Questions to the text:
Where does the word psychology come from?
The word psychology comes from two Greek words: “Psyche” meaning “mind” or “soul” and “Logos” meaning “study of’.
How did Atkinson define psychology?
Psychology was defined as" the scientific study of behavior and mental processes."
What year is considered to be the start of psychology?
The year 1879 is considered to be the start of psychology as a separate discipline.
Who created the first psychology laboratory?
Wilhelm Wundt founded the first psychological Laboratory in Leipzig, Germany.
Who is considered to be the “founding father” of psychology in the USA?
In the United States, William James is considered the "founder of psychology".
What was the first approach in psychology?
Structuralism was the first approach in psychology.
What is the object of investigation from the structuralist point of view?
The object of research is the conscious mind.
Who developed the functional approach in psychology?
Functionalism was developed by William James.
What are the functions of brain from the functional point of view?
The mind works to survive and adapt.
What approaches appeared at the turn of the 19th century?
Psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud and the behavior introduced by John Watson was the most important of all the approaches that examined the "mind" and proposed to study only observable behavior if psychology wanted to become an objective science.
What is the proper object of investigation in psychoanalysis?
Freud wrote that the proper object of psychological investigation should be the unconscious mind.
What should psychology investigate from the behaviorist point of view?
That our behaviour is determined by processes that we are not aware of.
What did cognitivist and humanistic psychologists criticize in behaviorism?
The behavior has led us to believe that we ignore all the important and interesting things that are happening in our heads.
What does cognitive psychology aim to investigate?
Cognitive psychology studies the mind, using ideas for computer information processing to obtain models of how our brains work.
What did the humanistic psychologists argue for?
Humanistic psychologists have argued that psychology should focus on the conscious experience and goals of each person in life.
What did the biological approach contribute to the study of human behaviour?
The biological approach has advanced evolutionary, physiological and genetic explanation for human behaviour throughout the history of psychology.
Translate into Russian, underline predicates and define their tenses, paying attention to the Active Voice.
1.Соңғы жылдары жануарлардың қоршаған ортаға тәуелділігі туралы көптеген зерттеулер жүргізілді. 2. Стотт 4 жастан 18 айға дейінгі баласы жаңа іс-шаралармен айналысуды қаншалықты жиі ұнататынын атап өтті. 3. Бұл мінез-құлық адамдар үшін үлкен мәнге ие, оларды көптеген басқа жануарлардан ерекшелейтін мотивациялық әрекеттің басталуын білдіреді. 4. Басқа адамдармен және қоршаған ортамен әртүрлі байланыстар баланың бейімделетін жеке басын дамытуға көмектеседі. 5. Халл және оның әріптестері жануарларға жүргізілген тәжірибелер нәтижесінде алынған мәліметтермен жұмыс жасады. 6. Неврология саласындағы білім психолог үшін маңызды бола түсуде. 7. Кейінірек адамның жұмысын талқылаймыз. 8. Адам жер бетінде пайда болғаннан бері қандай-да бір түрде тәжірибе жасап келеді. 9. Біз Брэкбилл мен Стургестің адамдарды қолданғанын білдік.
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