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Use the appropriate tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets

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196. Use the appropriate tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets.
Use the Passive Voice where required:
1. When the doctor (to awake), Miss Reid still (to work).
2. Years (to pass) since we (to begin) this life. 3. I’ll walk along
the beach while you (to bathe). 4. It is twelve o’clock now. So
I (to work) for five hours without rest. 5. We’ll leave the minute
you (to be ready). 6. By this time a small crowd (to gather) and
people (to ask) each other what was the matter. 7. Of course
I (to eat) an apple every evening — an apple a day (to keep) the
doctor away. 8. Leaving a message that he (to return) the next
day, he (to go) home. 9. Why you (to switch off) the light? It is
dark in the room. 10. Some urgent measures were taken while
the doctor (to wait) for. 11. I asked him if he ever (to be) to Lon
don. 12. Can this man (to rely) upon? 13. They (to walk) for
many hours before they came to the village. 14. We decided to
wait till they (to return). 15. Though I (to be) ill for three weeks
last month I hope I (to pass) my exam successfully. 16. I (to hur
ry) to the station. My friend (to come). 17. A new metro line (to
build) in this district lately. 18. Before I (to enter) the Institute
I (to work) at the publishing house. 19. The secretary (to type)
all the documents by the time the dean (to come). 20. This work
must (to do) very carefully. 21. This document (not to sign) yet.
22. When I (to awake) there was nobody in. All (to leave).
23. He (to find) the play much more interesting than he (to ex
pect) it to be. 24. Here you (to be) at last! We (to wait) for you
for half an hour. 25. I was in a hurry as I (to know) that my
mother (to worry).
197. Translate into English using the appropriate tenses:
1. Я сегодня опоздал, так как проснулся только в 9 часов.
2. Мы знали, что если мы попросим его помочь нам, то он согла
сится. 3. Я не уверена, последует ли он вашим советам. 4. Все это
будет происходить и со мной и очень скоро. 5. Этот шум продол

жается с тех пор, как я здесь сижу. 6. Он открыл книгу и увидел
фотографию, которую не видел с тех пор, как был ребенком. 7. Я
не помню, куда положила очки. 8. Я почувствовала, что на меня
смотрят. 9. На прошлой неделе он был болен, а сейчас поправился.
10. Почему вы сидите на камне? Вы можете заболеть. 11. Дождь
перестал, но дул холодный ветер. 12. Тебя пригласили на вечер? —
Нет еще, но я уверена, что меня пригласят.

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