ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №1(72), 2022 г. 153
- 105, in Sorochinsky district - 40, Burinsky - 140, Kashirir - 60, in Ilek - 70. 1763 Kazakh children were covered
in the Region [20].
As we can see, the issues of settling the nomads and providing them with food aid are considered in detail in
the reports. Each report gives us different information on this issue. The value of such documents as a historical
source is determined by the following factors. First, the report is full of facts, on the basis of which the researcher
can present the whole picture of the current events. Secondly, the internal reports were sent to the Council of
People’s Commissars of the KASSR in the form of a statement, that is, each chairman of the regional executive
committee reported on the work done to the Council of People’s Commissars. And thirdly, this source testifies to
the direction of the activity of the Council of People’s Commissars of the KASSR as a governing body.
Among the archival documents, the letters received during the collectivization period, which highlighted the
negative aspects of collectivization, are of exceptional value. One of these letters is Isaev's letter to Stalin. The
archived copy of the letter is dated August 1932. In his letter Fr . Isaev presents the situation objectively and in
detail with figures and facts. For example, in 1929 there were 6 million out of 40 million heads left, in 10-12
districts of Central Kazakhstan they are starving, 10-15 thousand people died of hunger. He expresses his
understanding, pointing to the following reasons: forced collectivization, forced socialization of all livestock,
arbitrariness in the practice of cattle harvesting, points to the perpetrators as the party organization of the republic
and its leadership. "The spirit of one hundred percent immediate collectivization of the village was hovering in the
very Regional Committee." And concludes the letter with a number of proposals for the speedy elimination of the
consequences of kinks. In our opinion, the last point (paragraph 8) of his proposals deserves attention: "Of course,
it is impossible to blame all our shortcomings on someone alone. All the Regional Committee bureaus as a whole
are guilty here. Personally, I bear some responsibility for the shortcomings and mistakes of both the Regional
Committee and all our work in Kazakhstan, because I am a senior employee of Kazakhstan. But in order to
decisively restructure the work and strengthen the leadership, it is necessary to refresh and update the leadership
of the Regional Committee. The special role of the first secretary is well known. Personally, I think that
T.Goloshchekin, who has done a great job in Kazakhstan (the Sovietization of villages, the fight against groupism,
etc.), will not have the necessary strength for a decisive turn based on harsh criticism of the mistakes of both the
Regional Committee and his own" [21].
The same letter to Stalin was sent by T. Ryskulov on September 29, 1932, which has considerable public
interest. The letter describes in detail the situation of animal husbandry. In Ryskulov's second letter to Stalin dated
March 9, 1933, the current situation in Kazakhstan is described in detail. Ryskulov gives the size of the migrations
with facts, describes their position. The letter shows that 40 thousand people migrated to the Middle Volga, 100
thousand people to Kyrgyzstan, 50 thousand people to Western Siberia, 20 thousand people to Karakalpakstan, 30
thousand to Central Asia. Migrations in individual districts reached 40-50%. He writes that the main reason for
migrations and disorders of the Kazakh economy is the reduction of livestock [22].
Thus, letters reveal to us not only the causes of mass migrations and hunger, but also digital data help to
determine the actual scale of hunger and its consequences. The letters of Isaev to Stalin (August 1932), Ryskulov
to Stalin (September 23, 1932, March 9, 1933), are of great interest to us. The publication of these letters,
previously inaccessible to the general public, is important for a new understanding of history, helps to reveal the
real dimensions of the national tragedy.
The migrations did not stop until the summer of 1933. This is evidenced by the growing number of people in
need of food aid. Thus, from the data provided by U. Kulumbetov, it followed that about half a million people
needed help, and this was only from among those who were on the territory of the republic at that time.
If in 1930 121.2 thousand people migrated from the republic, then in 1931 - 1 million 4 thousand people (i.e.
a third of the Kazakh people). In the collective work of M.K. Kozybaeva et al. The following data are given on the
number of people who migrated outside the Republic of Kazakhstan - 1 million 030 thousand people, of which
616 thousand are irrevocable and 414 thousand subsequently returned to Kazakhstan [23].
The analysis of the content of sources of various types indicates that "continuous collectivization" gave rise,
in addition to the migration of the Kazakh population outside the republic, to another terrible phenomenon in the
history of the Kazakh people - famine. The scale of the famine that began in 1932 was truly terrible. According to
the estimates of demographers who have recently been studying this issue, about 10 people died from hunger and
disease in Kazakhstan. 1 million 750 thousand people or 42% of the total Kazakh population of the republic /322/.
According to M. Tatimov , this figure is slightly higher and amounts to 2 million 300 thousand . people or 51-52%
of the Kazakh population [24].
According to official bodies, according to numerous telegrams sent from places to central and republican
authorities, a terrible picture of the extinction of an entire people appears. So in the correspondence of the People's
Commissariat of Justice. Krylenko Ryskulov notes, "cases of cannibalism on the basis of hunger have become
more frequent. In Tokmak, Frunzensky district, on June 7, the corpse of a six-year-old Kazakh girl was found near
a feeding station." Moreover, the insides of the head were lying on the ground, and the child's body was cooked in
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Тарих және саяси-әлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №1(72), 2022 ж. 154
a cauldron. In the memo Zhandosova U. it was noted that "people ate dogs, consumed donkey meat, which was
previously considered sinful, is now an ordinary phenomenon." And from the telegram sent from the district in
February 1932, it is noted that "all the villages of the Ushtobinsky district are covered by the hunger strike" [25].
Thus, the sources allow us to conclude that as a result of forced settlement, the Kazakhs were subjected to
mass migration and starvation. These terrible facts give an idea of what was happening in the republic in the early
30s, what the settling campaign turned out to be for the Kazakh people. As a result of this policy, Kazakhs on their
land, being an indigenous nation, were in the minority.