Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса факультета математики и информационных технологий Уфа риц башгу 2020

Change the italics into participle construction

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пособие для математиков II Мотина О П , Кулыева А А -4

9. Change the italics into participle construction.
1. He looked at me and hesitated: he didn’t know what to say
2. As he had long lived in those parts and knew the place very well he easily found his way to the marketplace.
3. He has no language problems because he has been studying English for a long time.
4. After I had written this exercise I began to doubt whether it was correct.
5. Take care when you cross the street.
6. Students should always be attentive when they are listening to the lecturer.
7. There are many students who study music
8. Don’t you feel tired after you have walked so much?
9. When he arrived at the railway station he bought a ticket to the platform and boarded the train.
10. As he was promised help he felt quiet.
11. After he was shown in he was told to take off his coat and wait for a while

10. Translate into Russian paying attention to the absolute participial construction.
1.You can set your mind at ease, all being well. 2. There being no chance of escape, the thief was arrested on the spot. 3. Oliver knocked weakly at the door and, all his strength failing him, sank near the door.
4. The bridge having been swept away by the flood, the train was late.
5. There being little time left, they hired a cab to get to the station in time. 6. The treaty having been signed, trade was at once resumed. 7. Dinner being over, we assembled in the drawing room. 8. The fifth of June arriving, they departed. 8. This being understood, the conference was over. 9. The speaker faced the audience, his hand raised for silence. 10. And then came the final moment, with the guards coming for him. 11. The moonlit road was empty, with the cool wind blowing in their faces. 12. She sat on the steps, with her arms crossed upon her knees.

11. Paraphrase the following using the absolute participial construction.
1. As our work was finished, we went home.
2. If the letter is posted today, the news will reach them tomorrow.
3. If mother permits us, we’ll go to the theatre.
4. When the working day was over, she went straight home.
5. When the packing had been done, the girls left for the station.
6. As the stop was a long one, they got off the train.
7. As the weather was perfect, Lydia played tennis every day.
8. As the last month was a very busy one, she could not answer her friend’s letters.
9. If time permits, we’ll come home a few days earlier.
10. When the third bell had gone, the curtain slowly rose.
11. As the underground station was not far, we walked there.
12. Bill couldn’t sleep the whole night, as there was something wrong with his eye.

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