E g. striptease стриптиз, impeachment импичмент, display дисплей, Warner Brothers Уорнер Бразерс

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lectures 9-10


Points under analysis:

  1. Lexical transformations.

  2. Grammatical transformations.

  3. Lexico-grammatical transformations.

Translation is an informational process, which means that the translator should render information transmitted as fully as possible. This can be achieved only if certain structural and semantic changes are introduced. These changes, which are caused by lexical and grammatical differences between languages (and broadly speaking – by the differences between the respective cultures), are called transformations in translation. In theory of translation a lot of different classifications exist. We shall analyse V. Komissarov’s classification in which lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical transformations are distinguished.

I. Lexical transformations describe formal and semantic relations. This group contains transliteration, transcription, loan translation and lexico-semantic transformations such as concretization, generalization and modulation.
Transliteration is representation of the spelling of the foreign word with the TL letters.
e.g. lady – леди, Salt Lake City – Солт-Лейк Сити (Город Солёного Озера),
Paris – Париж.
Transcription is representation of the pronunciation of the foreign word with the TL letters.
e.g. striptease – стриптиз, impeachment – импичмент, display – дисплей, Warner Brothers – Уорнер Бразерс.
Loan translation is formation of a new word or word combination according to the structure of ST. In loan translation changing of component order or translation of one word and transcription of the other are possible.
e.g. mini-skirt – мини-юбка, White House – Белый Дом, superpower – сверхдержава, International Monetary Fund – Международный валютный фонд, A United Nations Organisation – Организация Объединённых Наций, land-based missile – ракета наземного базирования.
A group of lexico-semantic transformations includes operations involving certain semantic changes. As a result, the meaning of a word or word combination in ST may be more specific, more general or somewhat modified as a way to discovering an appropriate equivalent in TL.
Concretization is the choice of a more specific word in translation which gives a more detailed description of the idea than does the word in the ST.
e.g. meal – завтрак, обед, ужин и т.д.; mother-in-law – свекровь, тёща; плавать – swim, sail, float, drift.

  1. “Your poor old thing,” she said.(бедняжка)

  2. It means a lot to her to have a fresh, pretty young thing like Mary about the house. (существо)

  3. I want to look into the thing myself. (дело)

  4. Things look promising. (положение)

  5. How are things? (успехи)

Generalization is the use of an equivalent with a more general meaning.
e.g. I packed my two Gladstones. (Gladstone – a travelling bag hinged so as to open into two equal compartments) – Я упаковал свои два чемодана.
I saw a man six feet two inches tall. – Я увидел высокого парня (а не шести футов роста).
Modulation is replacing a unit in ST with a TL unit the meaning of which can be logically deduced from it and which is just another way of referring to the same object or an aspect of the same situation. In such cases the substitute often has a cause-and-effect relationship (причинно-следственная связь) with the original.
e.g. And he noticed with sour disfavour that June had left her wine-glass full of wine. – И он с раздражением заметил, что Джун не прикоснулась к вину. 
II. Another group of translating procedures comprises all types of transformations involving units of SL grammar. Word-for-word translation, partitioning, integration and grammatical replacement constitute grammatical transformations.
Word-for-word translation (or zero transformation) is preservation of the syntactic structure of the ST using the analogous TL grammatical forms.
e.g. He was in London two years ago. – Он был в Лондоне два года назад.
Partitioning is breaking an original sentence into two parts or replacing a simple sentence in the original with a complex one in the translation, comprising one or several subordinate clauses.
e.g. I want you to speak English. – Я хочу, чтобы вы говорили по-английски.
The weather forecast: Mist covered a calm sea in the Straits of Dover yesterday. – Вчера в проливе Па-де-Кале стоял туман. Море было спокойно. (Туман окутывал вчера спокойное море в проливе Па-де-Кале - слишком поэтично для метеосводки)
This was a man to be seen to be understood. – Чтобы понять этого человека, надо его увидеть.
Integration is combining two or more original sentences into one or compressing a complex sentence into a simple one.
e.g. The Chartists had not planned to assemble in arms on Kensington Garden. Or march thence to the Houses of Parliament. – Чартисты и не помышляли о том, чтобы прийти на Кeнсигтонский луг с оружием в руках и организовать оттуда вооружённое шествие к парламенту.
Grammatical replacement (substitute) is translator’s refusal to use analogous grammatical units in TT. He tries to render the meaning of SL units by changing the grammatical form of a word, the part of speech or the type of the sentence.
e.g. We are searching for talent everywhere. – Мы повсюду ищем таланты.
I am a very rapid packer. – Я очень быстро укладываюсь.
III. Finally, there is a group of transformations which ensure the required degree of equivalence by a number of changes of both lexical and grammatical nature. They involve a different arrangement of ideas, a different point of view and other semantic modifications whenever a direct translation of a SL unit proves impossible. Thе group of lexico-grammatical transformations consists of antonymous translation, explicatory translation and compensation.
Antonymous translation is description of the situation from the opposite point of view and rendering an affirmative SL structure by a negative TL one or vice versa.
e.g. I didn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. – Я поверил этому только тогда, когда увидел это своими глазами.
Explicatory translation is a complex change in which a SL unit is replaced by a TL word combination describing or defining its meaning.
e.g. A demonstration of British conservationists was held in Trafalgar Square yesterday. – Вчера на Трафальгарской площади состоялась демонстрация английских сторонников охраны окружающей среды.
Compensation is a deliberate introduction of some additional elements in translation to make up for the loss of similar elements at the same or an earlier stage.
e.g. You could tell he was very ashamed of his parents, because they said “he don’t” and “she don’t” and stuff like that. – Было видно, что он стесняется своих родителей, потому что они говорили «хочут» и «хочете» и всё в таком роде.

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