
Ex. 1. Study the following grammar

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Ex. 1. Study the following grammar.

Expressing Ability: can, could, be able to Can, could and be able to all express ability.
Can expresses ability in the present and future.
e.g. "I can’t hold on any more", Nigel thought.
Can and be able to have the same meaning, but can is more commonly used to talk about present or general ability. Be able to is more formal.
e.g. "I can lessen the risk of mid-air collision by increasing the speed", the co- pilot thought.
Can has only two forms: can (present) and could (past) and borrows the rest of its forms from be able to.
e.g. "I haven’t been able to establish contact with ATC yet", the co-pilot said.
(Can has no present perfect).
Nigel thought, "We might not be able to land safely". (Can has no infinitive).
"Will I be able to fly again?" the captain asked the doctor. (Can is not used with will).
Talking about the past could is often used with the following verbs:

see hear smell taste remember understand

e.g. All I could see were his legs while his head and torso were outside. The cabin crew could hear a strange noise coming from the left side.
With other verbs could expresses general ability in the past for repeated ac- tions (Was / were able to is also possible).
e.g. My grandfather could speak four languages.
But if you mean that someone managed to do something in one particular situa- tion, you have to use was / were able to, managed to or succeeded (in V + ing) in- stead of could.
e.g. He was able to land the plane safely. (Not "could get").
Compare: He succeeded in landing the plane safely.
e.g. The passengers were able to disembark from the front and rear stairs.
(Not "could disembark").
Compare: The passengers managed to disembark from the front and rear stairs.
The negative couldn’t is possible in all situations (talking about both particu- lar situations and general ability).
e.g. Only five years ago I couldn’t speak English at all. (General ability).
They couldn’t calm down the screaming female passenger. (One particular situation).
Note: can and could are often used to ask for and give permission.
e.g. Could I speak to the captain, please? You can’t smoke in here.
Ex. 2. Read another incident report and some comments on it taken from the Southwest Airlines official blog. Fill in the gaps withcan, be able to, suc- ceed in, and manage to in the correct forms.
Southwest Airlines Flight 2294 was a scheduled US passenger aircraft flight which made an emergency landing at Yeager Airport in Charleston, West Vir- ginia, on 13 July 2009, after a "football sized" opening in the airplane's fuselage caused depressurization of the passenger cabin and activating the passengers’ on- board oxygen masks throughout the cabin while the plane was cruising at 34,000 feet. All 126 passengers and crew of five onboard landed safely.


  1. I am curious as to see what Southwest do to reassure my safety

on the flights I have to and from San Diego next week.

  1. Dear Anonymous: I am curious to see what assurances you . . . . . . . . . .

provide that your car trip to and from the airport will be safe. Southwest has a phenomenal safety record, far better than any other airline and certainly better than the average driver. That is why they land the aircraft safely.
Mark Osborne.

  1. Dear Anonymous – we are working with the investigators to determine the cause of the problem. I hope we release their findings soon.

Paula Berg, Southwest Airlines.

  1. Dear Anonymous, there are no guarantees in this world. Southwest emer- gency training paid off in this incident. They knew what to do and got everyone off the plane safely. You rely on them.

KT Moore.

  1. Is there a book called Nuts that was written by the Southwest President? I google it.


  1. I admire the way they handle the situation. The cabin crew with

no worry on their faces keeping the passengers calm.

  1. Out of the many things that go wrong while flying a small hole

in the fuselage isn’t that big of a deal. You deny it!
Prospective Employee.

  1. Southwest has always had a fantastic safety record. My hat is OFF to all in- volved!! All I say is WOW!!! This company really does care as if all

are family! I LUV them!!! I was among the passengers and I see how
efficiently the crew members performed!
9 you tell me the tail number?
10. I always fly SW when possible. I just wish they fly overseas!!

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