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Polyakov A.D., Kovalenko S.A., Pavlov A.S.

The Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, Kemerovo, Russia


Kuzbass is the most urbanized territory of Western Siberia. Activity of a human being person has created conditions owing to which the forest-steppe marmot has been compelled to show as much as possible the biological plasticity which has affected in strengthening of contact to the person (anthropogenous transformation). Owing to the ecological plasticity this small animal gets on well enough in the close neighbourhood with human being under condition of absence of direct prosecution by the last.

Now Kaschenko's forest-steppe marmot (Marmota kastschenkoi) has got the status of an independent kind (Fig. 1). The bodylength of animal makes up 500 mm, the tail – about 200 mm, the back foot - 110 mm, the weight – 3-6,3 kg in spring and 4,6-9 kg in autumn. The length of scanium makes up 96,0-108 mm. Dwelling at us a new kind (endemic) should change Russia and the general approach in questions of its protection and operation as its number in territory of Kuzbass is small and is made nearby with 5 thousand individuals. Owing to the ecological plasticity this small animal gets on well enough in the close neighbourhood with human being under condition of absence of direct prosecution by the last. The great bulk of colonies is concentrated in Topkinski, Krapivinski, Promichlennovski and Jurginski areas (Fig. 2).

In Kuzbass, at shortage of suitable habitats, the marmot began to expand the biotops, settling in the rarefied natural and artificial wood plantings adjoining on open spaces, i.e. in zones of an ecological pressure. Settlements of a marmot began to be found out even in immediate proximity from settlements (village, working settlements) where they dig holes in the thrown silage holes, trenches and cellars. Activity of a person has created conditions owing to which the forest-steppe marmot has been compelled to show the biological plasticity as much as possible.

On the area of marmot colonies specific structure of plants more richly and more variously, than on adjoining territories, therefore anthropogenous transformation of a marmot will promote a vegetative variety anthropocenoses due to introduction to weedy-field plants of elements of local flora [3-5]. A vegetative variety, aeration of ground, here are the important conditions which involve new kinds of insects on a colony of marmots and improve soil fauna.

The question is quite fair: whether is the forest-steppe marmot - pest agricultural crops in the Kemerovo area? The answer to this question ambiguous. In the scientific literature enough of data that in conditions of an overpopulation marmots on the certain territories adjoining to agricultural lands, they can cause significant damage to many agricultural crops is resulted. However, it is necessary to make a reservation, all told above concerns to a steppe marmot (Marmota bobak). V.A. Tokarsky (1997) cites data that marmots in area Shevchenkovskij of the Kharkov area have destroyed crops of cabbage to the areas of 15 hectares. It also notes the formation of family sites even in a midfield. After 2-3 years on the colony is formed on that field. One family can destroy 1 hectare of crops of sunflower.

Our long-term researches of a role of a forest-steppe marmot in destruction of cultural plants on fields do not allow to carry it to agricultural pest. As this kind, historically upholstered in extreme conditions, and being not numerous everywhere, effectively enough uses a forage reserve of manned sites and practically does not leave on fields. Though can cross them during the compelled migrations because of pressure from a person. It can do little harm to us in Kuzbass to long-term grasses: to Lucerne, etc. But in this case we observe only oppression of plants, instead of their utter annihilation. At IX International meeting on marmots of Eurasia in Kemerovo it is proved of selective visiting of crops Galaga orientalis east, being in 2 km from settlement of marmots have been presented, and they crossed a wheaten field, not stopping and not digging out the holes on it [5].

Typical places of dwelling of a marmot in the Kemerovo area are southern slopes of broad gullies and river terraces, less often marmots settle on slopes of southeast and southwest expositions. The majority of colonies settle down on slopes of broad gullies on which bottom the streams quite often forming small marshes proceed. Most often colonies settle down on the slopes with single trees (Betula verrucosa) and a rare bush from dogroses (Rosa cinnamomea, R. acicularis) and Caragana (Caragana arborescens).

Holes of marmots can represent the certain danger to livestock during grazing, or run. As animals, attacking entrance apertures of holes (especially protective), can injure. But on the other hand marmots are not competitors in a feed of cattle. In this case mutually advantageous cooperation is observed. The cattle, eating an old and high herbage, stimulates germination of the young runaways containing few cellulose, and they are a favourite forage of marmots. Moderated grazing provides expansion of a zone of viewing of territory by marmots. The negative moment of the close neighbourhood with human habitation of this surprising small animal is sometimes its attack on vegetable cultures. The marmot can destroy beds with peas, beans, etc.

Marmots, actively moving on fodder territory, promote to carry of seeds of plants on paws and a skin. Not less important circumstance is that marmots are the centers of a biological variety of forest-steppe, steppe and meadow landscapes. A.D. Dimitriev and A.V. Dimitriev (1996) specify that marmotocenoses, unlike anthropocenoses, are ecologically pure and are not aggressive for the nature [1]. They create zones of ecological well-being and a biodiversity. Marmotocenos is characterized by original organizational structure, hierarchy, complex and various food circuits, the signal system among them we have allocated:

1. In connection with active dia activity of marmots geochemical circulation of substances is considerably accelerated. On a surface the significant volume of a ground from depth up to 2 meters is thrown out. Its structure includes limestone, clay, spreading and parent breeds. They mix up, creating a geochemical variety, that in turn involves various kinds of the plants possessing ability to master waste grounds and naked sites of a surface.

2. Acceleration of oxidation-reduction processes in ground. Marmots make in the ground significant courses and nested holes in various directions and the big diameter. They create good ventilation of ground and serve as ways of penetration of organic substance, and biogenic chemical elements from the top part of a soil structure on greater depth.

3. Increase in a level of subsoil waters. The thrown holes serve as ways for effective updating underground horizons rain and thawed snow.

4. Enrichment of a specific variety of plants. On marmot colonies unlike vicinities more richly and more variously specific structure of plants is observed.

5. Enrichment of a specific variety of insects. According to Zinchenko V.K., (1999, 2006) in holes of marmots on plateau Ukok 21 kind Coleoptera from 9 families is marked. The most numerous group is made by bugs-coprofag. In all colonies of marmots in Kuzbass the big variety Carabidae is marked. Ground Mezofauna in area of marmot colonies is much more richly.

6. Attraction of a colony of birds, reptiles and amphibians because of an abundance of insects. On the open spaces of the Kuznetsk hollow during summer period all kinds of Circus (field, steppe, meadow and even marsh) are registered. In area of Topkinskij village close Horosheborki mass nesting Strix uralensis is noted. On the area of a colony in 2 hectares within two last years 4 nests of this kind are registered.

7. Rodents and fine birds knowledge of a colony of occurrence of danger and presence of shelters in the form of the thrown holes, also involves friendliness of marmots. The marmot in comparison with others set animals possesses excellent sight. In our field experiments of the person they notice already on distance of one kilometer and disclose a vicinity shrill singing. Frequently among settlements of marmots of a forest-steppe and steppe zone of the Kemerovo area we mark two kinds of susliks (Citellus undulatus and red-cheeked – Citellus erythrogenus).

8. Attraction in a colony of marmots day time and night, birds of prey and predatory mammals because of presence of various rodents. Among colonies of marmots in territory Topkinski, Krapivinski, and areas Promichlennovski holes of badgers are found out. Near to colonies holes of the fox concentrate and even arrange.

9. Formation original parasitocenose because of the big congestion in area of an arrangement of colonies of various kinds of animals. Fleas, ticks, etc. enter in these parasitocenose [2]. From ticks of marmots parasitizing on integuments in Kuzbass we registered on a regular basis 2 kinds: Ixodes persulcatus and Ix. crenulatus. The second kind typical set the inhabitant.

10. Marmot colony, and its anthropogenous transformation are the factor of a biological variety in forest-steppe biogeocenose.

Thus, activity of a human being person has created conditions owing to which the forest-steppe marmot has been compelled to show as much as possible the biological plasticity which has affected in strengthening of contact to the person (anthropogenous transformation).


  1. Dimitriev A.D., Dimitriev A.V. Marmots colony of the factor biodiversity //In Marmots of Northenrn Eurasia: the Biodiversity Saving. Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Marmots. Moscow, 1996

  2. Kalyagin Yu. S., Polyakov A.D. The grey marmot of the Kemerovo region. – Proceedings of the 3d International Conference on Marmots. – Moscow: ABF P.H., 2002.

  3. Polyakov A.D. Marmot as tick host in Kuzbass // 4 th European Congress of Mammology. – Brno, Czech Republic, 2003.

  4. Polyakov A.D. Forest-steppe marmot in Kuzbass // Proceedings of 5th Iniernational Conference on Genus Marmota. Tashkent, 2005.

  5. Polyakov A.D. Biology of forest-steppe marmot in Kuzbass //Marmots in anthropogenic landscapes of Eurasia – Proceedings of the 9-th International CIS Meeting on Marmots. Kemerovo: EPC “Grafika”, 2006.

Figure 1

Now Kaschenko's forest-steppe marmot (Marmota kastschenkoi):

From left to right: female, young (photo of author)

Figure 2

Settlings forest-steppe marmot in Kuzbass:

*- destryed; ▒ - disappearing; ● – dwelling

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