Султан Ураз-Мухаммед: жизнь и деятельность (1572-1610 гг.) 07. 00. 02 Отечественная история

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Muhamadeeva Irina Alexandrovna

Sultan Uraz Mohammed: his life and activity (1572-1610)
Тhe dissertation on competition of the Scientific Degree of Candidate of History Sciences on a specialty 07.00.02 - Тhe Nativе history (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Object of the thesis is the personality of the Kazakh sultan Uraz Mohammed and the subject of the research is his life and activity.

The actuality of the research. As it is well known the prominent people of past Kazakhstan who had the a impact on the history of the country are poorly described. We know very little about life and work of main Kazakh khans, sultans, and batters. Among them is the nephew of Kazakh khan Taukel Sultan Uraz Mohammed, who was brought as a prisoner but he found his path and became one of the generals and in 1600 he got in charge of Kasimov Region.

Goals of the research. The main goal of the research is a complex study of the period of Sultan Uraz Mohammed’s life and activity. To achieve the goal it’s necessary to fulfill the following tasks:

  • To research and reconstruct the main events of political life of Kazakhstan and the Siberian khanate and Russia, at the end XVI of century.

To research historical conditions of that period and conditions of Sultan Uraz Mohammed personality’s establishment.

  • To describe his “atake’s” life - the tuitor of the Kazakh sultan, Kadir –Ali – Bek Jalairy and his work “Jami At Tavarih”.

  • To research Uraz Mohammed’ life in Moscow and being put in charge of Kasimov Region.

  • To define his part in establishment and development of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Russia.

  • To analyze Uraz Mohammed,’ Kasim region khan, participation in all socially considerable events during the Disorder period, when Uraz Mohammed’ death influenced the Russian fate.

Methodical basis of research includes such thematic principle of scientifically historical perception as objectivity, historicism and specify. According to modern historical science standard we concentrate on a man’s part in history, his character, his everyday life and fate.

Chronological range of research. It is the period between 1572 and 1610 years, which is to say this is the time of Uraz Mohammed’s political activity.

Territorial ranges of research. To cover territory of the Kazakh and Siberian khanates and Moscow kingdom of that period.

Scientific novelty of research. On analyzing basis of archives and using different literary recourses we attempted to make a complete research of life and activity of a great son of our nation, who represented our country in far Moscow kingdom at that time. Uraz Mohammed’ image embodied contradiction of XVI- XVII centuries.

In principal, Taukel khan’ s attempts to get him out of captivity were the reasons to establish ambassadorial connections at the end of XVI century between Kazakstan and Russia. Uraz Mohammed’part in many considerable events of Disorder period had a great impact on the Russia history.

The young sultan was brought to Moscow as a prisoner, later became one of the generals. And later he was given a title of the governor of the Kasim khanate in Russia.

Scientifically practical value. The main results of the research are published in 12 editions, among which 7 are in scientific conference materials and the rest are published in scientific newspapers.

Substantive provisions of the thesis to be defended:

  1. Historical preconditions and social conditions were favorable for formation of the personality of the Kazakh sultan. The proof to that fact is that a Kazakh young man, having received in the homeland a sufficient life experience, military training and education, having appeared in a foreign land as a captive, did not turn to be an outcast, but became an outstanding politician.

  2. For elucidation of the role and place of Kuchum khan in the history of Kazakhstan from a position of historical truth, concrete knowledge and facts the following points are to be taken into account. Kuchum khan did not win, but returned the rightful governing as a chingizyd (a descendant of Chingyz- khan) in the Siberia and asserted independence of the khanate, first of all in the struggle with Ermak. The direct relation to these events had Uraz- Muhammed’s presence in the Siberian khanate where in 1587 the Kazakh sultan had arrived. He was a chingizyd and had all rights on the throne while taibugin Seidak, not having ones, could not be independent.

  3. The most part of sultan Uraz - Muhammed’s conscious life falls at the Moscow period, these years he proved to be a great statesman, a warlord and a khan of the Kasymov khanate. At this time in 1594 during Taukel khan’s ruling official ambassadorial relations between the Kazakh khanate and the Moscow state for the first time had been established. One of the main reasons for that was an attempt to release Uraz – Muhammed, kept in Moscow, as using the modern language it is possible to tell, that the sultan became a “non- exit person”.

  4. Having arrived in Moscow in 1588 as a captive, not knowing the Russian language, life and traditions, sultan Uraz – Muhammed did not get lost, but came in number of large military leaders and was soon put forward in number of outstanding politicians of Russia.

  5. Uraz – Muhammed’s reign in the Kasymov khanate lasted 10 years from 1600 up to1610. He revived and reformed an ancient system of the country governing, made use of the favourable geographical position of his possessions. A great attention was given to improvement of the military art, reinforcement of fighting efficiency and power of the Kermen khan army.

  6. Khan Uraz – Muhammed’s activity was not confined only to the limits of the Kasymov khanate. He took an active part in the political and state life of the Russian state. When in the Moscow State a political crisis burst out and the Distemper began, Uraz- Muhammed khan did not stand aside in the Kasymov khanate. Within 22 years he served the Russian state faithfully, wholly having shared its fate at those troubled times. Even the death of Uraz - Muhammed khan had an influence upon the fate of Russia. It is not known, how the history of Russia would have turned if nogai murza Peter Urusov, having revenged for the death of his friend, had not done with Pseudo- Dmitry II. Then, the Distemper passed to a final phase, and ended at the Assembly of Land in 1613 with an election of tsar Michael Romanov, an ancestor of a new dynasty, which ruled more than 300 years.


одписано в печать 30.10.2009 г.

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