Xx ғасырдың 20-30- жылдарындағы қазақ тіліндегі мерзімді баспасөзі: шығу тарихы мен деректік маңызы

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Kazakh-language periodical press of Kazakhstan in the twenties-thirties of the 20th century: the history of its edition and importance of the source study

of the thesis submitted for the scientific degree of doctor of

historical sciences

on the specialities 07.00.02 – History of the Homeland (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 07.00.09 – Historiography, source study and methods of historical research

The importance of the theme of the research. The social-political situation in Kazakhstan in the twenties-thirties of the 20th century is one of the most complex problems and key questions of the homeland history and demands all-round study. It is necessary to subject this problem to deep conceptual research and judgement, because revealing the causal-consequence connections of the complex social processes becoming the principle problems in the turning moment of the history of land, their general laws and peculiarities demand use of new methodological approaches and mastering of new tools of knowledge and that’s why it is necessary to study as the source the periodical press of that time. Though the periodical press of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century was the mean of Bolsheviks’ ideology, it has been one of the main sources of revealing some problems of political, social, economic and cultural life of Kazakhstan of those years. Periodical press, though it has not been the independent scientific research, nevertheless has given an important data for reconstitution of the course of historical events, life and household activities of people, representing them one-sidedly and incorrectly during the Soviet period. So conceptual research of the Kazakh periodicals as the source of information on the one hand and reflection in it the peculiarities of the social-politic life of the society of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century on the other hand shows the urgency of the given theme. Therefore, research and analysis of the source study ground of the Kazakh periodical press of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century, its study from the point of view of ideology of independent Kazakhstan will contribute to reveal the new pages of homeland history and historiography.

The purpose and tasks of the research. The purpose of this dissertational work is the research of the history of edition and functioning of Kazakh periodical press of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century and objective estimation of its contents as the historical source. For achievement of this purpose the following tasks are put:

- To carry out historiographic analysis and to prove theoretical-methodological basis of studying the Kazakh periodical press;

- To analyze the process of formation of periodical press in the Kazakh language and its relations with official authorities and society, to reveal peculiarities of national editions;

- To show the source study importance of periodical press of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century in the Kazakh language for the history of Kazakhstan;

- To estimate the views of the representatives of national intelligentsia about the Kazakh periodical press from the historic and historiographic point of view;

- To show the process of covering in periodicals the problems of famine in Kazakhstan in 1921-1922, its consequences and fight against it, national policy of the Soviet authorities in carrying out land-water reform, the process of realization of the policy of “Small October”;

- To study the palette of political discussions and disputes which have been taken place during industrialization and collectivization of the country;

- To analyze covering the problems of cultural construction in the republic;

- To explain the essence of realization of the Soviet ideological policy among youths and women by means of the Kazakh press;

- To reveal the character of showing the facts of discontent with totalitarian system, criticism and accusations of "nationalism" of the representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia and participants of the movement "Alash" in the Kazakh press.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation:

- In the dissertation for the first time the Kazakh periodicals of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century are considered and analyzed as a system from the historiographic point of view;

- The essence of the decisions of the Russian Communist party (Bolsheviks’)- All Union Communist party (Bolsheviks’)- Communist party (Bolsheviks’) concerning the press, their influence on the formation of the Kazakh periodical press is analyzed;

- For the first time as the result of the comparison of the materials of periodicals in Kazakh with archival documents and scientific researches their source study importance in the history of Kazakhstan is revealed and appreciated;

- Views and opinions of the representatives of national intelligentsia concerning the press are considered and appreciated;

- On the basis of materials of periodicals new facts of famine and various reforms at the beginning of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century are set;

- For the first time the materials of the periodicals connected with campaigns of industrialization, confiscation, collectivization, settling out, etc. entered into scientific circulation.

- Liquidation of illiteracy, cultural construction, actions of the government in the sphere of art and literature and their results are investigated thoroughly;

- Participation of the Kazakh youths and women in the public life and their contribution to the social and economic development of the country are considered and analyzed;

- For the first time on concrete materials of archives and periodicals the essence of the command policy of the party of Bolsheviks’ and Soviet authorities of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century, reprisals of politicians of “Alash” party as "nationalists" and « enemies of people » are investigated from the point of view of modern historical vision by the use of new scientific methods of research.

The results of the research. In the dissertational work the following results are obtained:

- The periodical press in the Kazakh language of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century was analyzed thoroughly from the historiographic point of view and the theoretical and methodological basis of the research was formulated;

- the essence of the decisions of the party and government concerning the problems of the Kazakh press in Kazakhstan, as well as the strengthening of the Soviet ideology in the sphere of development of national press, the main features of newspapers and magazines of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century, their purpose, tasks and their estimation were revealed;

- The source study importance of periodical press in studying the history of Kazakhstan in comparison with archival documents and their introduction in the scientific circulation was determined; the historical value of the considered problem was concretized;

- The comparative historiographic analysis of views of representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia about development of the Kazakh periodicals was carried out;

- On the basis of the materials of the Kazakh periodical press, archival documents and scientific researches political events of the twenties-thirties of the 20th century and the reforms which have been carried out in Kazakhstan during the given period were investigated;

- On the basis of archival documents and research works, materials of periodicals- industrialization, collectivization and various political debates during their realization at the end of the twenties were shown from new points of view;

- Tendencies of cultural construction in the Republic on the basis of materials of periodicals were revealed;

- The facts connected with reprisals of Stalin totalitarian system were supplemented with new archival data and materials of periodicals.

The structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of the introduction, six Chapters, the conclusion and the list of the used sources.

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