Internationale Vereinigung zum Studium der Tone Межлунаролная ассоциация по изучению глин

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Association Internationale pour l’Étude des Argiles

International Association for the Study of Clays

Internationale Vereinigung zum Studium der Tone

Межлунаролная ассоциация по изучению глин

Newsletter N46 February 2014
Editor: Dr. Daisy Barbosa Alves, Secretary-General, PETROBRAS Research Centre, Rua Horacio Macedo n. 950, Cidade Universitaria, Ilha do Fundao, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), CEP: 21941-9156, Brazil

Phone: +55 21 2162 6438, Facsimile: +55 21 2162 4562




  • Algerian Clay Group (ACG)

  • Australian Clay Minerals Society (ACMS)

  • Clay Minerals Group of the Mineralogical Society (GB and Ireland)

  • Clay Science Society of Japan

  • Croatian Clay Group

  • Czech National Clay Group

  • Dutch Clay Group

  • French Clay Group (GFA)

  • German-Austrian-Swiss Clay Group (DTTG)

  • Korean Clay Science Society (KCSS)

  • Hungary Clay Group

  • Israel Society for Clay Research

  • Italian Association for the Study of Clays (AISA)

  • Nordic Society for Clay Research

  • (North American) The Clay Minerals Society (CMS)

  • Polish Clay Group

  • Portuguese Clay Group (APA)

  • Romanian Group for the Study of Clays and Clay Minerals

  • Russian Clay Group

  • Slovak Clay Group

  • Spanish Clay Society (SEA)

  • Tunisian Clay Group (TCG)

  • Turkish National Committee of Clay Sciences

  • Ukrainian Clay Group


1. 2013’s President’s Report 1

2. AIPEA Officers and Council 3

3. AIPEA Website 7

4. AIPEA List Server 8

5. Treasurer’s Report (Jan.–Dec. 2013) 10

6. International Union of Geological Sciences Annual Report 13

7. National and Regional Clay Groups 15

8. Council Affairs 52

9. Nomenclature Committee - 2013 58

10. Obituary: Max Merle Mortland (1923-2013) 59

11. Recent and Upcoming Meetings 60

12. AIPEA Membership Application Form 67

1. 2013’s President’s Report
Dear fellow clay scientists,
It is a great pleasure to address you, in my capacity of President of AIPEA, this report after just 7 months of activity. I would like to say to you, once again, that it is an honour to be the representative of the clay science community for the next four years. It seemed, during the last two decades, that the number of clay scientists was decreasing worldwide but new horizons are unfolding. As I pointed out during the last General Meeting of our Association (Rio de Janeiro, 11th July), there is a renewed scientific interest for clay sized minerals and materials. And this is not just my feeling. I had the opportunity to participate in the 2nd International Conference on Clays, Clay Minerals and Layered Materials (CMLM2013) in Russia and in the 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society in USA. The number of participants and variety of their contributions are the best witness of the renewed vitality of Clay Science.
As many of you know, in 2010, AIPEA published a book that collected the lectures given at the first edition of the AIPEA School for Young Scientists (ASYS). Last December, the book was revised and the 2nd edition was legally deposited (ISBN: 978-88-7522-046-4; ISSN: 2283-687X). Therefore, the AIPEA Educational Series has become a serial publication and “Interstratified

Clay Minerals: Origin, Characterization and Geochemical Significance” is its first volume.

The second volume will collect the lectures presented at the II ASYS (Magnesian clays: Characterization, origin and applications) held in Rio de Janeiro on 6-7 July 2013. Its publication is expected for the end of this year. I would like to thank the lecturers for all their efforts in preparing the contributions, Manuel Pozo (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain) for acting as Editor and the Associazione Italiana per lo Studio delle Argille (AISA, the Italian clay group of AIPEA) for the economic support of this editorial initiative.

We must not forget that AIPEA is an umbrella organization whose main aims are the worldwide promotion of clay research and technology and the international cooperation among clay societies. In the next four years, the Council will make every possible effort to adopt new initiatives and proposals but they will succeed only if we are able to work all together. I would like to invite you to stay in touch with the representatives of your national group and to encourage you all to share information regarding scientific matters, including announcements on upcoming meetings, research projects and national/international initiatives in the clay world. Now you can do this using the AIPEA mailing list:

As a member of the AIPEA, your name is included in the list but if it is not so, you can subscribe sending an empty message to You may remove it at any time by just sending an empty message to

Another list server will be used by the Executive Council to contact AIPEA members ( Your reply to emails from this address will be sent to the sender. If you wish to contact the Council’s Members please visit the AIPEA website at

AIPEA is continuing to publish reports on the Society’s life on Elements. Our affiliation to this very important magazine is a powerful means to communicate with the mineralogical and geochemical community. Please let Dr. Barbosa, our Secretary-General, or me know if you have information that deserves the attention of the scientific societies. We can include it on our six-month report on the Journal.

AIPEA also continues to be an affiliated society to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and provides information for the IUSG bulletin, another excellent way to communicate with the scientific societies all around the world and to integrate AIPEA into international geological activities.
Last, but by no means least, I would like to invite you to stay in touch with the AIPEA Council and to provide information on activities related to micro and nanominerals. Don’t forget what I said in my first presidential speech: If we run independently, just one of us will win. If we all walk together, we will go far, we will get to the finishing line all together, and we all will have won.
With best wishes
By Saverio Fiore

February / 2014

2. AIPEA Officers and Council
The AIPEA Council has been elected during the 15th International Clay Conference at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), in July 2013. The Officers and Councillors who will work for AIPEA during 2013-2017 are as follows:

AIPEA Executive Officers for 2013-2017
Dr. Saverio FIORE, President

Head of the Microminerals, Health & Environment Research Group

Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, National Research Council of Italy
c/o Department of Earth & Geoenvironmental Sciences

Via Orabona. 4 - 70125 Bari


Phone: +39 080 544 2618 - Fax: +39 080 544 2591

E-mail: or
Prof. Joseph W. Stucki, Vice-President

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

University of Illinois

W-321 Turner Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin Avenue - Urbana, IL 61801


Phone: +1 217 333 9636

E-mail: or
Prof. Christopher BREEN, Past President

Head of Advanced Composites and Coatings

Materials and Engineering Research Institute

Sheffield Hallam University

Howard Street - Sheffield S1 1WB

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)114 225 3008 - Fax: +44 (0)114 225 3501


Dr. Daisy Barbosa ALVES, Secretary-General

Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.

Research Center (CENPES)

Rua Horacio Macedo 950 - Cidade Universitaria

Ilha do Fundao - Rio de Janeiro – RJ - CEP: 21941-915


Phone: +55 21 2162 6438 - Fax: +55 21 2162 4562

E-mail: or

Dr. Jeanne B. PERCIVAL, Treasurer

Geological Survey of Canada

601 Booth Street, Ottawa - Ontario KIA OE8


Phone: +1 613 992 4496 - Fax: +1 613 943 1286

E-mail: or

AIPEA Council Members for 2013-2017
Dr. F. Javier HUERTAS (Councillor, 2nd term)

Estación Experimental del Zaidin, CSIC

c/ Profesor Albareda 1 - 18008 Granada


Phone: +34 958 181600 ext. 226 - Fax: +34 958 131460


Dr. Balwant SINGH (Councillor, 2nd term)

Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

The University of Sydney - Sydney, NSW 2006


Phone: +61 2 9351 2237 - Fax +61 2 9351 2945


Prof. Helge STANJEK (Councillor, 2nd term)

Institute of Mineralogy and Economic Geology - RWTH

Wuellnerstr. 2, D-52056 Aachen


Dr. Georgios CHRISTIDIS (Councillor, 1st term)

Dept. Mineral Resources Engineering

Technical University of Crete

73100 Chania


Phone: +30 38210 27622 - Fax: +30 38210 37888

Dr. Victoria KRUPSKAYA (Councillor, 1st term)

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry

Russian Academy of Science

119017, Staromonetniy per., 35

Russian Federation

Tel: +7 (499) 230 82 96, +7 (926) 819 63 98; Fax: +7 (495) 951 15 87

Dr. Makoto OGAWA (Councillor, 1st term)

Department of Earth Sciences,

Waseda University

Nishiwaseda 1-6-1, Shinjuku-ku

Tokyo 169-8050, JAPAN

FAX: +81-3-3207-4950


Representative of the 16th ICC
Dr. Alberto Lopez Galindo

Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, Director

CSIC - Universidad de Granada

Av. de las Palmeras- 18100 Armilla (Granada)


Phone: +34 958 230 000 ext. 190212 - Fax: +34 958 552620


Teaching Committee, Chair

Dr. Sabine PETIT

FRE3114 CNRS HydrASA, Université de Poitiers

40 Avenue du Recteur Pineau - F-86022 Poitiers cedex


Phone: +33 (0)549 453 756 - Fax: +33 (0)549 454 241

Nomenclature Committee, Chair

Prof. Stephen GUGGENHEIM

University of Illinois at Chicago

Department of Geological Sciences

845 West Taylor Street, M/C 186

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chicago Illinois 60607-7059


Phone: +1 312 996 3263 – Fax: +1 312 413 2279

Hazardous Minerals Committee, Chair

Dr. Saverio FIORE

Head of the Microminerals, Health & Environment Research Group

Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis National Research Council of Italy

c/o Department of Earth & Geoenvironmental Sciences

Via Orabona. 4 - 70125 Bari


Phone: +39 080 544 2618 - Fax: +39 080 544 2591

3. AIPEA Website
The AIPEA Website at is the most important means of communication for the international community dedicated to Clays and Clay Minerals since its creation in 2007, because it provides extensive information about many aspects of AIPEA and the clay sciences. Therefore it is an important tool helping AIPEA fulfills its main purposes.
Information about several topics of AIPEA activities can be easily find such as: mission, purposes, organization, statutes and by-laws, membership, council, publications, newsletters in a searchable way (a few specimens are missing or incomplete and we hope contribution to fill these gaps), committees, affiliated societies (name of the person who is responsible for contact with AIPEA), awards and medals (list of winners), historical overview; and links to several National Clay Societies (NCG) websites and to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), which AIPEA is affiliated to. By now AIPEA members can also find a page dedicated to multimedia archive and intended to keep good memories of AIPEA events available for its members. It includes pictures from ASYS and 14ICC sent by participants and the links to the plenary lectures and ceremonies at 14ICC, as well as to uploaded photos of the prize winners and award ceremonies.
There is a general sense that the AIPEA website should include the records of historical decisions, documents, the composition of old committees, distinguished clay scientists, etc. The perusal of old AIPEA Newsletters will propitiate recovering most of this past but the cooperation of those who have historical documents or photos will be warmly acknowledged.
During 2013, many relevant technical activities around the world have been announced through the AIPEA Website, continuously updated by AIPEA Webmaster, Dr. Saverio Fiore. It offers a long list of events (conferences, courses, projects, etc.) for 2014 and following years in a complementary page ( This list can also be found in the traditional way at the end of this newsletter.
We recommend that all AIPEA members and sympathizers undertake a systematic perusal of its contents in order to become updated with the many opportunities that are available around the world. We also ask you to check whether their NGC is listed and if it is not – then encourage those in charge to make contact and to publicize their activities on the AIPEA Website.
Finally, all AIPEA members are encouraged to check the information currently available at its website and provide additional contributions. If errors are noticed, please inform us immediately so that we can make the proper corrections. Please remain in contact with us by sending news of relevant activities and events to the AIPEA webmaster Dr. Saverio Fiore ( and/or to the AIPEA Secretary-General Dr. Daisy Barbosa Alves ( or
Daisy Barbosa Alves

February / 2014

4. AIPEA List Server
The Clay and Clay Minerals International Community has now a new way of communication: the AIPEA list server. This is intended to make available quickly information about all areas of clay sciences. This initiative took place thanks to the great efforts of the AIPEA President and webmaster, Dr. Saverio Fiore, and to the collaboration of the representatives of several AIPEA Affiliated Societies. We urge those National Clay Groups (NCG) that have not yet sent the e-mail list of their fellows to do so. This will make agile the propagation of information which is of global interest.
The AIPEA list server automatically contains the e-mail addresses of all AIPEA members and from those of its Affiliated Societies all around the world. These addresses have already been uploaded and the first message about how to get a free copy of the first volume of AIPEA Educational Series (AES) was liberated.
We encourage all clay scientists who are not yet AIPEA member (nor a member of an Affiliated Society) to make their inscription by filling the form available at AIPEA website ( or at the end of this newsletter. By doing so, newcomers will automatically be included in the mailing list.
We take this opportunity to remind all AIPEA members about the importance of paying their membership fee on time. If it is one year's dues, the member will be in good standing for one year. However we encourage all to pay for the period of 4-years, which will make easier participation in all AIPEA activities longer. According to AIPEA statute and by-laws, if the membership fee is not paid, the membership may be cancelled and excluded from AIPEA list server.
If you belong to a National Clay Group and are not yet receiving messages from AIPEA list-server, please forward a message to your representative reminding him/her to send us an updated e-mail list of its members. In a close future all communication among AIPEA members (and those from AIPEA Affiliated Societies) will be done more easily through it.
Besides the list server for members (, AIPEA organized as well a "Talk list" ( for people interested in Clay Science latu sensu, but who are not yet engaged in NCGs or AIPEA. Those interested in participate in the AIPEA talk list server should send a message to . Subscription to the list is completely free and you may remove your name from the list at any time sending a message to .
If you want to share with AIPEA members information about any topic related to clay and clay minerals please send a synthetic message to the AIPEA webmaster ( and/or to the AIPEA Secretary-General Dr. Daisy Barbosa Alves ( or
At last, I would like to mention the chain reaction which followed the second message sent by AIPEA-Talk list server with the announcement of a new edition of AIPEA Newsletter, at the end of 2013. We apologize for the problems caused by untrained person which lead us to lock temporarily the list. We revised the authorizations to the list in order to prevent such hysteria and incidental (and intentional) manipulation.

Daisy Barbosa Alves

February / 2014
5. Treasurer’s Report (Jan.–Dec. 2013)
Overall, AIPEA is in a positive financial situation where all conference-related activities and awards are funded. This is mainly due to the support of several National Clay Groups. The international community is growing and new National Clay Groups will be on board to support AIPEA activities starting this year, 2014. In addition we continue to contribute to Elements which ensures that we have access to the larger mineralogy community.
National Clay Groups

AIPEA executives wish to acknowledge the continuing financial support from clay societies of Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain and U.S.A. (+Canada). This year we will welcome the clay societies from Croatia, Slovakia and Tunisia. With the support of these and future national clay groups we should be able to offer more travel grants to students to attend the ICC meetings, and continue to give prizes to the best oral and poster presentations at both the ICC and Euroclay meetings.


At the XV ICC, AIPEA funded travel and registration for the AIPEA Fellow (Dr. Robert Schoonheydt), $1000 US and registration for the Bradley Award winner (Ms. Ana C. S. Alcântara) and student travel grants of $500 and registration for Mr. Gabriel G. Machado Álvarez and Mr. Valentin Robin, and registration for a local student, Ms. Dayse Mirella Oliveira Timóteo. Congratulations to our award winners. We hope that more students will apply for these grants to attend the 16th ICC in Granada, Spain and that AIPEA members will make the effort to nominate their colleagues for the prestigious AIPEA Medal and AIPEA Fellow awards.

Student Oral and Poster Awards

During the ICC meeting, many of the Executive participated in listening to oral presentations and discussing findings at posters with students. Although we recognize that we may have missed a few, the selection of best oral and poster and runner-up oral and poster is a difficult task. At the XV ICC there were 6 awards given one each for best oral and best poster ($150 US each) and ties for runner-up for oral and poster presentations ($75 US each).

Website Support

The website will now be supported by AIPEA. We need to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Saverio Fiore and the Italian Clay Group for setting up the website and keeping it up to date.

Financial Statement

The Balance Sheet and Profits & Loss statements are provided for 2013. Website support is under “Supplies” and Elements support

By Jeanne Percival

March / 2014

6. International Union of Geological Sciences Annual Report


Overall objectives

The `Association Internationale pour l’Etude des Argiles` (AIPEA) is an umbrella organisation for the world’s national clay societies. The aim of AIPEA is to promote international co-operation in clay research and technology. To fulfill this purpose its activities shall include the organization of: meetings - such as International Clay Conferences; field excursions; visits to centres of clay research and technology; publication of issues on clay research and technology and of a periodical Newsletter to inform members of activities concerned with clay research; co-operation with other organizations having an interest in clay research and technology.


Relate goals to overall IUGS scientific objectives

1. Organize and / or collaborate in the organization of conferences of clay worldwide interest;

2. Stimulation of excellency in young clay scientists;

3. Rewarding active clay scientists with a brilliant career in clay research; and

4. Stimulation of communication along clay researchers and technologists.


Structure and organization

AIPEA is administrated by a council formed by: the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer (Officers), the immediate Past-President, six Ordinary Councillors, representatives of the Organizing Committee of next International Clay Conference, and the Chairs of the Nomenclature Committee, Teaching Committee and Hazardous Minerals.

Updated list with the names of members of AIPEA Council for 2013-2017 includes:

Dr. Saverio FIORE, President - (or

Prof. Joseph W. STUCKI, Vice-President -

Dr. Daisy Barbosa ALVES, Secretary-General - (or

Dr. Jeanne B. PERCIVAL, Treasurer - (or

Prof. Christopher BREEN, Past President -

Dr. F. Javier HUERTAS (Councillor, 2nd term)

Dr. Balwant SINGH (Councillor, 2nd term)

Prof. Helge STANJEK (Councillor, 2nd term)

Dr. Georgios CHRISTIDIS (Councillor, 1st term)

Dr. Victoria KRUPSKAYA (Councillor, 1st term)

Dr. Makoto OGAWA (Councillor, 1st term)

Dr. Alberto LOPEZ GALINDO (Representative of the 16th. ICC)

Dr. Sabine PETIT, Teaching committee

Prof. Stephen GUGGENHEIM, Nomenclature committee

Dr. Saverio FIORE, Hazardous Minerals committee


Interaction with other International organizations and projects

AIPEA have 24 affiliated societies / groups from around the world: Algerian Clay Group, Australian Clay Minerals Society, (British & Irish) Clay Minerals Group, Clay Science Society of Japan, Croatian Clay Group, Czech National Clay Group, Dutch Clay Group, French Clay Group, German-Austrian-Swiss Clay Group, Korean Clay Science Society, Hungarian Clay Group, Israel Society of Clay Research, Italian Association for the Study of Clays, Nordic Society for Clay Research, (North American) Clay Minerals Society, Polish Clay Group, Portuguese Clay Group, Romanian Group for the Study of Clays and Clay Minerals, Russian Clay Group, Slovak Clay Group, Spanish Clay Society, Tunisian Clay Group, Turkish National Committee of Clay Sciences, Ukrainian Clay Group.

AIPEA has three committees working in key themes of international interest: Nomenclature, Teaching and Hazardous Minerals.


Chief products

The International Clay Conference (ICC), which takes place every four years, is AIPEA main activity. The 15th edition of this event took place in Rio de Janeiro from July 7 to 11, 2013.

Besides this, AIPEA continues to further improve its website as a source of information and support for the worldwide clay community (

AIPEA also produces an annual Newsletter which circulated among its members via e-mail and is also made accessible via the AIPEA Website.

AIPEA has published the first monograph in the AIPEA Educational Series.


Chief accomplishments 2013 and plans for 2014

AIPEA celebrated 50 years of activity during the 15th ICC in Rio de Janeiro. The new Council is organizing the many activities searching for a better interaction with the clay communities all around the world.


Specify how any IUGS Allocation for 2013 was used

AIPEA is financially independent and receives income from individual members and affiliated societies and for registrations to the International Clay Conferences.


Budget request with justification for 2014 (only applicable to low income affiliates)



Does your website have a link to IUGS?


Name, address and e-mail of person preparing this report:

Dr. Daisy Barbosa ALVES

Secretary General

Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. - Research Center (CENPES)

Rua Horácio Macedo 950, Cidade Universitária

ZIP: 21941-915 - Ilha do Fundão - Rio de Janeiro - RJ



7. National and Regional Clay Groups
This section gathers all the reports sent by the AIPEA Affiliated Societies up to February 2014. It represents an effort to coordinate communication between all the National Clay Society members and the individual members of AIPEA. The extensive coverage that it offers was planned so that all of those interested in clay matters could have easy access to updated information. The aim is for it to constitute a key vehicle for communicating the activities of our member societies.
Together, AIPEA Website and AIPEA Newsletter are the principal tools that enable the fulfillment of the Association main purpose, which is the worldwide promotion of clay research and technology through international cooperation.
AIPEA would also like to expand its activities to countries without formal clay societies/groups. This initiative aims to convey information not easily available otherwise to the international communities and to encourage the formation of National Clay Societies in those countries where such societies have not yet been officially created. This can be provided alternatively by ‘liaison-officers’ who correspond to active clay scientists willing to contribute with news about clay activities in their countries.
During XV International Clay Conference, AIPEA Council has formally accepted the proposals presented by Tunisian Clay Group (TCG) and Korean Clay Science Society (KSSC) to become new AIPEA Affiliated Societies (See AIPEA Memoranda 04 and 05/2013 in the section 8). We welcome these new societies which expand the action of AIPEA in new geographical areas. We encourage all AIPEA members to check the newcomers’ homepages by links added to the AIPEA website.
This issue of AIPEA Newsletter has received reports from many affiliated societies / groups and some others from liaison-officers. We are very grateful to those who answered our call for cooperation. However reports from several traditional affiliated societies are still missing and we would like to encourage their representatives to publish their reports next year.
The readers will notice that the content of each report are particular from each society which brings together their national flavor. Some reports included many photos and we had to make a selection of them in order to keep the size of this edition easy to be distributed by digital means. So we wish you a pleasant reading.
Daisy Barbosa Alves

AIPEA Secretary-General


Report not available.



The 23rd Conference of the Australian Clay Minerals Society (ACMS) was held at the beginning of February 2014. The Conference was organised by Prof. Bob Gilkes (UWA) with assistance from Andrew Thomas (Chevron), Horst Zwingmann (CSIRO) and, of course, Bob’s University of Western Australia team. The first two days of the Conference, held at the Trinity Conference Centre adjacent to the University of Western Australia Campus in Perth, were devoted to oral presentations. Keynote speakers were Paul Bertsch (Chief, CSIRO Land and Water), Cliff Johnston (Purdue University) and Dave Dewhurst (CSIRO, CESRE). Paul’s presentation was on the nano-scale properties of clays and how these properties affect the fate of natural and manufactured nano-materials in the environment. Cliff gave a presentation detailing his novel work on the properties of nano-confined water in halloysite and smectite and the important role that the nano-confined water plays in the physical properties of clays. Dave’s presentation looked at the impact of water content and partial saturation on the properties of clay-bearing shales. Dave’s presentation commenced the second day of the Conference that was held in conjunction with members of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia and was devoted to “Clays and Hydrocarbons”.

The third day of the Conference was a field trip to Alcoa’s bauxite operations in the Darling Scarp to the south east of Perth and to Iluka’s mineral sands operation approximately 150km south of Perth. The field trip was held in conjunction with the Australian Regolith Geoscientists Association ( The field trip had two focuses. The first focus was an overview of bauxite and mineral sands mining operations and the role of clays in the processing of the mined ore. The second focus was on the rehabilitation of the surface mines at the end of their operational life. Both Alcoa and Illuka have put considerable effort and taken considerable care in rehabilitating their mine sites. The ACMS thanks Alcoa and Illuka for their assistance in running the Conference field trip and for allowing such open access to their operations.
All agree that the Conference was a great success. The complete set of Abstracts from the Conference is available on the ACMS web site. We all look forward to the 24th ACMS Conference that is being organised by Will Gates and will be held in 2016.
During 2013 and in early 2014, a number of honours were bestowed on ACMS members. Balwant Singh (Past President) was awarded The Marion L. and Chrystie M. Jackson Soil Science Award by the Soil Science Society of America. Jock Churchman was presented with the Prescott Medal by Soil Science Australia. Jock also presented The Keith Norrish Lecture. Jock entitled the lecture “Scale in soil mineralogy: small is beautiful and variety is the spice of life, but nothing is more certain than change”. Will Gates (ACMS President) has received the Marion L. and Chrystie M. Jackson Mid-Career Clay Scientist Award from the Clay Minerals Society of America.
Further details of the Australian Clay Minerals Society including current office bearers, reports from past Conferences and details of the Society’s activities can be found on the ACMS website:
By Peter Self

March / 2014


The Brazilian Clay Group (GBA), a branch of the Brazilian Geochemical Society (SBGq), was very busy in 2013 organizing the XV International Clay Conference (XV ICC) in Rio de Janeiro from 7-11th July 2013.
The honorary presidents were Prof. Dr. Milton L. Laquitinie Formoso and Prof. Dr. Pérsio de Souza Santos (in memoriam). The general chair was Dr. Sylvia Maria Couto Anjos with the help of Dr. Reiner Neumann (secretary general) and Dr. Camila Wense Dias dos Anjos (Second Secretary), who also coordinated the short courses. The treasurer was Dr. Edla Maria Bezerra Lima. The chair of Scientific Committee and of the program was Dr. Daisy Barbosa Alves. Dr. Luiz Carlos Bertolino and Dr. Nilo Matsuda organized the field trips.
The XV ICC has received 154 delegates and 61 students from several countries, such as: Saudi Arabia, Canada, Sweden, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, Colombia, Australia, Norway, Austria, Latvia, China, Mozambique, Slovakia, Germany, Japan, Russia, Argentina, Switzerland, Uruguay, Italy, Turkey, United States of America, Estonia, Belgium, Denmark, South Africa, Czech Republic and, of course, Brazil. They gathered at the Centro de Ciências Matemáticas e da Natureza located in the Campus of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in Rio de Janeiro.
More than 400 papers were presented as oral or poster presentation, in 8 symposia or 11 technical sessions. The abstracts can be searched and downloaded from , until October.
The opening ceremony was held at the historical Music Hall in downtown Rio de Janeiro, and included an invited lecture on ‘Geotouristic context of the City of Rio de Janeiro and surrounding mountains and plains’ given by senior exploration geologist and consultant Dr. Pedro V. Zalán (ZAG Consultancy, Brazil)..
Four Plenary Lectures was selected:

  • ‘The First X-ray Diffraction Results from the Mars Science Laboratory: Clay Minerals, Amorphous Materials, Sulfates’ by Prof. David L. Bish (University of Indiana, USA).

  • ‘Functional Hybrid Clay Mineral Films’ by Prof. Robert A. Schoonheydt (Center for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, KULeuven, Belgium).

  • ‘Structure Determination of Defective Lamellar Compounds: Insights on Mineral Reactions and Material Properties’ by Dr. Bruno Lanson (University of Grenoble, France).

  • ‘Complex Physics of Clays’ by Prof. Jon Otto Fossum (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, and PUC-Rio, Brazil).

The second edition of the AIPEA School for Young Scientists (ASYS) (‘Magnesian clays: Characterization, Origin and Applications’, coordinated by Dr. Manuel Pozo) had attracted many attendants.

Two short courses were offered:

  • The chemistry of clay-polymer reactions by Dr. Benny K.G. Theng

  • Mössbauer spectroscopy of clays, clay minerals and archaeological ceramics by Dr. Enver Murad and Dr. José Domingos Fabris.

Three field trips in areas surrounding Rio de Janeiro took place:

  • Pre-meeting field trip on ‘Geology of Rio de Janeiro state’; and

  • Post-meeting field trips on: ‘Microbialites in lagoonal system’ and ‘Charles Darwin’s ways (Niteroi area)’ respectively.

The XV ICC marked 50th Anniversary of AIPEA, created in 1963. AIPEA gave Prizes or Grants to: Prof. Robert A. Schoonheydt (AIPEA Medal); Ana Clecia Santos Alcântara (Bradley Award); Robert Koch, Eliana Satiko Mano, Sirle Liivamagi, Syafina Binti Mohol Ghazi, Gabriella Fazio, Aleksandra Deregowska (Best Oral or Poster Student Presentations); Dayse Mirella Oliveira Timóteo, Gabriel G. Machado Álvarez, and Valentin Robin (Student Travel Fund).

AISA gave the Novelli Prize to Dr. Marek Szczerba. The winner of the Clays and Arts exposition of XV ICC was Ailton Luis da Silva de Souza (PETROBRAS Research Center).
We invite everybody to share good memories and many photos of the event by checking the XV ICC website at They will be available until October, 2014.
The GBA thanks all participants for their contributions and the sponsors Petrobras (Diamond), Halliburton, Schlumberger, and Geohub, and exhibitors Dairix, Bruker and Zeiss for such a memorable conference.

Photo 1: Dr. Sylvia Maria Couto dos Anjos welcomes the participants of XV ICC at the Opening Ceremony (photo courtesy of XV ICC).

Photo 2: Dr. Andre Mexias hands over a Commemorative Plate to the honorary president of XV ICC Prof. Dr. Milton Luiz Laquitinie Formoso at the Opening Ceremony (photo courtesy of XV ICC).

Photo 3: Participants and lecturers of the ASYS 2013 on `Magnesian clays: Characterization, Origin and Applications’ (photo courtesy of XV ICC).

By Daisy Barbosa Alves

February / 2014


Report not available.


The Croatian Clay Group was not adequately active in 2013. The impact of the financial crisis is visible in reduced funding for science and education that indirectly affected the activity of our members. There were only two meetings with lectures.
At the beginning of the year 2013 new president and secretary were elected, as follows:


Assoc. Prof. Marta Mileusnić, PhD


Anita Grizelj, PhD

Plans for 2014:

  • Planned lectures: (1) Nikolina Ilijanić: Clay minerals in the lake sediments of eastern Adriatic coast as indicators of environmental change during the late Pleistocene and Holocene (February); (2) Marta Mileusnić: Archaeometry of ceramics (April); (3) Goran Durn: Pseudogley developed on loess (September); (4) Mihovil Brlek: Clay minerals associated with unconformities in carbonates (October); (5) Biljana Kovačević Zelić i Želimir Veinović: Application of clays in geotechnics and environmental engineering (November).

  • The Croatian clay group website update and improvement.

  • Participation at conferences related to clays. Especially at 7th Mid European Clay Conference – MECC'14 (three of our members are in scientific board).

  • Revision of membership.

  • Devise a way of Croatian Clay Group participation at Croatian Geological Congress in 2015 by organising (1) special section or subsections within other sections about clays and clay minerals, and (2) congress excursion related to clays.

By Marta Mileusnić and Anita Grizelj

February / 2014


The Czech National Clay Group (CNCG) published three numbers (50–52) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science in the Czech Republic. One article contribution in Informátor was reviewed. ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480; ISSN of internet pdf version is 1802-2499.
Informátor 50 published reviewed article: “Way to microworld” by Vojtěch Kapsa and Lubomír Skála with following abstract: “In this paper, differences in understanding physical reality in classical and quantum physics are discussed. Classical physics, as a result of our effort to describe the world around us, operates with intuitive concepts related to our everyday experience. It assumes that it is possible in reality to approach arbitrarily close to simple idealizations like the perfect isolation of the system from its surrounding, in principal arbitrary accuracy and non-interactivity of measurement etc. Contrary to it, quantum mechanics, as a result of our ambition to understand the microworld, describes our experimental possibilities more realistically: it is impossible to isolate microsystems perfectly; measurement itself influences the measured system etc. For these reasons, quantum mechanics must use the apparatus of mathematical statistics and its the well-known paradoxes are only consequence of our limited experience with consistent statistical description of the world around us.”
Informátor 51 published article: “Rokytka, river of change” by Martin Šťastný and Pavel Hájek with the abstract: “Rokytka, although the length of the flow of only 36 km, is a very interesting river that flows through the beautiful and pure countryside with nature reserves and the highly polluted industrial area once Vysočany. In the vicinity of the river there are many interesting places, both in historical and in terms of science. Mentions the various buildings in the vicinity and is given the results of mineralogical and geochemical studies of sediments of the little river and its tributaries.”
We published remembrance of George W. Brindley from J. Konta in this number.
Informátor 52 reported conferences in the year 2013 and announced upcoming events.

We did not organized seminars in 2013.

Contemporary board of CNCG:


M. Pospíšil


M. Šťastný


Petr Kovář


S. Jarková, K. Melka, M. Holý, P. Praus and D. Koloušek (a representative of zeolite subgroup).

Correspondence address:

RNDr. Miroslav Pospíšil, Ph.D.

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Department of Chemical Physics and Optics

Ke Karlovu 3

12116 Prague 2

Czech Republic


For other information, we recommend you to visit our webpage.

By Miroslav Pospíšil

March /2014


Report not available.


The 2013 activity of the French Clay Group (GFA) was mainly centered on the 11th Annual Symposium, which was held in Ivry sur Seine (near Paris), from April 9th to 11th. This Symposium was attended by about sixty participants.
Four plenary lectures were presented (in French)?

  • Clays in the origin of life scenarios by Jean-François Lambert, Thomas Georgelin and Maguy Jaber

  • Mineral synthesis: the industrial asset for future centuries? by François Martin and collaborators

  • Hybrid DLH: from colloidal state to functionalized solids by Didier Tichit

  • Organizational and dynamic properties of the interlayer water in smectites by Eric Ferrage

Three students were rewarded for their research work, presented at this conference:

  • Angela Dumas: Experimental approach to increasing the quality and/or productivity of synthetic talc. Imerys Ceramics funded award.

  • Anne-Laure Fauchille: Role of microstructure in the desiccation cracking of the Tournemire argillite. GFA award.

  • Géraldine Layrac: Colloidal nanoparticles HDL: Direct synthesis by soft chemistry. GFA incentive reward.

Photo 4: The winners with their diploma and the jury consisting of the invited speakers (photo courtesy of Jean-Louis Robert).

During the traditional banquet, Jean-Louis Robert, President of GFA paid tribute to Faiza Bergaya, past-President and Honorary Member of GFA, who ended late 2013 her five year period of Emeritus at CNRS, for her contribution to clay science.

XVth ICC, Rio de Janeiro, July 2013

GFA was represented by about thirty members, and two of them, Eric Ferrage and Bruno Lanson acted as convenors of Symposium 3: Structural Characterization of Lamellar Compounds.

GFA has granted aid to Baptiste Dazas, PhD Student (Grenoble), to present its work at this Congress.
Quadriennal Congress “Materials”

The year 2013 was also devoted to the preparation of the Quadrennial Congress "Materials 2014", to be held in Montpellier (France) in November 2014.

Other event

Finally, Jean-Louis Robert was invited, by the SEA (Spanish Clay Group) to give a conference entitled “Crystal chemistry of phyllosilicates 2:1: state of the art” (in Spanish) at the day (November 15th) of tribute to Jose Maria Serratosa, Honorary Member of GFA, who passed away late 2012.

By Jean-Louis Robert

March / 2014


2013 was for the clay community a year in particular marked by the XV International Clay Conference in Rio de Janeiro and the 50th Clay Minerals Society meeting in Urbana-Champaign. For the German-Austrian-Swiss Clay Group (DTTG - Deutsche Ton und Tonmineral Gruppe) there was a special anniversary meeting from 25 till 26 Oct in Munich. The meeting was designed to be on a smaller scale as an event celebrating the 40th anniversary of the DTTG together with some of their founding members. The participants could follow also some talks focussing on the historical development of clay science in Germany and especially in Munich and the development of DTTG. The Jasmund Award Winner of 2012, Dr. Kaufhold (BGR Hannover), gave his prize lecture about the alteration of bentonites under repository conditions.
The international DTTG-Workshop “Qualitative and quantitative analysis of clays and clay minerals” is organized every two years. The 5th workshop was organized by Drs. Katja Emmerich and Annett Steudel from February 25th to Mar 1st 2013 in Karlsruhe (Germany). The participants came from DTTG-countries but also from Belgium, Croatia, Poland, Russia, Sweden and UK. The next workshop is scheduled for 9 – 13 March 2015 again at the KIT in Karlsruhe (contact:
In 2012 the 6th Reynolds Cup took place. The winner (Michael Ploetze, ETH Zurich) is organizing the 7th, which is now open ( The top three contestants will be announced at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society in 2014.
Since 2008, the DTTG belongs officially to the member societies of the Mid-European Clay Conference groups (MECC) and holds their annual meetings within the MECC. The next MECC in 2014 will be organized by the DTTG (Dr. Reinhard Kleeberg, TU Bergakademie Freiberg) in Dresden. The registration is already open, program details can be found on We invite the international clay community and look forward to broad participation. The DTTG established a new award, the Gerhard-Lagaly-Award of the DTTG which is awarded at the MECC to recognize internationally excellent scientists with outstanding original research in the field of clay mineralogy. The prize has the character of a "midcareer award". The price is internationally open and not only for MECC members. However, awardees can be nominated only by a member of a MECC clay group.
For further updated information: or contact Michael Ploetze, ETH Zurich, e-mail:
By Michael Ploetze

February / 2014


In 2013 the Clay Mineralogy Section affiliated to the Hungarian Geological Society (HGS) had only one meeting:
October 21. Session celebrating the 70th birthday of Géza Szendrei, past president of the Hungarian Clay Group:

  • Dódony, I. (acting president): Greeting Géza Szendrei.

  • Viczián, I.: Activity of Géza Szendrei in clay science and in the clay group.

  • Viczián, I., Kovács, I., Udvardi, B.: Dickite in Middle Triassic carbonate rocks of the Central Transdanubian Unit (borehole Som-1).

  • Németh, T., Dódony, I., Pekker, P., Máthé, Z.: New results in the study of clay minerals of Boda Claystone Formation (Permian, Mecsek Mts.).

  • Cora, I.: Report on the conference of the Russian Clay Minerals Society held in St. Petersburg.

  • Földvári, M.: Study of octahedral cations in smectites by thermal analytical methods.

  • Kovács-Pálffy, P., Kónya, P., Selmeczi, I., Füri, J., Zelenka, T.: Miocene bentonite deposits near Budapest.

  • Kovács-Pálffy, P., Kónya, P., Kalmár, J., Földvári, M.: Sepiolite occurrences in the Preluca crystalline massif, Transylvania.

Clay activity, however, extended also to several other organisations, mainly other sections of the HGS and various branches of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The meetings were held not only in Budapest but in other places too (in the following report these locations and organisations are specially indicated). The following meetings and presentations related to clay problems were held:

January 18-19. Winter School on Mineral Sciences, “Minerals and Time”. (Balatonfüred, Hungary, jointly organised by HGS and Subcommittee on Nano-Mineralogy of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.):

  • Németh, T.: Effect of cyclic wetting and drying on expanding clay minerals.

  • Keresztúri, Á.: Water bound in minerals on Mars.

  • Keresztúri, Á.: Minerals and stratigraphy on Mars. The first results of Curiosity rover.

April 15. Memorial session to the honour of Ernő Mátyás (1935-2012), economic geologist, associate professor of Miskolc University, expert of the clay and zeolite deposits of Tokaj Mts. (Miskolc, organised by HGS, Miskolc University, Hungarian Academy of Sciences).
June 4. “Environmental biogeochemistry of copper” (Meeting organised by the Subcommittee on Environmental Geochemistry of Hungarian Academy of Sciences):

  • Németh, T. Sipos, P., Balázs, R.: Various ways of fixation of copper on soil components.

June 6–7. Conference on geological hazards (Visegrád, organised by HGS):

  • Udvardi, B., Kovács, I., Füri, J., Kónya, P., Földvári, M.: Landslides, studied by mineralogical and geochemical methods.

September 12–14. Annual Meeting on Petrology and Geochemistry. (Orfű, Mecsek Mts., jointly organised by HGS and Hungarian Academy of Sciences):

  • Máthé, Z., Varga, A.: Mineralogy of Boda Claystone Formation and outlines of its diagenesis.

  • Kovács, G., M. Tóth, T., Radovics, B. G.: Comparison of serpentinite occurrences at Gyód and Helesfa (Tisza Unit, S-Transdanubia)

  • Kovács, J., Jáger, V., Sajó, I.: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the red ochre at Lovas (Balaton Highlands)

  • Mészáros, E., Varga, A., Schubert, F., M. Tóth, T.: Petrology of Szalatnak Shale Formation in the borehole Horváthertelend 1. (Mecsek Mts.)

  • Hajdu, I.: Mineralogy of nickel laterites at Kastoria, Greece.

  • Zelenka, T.: Microscopic study of clay mineral and glass containing rocks in incident light.

September 26-27. “Pedosphere – a special phase boundary of the planet Earth” (Symposium of the Geonomy and Planetology Subcommittee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences):

  • Nemecz, E., Hartyányi, Zs.: Advanced mineralogical and geochemical study of soils.

  • Madarász, B., Németh, T.: Clay minerals in Hungarian erubase soils.

  • Németh, T., Sipos, P., Balázs, R.: Transformation of clay minerals in typical soil associations of Cserhát Mts.

  • Balázs, R., Németh, T.: Clay minerals in hydromorphic soils.

  • Szendrei, G.: Clay minerals in sodic soils.

  • Viczián, I.: Plio-Pleistocene red clays: mineralogical composition and genetic conditions.

  • Balogh, K., Kádár, I.: Transformation of soils induced by fertilisation and vegetation. A study by formal K-Ar ages of clay minerals.

October 25. Symposium on the general and engineering geology of Avas Hill, a part of the urban area of Miskolc (Debrecen, jointly organised by HGS and Hungarian Academy of Sciences):

  • Kovács-Pálffy, P. and Kónya, P. Clay (bentonite) deposits of Avas and of Tardona Hills (surrounding of Miskolc).

November 6. Conference on Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics (organised by Budapest University of Technology and Economics):

  • Udvardi, B., Kovács, I. J., Szabó, Cs., Mihály, J., Németh, Cs.: Mineralogy of sediments affected by land movements, in the vicinity of Kulcs (Central Hungary, Danube River area).

November 12. “Environmental biogeochemistry of zinc” (Meeting organised by the Subcommittee on Environmental Geochemistry of Hungarian Academy of Sciences):

  • Sipos, P., Németh, T., Balázs, R., Szalai Z.: Fixation and mobility of zinc in forest soils.

International activities:

  • In the 6th Mid-European Clay Conference held in September 4-9th, 2012, in Průhonice, Czech Republic, five (5) Hungarian participants presented 8 papers.

  • Ildikó Cora, member of the Hungarian Clay Group participated in the 2nd International Conference on Clays, Clay Minerals and Layered Materials - CMLM2013, held September 11-15th, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. She presented the lecture:

Cora, I., Dódony, I., Pekker, P. 2013: Electron crystallographic study of clay minerals.

  • In the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, April 7-12th, 2013, Vienna, Austria, the following paper was presented:

Udvardi, B., Kovács, I., Viczián, I., Hámor-Vidó, M., Mihály, J., Németh, Cs.: The correlation of attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopic data with X-ray diffraction (XRD) parameters and its potential use for mineral identification and quantification in drilling cores: examples from the Pannonian Basin, Hungary.
Events planned:

The 3rd International Conference on Competitive Materials and Technological Processes (IC-CMTP3) will be held October 6-10th, 2014, in Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary. The program includes a section on Minerals for Environmental and Medical Application. Details can be found at

New publication:

The book of Földvári, M.: Handbook of thermogravimetric system of minerals and its use in geological practice (2011) is available now online at the siteönyvtar/Alkalmi_teljes/Fodvari_egyben.pdf

By István Viczián

March / 2014



The annual meeting of the Israel Society for Clay Research took place on the 22nd of December, 2013 at The Robert H. Smith faculty of agriculture, food and environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Rehovot. Our honored guest, Prof. Joseph W. Stucky attended the meeting and gave a lecture "Redox reactivity of iron in smectite". About 30 people attended the meeting and enjoyed eight more talks that were given in two sessions by members of the society and students.
On December 26th 2013 scholarship awarding ceremony in the name of the late Professor Arieh Singer took place at The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environ of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot. Seven M.Sc. students received the awards from the family on their research in the field of clays and soils.
We would like to thank Dr. Yael Mishael, the former president of the society, for arranging all the last annual meetings. Dr. Nurit Taitel-Goldman from the Open University of Israel serves as the current president of Israel society of clay research.
Correspondence address of the President of the Israel Society for Clay Research is:

Dr. Nurit Taitel-Goldman

Department of Natural Sciences

The Open University of Israel

The Dorothy de Rothschild Campus,

P.O. Box 808 Raanana 4353701, Israel

Phone: 972-9-778-1779

Fax: 972-9-7780661

Hoping we all have a fruitful clay year,
By Nurit Taitel-Goldman

January / 2014


2013 Activities

During this year, all the Italian Clay Group (Associazione Italiana per lo Studio delle Argille - AISA onlus) members were mainly involved in the presentation of research results at international and national conferences and in the participation in research programs.

2013 opened with the great news for our Association: Dr. Saverio Fiore, former President of AISA and the historical founder of this Association, was appointed President of the AIPEA. We all are very proud for his election.

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