Учебно-методическое пособие для аспирантов

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As international contacts become an integral part of modern life there are growing possibilities to take part in various exchange programmes. Every researcher is interested in the achievements of his colleagues abroad. A study or research visit provides an
excellent opportunity to get acquainted with foreign experience in one’s special field. International scientific cooperation is the key trend in the development of modern world science. The BSU
maintains close contacts with a wide range of universities abroad. German, Austrian, Polish, British, American universities
encourage our students and post-graduates to participate in
scientific exchange programmes.

From this section you will learn about requirements to applicants, papers to be submitted, anticipated visit outcomes, follow-up activities.


exchange program(me) программа обмена

to do research on the ~ – стажироваться по программе обмена

study/research visit – академическая/научная стажировка

application – заявка на участие

to enclose documents with the ~ – приложить документы к заявлению

applicant – претендент

supplementary documentationдополнительная документация

resume – резюме; амер. сведения о профессиональных достижениях претендента

curriculum vitae (C.V.) – краткая автобиография

selection panelотборочная комиссия

deadline/closing date – конечный срок (подачи документов)

a three-month visit – трехмесячная стажировка

to fund the program(me) – финансировать программу

to bear/cover expenses – оплачивать расходы

to provide accommodation – предоставлять жилье

to stay at a hotel/halls of residence – останавливаться в отеле/гостинице для студентов

in cooperation withв сотрудничестве с кем-либо

to fill in the form – заполнить анкету

to be introduced to the staff – быть представленным коллективу

to show round – показать (провести по)

to arrange a visitорганизовать посещение

collaboration – совместная работа

research project – научно-исследовательский проект

identical approach – идентичный подход

to be of mutual interest – представлять взаимный интерес

related fields – сходная проблематика

to give a free hand – предоставить полную свободу действий

to maintain permanent contacts – поддерживать постоянный контакт

to conduct joint experiments – проводить совместные эксперименты

to have a very busy time – быть очень занятым

to be absorbed in work – быть поглощенным работой

to get the material ready for publication – подготовить материалы к опубликованию

to work against time – работать не покладая рук, стараться завершить работу к определенному сроку

farewell party – прощальная вечеринка

to speak in flattering terms – лестно отозваться

to express gratitude (to)выразить признательность

report on a research visit – отчет о стажировке
Do you know what an exchange program is?
Exchange Programs

A student exchange program generally could be defined as a program where students from university choose to study abroad in partnered institutions. The term “exchanges” means that partnered institutions exchange their students, but not necessarily the students have to find a counterpart from the other institution to exchange with. Student exchanges became popular after World War II, and have the aim of helping to increase the participants’ understanding and tolerance of other cultures, as well as language skills and broaden their social horizons. The participants can either apply for a scholarship or be self-funded. An exchange student can live in a hostel, affordable apartment/house or student lodge. An exchange student typically stays in the host country for a relatively short period of time, often 6 to 10 months. Some students on exchange programs can receive academic credit from the country they study in. Most programs expect the prospective exchange student to demonstrate some ability to speak the language of the country they choose. Objectives of study visits can be described as follows: to enhance the educational experience of student; to strengthen the networking between students and universities; broaden personal and educational perspectives; explore, appreciate and understand different cultures; to enhance the ability of the student in second language learning; to eliminate fear and prejudice among nations; enable student to experience international education.

Students’ experience and testimonials
Here are some testimonials of students who have been involved with student exchange programs. Other testimonials could be read on the websites of universities that offer these programs.
“I spent the semester at the University. I had been studying Spanish prior to going to Mexico but for some reason just could not manage to say a word. For me the best decision I made was to stay with a host family. Together with my host family and my Spanish teachers I was soon speaking Spanish. It was beneficial that classes were small and help was always available. What I enjoyed most about my whole time in Mexico would have to be the wonderful people I met and the new culture I was able to experience.”
“I would definitely recommend a study program to other students, but I would emphasize that the success of an exchange depends mostly on yourself and your attitude. A positive attitude and a willingness to adapt and learn are crucial to making the most of your time. And don’t be afraid to try new things or befriend people you wouldn’t expect.”
“Being on exchange… forces you to explore, experiment, to change, grow, and develop. One of the greatest benefits of my participation in the AIIU exchange program was the independence and understanding that I gained while learning to navigate and enjoy a culture and country so different from my own. Whenever I look back on my experience I can’t imagine where I would now be in life and who I would be as a person if I hadn’t participated.”

(Australian Institute of International Understanding (AIIU) Exchange program with Japan.)

One can find advertisements about exchange programmes, research visits on the Internet, in newspapers; relevant information can also be provided by research departments of the establishments concerned. Study some of such ads and comment on them.
1. May 2011: HPC research opportunities

EC-funded research visit opportunities in computational science

Call for applications: closing date 31st May 2011

HPC-Europa, a consortium of 11 leading European centres, is calling for applications from researchers working in Europe to visit one of more than 200 research institutes associated with the Transnational Access programme. Visitors will use HPC-Europa's High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities to advance their research, while collaborating with scientific researchers from an appropriate local research institute.

The programme is fully funded by the EC's Structuring the European Research Area programme, and offers:

  • access to some of the most powerful HPC facilities in Europe;

  • HPC consultancy from experienced staff;

  • opportunities to collaborate with scientists working in related fields at a local research institute;

  • travel costs, subsistence expenses and accommodation.

The selection panel approves applications on the basis of scientific merit. For this reason, applicants are encouraged, where possible, to identify a suitable researcher with whom to collaborate before applying, as this often increases the chances of the application being approved.

HPC-Europa is funded until the end of 2011. Selection meetings are held four times per year, and applications must be received by 31st May 2011 for the selection meeting in June. Successful applicants will visit for between three and 13 weeks, starting during the period from July to December 2011.
Further information and the online application form are available at http://www.hpc-europa.org

2. President Fund Grants

Short Research Visits

  • Larger awards of up to £2,000 are available for making short research visits of up to two months duration. The host institution may be overseas, or in the applicant's country of residence.

  • All applicants must be registered for a PhD, or in a first postdoctoral position, in a country in the European Union.

  • All applicants who are funded by a research council or other funding body that regularly supports conference attendance or activities connected with the applicant's work must submit evidence that they have applied for sponsorship from that body. Salaried applicants must submit evidence of their annual income.

  • Only one application for a research visit grant may be made awarded from the President's Fund during the term of a postgraduate studentship or first postdoctoral position.

  • Retrospective applications will not be considered.

  • Applications for research visit grants will be considered twice yearly by an award panel. Closing dates for applications: 14 October 2010.

  • Two copies of the completed application form and all supplementary documentation must be submitted for consideration.

Once you have made up your mind to participate in a programme you should contact the office in charge of the documentation for further information and fill in the application form like that.

SWEDEN International Summer University 2011

Application form - Fill in with block letters

Please include a

photo of yourself


Family name

Date of birth year month Day



Current address (where we will send your letter of acceptance)

City Postcode


Please send the letter of acceptance to my work/university [ ]

Send the letter of acceptance by e-mail [ ]

Send it to my current address above [ ]


If student, discipline:

1 apply for the course:

If student, number of years of studies

in relevant disciplines:

Total number of years of univ. studies

I hereby certify that all the information given above is correct. I have read, understood and accepted the general requirements





The application has been approved by /Dean or Rector)




Official stamp of the University

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