СРСП

Уровень А2


Цель и содержание заданий





Модуль 1 Social-everyday sphere

First contacts.


File1, a Nice to meet you. Simple/continuous; stative verbs; phrasal verb:GET

1.2 numbers 1-20, days of the week.

1.3 vowel sounds, word stress.

“New English File Elementary book”


“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy.

Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s


Family unity.

Verb to be.

File2, d Relatively Famous.

1.2 Names of family members

1.3 consonant sounds

“New English File Elementary book”


“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Family relations. Present simple.

File2, d Relatively Famous.

1.2 Names of family members

1.3 consonant sounds

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.


The problems of generations. Present simple questions.

File2, d Relatively Famous.

1.2 Names of family members

1.3 consonant sounds

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s


My flat/house.

Past simple.

File6, a A house with a history

1.2 hoses, names of the rooms, furniture

1.3 there is\there are

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s


Selling and buying a flat. Prices. Possessive s.

File6, b Anight in a haunted hotel

1.2 verb phrases

1.3 possessive s and present continuous

“New English File Elementary book”


“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy.

Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s


The house of my dream.

Present continuous

File6, a A house with a history

1.2 hoses, names of the rooms, furniture

1.3 there is\there are

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Food. Healthy and fast food. Adjectives and modifiers.

File7, a What does your food say about you?

1.2 names of food, countable and uncountable nouns

1.3 Present/past participles;

past simple/continuous;

linkers; the definite/

indefinite article; used


“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Shopping at the grocery. Telling the time.

File7, a What does your food say about you?

1.2 names of food, countable and uncountable nouns

1.3 Present/past participles;

past simple/continuous;

linkers; the definite/

indefinite article; used


“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s

Restaurant. Adverbs of frequency.

File7, a What does your food say about you?

1.2 names of food, countable and uncountable nouns

1.3 Present/past participles;

past simple/continuous;

linkers; the definite/

indefinite article; used


“New English File Elementary book”


“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Shopping at the department store. Prepositions of time.

File7, b How much water do we need?

1.2 names of departments, shops

1.3 quantifiers

1.4 Arakin V.D. Lesson 18 Shopping

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Types of shops.

Past continuous.

File7, b How much water do we need?

1.2 Types of shops & shopping; products; clothes; describing objects; gifts; homes, names of departments, shops

1.3 quantifiers

1.4 Arakin V.D. Lesson 18 Shopping

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s


Fashion. Modern tendencies. Can / can’t.

File4, b Shopping – men love it!! Arakin V.D. Lesson 18 Shopping.

1.2 names of clothes, modern tendencies

1.3 like + V ing

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Appearance description. Love, hate + (verb + ing).

File3, a Pretty Woman

1.2 adjectives of appearance

1.3 quite, very

“New English File Elementary book”


“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy,

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Sport and healthy life style.

Future simple.

Types of sports; sport injuries;

places & equipment; personal


adjectives with prepositions

1.2 Texts “The Last Great Race”; Literature Corner: “The Olympic Anthem”

1.3 The passive; with/by; conditionals: type 0, 1; if/unless; linkers (result, addition, contrast, etc) Phrasal verbs: BRING

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Illnesses and their treatment. Was / were.

Names and kinds of deseases, symptoms, methods of treatment

1.2 using Verb be in the past

“New English File Elementary book”


“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


How is it important to be fit?! Past simple.

Types of sports; sport injuries;

places & equipment; personal


adjectives with prepositions

1.2 Texts “The Last Great Race”; Literature Corner: “The Olympic Anthem”

1.3 The passive; with/by; conditionals: type 0, 1; if/unless; linkers (result, addition, contrast, etc) Phrasal verbs: BRING

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s


Keep on diet. Past simple irregular verbs.

File7, a What does your food say about you?

1.2 names of food, countable and uncountable nouns

1.3 Present/past participles;

past simple/continuous;

linkers; the definite/

indefinite article; used


“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s


Модуль 2 social and cultural sphere

Leisure time. Future continuous.

Types of holidays, sites & resorts; climate & weather; holiday equipment; means of transport prepositional phrases

1.2 “Looking for the ideal getaway?”; Literature Corner: “Gulliver's Travels” by Jonathan Swift;

1.3 Present/past participles;

past simple/continuous;

linkers; the definite/

indefinite article; used


Phrasal verbs: COME

“New English File Elementary book” Opportunities-Beginner,

“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy, Cambridge.

Quiz vocabulary.Comprehension tasks.

Oral and written ex-s

An unforgettable holiday.

Future in the past.

Types of holidays, sites & resorts; climate & weather; holiday equipment; means of transport prepositional phrasesCelebrations festivals & events

traditional celebrations & customs; festive activities; feelings; greetings cards verbs with prepositions

1.2 Phrasal verbs: BREAK

1.3 past simple/continuous;

linkers; the definite/

indefinite article; used


Phrasal verbs: COME

“New English File Elementary book”


“English Grammar

in Use” by

R. Murphy.

Quiz (checking the vocabulary of the topic studied);

Oral and written ex-s

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