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Pesnyak M.N.

In given article it is spoken about necessity to humanize educational process, the basic sections of the manual for students «Bioethics » are examined.

During last decades the approach to teaching the basic disciplines was in greater degrees utilitarian also provided training to the certain technologies.

Now it is impossible to ignore a moral component of modern scientific opening and experiments.

Application of achievements of genic engineering, cloning and other achievements of a modern science open a generate set of the questions, concerning (ethics, religious conscience, preservation physical and sincere health, at last, that moral shape who concerns carrying out of the given development and experiments.

In the further, with development of a science the quantity of similar questions inevitably should increase.

The scientist-researcher, the expert should be able to find answers to similar questions, for being ignored they could destroy the person as the person.

Now occurrence of such subjects as "ecology", » « ethics "and" bioethics » in curricula of General educational, professional and higher educational institutions should promote formation of the person moral, responsible for the destiny of all living creatures on our planet and, finally, for destiny of our planet.

One of the best editions promoting formation of given qualities of the young scientists is the manual of Pavlova T. N. "Bioethics".

The term "Bioethics" has been entered per 1969 by the American oncologist and biochemist V.R. Potter for a designation of ethical problems at interaction of the doctor and the patient.

In a broad sense the term "bioethics" concerns to research of social, ecological, medical and legal problems which touch not only the person, but also any alive organisms in associates ecosystems [1].

In this context the bioethics has a philosophical orientation, estimates the results of development of new technologies and ideas in medicine and biology.

In Pavlovas manual the concept “Bioethics” is understood as the section of ethics considering the area of the attitude of the person to various alive forms. The word " ethics " is defined as the responsibility of the person before living associates; thus, the bioethics is understood as a field of knowledge about behavior of the person in relation to another and as the philosophical concept, concerning the moral part of behavior of the person. » Problem of a rate is not only to acquaint students with the modern ethic and philosophical concepts, concerning places and roles of the person in the nature, but also to promote formation at young generation of the ethic attitude to world around alive. And it, in turn, will help to create conditions for transformation of a modern society into a society without violence, mutual relations in which lean on moral principles. Other task of a rate - by means of change of mentality of young generation to promote preservation of a civilization and a life on a planet which is a unique inhabitancy of the person and other essences.

As the philosophical outlook Bioethics concerns all areas of use with the person of animals: as the power supply, raw material for the industry, model for medical and biologic researches, object for entertainments [4].

In the manual "Bioethics" there is a section « Bioethics in philosophical doctrines of various epoch ». In this section the attitude to animals examined.

Since the most ancient times up to now when wide social movement called to improve a situation with the rights of animals has begun.

As a whole, examining relations of the person to animals, it is possible to recollect, how the ethical relation of the person to similar was formed. So people of other social group, other racial belonging were frequently excluded from sphere of ethical relations. T.N.Pavlova allocates two approaches concerning people to animals anthropocentrism and biocentrism.

The first is characterized by refusal to recognize the responsibility of the person in relation to animals, and examines the last only as means of satisfaction of needs of the person.

Representatives of another – (biocentrism) approach, recognize the person responsible for animals, and also recognize independent.

For representatives of the first approach are characteristic indifferent, cleanly consumer and simply severe attitude to animals.

In XIX and in XX centuries the step forward on overcoming unjustified shift aside anthropocentrism has been made. So, in 1824 in London the Society after overcoming cruelty to animals has been created. In 1822 the legislation against cruelties in relation to animals was accepted. English queen Victoria patronized this society, and in honor of her it has received the name royal. After 1824 similar society began to be created in the different countries of the Europe. Representatives of the American society where entered outstanding physicians opposed vivisection, approving, that vivisection deprives with medical students of natural feeling of humanity, compassion. The professor of medicine X,Diglow wrote: « There will come time when the world will look on modern vivisection in the name of a science as we are looking now at burning of people on a fire in the name of religion ". Against vivisection struggle and in other countries was conducted. In 1880 young Englishwoman Anna Kingsford has received in Paris the medical diploma, and not having resorted during study to vivisection. It was very difficult for carrying out, was considered what to become doctor is impossible without openings animals. Anna Kingsford has proved, that it not so. Her example has made the big impression upon contemporaries. The French society of opponents vivisection has been created. The first president of the Society became writer Victor Gugo. Gugo so answered the invitation to become the president of the Society: " your society will ennoble the nineteenth century. Vivisection is a crime; the human race should renounce this barbarity ". A.Schweitzer, having medical formation, knew, that such cruel treatment with animals during experiments; he spoke:

"Those who spend experiments with the animals, connected with development of new operations or with application of new medicines, what impart an animal of illness to use then the received results for treatment of people, never should calm in general itself that their severe actions pursue noble purposes. In each separate case they should weigh, whether there is actually a necessity to sacrifice this animal to mankind. They should be constantly concerned by to weaken a pain, how much (as far as) it is possible. As it is frequent still blaspheme in scientific research institutes, not applying a narcosis to relieve itself of superfluous efforts and to save time! As we much do is still malicious, when we subject animals to awful torments to show to students and without that well-known the phenomenon! "[3]

In the Council of Europe conventions on protection of pets are developed. Main principles of the attitude to pets include: prohibition of causing of sufferings by an animal and оставление them on an arbitrariness of destiny. The convention provides health protection of animals, protection against operation at training, commercial cultivation. Surgical operations on animals with the purpose of change of their appearance are forbidden: knocking over In 1986 the Convention on protection of experimental animals in which the moral duty of the person to all animals and necessity to reduce suffering of animals in experiment as animals are capable to feel a pain and fear also was mentioned has been accepted.

Now in Russia the legislation accepted on March, 30th, 1988 " About the responsibility for cruel treatment with animals " operates (works). The additional articles called are entered. Into the code of the Russian Federation about administrative infringements and in the criminal code ". Cruel treatment with animals ". The punishment provided by these articles, carries the form of penalties or imprisonments. Besides torture or severe destruction the animals made at presence of other citizens and testifying to disrespect of a society, is classified as the hooliganism stipulated by article 206 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation.

In Russia the normative document - " Rules of work with use of experimental animals ", approved by Ministry of Health in 1977, and then and other departments in which experimental animals are used, - the Ministry of Agriculture, the Academy of sciences, the Ministry of the maximum and secondary education and others is created. The purpose of creation of Rules as it is certain in this document, - to provide ethics of the attitude to animals and scientific reliability of experiment. Rules examine conditions of the maintenance of animals in viviarias and their uses in experiment.

The major requirement of Rules is obligatory anesthesia of an animal if there is a probability of causing to them a pain or other sufferings

Rules radically have changed position in the field of use of experimental animals. Sanctions in case of infringement of Rules: prohibition of the publication of scientific works, prohibition of the statement of the dissertations executed with use of experimental animals, - were the effective measure which has induced researchers to reconstruct the work. Rules have put an end to any actions of the experimenter concerning an animal and have defined his responsibility for a used animal [4].

- Former the basic problems connected with the ethical attitude to animals remain: problems of physical and moral sufferings at animals; a problem of possession of animals; a problem of the right and a duty concerning to animals; independent value of animals.. Experts in the future should solve these problems, finding alternative to modern forms of animal industries, to use of animals in experiments, in entertainments and similar acts. In A.Schweitzer's opinion, any life is precious in the originality, and it equals in their value all alive essences. Therefore the life is the phenomenon inspiring respect, awe. The principle of universal ethics of Schweitzer - " awes of a life " from here results.

"As to me prompts experience, - A.Schweitzer speaks, - ethics are internal prompting to show to all alive the same respect which I test in relation to myself "[5].

.Spoken by drier language, this idea has obtained now a recognition: the person is responsible that occurs on the ground; as the essence possessing most highly developed reason, the person should live under ethical laws and protection alive on the ground is a moral duty of the person. Sufferings and destruction of the animals tamed by the person, destruction of wild animals and destruction of an environment - in all this wines of the person, he bears moral responsibility for destiny alive on a planet. His duty - not only to stop destruction of a life on the ground, but also to compensate the damage put by him all alive planet.

de Montaigne speaks about " respect and the general duty of mankind connecting us not only with animals to which are given a life and feelings, but also with trees and plants ". he continues: " we should judge People on validity, and to other essences - which are capable to apprehend it - to concern mercifully and patronizingly ".

Montaigne spoke: " We not above and not below other; everyone who lives under the sky, corrects one law, and one destiny waits. Some difference is by way of and degrees, but this all different faces of the uniform nature ". The right in relation to other essences assumes ignoring their interests and consequently contradicts a principle of ethics - care of associates in the widest sense of a word. At the same time, the duty in relation to someone is an observance of interests of associates; the recognition behind itself of a duty to someone testifies to high enough ethical level of the person or group of persons. That fact, that the increasing number of people recognizes a duty of mankind to wildlife, testifies to a withdrawal of mankind from the concept of anthropocentrism and about its turn to rational and ethic attitude.


1. Goryanova L. The doctor and the patient // Be healthy і4 2009

2. Zelinsky, « the Source alive, seeing me … » // True and жизнь.-№ 4 2004

3. Lukyanov Ampere-second., Lukyanova L., Chernavskaya N., Gilyazov S. . Bioethics. Alternatives to experiments on animals. М.: Publishing house of the Moscow State University, 1996.

4. Pavlova T. N. // Bioethics in the Higher school: Studies. The manual. Kiev,ecological and cultural center 1998

5. Schweitzer A. Decadence and revival of culture. The selected works. М.: Прометей, 1993

6. The Dictionary on ethics \\ Политиздат 1983

" Ethics: Animals. " Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 2007.

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