Учебно-методическое пособие для аспирантов

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conference – конференция

to hold a  – проводить конференцию

to organize  – организовать конференцию

to host  – быть принимающей стороной (устроителем) конференции

to sponsor  – спонсировать конференцию

to take part (participate) in  – принимать участие в конференции

annual  – ежегодная конференция

regular  – очередная конференция

forthcoming  – предстоящая конференция

participant/attendee – участник конференции

to run under auspices – проходить под эгидой (при содействии)

organizing committee – организационный комитет

to set up an  – учредить организационный комитет

preliminary announcement (Br.)/call for papers (Am.) – информационное письмо

report – доклад

to deliver/present a ~ – выступить с докладом

abstract (s) of the  – тезисы доклада

style guidelinesтребования к оформлению тезисов

paper(s) – научная работа(ы), доклад(ы)

contributed  – доклады по инициативе участников

invited  – доклады по приглашению

poster  – стендовые доклады

review  – обзорные доклады

agenda – повестка дня

tentative/provisional  – предварительная повестка дня

on the  – на повестке дня

 items – пункты повестки

letter/notification of acceptance or rejection – уведомление о принятии (доклада) или отказа
registrationрегистрация участников конференции

 fee – взнос участника

location and hours of – время и место регистрации

opening/welcoming address – вступительное слово

working language – рабочий язык

simultaneous translation – синхронный перевод

to take the floor – выступить, взять слово


plenary session – пленарное заседание

workshops – секционные заседания/мастерская/семинар

discussion – обсуждение

panel s – обсуждение докладов специалистами

round-table  – обсуждение за «круглым столом»

peer- ~ – коллегиальное обсуждение

issue/problem under  – обсуждаемая проблема

to exchange opinions (on) – обменяться мнениями

to talk shop – говорить на профессиональные темы

social program(me) – культурная программа

to arrange a visit – организовать визит

to fix the date – установить дату

to close a conference – закрыть работу конференции

final sitting/session – заключительное заседание

closing speech – заключительное слово

conference proceedings – сборник трудов конференции
Academic Conference
Conference as a form of organization of scientific activity has been known for many centuries. The first historically recorded conference was in 416 BC in Greece.

A conference is a meeting of people that “confer” about a topic. An academic conference is a conference for researchers to present and discuss their work. Together with academic or scientific journals, conferences provide an important channel for exchange of information between researchers.

Conferences are usually organized either by a scientific society or by a group of researchers with a common interest.

The meeting is announced by way of a “Call For Papers” or a “Call For Abstracts”, which lists the meeting’s topics and tells prospective presenters how to submit their abstracts or papers. A call for papers (CfP) is a method used for collecting articles or conference presentations. A CfP usually is sent to interested parties, describing the broad theme, the occasion for the CfP, formalities such as what kind of abstract (summary) has to be submitted to whom and a deadline. Prospective presenters are usually asked to submit a short abstract of their presentation, which will be reviewed before the presentation is accepted for the meeting. (An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s purpose).

Generally, work at the conference is presented in the form of short, concise presentations lasting about 10 to 30 minutes, usually including discussion. The work may be published in the conference proceedings, the latter being the collection of academic papers that are published in the context of an academic conference. They are usually distributed as printed books after the conference has closed. Proceedings contain the contributions made by researchers at the conference. They are the written record of the work that is presented to fellow researchers.

Often there are one or more keynote speakers (usually scholars of some standing), presenting a lecture that lasts an hour or so, and which is likely to be advertised before the conference. Panel discussions, roundtables on various issues, workshops may be part of the conference.

A large meeting will usually be called a conference, while a smaller is termed a workshop. They might be single track or multiple track, where the former has only one session at a time, while a multiple track meeting has several parallel sessions with speakers in separate rooms speaking at the same time.

Conference activity forms an important part of the career of any academic; for postgraduates it is an important way of participating in academic debate, and “showcasing” their own work. Conference is a way of raising their individual profiles, and a springboard for future publications. “Conference culture” acquisition suggests the development of communication and oral presentation skills of postgraduates, abilities of delivering material in a public forum and defending their ideas.

As you know, before a conference the so-called “Preliminary Announcement” is sent to all the establishments concerned. Here is one of them.

The Management and Technology Conference will be held at the Doubletree at the University of Orlando, Florida, USA, on December 8 – 10, 2011.

This conference will focus on all the major areas of business, management and technology. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and carefully evaluated based on originality, technical soundness, significance and clarity of thought. Papers should not exceed 10 pages in length (letter size, 11 point type). A style guide can be found here.

Paper submission:

E-mail your abstract or paper to us at editors@triof.org. Please remove the names of all authors and institutions from the paper but include them separately in the same e-mail. Papers should be submitted in RTF, Microsoft Word or Word Perfect Format. We will e-mail you with a notification of acceptance or rejection within three weeks. If your manuscript is accepted, you will receive a letter of acceptance, registration form, and paper style guidelines by regular mail. If you wish to attend without submitting a paper only a registration form will be needed or you may register online here.

Authors will have approximately 20 minutes to present their papers. Registration at the conference will entitle the participant to admission to all presentations and workshops, and to receive a copy of the conference program and CD proceedings. The conference fee is per person and must be received by October 30, 2011 to assure conference participation. If your conference fee will be late please contact us in advance so we can make suitable arrangements. To register online click here.

All selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings and best papers presented will be eligible for inclusion in either the Management& Business Review or the Journal of the Internet and Information Technology.
Please direct all correspondence to the attention of:

The editors

IMT Conference

PO Box 973073

Miami, FL 33197

Tel (305)971-2312

Fax (305)971-8517

E-mail: editors@triof.org

Dr. Chris Rose. – Conference Chair

Try to render the preliminary announcement sent out by the BSU Research Department to all the establishments concerned announcing the forthcoming conference:

Информационное письмо

о проведении

Республиканской научно-методической конференции

Оргкомитет приглашает Вас принять участие в работе Республиканской научно-методической конференции, которая состоится 20-21 октября 2011 г. на базе
Белорусского государственного университета.

Председатель: Иванов В. В., первый проректор БГУ.

Заместители председателя: Петров С. В., проректор БГУ, декан факультета прикладной математики.

Координатор: Сергеев П. И., начальник отдела социально-педагогического проектирования БГУ.

Ответственный секретарь: Орлов Д. А., методист высшей категории БГУ.

  • Информационные технологии в контроле и оценке результатов обучения студентов.

  • Место и роль информационных технологий в обеспечении контролируемой и/или управляемой самостоятельной работы студентов (КСРС и УСРС) университета.

  • КСР в учебном процессе университета: место, функция, виды.


По результатам конференции будет издан сборник материалов.

Подаваемые материалы должны отвечать следующим требованиям:

  1. Объем материала – 3 стр.

  2. Шрифт – Times New Roman; размер – 12.

  3. Интервал – одинарный.

  4. Поля – по 2 см. с каждой стороны.

Материалы для публикации вместе с заявкой на участие в конференции предоставляются в электронном и обязательно в печатном виде до 26 сентября 2011 года.

Оргкомитет конференции оставляет за собой право отклонять материалы, не соответствующие целям конференции.

Все расходы на участие в конференции несут командирующие организации.

Прием заявок и материалов (в печатном и электронном виде) осуществляется:

по почте на адрес: БГУ, пр. Независимости, 4, 220030, г. Минск; и на E-mail: edc@bsu.by с пометкой «Конф Информатизация КСРС».

По всем вопросам, связанным с участием в конференции, ее программой и т.д. можно обращаться к координатору конференции Сергееву Петру Ивановичу (к. 726).
Телефон для контактов: 209 59 65.

Once you have made up your mind to participate in a conference you are to fill in the application form. Study it in Russian and then render into English.

Заявка на участие

в Республиканской научно-методической конференции

«Информационно-методическое обеспечение контролируемой самостоятельной работы студентов университета»

  1. Информация об участнике.

Фамилия, имя, отчество




Должность, ученое звание, ученая степень

Телефон (с кодом)

Персональный адрес электронной почты (E-mail)

Почтовый адрес для контактов (с индексом):

  1. Форма участия. Отметьте, пожалуйста, форму Вашего участия в конференции.

Выступление с докладом.

Проведение педагогической мастерской с презентацией и обсуждением опыта работы по теме конференции.

Презентация образовательного электронного пособия; учебника.

Презентация учебно-методического пособия по теме конференции.

  1. Тема доклада, название педагогической мастерской, презентации.

  2. Забронировать ли Вам место в гостинице. Да Нет

Заявку и материалы для публикации в электронном и печатном виде необходимо отправить до 26 сентября 2011 г. по адресу:

Центр проблем развития образования БГУ, пр. Независимости, 4, 220030, г. Минск и по E-mail: edc@bsu.by

Справки по тел.: +017 209 59 65.

In case of permanent contacts scientists exchange business
correspondence and can send letters of invitation to each other.

September 20, 2011

Dear Sir,

On behalf of our Organizing Committee I have the pleasure of inviting you to attend and possibly present your paper at the International Conference on Sustainable Development which is to be held in London on November 12-15, 2011. We are sure that your participation will contribute much to the success of the Conference.

If you intend to submit a paper (an abstract of not more than 200 words), we should like to have it not later than November 4. Enclosed you will find requirements to abstracts. We will have published Conference proceedings volume by the end of this year. No conference fee is required for invited speakers. The cost of food and accommodation will also be borne by the host University. But much to our regret the Conference budget does not permit us to cover your travel expenses.

We are looking forward to your participation in the conference and would like to have a definite answer by the above-mentioned deadline. You will find Registration Form enclosed with the letter. Should the proposed dates be inconvenient for you inform us of possible changes.
Yours faithfully,

Prof. William Adams

Being a conference attendee you are sure to fill in a registration form like that:
Conference Registration Form

(Please complete and e-mail)

First Name: Last name:




City: State: Zip code:

Country: Tel.: Fax:

Preferred day and time for presentation: (Please circle):

Wed. Dec 8. am pm Thur. Dec. 9. am pm Fri. Dec 10 am pm

Now think of the English version of a possible conference
questionnaire; some points have been done for you.

имя/фамилия – …

дата рождения – …

гражданство – …

образование – …

место работы – …

занимаемая должность – position held

ученое звание – title

ученая степень – …


международной конференции студентов и аспирантов



посвященной 85-летию юридического факультета БГУ

(18–19 октября 2010 г., г. Минск)

1. Фамилия:

2. Имя:

3. Отчество:

4. Название тезисов:

5. В работе какой секции желаете принять участие:

6. Наименование вуза:

7. Факультет (с указанием почтового адреса, телефона и факса):

8. Сведения об участнике:

Студент _______ курса

Магистрант _______ года обучения

Аспирант _______ года обучения

9. Домашний адрес (почтовый адрес, телефон, факс, e-mail):

10. Информация о научном руководителе:

11. Необходимость бронирования студенческого общежития (да/нет):

12. Сроки проживания:

One of the participants recorded the conference work. Here is a script of the welcoming speech by the conference Chairman.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I’ve been privileged to declare the conference open. On behalf of the Organizing Committee and in my own name I welcome the guests and the participants of the conference. I consider it a great honour to speak today. I believe at this assembly you will be provided with an ample opportunity to exchange opinions and discuss scientific and organizational issues of mutual interest. Could there possibly be a better forum for discussing research issues.

My pleasant duty as a Chairman is to introduce to you our honorable guest Professor Flowers from Kingston University, England.

Now let we remind you of the conference agenda and explain briefly the work to be done. I ask those taking the floor to keep to the point, to avoid digression. The working language of the Conference is English, simultaneous translation into Russian has been arranged for users of the Russian language. I invite the speakers to be brief.

I wish you every success.

While taking part in the discussion the participants are supposed to make use of the following colloquial phrases:
I’m (particularly) interested in this problem.

I should (would) point out (emphasize) that …

I think (suppose, presume) that …

I believe that…

I must say that…

In my opinion…; as for me…; to my mind…

I hold (am of) the same opinion.

I could comment on the question.

If I understand you correctly…

If I am not mistaken…

That’s right; exactly; quite so; quite right; quite true.

I (quite, fully, entirely) agree with you; I think so, too.

I can’t but agree with you.

I don’t think so; I don’t agree; I disagree.

I can’t agree with you.

I’m afraid, you are wrong there.

I doubt that…

It’s unlikely that…

Will you allow me to take the floor, please.

I should (would) like to ask you…

I should (would) like to ask you a question…; I am going to ask you a question…

I have a question…

I have a question and a comment (a remark) to make.

I should (would) like to know…

Could you clarify your point of view?

What is your opinion on..?

What in your opinion is the reason for..?

Do I understand you correctly that..?

Do you agree to that?

Do you consider that…?

Would you tell us how…?

I wonder why…

Below you will find the text contributed by one of the former
postgraduates who wanted to share his experience in attending a conference:

You know, any scientific conference is an important event in the researcher’s life, especially in post-graduate student’s activity. It provides an opportunity for exchanging opinions with more experienced colleagues and gives impetus to valuable discussions.

I’ve taken part in several conferences, both as an organizer and as a participant. But now I’d like to dwell upon my first experience in attending an international conference of young researchers held under the auspices of the BSU. The initiative to convene the conference belonged to the University Academic Council. Thus, an organizing committee was formed which sent the so-called “Preliminary Announcement” to all the establishments concerned with a view of supplying potential participants with general information about the conference. From the announcement I learnt such important things as the main programme of the conference, orders of plenary sessions, rules for scientific contributions, requirements to submitted abstracts, information about registration fees, hotel reservations, etc. It was very important for me as a post-graduate student that the abstract would be published in Conference Proceedings.

I immediately filled in the preliminary application form and mailed it without delay. After that I was to submit a short abstract of my paper (one printed page) before the deadline.

Finally, my abstract was accepted and I started preparing my report.

I will never forget the first conference day. The conference started at
9 a. m. with the registration of attendees. Before the plenary session I had some time to get acquainted with other participants, to look through the latest information, to buy some booklets about the conference work. I was particularly interested in the workshop on criminalistics, since it is my special field. There were more than twenty scientific contributions to our workshop, all of them being on topical problems of criminalistics and applied sciences. According to the workshop schedule I was the last to speak. All the reports were followed by discussions, mine wasn’t an exception. I was asked several questions and did my best to answer all of them. I spoke without even looking into my notes and tried to make my reasoning very clear.

I also attended a poster session and found it of particular interest because I managed to study numerous texts of the papers supplied with diagrams, drawings, schemes and photographs.

The final session with review papers was truly rewarding for it summarized all that had been going on not only at the conference but also in the field of law for the past twelve months.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that I liked a specific atmosphere of the conference characteristic of any scientific meeting: groups of delegates discussing something, the sight of prominent scholars surrounded by their followers, talks, smiles, greetings, exchange of opinions.

Check the knowledge of the topical vocabulary identifying English equivalents for the following Russian ones:
получить приглашение

участвовать в конференции

поделиться опытом

под эгидой

быть устроителем конференции

заинтересованные учреждения

информационное письмо

пленарное заседание

секционная работа

рабочий язык конференции

организационный взнос

тезисы доклада

сделать сообщение

обсуждение за «круглым столом»

стендовые доклады

культурная программа

подводить итоги работы конференции

заключительная речь

Translate the sentences from Russian into English and try to use them while speaking about your personal experience in attending a conference.

  1. Международная научно-практическая конференция по правовому обеспечению создания свободных экономических зон пройдет в Белорусском государственном экономическом университете в мае 2011 г.

  2. Принимающей стороной конференции выступит БГЭУ.

  3. Организационный комитет уже разослал информационное письмо всем заинтересованным учреждениям.

  4. Информационное письмо содержит сведения о примерной программе конференции, дате и месте проведения, требованиях, предъявляемых к оформлению тезисов, условиях оплаты расходов на проезд и проживание.

  5. Как правило, принимающая сторона предоставляет участникам конференции жилье по минимально возможной цене, но не покрывает расходы на проезд.

  6. По окончании работы конференции печатаются тезисы докладов.

  7. На пленарное заседание выносятся наиболее значимые доклады приглашенных участников, присланные сообщения заслушиваются на секциях. За докладами следуют прения, вопросы.

  8. Докладчику необходимо придерживаться регламента, поскольку на доклад предоставляется не более десяти минут.

  9. Сегодня большой популярностью пользуются так называемые стендовые доклады.

  10. Любая конференция предоставляет возможность обменяться мнениями по актуальным научным проблемам, доложить о полученных результатах.

  11. Молодому ученому очень полезно участвовать в обсуждениях научных проблем за «круглым столом», высказывать свою точку зрения, поддерживать либо выступать в роли оппонента выступающего.

  12. Участникам конференции предлагается разнообразная культурная программа: организуются встречи, экскурсии, посещения достопримечательностей города.

  13. По окончании работы конференции проходит заключительное заседание, где с заключительной речью выступает председательствующий, и подводятся итоги работы.

Speak on the latest conference you have attended according
to the plan:

  • preliminary announcement;

  • conference status;

  • host of the conference;

  • conference sponsors;

  • number of participants;

  • registration fee;

  • accommodation provided;

  • problem field of the conference;

  • conference agenda;

  • ways of presenting one’s reports, abstracts;

  • plenary session; workshops;

  • conference proceedings.

Exchange opinions with your fellow students on the following

  • role of conferences in young researchers’ lives;

  • functions of an organizing committee;

  • requirements to submitted abstracts and papers;

  • your personal experience in attending conferences;

  • your first report delivered at a conference.

Progress Questions

  1. What is an academic conference? Who usually organizes/convenes academic conferences?

  2. How do prospective participants get to know about the conference?

  3. What information does a preliminary announcement contain?

  4. Who is the preliminary announcement usually sent to?

  5. What is the routine conference agenda? How is the work of the conference organized?

  6. What is an abstract? What is the procedure of presenting abstracts or papers to the conference?

  7. What are conference proceedings? When are they published and

  8. What is the role of academic conferences in the activity of a young researcher?

  9. Have you ever participated in a conference? What kind of conference was it?

  10. What workshops did you attend? Did you make a presentation?

  11. Was your abstract published in the conference proceedings?

  12. What was your impression of the conference? What experience did you gain?

In Focus

Expressing difference



oppose to…

differ from … (in)

contrast with … (in)

distinguish between

  1. Critics opposed to D. H. Lawrence attacked his novels on various grounds.

  2. The meaning of many academic words differs from specific meanings they have in various disciplines where they are used.

  3. Academic life and study methods in the UK may contrast with what you have experienced in your country in many respects.

  4. We should distinguish between different meanings of the term “faculty” used in US and UK university systems.

different from… (in)

unlike … (in)

dissimilar from … (in)

opposite to …

distinct from…

  1. Your experience as a postgraduate student may be very different from your time as an undergraduate.

  2. Unlike an old-fashioned rote learning modern education is based on stimulating creative thinking.

  3. The researcher’s approach is not dissimilar from the one applied in our investigation.

  4. The results of the first experiment were opposite to those got from the repeat experiment.

  5. Studying online is distinct from face-to-face study in using the Internet as the primary means of communication.

Grammar Review: Connectives
Step 1. Translate into Russian.

  1. Apart from lecture courses teaching is done mostly in laboratories or in tutorial groups. – Помимо …

  2. Meanwhile, some of the local technical colleges had developed their courses to a higher level, and eight of these were given their own charters. – Тем временем …

  3. So within three years the number of universities in England doubled. – Поэтому …

  4. Yet an important difference remains. – Все же …

  5. In particular, at the examination stage none of your examiners may have had the necessary understanding and competence to be able to bridge the disciplines and make a proper assessment of your research contribution. – В частности …

  6. Thus, good communication is absolutely vital, so if you are a student, make sure you know precisely what it is that is expected of you. – Таким образом …

  7. Actually the length of a doctoral dissertation varies from discipline to discipline, it is usual to expect a manuscript of at least 250 pages. – В сущности …

  8. The dynamics of this process becomes clearer as one works through the book. – … по мере того как …

  9. Postgraduate study demonstrates the commitment of the individual as well as the specific skills they have honed during their studies and over 97% postgraduates found employment within a year after graduating. – … также как и …

  10. Alternatively, in some areas such as fine art and design and the humanities, research work may be more individually based. – Или же …

  11. In fact, this guide is designed to help you navigate the research voyage through developing a research question and thesis, doing the research, writing the paper, and correctly documenting your sources. – Фактически …

  12. First of all, you should analyse your previous experience in study. – Прежде всего …

  13. Finally, you should make up your mind on your future career. – Наконец …

  14. In addition, higher education institutions should work closely with employers to provide better information, advice and guidance on career choices for postgraduate research students. – К тому же …

  15. However, it is important to ask whether the way the postgraduate system is currently funded offers the best possible value for money and is flexible enough. – Однако …

  16. At first, the proposal was viewed with suspicion but after much deliberation it was finally accepted. – Вначале …

  17. Contrary to popular belief, statistics alone can not provide the answer. – В отличие от …

  18. Therefore I feel that it is difficult to explain the discrepancy between the date. – Поэтому …


also, moreover, in addition, besides, in addition to, as well as, etc.


however, nevertheless

Contrast and comparison:

on the other hand, by contrast, on the contrary, conversely, in spite of/despite, etc.

Result and conclusion:

thus, therefore, hence, consequently, etc.


alternatively, otherwise, instead

Rephrasing and correcting:

in other words, or rather, at least

“Main point” linkers:

anyway, in any case, the thing is

“Extra point” linkers:

by the way, incidentally


in fact, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact, etc.

Exemplification and summation:

for example, for instance, all in all, in short

Organisation and narrative linkers:

firstly, at first, finally, at last, etc.


because of, as a result of, owing to/due to


namely, such as, including, especially

Step 2. Translate into English.

  1. Более того, программы постоянно обновляются, включают современные подходы обучения и выработки необходимых навыков.

  2. В любом случае, ваша задача в максимально короткие сроки представить результаты исследования.

  3. В целом, рекомендуется прикладывать к пакету документов любые свидетельства ваших достижений – дипломы, сертификаты и т. д.

  4. Более того, любая кафедра заинтересована в том, чтобы аспиранты защищались в срок.

  5. Помимо профессионального преподавания теоретических аспектов, каждая из программ носит прикладной характер.

  6. Аннотация представляет собой краткую характеристику статьи, тогда как реферат – краткое изложение содержания статьи или доклада.

  7. Фактически многие учебные заведения предлагают программы подготовки в магистратуру по специальным методикам.

  8. К тому же, магистерская степень повышает вашу значимость в глазах работодателя и является бесценным опытом в жизни.

  9. Йельский университет известен своими достижениями в области гуманитарных наук, между тем, он является и одним из ведущих
    научно-исследовательских центров США.

  10. Во-вторых, точные формулировки повышают эффективность
    следующего этапа научной работы.

  11. Однако аспирантура – это самостоятельная форма получения образования, цель которой – научиться заниматься научными исследованиями.

  12. К тому же, результаты, представленные в таблицах и схемах, в форме компьютерной презентации, помогают в восприятии информации.

  13. Тем не менее, наилучший результат достигается, когда периоды собственного творчества чередуются с периодами глубокого изучения темы.

  14. Во-первых, в аспирантуру берут не всех, а только тех, кто достиг успехов в учебе, и, во-вторых, тех, кто ведет реальную научную работу.

  15. И наконец, планировать свое участие в конференциях нужно заранее, т. к. сроки подачи тезисов обычно заканчиваются задолго до начала конференции.

Grammar Review: Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech
Step 1. Tips:

  1. “Why can’t you work under pressure?”

The first interviewer asked why she couldn’t work under pressure.

  1. Does the job provide benefits?

The applicant asked if the job provided benefits.

  1. “Modern technology began with the development of power-driven machines and growth of the factory system.”

It was mentioned that modern technology had begun with the development of power-driven machines and growth of the factory system.

  1. Did you fill in the application form?”

The clerk asked if I had filled in the application form.

  1. “The European Union has developed international scientific cooperation over the last years”

It was stressed that the European Union had developed international scientific cooperation over the last years.

  1. Think of another theme for your report.”

The supervisor asked me to think of another theme for my report.
Step 2. Complete each sentence in reported speech, beginning as shown.

  1. “Indicate the ways in which you have used these data.”

They were asked …

  1. “To succeed in your master’s and doctoral studies is by no means the final product, as the landscape of postgraduate research changes all the time.”

Professor Mouton says …

  1. “Did the analyses of interviews begin with a detailed summary of what had been said?”

The employer wanted to know …

  1. “I have had some disasters but I have also learnt an immense amount from the graduate students I worked with.”

My colleague concluded …

  1. “A traditional course in social research methodology will not meet the needs of students concerning thesis requirements.”

Professor Brown soon explained: …

  1. “This is a type of individual study which indicates how well a student has learned to carry out research, think critically and organize information into clearly defined statements.”

The supervisor underlined …

  1. “It will lead to the explosive development of the Internet and its countless commercial applications.”

It was stressed …

  1. “Who wrote the application for you?”

The interviewer asked …

  1. “The degrees of master and doctor were for some time equivalent”.

The lecturer said …

  1. “The scientific revolution has brought new ideas, discoveries and inventions.”

The reporter underlined …

  1. “Can students be supervised in groups?”

The student asked …

  1. “Will curiosity-driven research be supported by public or private funds?”

The postgraduate wondered …

  1. “The main significance of the higher postgraduate degrees is that they license the holder to teach.”

The scientific adviser agreed …

  1. “UK Universities and Research Councils will do more to identify and promote the economic and social value of postgraduate study.”

The authorities promised …

  1. “Postgraduate students need the right support, advice, knowledge and skills to get the most from their postgraduate experience.”

It was reminded …
Step 3. Translate into English.

  1. Ему объяснили, что поступающие на учебу в аспирантуру проходят собеседование с предполагаемым научным руководителем.

  2. Министр был удовлетворен тем, что университеты, в свою очередь, также наладили свои собственные зарубежные связи.

  3. Было рекомендовано определенным научным учреждениям создать специализированные советы по защите кандидатских и докторских диссертаций.

  4. Лектор обратил внимание студентов на то, что в процессе развития науки происходит постоянное обновление знаний, идей и концепций.

  5. Им сказали, что лица, сдавшие кандидатские экзамены, освобождаются от соответствующих вступительных экзаменов.

  6. Правительство заявило, что необходимо укреплять потенциал университетов в области подготовки научных кадров мирового уровня в исследовательской среде.

  7. В статье отмечалось, что австралийский исследовательский совет обеспечивает финансирование 4650 исследовательских проектов по всей Австралии.

  8. Все согласились, что формирование национальной инновационной системы является важнейшей задачей, неотъемлемой частью экономической политики государства.

  9. Преподаватель поинтересовался, где он может пройти повышение квалификации.

  10. Председатель Совета подчеркнул, что возможности для международного сотрудничества среди научного сообщества расширяются.

  11. Докладчик особо отметил , что в истории человечества было создано и существовало довольно большое количество самых разнообразных картин мира.

  12. Аспирант хотел знать, кто предложил два основных метода получения достоверной информации о природе и человеке.

  13. Было упомянуто, что конференции молодых ученых, круглые столы, встречи с ведущими специалистами в различных отраслях науки являются традиционными в университете.

  14. Автор подтвердил, что анализ и синтез играют важную роль в экспериментальном исследовании.

  15. Ректор подчеркнул, что программа нацелена на привлечение молодых исследователей и финансирование расходов, связанных с обменом сотрудниками.

Reports from around the world

I. Read the article. Comment on the meaning of the highlighted words and expressions; summarize the text.

Should top U.S. goal be democracy?

Editor's note: Julian E. Zelizer is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University. He is the author of "Jimmy Carter," published by Times Books, and editor of a book assessing former President George W. Bush's administration, published by Princeton University Press.

Princeton, New Jersey (CNN) – When the Egyptian people took to the streets of Cairo to protest the oppressive government of President Hosni Mubarak, they instantly challenged one of the most powerful strains of U.S. foreign policy thinking.

In American diplomatic circles, the “realists” have long argued that the U.S. must be primarily focused on national self-interest, rather than concentrating on trying to promote democracy and human rights in other countries.

They object to the style of idealism promoted by President Woodrow Wilson, who envisioned that war and diplomacy could transform international relations by establishing cooperation among nations, allowing for the self-determination of people and ending war for all time.

Nowhere has the power of realism been stronger than in U.S. Middle East policy. For many decades the U.S. has supported Arab governments whose behavior fundamentally contradicts democratic ideals. U.S. policymakers concluded that there were no other options.

It is impossible, they said, for democracy to take root in the Middle East given the history of the region. To protect strategic interests such as access to oil, they felt it essential to make peace with bad rulers.

Realism has been challenged on the left and the right. During the 1970s, the human rights movement pushed the U.S. to embrace the political and civil rights of others as a legitimate claim in U.S. foreign policy.

The realists have been highly skeptical about Egypt. They warn that revolution in Egypt could open the door to Islamic fundamentalism, as in Iran in 1979, and cost the U.S. and Israel one of their most loyal allies.

Should the Egyptians be able to withstand the response of the Mubarak government and be able to establish a truly democratic and secular government, the results would be dramatic. These turbulent weeks could be remembered in the same way the nation remembers the late 1980s and early 1990s, when conditions that seemed inevitable in the Soviet empire suddenly were not.

However, if Mubarak stifles the revolution, or fundamentalism takes hold, realists will, for a long time, point to Egypt as the prime example of why we cannot hope for much better than the status quo when it comes to the Middle East.

(The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Julian
E. Zelizer.)

II. Render into English using the prompts.

Свержение Мубарака, должно послужить “уроком” 5 другим государствам Ближневосточного региона и заставить их “ускорить давно откладываемые политические и экономические реформы”. Мубарак "всегда говорил, что выбирать приходится между ним и "[Мусульманским] братством", проводя политику, которая это пророчество претворяла в реальность.

Соединенным Штатам известно, что демократия – процесс долгий, нестройный, беспокойный и местами даже хаотичный.

“Самое важное теперь – выразить уверенность в будущем демократического Египта. Египтяне – не иранцы, и год сейчас не 1979-й. В Египте прочнее институты и глубже секуляризация. “[Мусульманское] братство”, скорее всего, будет бороться за волеизъявление граждан на свободных и честных выборах. Что будет дальше – это зависит от египтян... Демократическая политика будет оспариваться с позиций радикального политического ислама... Турбулентность демократии предпочтительнее, чем фальшивая стабильность автократии. Соединенным Штатам следует поддерживать демократические силы – не потому, что те будут более дружественны по отношению к нам, а потому, что они будут более дружественны по отношению к собственному народу”, – заключает K. Райс.

(Из «Вашингтон Пост»)


serve as a lesson to


pursuing a policy

prophesy materialized

disorderly turbulent chaotic

express confidence

declaration of will


III. Scan the article. Extract the topical vocabulary. Formulate the key ideas expressed by the author.

Democracy – it’s not for everyone

By H.D.S. Greenway

WINSTON CHURCHILL once said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all the other forms that have been tried from time to time. But Churchill was speaking from the mother of parliaments in 1947, in an age that had emerged from the fascist darkness only to see the iron curtain of Communism descending across Europe. India and Pakistan had just gained their freedom, but most of the other lands in what came to be called the Third World were still in the grip of European colonialism.

How has democracy fared in the decades since? It has thrived in Eastern Europe since the end of Soviet empire 20 years ago. It has served India well and Pakistan badly. In much of Africa democracy has provided a shell under which gangsters plunder and beggar their people.

Recently, a stolen election in Afghanistan has been a disaster for American hopes and policy. There will soon be another election in Iraq that will do little to heal that bitterly divided country.

George W. Bush and his neo-conservatives put a great deal of store in the transformational power of democracy. Overthrowing Saddam Hussein in Iraq, many naively believed, would transform the Middle East from the authoritarian rule of sheiks and emirs to a Western democracy that would be friendly to Israel.

Instead of the invasion of Iraq transforming the Middle East, the realities of the Middle East transformed Iraq. Democracy has not brought divergent Iraqi interests together, nor has it erased the divisions of ethnicity and tribe. And there seems little chance that Iraq will be opening an embassy in Tel Aviv any time soon.

Perhaps the best to be hoped for Iraq is that it emerges into something like Lebanon, a troubled land at best, driven with factions and prone to undue influence from other countries.

Jessica Stern, in her book “Terror in the Name of God,” wrote that “democratization is not necessarily the best way to fight Islamic extremism. Most states that attempt to transition from autocracy to democracy get stuck in a kind of in between state. And electoral democracy does not necessarily imply liberal democracy. ..” Too often Western-style democracy just leads to cronyism and kleptocracy.

It would be hard to argue now that a traditional loyal jirga, in which Afghan tribal elders get together to decide who rules, wouldn't have been better than insisting on a Western-style election in Afghanistan.

Churchill, were he alive today, might have said democracy is the best of all forms of government in countries that have the necessary institutions in place and are ready for it. All democracies need elections, but not all elections lead to democracy.

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