Катедра еоос, факултет рза, ау-пловдив

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Научно направление 02.22.01 Екология и опазване на екосистемите
І. Научна и преподавателска дейност на доц. д-р Диана Атанасова Кирин за периода 2007-2011 г.

Катедра ЕООС, факултет РЗА, АУ-Пловдив

І.1. Публикации в международни научни списания (със “*” са отбелязани публикациите в списания с Impact factor)

(1) Kirin, D. (2007). Ecological evaluation and prognosis for development of anthropogenically influenced land ecosystems in the region of the east Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Ecology 3, 145-153.

*(2) Shukerova, S, D. Kirin (2008). Helminth communities of the rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. Journal of Helminthology, 82:319-323 (SCI).

*(3) Barciová, T., Hanzelová, V., Turčeková, Ľ., Kirin, D. (2009). Bioindication of PCB load of the environment using fish parasites. Slovak Veterinary Journal, 5:299.

*(4) Shukerova, S., D. Kirin, V. Hanzelová (2010). Helminth communities of the perch, Perca fluviatilis (Perciformes, Percidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. Helminthologia 2:99-104 (SCI).

*(5) Hanzelova, V., M. Spakulova, L. Turcekova, D. Kirin (2011). Endoparasitic helminthes and helminth communities of Salmo trutta m. fario from Hincovo and Popradske Lakes, Higher Tatras, Eastern Slovakia. Helminthologia (SCI).

* (6) Barciová, T, V. Hanzelová, D. Miklisová, D. Kirin (2011). Bioaccumulation of PCBs in heavily polluted water reservoir in Eastern Slovakia: tissue-specific PCB distribution in fish and their parasites. Chemosphere (in press).
І.2. Статии в тематични сборници

(1) Шукерова С., Кирин Д. (2007) Хелминти и хелминтни съобщества на Perca fluviatilis от Биосферен резерват Сребърна. Шеста юбилейна национална конференция по зоология, София, 21-22 май 2007 г.

(2) Kirin, D., S. Shukerova (2007). Biodiversity and heavy metal pollutions in freshwater ecosystems, Arda River, Bulgaria. Thematic proceedings from International Scientific meeting “Multifunctional Agriculture and Rural Development”, Serbia, I, 486-495.

(3) Kirin, D., S. Mladenova, I. Kubinski (2007). Biodiversity and preservation of the protected territory “Smolyan's lakes”, Rhodopa mountain, Bulgaria. Scientific papers ISBN 978-954-8767-25-5, III, 34-42.

(4) Turčeková, Ľ., Hanzelová, V., Kirin, D., Barciová, T. (2008). New look at the role of parasite organisms in relation to its host in the polluted environment. Proceedings. The XVII Scientific Symposium with International Participation “Situation in Ecologically loaded regions of Slovakia and Central Europe”, 186-189.

(5) Kirin, D., I. Kiryakov, S. Mladenova, Z. Grigorova, I. Kubinski (2009). Ecolomonitoring studying and possibilities for development in the region of protected territory “Smolyan's lakes”, Rhodopa mountain, Bulgaria. Scientific papers ISBN.

(6) B. Boyanov, D. Kirin, I. Manolova, 2011. Ecological appraisal for the condition of the Chepelarska river, Bulgaria. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in Florence, Italy, July 3-7, 2011.

I.3. Проекти

А. Национални проекти:

Б. Международни проекти:

1. GEF Rhodope Project – Biodiversity of the protected area “Smolyan’s lakes” (2007).

2. Influence of environmental pollution on fish and their parasites in internationally important aquatic ecosystems in Slovakia and Bulgaria (2009-2010).

I.4. Научно ръководство на докторанти

  1. Соня Алексиева Шукерова (2004-2007). Тема: „Хелминти и хелминтни съобщества на рибите в биосферен резерват „Сребърна”.

  2. Стефан Христов Христов (2009-2012). Тема: „Циркулация на тежки метали в сладководната екосистема на биосферен резерват „Сребърна”.

I.5. Научно ръководство на дипломанти:

  1. Бакалавърска степен – 12 дипломанта, защитили ДР

  2. Магистърска степен – 20 дипломанта, защитили ДР

  3. Предстоящи защити – научно ръководство на 6 студента от бакалавърска степен и 4 студента от магистърска степен, предвидени за защита през 2011 г.

I.6. Членство в научни организации:

  1. Съюза на учените в България;

  2. Българско паразитологично дружество;

  3. Българско херпетологично дружество;

  4. B.E.N.A.

I.7. Лицензиран експерт по ЕО/ОВОС към МОСВ с подновен Сертификат от 2007г.

I.8. Член на редакционната колегия на списание Agricultural Sciences.
II. Цитирани публикации на доц. д-р Диана Атанасова Кирин за периода 2007-20011г. (31 цитирания)
1. Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, St. Goldberg (2007). Helminth parasites of the Grass Snake, Natrix natrix, and the Dice Snake, Natrix tessellata (Serpentes: Colubridae), from Turkey. Comparative Parasitology 74(2):343-354.
  • Kirin, D. 2002. New records of the helminth fauna from grass snake, Natrix natrix L., 1758 and dice snake, Natrix tessellata Laurenti, 1768 (Colubridae: Reptilia) in South Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 54:4953.
2. AFONSO, E., P. THULLIEZ, D. PONTIER, E. GILOT-FROMONT (2007). Toxoplasmosis in prey species and consequences for prevalence in feral cats: not all prey species are equal. Parasitology (2007), 134 : 1963-1971.
  • Arnaudov, D., At. Arnaudov. D. Kirin (2003). Study on the toxoplasmosis among wild animals. Experimental pathologi and parasitology 6/11.

3. DÜŞEN, S. (2007). Helminths of the Two Mountain Frogs, Banded Frog, Rana camerani Boulenger, 1886 and Uludağ Frog Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 (Anura: Ranidae), Collected from the Antalya Province. Acta Parasitologica Turcica, 31, 1: 084-088.

  • Kirin D, 2003a. Biodiversity and Ecological Particulars of the Helminth Communities in Rana ridibunda Palas, 1771, from Districts of Town Saedinenie Experimental Pathology and Parasitology Bulgarian Academy of Science, 6 (11): 31-36.

  • Kirin D, 2003b, Biological Diversity and Ecological Measurements of the Helminth Communities of Rana ridibunda from District of Town Vidin. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology Bulgarian Academy of Science, 6 (11): 37-43.

  • Kirin D, Buchvarov, G. 2002. Biodiversity of of the Helminth Communities of Acaudated Amphibians (Amphibia: Ecaudata) from Bistritsa Riverside (Gotse Delchev Region). Experimental Pathology and Parasitology Bulgarian Academy of Science, 5 (8): 13-16.
4. Burke, R., St. Goldberg, Ch. Bursey, S. Perkins, and P. Andreadis (2007). Depauperate Parasite Faunas in Introduced Populations of Podarcis (Squamata: Lacertidae) Lizards in North America. Journal of Herpetology 41(4):755-757.
  • Kirin, D. 2002. New data on the helminth fauna of Lacerta viridis Laurenti, 1768, and Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 54:4348.

5. Новохацкая, О. (2007). Обнаружение нематоды Oswaldocruzia filiformis (Molineidae) у налима (Lota lota). Зоологический журнал, 86: 891-892.

  • Kirin D, Buchvarov, G. 2002. Biodiversity of of the Helminth Communities of Acaudated Amphibians (Amphibia: Ecaudata) from Bistritsa Riverside (Gotse Delchev Region). Experimental Pathology and Parasitology Bulgarian Academy of Science, 5 (8): 13-16.

6. Rabadjieva, D., St. Tepavitcharova, T. Todorov, M. Dassenakis, V. Paraskevopoulou, M. Petrov (2009). Chemical speciation in mining affected waters: the case study of Asarel-Medet mine. Environ. Monit. Assess. 159:353–366.

  • Kirin, D. A. (2002). Biodiversity and ecological characteristics of the helminth communities in Barbus tauricus cyclolepis from Luda Yana River, Bulgaria. Comptes Rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 55, 5:97.

7. Voutilainen, А (2009). Ecophysiological approach to host-parasite interaction between Arctic charr and Diplostomum spp. PhD Dissertations in Biology, University of Joensuu, 63, 1-47 pp.

  • Shukerova, S, D. Kirin (2008). Helminth communities of the rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. Journal of Helminthology 82, 319-323.
8. Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47.

  • KIRIN, D. A. (2000): Ecologofaunistical study of the helminthological communities of Leuciscus cephalus L. from Maritsa River. Nauch. Tr. Sayuz Uch., Plovdiv, 1: 405 – 408.

  • KIRIN, D. (2001a): Helminth parasites of Leuciscus cephalus L., 1758, and Barbus meridionalis petenyi Heckel, 1847 (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae) from the Mesta River, Bulgaria. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 54: 101 – 104.

  • KIRIN, D. (2001b): Biodiversity and ecology of the helminths fauna in Leuciscus cephalus from the Maritsa River, Bulgaria. Nauch. Tr. Plovdiv. Univ. “P. Khilendarski” – Anim., 37: 79 – 84.

  • KIRIN, D. (2002a): Biodiversity and ecological characteristics of the helminth communities in Barbus tauricus cyclolepis from Luda Yana River, Bulgaria. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 55: 97 – 102.

  • KIRIN, D. (2002b): Biodiversity and ecology of the helminth communities in Leuciscus cephalus from Arda River. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 55: 89 – 94.

  • KIRIN, D. (2002c): Ecological study of the intestinal helminth communities of Leuciscus cephalus (L., 1758) and appraisal of the conditions of the studied freshwater ecosystems from the Chepelarska River, Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg., 54: 73 – 85.

  • KIRIN, D. (2003a): Biodiversity and ecological particulars of the helminth communities in Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771 from the districts of town of Saedinenie, Bulgaria. Ex. Pathol. Parasitol., 6: 31 – 36.

  • KIRIN, D. (2003b): Biological diversity and ecological measurements of the helminth communities of Rana ridibunda from districts of town of Vidin. Exp. Pathol. Parasitol., 6: 37 – 43.

  • KIRIN, D. (2003c): Biodiversity and ecological evaluation of the helminth communities of Barbus cyclolepis and Alburnus alburnus from Arda River, Bulgaria. Exp. Pathol. Parasitol., 6: 44 – 50.

  • KIRIN, D. (2006): Biodiversity of the helminth species and helminth communities of Esox lucius (L., 1758) from Maritsa River, Bulgaria. In Sci Papers Fac. Anim. Sci., Bucharest, The 35th Int. Sci. Commun. Ses. Fac. Anim. Sci, Bucharest, Romania, 135 – 140.

  • KIRIN, D., BACHVAROV, G., KUZMANOV, N., KOEV, K. (2003): Biological diversity and ecological evaluation of the fresh water ecosystems from the Arda River. J. Environ. Protect. Ecol., 4: 550 – 556.

  • KIRIN, D., KOEV, K., IVANOVA, D., KUZMANOV, N. (2005): Biodiversity and ecological appraisal for conditions of the Stryama River, Bulgaria. J. Environ. Protect. Ecol., 6: 69 – 82.

9. Hidalgo-Vila J., C. Díaz-Paniagua, A. Ribas, M. Florencio, N. Pérez-Santigosa, J. Casanova (2009). Helminth communities of the exotic introduced turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans in southwestern Spain: Transmission from native turtles. Research in Veterinary Science, 86, 3: 463-465.

  • Kirin, D., 2001. New data on the helminth fauna of Emys orbicularis L (1758) Reptilia, Emydidae) in South Bulgaria. Comptes rendus de l’Acadйmie bulgare des Sciences 54, 95–98.

10. Voutilainen, А (2009). Ecophysiological approach to host-parasite interaction between Arctic charr and Diplostomum spp. PhD Dissertations in Biology, University of Joensuu, 63, 1-47 pp.

  • Shukerova, S, D. Kirin (2008). Helminth communities of the rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. Journal of Helminthology 82, 319-323.

11. DÜŞEN, S., M. OĞUZ, D. BARTON, A. ARAL, S. ŞULEKOĞLU, Y. TEPE (2010). Metazoan parasitological research on three species of anurans collected from Çanakkale Province, Northwestern Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 6, 1:25-35.

  • Buchvarov, G., Kirin, D., Kostadinova, A. (2000): Platyhelminth parasite assemblages in two species of snakes, Natrix natrix and Natrix tessellata (Reptilia: Colubridae), from Bulgaria: seasonal variation. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 1: 124-131.

  • Kirin, D. (2002a): New data on the helminth fauna of Lacerta viridis Laurenti, 1768, and Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 54 (1): 43-48.

  • Kirin, D. (2002b): Biodiversity and trematode assemblages in Rana ridibunda Pallas from the district of Troyan Town. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology 5(8): 7-12.

  • Kirin, D. (2002c): New records of the helminth fauna from grass snake, Natrix natrix L., 1758 and dice snake, Natrixtessellata Laurenti, 1768 (Colubridae: Reptilia) in South Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 54: 49–53.

  • Kirin, D., Buchvarov, G. (2002): Biodiversity of the helminth communities of acaudated Amphibians (Amphibia: Eucaudata) from Bistritsa Riverside (Gotse Delchev Region). Experimental Pathology and Parasitology 5 (8): 13-16.

  • Kirin, D. (2003a): Biodiversity and ecological particulars of the helminth communities in Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771, from districts of town Saedinenie. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology 6 (11): 31-36.

  • Kirin, D. (2003b): Biological diversity and ecological measurements of the helminth communities of Rana ridibunda from District of Town Vidin. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology 6 (11): 37-43.

12. Sloboda, M., A. Mihalca, I. Falka, K. Petrzˇelkova’, M. Carlsson, I. Ghira, D. Modryґ (2010). Are gobiid fish more susceptible to predation if parasitized by Eustrongylides excisus? An answer from robbed snakes. Ecologycal Resesearches (2010) 25: 469–473.

  • Kirin D. (2002) New records of the helminth fauna from grass snake, Natrix natrix L., 1758 and dice snake, Natrix tessellata Laurenti, 1768 (Colubridae: Reptilia) in South Bulgaria. Acta Zool Bulg 54:49–53.

13. Dubey, J. (2010). Toxoplasmosis of animals and humans. CRC Press, 305.

  • Arnaudov, D., At. Arnaudov. D. Kirin (2003). Study on the toxoplasmosis among wild animals. Experimental pathologi and parasitology 6/11.

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