Никулин владимир владимирович

өлшемі121 Kb.
Место работы:

Государственный университет штата Нью-Йорк в Бингемтоне.

Кафедра Электрического и компьютерного инженеринга

Адрес: 1110 Elton Drive, Endicott, NY 13760

E-mail: vnikulin@binghamton.edu, Tel: (607) 777-6956, Fax: (607) 777-4464


PhD, Электротехника, государственный университет Нью-Йорка в Бингемтоне (авг. 2002)

Диссертация: Передовые Технологии Контроля для Лазерных Коммуникаций

Магистратура, Электротехника, государственный университет Нью-Йорка в Бингемтоне (январь 1998)

Диссертация: Сеть Взаимосвязи. Адаптивные и Отказоустойчивые Алгоритмы на Ассоциативном Маршрутизаторе.

Бакалавр, Электротехника, Карагандинский Политехнический Институт, Караганда, Казахстан (июль 1996)

Диссертация: Проект Линий Передачи энергии и Подстанций;
Научные интересы

  • Квантовые системы коммуникации. Оптическое шифрование сигнала на основе кванта, системы захвата и слежения для беспроводных каналов, механизмы наведения и переключения каналов, контроль поляризации для мобильных систем, квантовое шифрование на основе поляризации, проектирование электрооптических подсистем, эффекты искажения волнового фронта на дешифрацию сигналов.

  • Оптические системы коммуникации. Системы наведения захвата и слежения, механические и немеханические устройства наведения луча, акусто-оптические и жидко-кристаллические технологии, оптимальное проектирование, анализ атмосферного распространения, уменьшение эффектов турбулентности, динамическая голография, развитие гибридных устройств для широкого диапазона быстрого наведения, интеграция систем слежения и управление волновым фронтом.

  • Лазерные Технологии. Получение лазерных изображений, инфракрасные сканеры и дальномеры, LADARs, голографический анализ, лазерная интерферометрия, идентификация отравляющих веществ на основе рефракторметрии, оптические датчики.

  • Системы/Средства управления. Анализ, моделирование и характеризация динамических систем, оптимизация, обычные и адаптивные системы управления, реализация цифровых систем, мягкие вычислительные методы, гибридные адаптивные системы управления, электронная реализация систем управления.

Педагогическое направление

  • Оптические/Квантовые Коммуникаций, Системы управления, Теория электрических цепей, Электроника, Цифровая Логика, Электро оптика, Вычисления и Аппаратные средства/Программное обеспечение, Современные системы электропривода.

  • Курсы: EECE315 "Электроника I," EE316 "Электроника II," EECE474/530," Электро оптика", EE462/510 "Линейные и Выбранные Системы управления Данных," EECE549 " Беспроводные космические лазерные коммуникации", EECE480C/580 “Электроприводы”.

  • Дистанционное обучение.Разработка материалов курса для студентов своего университета и для студентов других online программ.

Профессиональный опыт

Сентябрь. 2002 – По настоящее время

Associate Professor, государственного университета штата Нью-Йорк в Бингемтоне.

Преподавание курсов бакалавриат, магистратуры и докторантуры. Научно- исследовательская работа.
Май - Август 2007, 2008, 2009

Приглашенный исследователь, Научно-исследовательская лаборатория военно- воздушных сил США в г. Рим, штата Нью-Йорк.

Теоретическое и практическое исследование системы управления для оптических беспроводных каналов связи с квантовой криптографией.

Май - Август 2006

Летняя научно-исследовательская группа, Научно-исследовательская лаборатория военно- воздушных сил США в г. Рим, штата Нью-Йорк.

Разработка системы управления поляризацией для мобильных систем квантовой беспроводной связи.

Март - Апрель 2006.

Приглашенный лектор, чешский Технический Университет в Праге, Чешской Республики.

Курс: " Беспроводные космические лазерные коммуникации."

Февраль 2001 - Август 2002

Научный сотрудник, Исследовательский фонд государственного университета штата Нью-Йорк.

Исследования в лаборатории лазерной беспроводной связи.
Сентябрь 1998 - январь 2001

Ассистент по исследованиям, Исследовательский фонд государственного университета штата Нью-Йорк.

Исследования по проектам спонсируемым частной промышленностью и правительственными агентствами.
Май 2000 - Январь 2002

Лектор, государственного университета штата Нью-Йорк в Бингемтоне.

Курс: EE462 "Control Systems II" and EE510 "Linear and Sampled Data Control."
Май 1998 - Август 1998

Инженер, Celestica Power Systems, Джонсон сити, штата Нью-Йорк.

Разработка имитационных моделей для промышленной электроники.
Август 1997 - Май 1998

Ассистент, государственного университета штата Нью-Йорк в Бингемтоне.

Курсы: EE301 "Сигналы и системы," EE302 "Обработка сигналов" EE341 "Введение в электрические машины" , EE361 "Системы управления часть I."


  • Internet-Accessible Research Laboratory, National Instruments Corporation, measurement and automation software grant (multi-license LabVIEW Professional Development System), 2002.

  • Fast Acousto-Optic Steering (FAOS) Device for Optical Communication Turrets, Innovative Technical Solutions (dba Nova-Sol), a subcontract of an Air Force Phase I SBIR project, 2004.

  • The Optical Tracking System for Quantum Communication Terminals, Advanced Technical Concepts (Air Force flow-through), 2007.

  • Holographic Interferometry for Misalignment Measurements in Photonic Packaging Applications, Integrated Electronics Engineering Center, 2007.

  • Enabling Optical Connectivity of the Alpha-Eta Quantum Communication System, Advanced Technical Concepts (Air Force flow-through), 2008.

  • Holographic Interferometry for Misalignment Measurements in Photonic Packaging Applications: Practical Enhancements of the Approach, Integrated Electronics Engineering Center, 2008.

  • Worldwide Accessible 1.25 Gbps Free-Space Laser Communication Laboratory, National Science Foundation, 2009.

  • A Novel Holographic Interferometry Approach to Measuring In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Misalignments and Deformations in Packaging Applications, Integrated Electronics Engineering Center, 2009.

Финансируемые научно-исследовательские работы:

  • Integrity of Phase-Encrypted Optical Signals after Propagating Through Turbulent Media in Free-Space Quantum Communication Links, sponsored by the Visiting Faculty Research Program of the AFRL/RI Information Institute. Two main tasks of this project are modeling of spatial phase variations resulting from atmospheric turbulence and analysis of their effects on signal decryption in the optical systems supporting keyed communication in quantum noise (KCQ) protocols.

  • Integration of Optical Tracking and Alpha-Eta Quantum Communication: Experimental Study of Atmospheric Effects and Pointing Performance, an extension project sponsored by the AFRL/RI Information Institute. The main objective is the implementation of a laboratory prototype emulating a long-range optical link for experimental investigation of the effects of the pointing errors and atmospheric turbulence on quantum communication receivers with optical pre-amplifiers.

  • The Optical Tracking System for Quantum Communication Terminals, sponsored by the Visiting Faculty Research Program of the AFRL/RI Information Institute. Design/revision of the optical trains and detection circuitry to accommodate both a quantum communication link and the optical tracking capability was performed. Synthesis of a control algorithm was conducted to address all critical points of the design.

  • Prototype Implementation of Agile Acousto-Optic Steering System for Free-Space Quantum Communication, an extension project sponsored by AFRL/IF Information Institute. The main goal of this project was to perform an experimental verification of the results obtained in a theoretical study on acousto-optic steering in free-space quantum key distribution (QKD) systems.

  • Agile Acousto-Optic Steering for Free-Space Quantum Communication Systems, sponsored by the Visiting Faculty Research Program of the AFRL/IF Information Institute. Theoretical design of an agile acousto-optic steering system was performed. Physical parameters of the device were optimized to achieve the best trade-off between the steering range, diffraction efficiency, and dynamic characteristics of the system and to facilitate dual wavelength and polarization-independent operation.

  • Polarization Control for Mobile Free-Space Quantum Communication Systems, an extension project sponsored by AFRL/IF Information Institute. The main emphasis of this project was the development of a technology for polarization tracking to maintain integrity of the base quantum states in the process of beam steering. The main tasks included mathematical modeling of the pointing mechanism, integration of the inertial measurement data to estimate attitude of the communication platform, and development of the algorithm for real-time polarization adjustment in systems with polarization-based quantum encryption.

  • Hybrid Steering Systems for Free-Space Quantum Communication, sponsored by AFOSR Summer Faculty Fellowship Program and Air Force Research Laboratory at Rome, NY. Within the framework of this project hybrid architecture for a tracking system was developed based on mechanical gimbals coupled with acousto-optic Bragg cells. Advanced control strategies were synthesized to assure a highly coordinated operation of both system components, thus resulting in a beam steerer with previously unknown range, agility and accuracy.

  • Advanced Beam Steering Techniques, sponsored by Air Force Research Laboratory at Rome, NY. This project was focused on non-mechanical beam steering devices for laser communications. The main tasks included mathematical modeling and experimental studies of acousto-optic and liquid crystal technologies, as well as the development of the tracking algorithms and their verification in the simulation environment.

  • Analysis and Characterization of an Acousto-Optic Beam Position Control System, sponsored by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. An extensive study was performed to identify the factors responsible for the efficiency of acousto-optic steering. A genetic optimization-based approach for the design of acousto-optic deflectors was developed and implemented in simulation software.

  • Neural Adaptive Flight Control Technology Study, sponsored by Lockheed Martin Control Systems. A decentralized adaptive control approach was developed and used as a part of a flight control system design project. The results were tested on a simulation model of a high-performance aircraft.

  • Modeling and Simulation of Switching Power Supplies, sponsored by Celestica Power Systems. The core of this project was the development of large- and small-signal models of the switching power supplies and their experimental verification. A library of models was compiled and made available through a design resources website.

Техническое сотрудничество/ Консалтинг

Научно-исследовательская лаборатория военно- воздушных сил США в г. Рим, штата Нью-Йорк.

Ithaco Space Systems, г. Итака, штат Нью-Йорк.


Ph.D. докторанты- 8

Rahul Khandekar и Zhao Liu, Vijit Bedi, Michael Elmore, Jozef Sofka, Sudha Thavamani, Matthew Ruschmann, и Ugur Cem Hasar

Магистранты- 15

Brendan Pancheri, Rahul Khandekar, Ohad Barsimantov, Zhao Liu, Dave Zhang, Gregory Mazzaro, Padma Ragunathan , Lee Taehyung, Charles Disaverio, Lee Fang, Jason Gibbs, Matthew Ruschmann, Ken Maeda, Jason Decker и Mikhail Zabran


  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship (May - Aug. 2006);

  • National Science Foundation Certificate of Recognition for Participation in the Showcase Event at the ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM (June 2001);

  • Full Tuition Scholarship, SUNY at Binghamton (Aug. 1997 - Jan. 2001);

  • The Electrical Engineering Department Award for Excellence in Graduate Studies, SUNY at Binghamton (May 1998);

  • The Goel Prize for Academic Excellence in Graduate Studies, SUNY at Binghamton (May 1997);

  • The Presidential Scholarship (awarded annually to 100 best students from Kazakhstan to pursue graduate studies abroad), Kazakhstan (Aug. 1996 - May 1997);

  • The Presidential Stipend, Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, Kazakhstan (Sept. 1993- Jan. 1996).

Профессиональная деятельность:

Участник программной комиссии конференции Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XVII, XVIII, XIX, and XX conferences, 2005 - 2008;

Участник технической группы SPIE по Лазерной беспроводной космической связи, включающей специалистов из учебных заведений, промышленности и правительственных агенств из США, Европы и Японии.

Участник технической программной комиссии конференции ICUMT Workshop on Optical Networking Technologies and Data Security (OPNTDS 2009);

Рецензент конференции MILCOM 2009.

Рецензент заявок на гранты Национального фонда науки США, 2007,2009.

Рецензент заявок на гранты Американского фонда гражданских исследований, CRDF, 2006

Рецензент заявок на гранты Израильский фонд Науки, 2004;

Рецензент статей журнала Optical Engineering Journal;

Рецензент статей журнала Journal of Optical Networking;

Рецензент статей журнала IEEE Transactions on Communications;

Рецензент статей журнала IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology;

Советник студенческого филиала SUNY-Binghamton IEEE , 2005-2008.

Другая профессиональная деятельность в университете:

Сенат университета, с 2007 - 2009, осень 2005;

Watson School Enginet Committee, 2002 – По настоящее время;

Watson School Safety Committee, 2007 - По настоящее время;

Watson School Graduate Studies Ad Hoc Committee, 2003 - 2004;

Electrical Engineering Graduate Studies Committee, 2002 - По настоящее время;

ECE Equipment Committee, AY 2005 - 2006;

ECE Faculty Search Committee, 2003 - 2004;

ECE Ad Hoc Equipment Committee 2003 - 2004;


Журнальные статьи

1. V. Nikulin, R. Khandekar, and J. Sofka, “Laser Communication System with Acousto-Optic Tracking and Modulation: An Experimental Study,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 12, Dec. 2009.

2. J. Sofka, V. Nikulin, V. Skormin, D. Hughes, and D. Legare, “Laser Communication Between Mobile Platforms," IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 45, No. 1, Jan. 2009, pp. 336-346;

3. V. Yassinskiy and V. Nikulin, “Optical Sensor on the Basis of Nonlinear Differential Holographic Refractometer for the Detection of Chemicals in Liquids and Gases,” Physics, No. 3, Kazakhstan, Sept. 2008.

4. V. Nikulin, J. Sofka, and R. Khandekar, ” Effect of the sampling rate of the tracking system on free-space laser communications,” Optical Engineering; Vol. 47, No. 3, Mar. 2008, 036003;

5. V. Nikulin, R. Khandekar and J. Sofka, “Agile acousto-optic tracking system for free-space optical communications,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 6, June 2008, 064301;

6. V. Nikulin, J. Sofka, V. Skormin, D. Hughes, and D. Legare," Demonstration of Optical Connectivity Between Two Mobile Platforms," Journal of Gyroscopy and Navigation, St. Petersburg, Russia, No. 2, 2008;

7. J. Sofka, V. Skormin, V. Nikulin, and D. Nicholson, “Omni-Wrist III – a New Generation of Laser Beam Steering Devices: Control,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 42, No. 2, Apr. 2006, pp. 726-734;

8. J. Sofka, V. Skormin, V. Nikulin, and D. Nicholson, “Omni-Wrist III – a New Generation of Laser Beam Steering Devices: Mathematical Modeling,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 42, No. 2, Apr. 2006, pp. 718-725;

9. V. Nikulin, “Fusion of Adaptive Beam Steering and Optimization-Based Wavefront Control for Laser Communications in the Atmosphere,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 10, Oct. 2005, pp. 106001-1-9;

10. V. Nikulin, J. Sofka, and V. Skormin, “Advanced Lyapunov Control of a Novel Laser Beam Tracking System,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 5, May 2005, pp. 56004-1-8;

11. V. Nikulin, M. Bouzoubaa, V. Skormin, T. Busch, “Lyapunov-Based Decentralized Adaptive Control for Laser Beam Tracking Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 39, No. 4, Oct. 2003, pp. 1191-1200;

12. V. Nikulin, V. Skormin, “Genetic Algorithm Optimization for Bragg Cell Design,” Optical Engineering; Vol. 41, No. 8, Aug. 2002; pp. 1767-1773;

13. V. Nikulin, M. Bouzoubaa, V. Skormin, T. Busch, “Modeling of an Acousto-Optic Laser Beam Steering System Intended for Satellite Communication,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 10, Oct. 2001, pp.2208-2214;

14. R. Khandekar and V. Nikulin, "Simplex Optimization-Based Mitigation of Dynamic Wavefront Distortions: Experimental Study," Optical Engineering, under review;

15. M. Beisenbi and V. Nikulin, “Stability of Control Systems with Increased Robustness Potential Based on the Hyperbolic Umbilica Catastrophe Function,” IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, under review.

Рецензия на книгу

James A. Svoboda “PSpice for Linear Circuits,” John Wiley and Sons, 2002. In response to a request from the author and the publisher wrote a review and suggested changes for the next edition.

Сборники конференции:

1. V. Nikulin, Z. Liu, R. Khandekar, J. Yermekbayeva, and A. Amirov, “Application of Holographic Interferometry to Misalignment Measurements in Packaging Applications,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7619, Practical Holography XXIV: Materials and Applications, San Francisco, CA, 23-28 Jan. 2010.

2. V. Nikulin, J. Malowicki, R. Khandekar, V. Skormin, and D. Legare, “Experimental demonstration of a retro-reflective laser communication link on a mobile platform,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7587, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XXII, San Francisco, CA, 23-28 Jan. 2010.

3. Z. Liu, V. Nikulin, and R. Khandekar, “Modeling and measurements of the effects of atmospheric turbulence and platform vibration on free-space laser communication,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7587, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XXII, San Francisco, CA, 23-28 Jan. 2010.

4. V. Nikulin, R. Khandekar, and V. Skormin, "High-Bandwidth Predictive Tracking System for Free-Space Laser Communications," Proc. 15th St. Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 26-28 May 2008;

5. R. Khandekar and V. Nikulin, “Diffraction-based optical sensor detection system for capture-restricted environments,” Proc. SPIE, Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security IV(Defense + Security), Orlando, FL, 16 – 20 March, 2008;

6. R. Khandekar and V. Nikulin, “Estimation-based mitigation of dynamic optical turbulence: an experimental study,” Proc. SPIE, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XX, San Jose, CA, 19 – 24 Jan. 2008;

7. V. Nikulin, J. Sofka, V. Skormin, D. Hughes, and D. Legare," Demonstration of Optical Connectivity Between Two Mobile Platforms," Proc. 14th St. Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 28-30 May 2007;

8. V. Nikulin and D. Nicholson, “Hybrid beam steering system for laser communication between mobile platforms,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6457, 645709, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XIX, San Jose, CA, 20 - 25 Jan. 2007;

9. R. Khandekar and V. Nikulin, “Mitigation of optical turbulence effects using a modified simplex optimization approach: experimental study,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6457, 64570E, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XIX, San Jose, CA, 20 - 25 Jan. 2007;

10. R. Khandekar and V. Nikulin, “Mitigation of dynamic wavefront distortions using a modified simplex optimization approach,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 6304, 63041J9, Free-Space Laser Communicatios VI, San Diego, CA, 15 - 17 Aug. 2006;

11. V. Nikulin, R. Khandekar, and J. Sofka, “Performance of a laser communication system with acousto-optic tracking: An experimental study,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 6105, 61050C Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XVIII, San Jose, CA, 21 - 26 Jan. 2006;

12. J. Sofka and V. Nikulin, “Bit error rate optimization of an acousto-optic tracking system for free-space laser communications,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 6105, 61050L, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XVIII, San Jose, CA, 21 - 26 Jan. 2006;

13. R. Khandekar and V. Nikulin, “Mitigation of dynamic wavefront distortions using a nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulator and simplex optimization,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 6105, 61050Q, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XVIII, San Jose, CA, 21 - 26 Jan. 2006;

14. V. Nikulin, R. Khandekar, J. Sofka, and G. Tartakovsky, “Acousto-optic pointing and tracking systems for free-space laser communications,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 5892, pp. 449-457, Free-Space Laser Communications V, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2005;

15. V. Nikulin, J. Sofka, and R. Khandekar, “Performance of free-space laser communication systems as a function of the sampling rate in the tracking loop,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 5892, pp. 398-407, Free-Space Laser Communications V, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2005;

16. V. Nikulin, D. Zhang, “Simplex-based wavefront control for the mitigation of dynamic distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence,” Proc SPIE, Vol. 5712, p. 131-139, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XVII, San Jose, CA, 22 - 27 Jan. 2005;

17. V. Nikulin, R. Khandekar, “Performance of Laser Communication Uplinks and Downlinks in the Presence of Pointing Errors and Atmospheric Distortions,” Proc SPIE, Vol. 5712, p. 37-45, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XVII, San Jose, CA, 22 - 27 Jan. 2005;

18. J. Sofka, V. Nikulin, V. Skormin, “Omni-Wrist III, A New Generation of Beam Steering Devices,” Proc. 1st IEEE Upstate NY Workshop on Communications and Networking, Rochester, NY, 12 Nov. 2004;

19. V. Nikulin, “A Hybrid System for Beam Steering and Wavefront Control,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5338, pp. 81-89, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XVI, San Jose, CA, 24 - 29 Jan. 2004;

20. V. Nikulin, J. Sofka, and V. Skormin, “Decentralized Control of an Omni-Wrist Laser Beam Tracking System,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5338, pp. 194-203, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XVI, San Jose, CA, 24 - 29 Jan. 2004;

21. V. Nikulin, “Implementation of an Engineering Laboratory with Internet-Controlled Hardware,” Int. Symposium on Information and System Technologies in Industry, Education and Science, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 24 – 25 Sept. 2003;

22. J. Sofka, V. Skormin, V. Nikulin, D. Nicholson and M. Rossheim “New Generation of Gimbals Systems for Laser Positioning Applications,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5160, p. 182-191, Int. Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, CA, 3-8 Aug. 2003;

23. J. Sofka, V. Nikulin, V. Skormin, and D. Nicholson, “A Hybrid Laser Beam Steerer for Laser Communications and Other Applications,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5160, pp. 161-169, Int. Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, CA, 3-8 Aug. 2003;

24. V. Nikulin, “Simplex Optimization-Based Dynamic Wavefront Control for Mitigation of Atmospheric Distortions of the Laser Beam,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5160, pp. 125-132, Int. Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, CA, 3-8 Aug. 2003;

25. M. Elmore, V. Nikulin and V. Skormin, “A PSpice Optimal Design Tool Utilizing Genetic Optimization,” Proc. IASTED Intl. Conference on Modeling and Simulation MS2003, pp.372-379, Palm Springs, CA, 24 - 26 Feb., 2003;

26. V. Nikulin and V. Skormin, “Spatially Distributed Algorithm for Mitigation of Atmospheric Distortions of the Laser Beam,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4975, pp. 25-35, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XV Conference, San Jose, CA, 25 - 31 Jan. 2003;

27. V. Nikulin, and V. Skormin, “Application of Genetic Algorithms for Design Optimization of a Bragg Cell,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 4444, pp. 321-328, Int. Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, CA, 29 July - 3 Aug. 2001;

28. V. Skormin, V. Nikulin, "Engineering Laboratory Accessible via the Internet," Proc. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque, NM, 24-27 June 2001;

29. V. Skormin, V. Nikulin, “Internet Accessible Laboratory: A Way to Enhance Technical Personnel Training,” Proc. NATO Community-Army-Technology- Environment Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 9-11 May 2001;

30. V. Nikulin, M. Bouzoubaa, V. Skormin, T. Busch, “Decentralized Adaptive Control for Laser-Beam Tracking Systems,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4272, pp. 200-208, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XIII Conference, San Jose, CA, 24-25 Jan. 2001;

31. M. Bouzoubaa, V. Nikulin, V. Skormin, T. Busch, “Model Reference Control of a Laser Beam Steering System for Laser Communication Applications,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4272, pp. 93-103, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XIII Conference, San Jose, CA, 24-25 Jan. 2001;

32. V. Nikulin, M. Bouzoubaa, V. Skormin, T. Busch, “Modeling of Tracking System Components of the Laser Satellite Communication Systems,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4272, pp. 72-82, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XIII Conference, San Jose, CA, 24-25 Jan. 2001;

33. N. E. Wu, V. Nikulin, F. Heimes, and V. Skormin, "A Decentralized Approach to Fault Tolerant Flight Control," Proc. 4th International Federation of Automatic Control Symposium on Safeprocess, Budapest, Hungary, 14-16 June, 2000;

34. M. Elmore, V. Nikulin, and V. Skormin, "Advanced Control of a Switching Buck Regulator," Proc. 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 7-9, 1999.

Технические отчеты:

1. V. Skormin, V. Nikulin, and M. Bouzoubaa, “Analysis and Characterization of an Acousto-Optic Beam Steering System,” Technical Report for NASA JPL, Pasadena, Ca, Sept. 2000;

2. V. Skormin, V. Nikulin, and M. Bouzoubaa, “Advanced Beam Steering Techniques,” Technical Report for AFRL, Rome, NY, July 2000;

3. V. Nikulin, N.E. Wu, “Hybrid Neural Adaptive Flight Control Systems,” Technical Report for Lockheed Martin Control Systems, Johnson City, NY, Sept. 1999;

4. V. Nikulin, “PSPICE Modeling and Verification of the Magamp Post Regulators,” Technical Report for Celestica Corporation, Johnson City, NY, May 1999;

5. V. Nikulin, “PSPICE Modeling and Verification of the Current Mode Controlled Switch-mode Power Stages,” Technical Report for Celestica Corporation, Johnson City, NY, Dec. 1998;

6. V. Nikulin, “PSPICE Modeling and Verification of the Voltage Mode Controlled Switchmode Power Stages,” Technical Report for Celestica Corporation, Johnson City, NY, Aug. 1998.


  1. Stephen Zahorian, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SUNY at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902, Phone (607) 777- 4846, zahorian@binghamton.edu;

  2. Donald Nicholson, Research Physicist, Air Force Research Laboratory, 525 Brooks Rd., Rome, NY 13441-4505, Phone: (315) 330-7437, Donald.Nicholson@rl.af.mil;

  3. Victor Skormin, Distinguished Service Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SUNY - Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902, Phone (607) 777-4013, vskormin@binghamton.edu;

  4. Richard Plumb, Professor and Dean, School of Engineering, Loyola Marymount University, LMU Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045, Phone: (310) 338-2834, rplumb@lmu.edu;

  5. Timothy E. Busch, Project Engineer, Air Force Research Laboratory, 525 Brooks Rd., Rome,NY
    13441-4505, Phone: (315) 330-1486, Timothy.Busch@rl.af.mil

  6. Felix Heims, Principal Systems Engineer, BAE Systems, 600 Main St., Johnson City, NY 13790, Phone: (607)770-5743, felix.o.heims@baesystems.com.

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