«технология және дизайн» факультеті

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новый !!!КЭД 2022-2023 — Био мұға даяр

Module code: DB
The name of the module:Diversity of Bioresources
Code of discipline:HNTR 1310
Name of discipline: Parasites of living organisms
Name of discipline:Harmful Nematodes, Ticks and Rodents
Semester: 3
The number of credits: 3
The teacher of discipline:
1.Chorov M.Zh.

Purpose of discipline:To know the structure, biological life of parasites, to know their influence on people, animals and plants, to master the discipline of parasitology for carrying out measures to clean up the environment.
Course aim: To know the structure, biological life of parasites, to know their influence on people, animals and plants, to master the discipline of parasitology for carrying out measures to clean up the environment.
Course description: as pests of agricultural and ornamental plants destroy cultivated plants or cause their destruction, they determine ways to combat them. Considers pests at different stages of plant development.
Prerequisites:Theoretical biology
Postrequisites: Human biology and protection of organism stability
Expected learning outcomes of the sudject (LOS):
LOS 1. describe the structure of parasites, the biological life cycle, their impact on people, animals and plants.
LOS 2. can apply environmental cleaning measures.

Expected learning outcomes:
LO 7,
LO 8

Кәсіптендіру пәндер/Профилирующие дисциплины/Profile disciplines

Модульдің коды: KKBGZZh
Модуль атауы: Кәсіби қызмет бойынша ғылыми зерттеу жүргізу дағдысы
Пәннің коды: TEB 2311
Пән атауы:Теориялық және эволюциялық биология.
Семестр: 4

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
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