Публикации, които са реферирани и индексирани в световната система за рефериране, индексиране и оценяване

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  1. Публикации, които са реферирани и индексирани в световната система за рефериране, индексиране и оценяване

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Atanassov A.M., SATI image processing and mesopause temperature determination, Advances in Space Research, 50(9), pp. 1213–1219,2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2012.07.004

Atanassov A.M., Mesopause Temperature retrieval from SATI measurements with a slant background component. Results from numerical simulations, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, v.24, 2012, pp. 77-86.

Baruth, B., M. Bettio, O. Chukaliev, J. Bojanowski, A. Bussay, G. Duveiller, G. Fontana, W. Kasperska-Wolowicz, R. Lopez, A. Maiorano, L. Seguini, A. Srivastava, V. Vassilev, C. Aspinall. Eds: B. Baruth, S. Niemeyer. // Crop monitoring in Europe. Agrometeorological analysis and yield forecast. MARS Bulletin, No. 3, Vol. 20, 2012: // Scientific and Technical Research series. European Union. ISSN 1831 – 9793.

Belyaev G, N. Bankov, B. Boychev, V. Kostin, E. Trushkina, O. Ovcharenko, Observation of Plasma Oscillating Structures in External Ionosphere over Cyclones, Fourth Workshop "Solar influences on the magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere" Sozopol, Bulgaria, 4-8 June 2012, Sun and Geosphere, 2012; 7(1): pp. 51-55, ISSN 1819-0839

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Borisova, D., H. Nikolov , D. Petkov, B. Banushev, Multitemporal satellite data in mine waste monitoring of Medet copper deposit, Proc. SPIE 8538, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications III, 85380J, 2012, doi:10.1117/12.974423; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.974423

Craciunescu, V., G. Stancalie, E. Roumenina,V. Kazandjiev, G. Jelev, L. Filchev, E. Savin and S. Catana. Interactive Web-Mapping System for Satellite Based Agricultural Applications in Bulgaria and Romania. // Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, vol. 1, 18–22, 2012, pp. 429–439. Publisher: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, ISSN 1314-0604.

Dachev, Ts., G. Horneck, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, P. Richter, M. Schuster, R. Demets, Time profile of cosmic radiation exposure during the EXPOSE-E mission: the R3D instrument, Journal of Astrobiology, 12, 5, 403-411, 2012. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2011.0759 http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/ast.2011.0759

Dachev, Ts.P., B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. Dimitrov, F. Spurny, O. Ploc, Y.o Uchihori, E. Fluekiger, Overview of the atmospheric ionizing radiation environment monitoring by Bulgarian build instruments, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 24, 87-99, 2012.

Dachev, Ts.P., B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. Dimitrov, N.G. Bankov,,G. Reitz, G. Horneck, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, M. Schuster, Relativistic Electron Fluxes and Dose Rate Variations during April-May 2010 Geomagnetic Disturbances in the R3DR Data on ISS, Adv. Space Res., 50, 282–292, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2012.03.028

Dachev, Ts.P., B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. Dimitrov, N.G. Bankov,,G. Reitz, G. Horneck, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, M. Schuster, Relativistic Electron Fluxes and Dose Rate Variations Observed on the International Space Station, JASTP, ATP3102R1, 2012. (Available online 4 August 2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2012.07.007

Dimitrov, P. Using of multispectral satellite images for estimation and mapping of coniferous forest aboveground tree biomass. // Problems of geography, vol. (1-2), 2012, стр. 90-104, Publisher: Prof.Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, ISSN 0204-7209.

Dimitrov, P., E. Roumenina. Studying the relationship between some attributes of coniferous forests and spectral data from the ASTER satellite sensor. // Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, No. 24, 2012, pp116-128. Publisher: SRTI-BAS. ISSN 1313-0927.

El Shahawy A., L. Simeonov, Environmental and Health Situation with Obsolete Pesticides in Egypt, in Environmental Security Assessment and Management of Obsolete Pesticides in Southeast Europe (Eds. L. I. Simeonov, F. Z. Macaev, B. Simeonova), NATO Science for Peace and Security: Environmental Security C, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 241-252.

Filchev, L., E. Roumenina. Detection and Assessment of Abiotic Stress of Coniferous Landscapes Caused by Uranium Mining (Using Multitemporal High Resolution Landsat Data). // Geography, Environment, Sustainability, No 1 (5), 2012, pp. 52–67. Publisher: Design & Printing Advertising and Publishing Agency “Advanced Solutions“, ISSN 2071-9388.

Georgiev J., S. Gyurov, D. Teodosiev, N. Petrov, E. Bendereva - New method for producing of refractory metal (в, w и ti) carbides - Part I, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 20, 2012, № 3, pp. 187-201.

Georgiev J., S. Gyurov, D. Teodosiev, N. Petrov, E. Bendereva - New method for producing of refractory metal (в, w и ti) carbides- Part II, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 20, 2012, № 4, pp. 292-302.

Georgieva, K. B. Kirov, P. Koucká Knížová, Z. Mošna, D. Kouba, Y. Asenovska, Solar influences on atmospheric circulation, J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 90, 15-25, 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2012.05.010

Georgieva, K., Space Weather and Space Climate—What the Look from the Earth Tells Us About the Sun, In: Jean-Pierre Rozelot, Coralie Neiner (Eds.), The Environments of the Sun and the Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics, Volume 857. ISBN 978-3-642-30647-1. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, p. 53-107

Getsov P., G. Sotirov, S. Tanev, P. Trendafilov, H. Hristov, W. Popov, Z. Hubenova, L. Aleksiev, S. Doshev, I. Dimitrov, Study of operators under extreme conditions, International Conference AUTOMATICS AND INFORMATICS ’12, October 3th - 5th 2012, Sofia,  John Atanasoff Society of Automatics and Informatics, Proceeding - ISSN 1313-1869, 380-383, 2012.

Gousheva M., D. Danov, P. Hristov. Statistical Study of the Quasi-Static Electric Field Anomalies in the Upper Ionosphere Related to Seismic Activity above Different Tectonic Structures of the Earth, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 64 (5), 729-736, 2012.

Gousheva, M., Danov, D., Hristov, P., Study of the quasi-static electric field anomalies in the upper ionosphere related to seismic activity above different tectonic structures of the Earth, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 65, 9, 1249-1260, 2012, ISSN: 1310-1331.

Grigorenko, E. E., Koleva, R., Sauvaud, J.-A., On the problem of Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer identification from plasma moments in Earth’s magnetotail, Ann. Geophys., 30, 1–13, 2012.

Grigorieva V., N. Kolev, E. Donev, D. Ivanov, B. Mendeva, Ts. Evgenieva,. V. Danchovski, I. Kolev, Surface and total ozone investigations in the region of Sofia, Bulgaria. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol.33, Issue 11, ISSN: 0143-1161, June 2012, pp.3542-3556, ISSN: 1366-5901, Available online:  http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01431161.2011.621904

Ivanova E., R. Nedkov, I. Ivanova, K. Radeva; Morpho-Hydrographic Analyze of Black Sea Catchment Area in Bulgaria; Landscape, Environment; European Identity, 4-6 November, 2011, Bucharest, Romania; Procedia Environmental Sciences 14 (2012), pp. 143-153.

Ivanova I., R. Nedkov; Estimation оf the Dynamics of the Lumina Lake Floating Reed Islands in the Territory of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Using Aerospace and GPS Data for the Period 1972 – 2009; Ecological engineering and environment protection № 2, 2012, pp. 21-26, ISSN 1311 – 8668.

Kaleicheva, J., Z. Karaguiozova, E. Lyubchenko, M. Kandeva, V. Mishev, S.Stavrev, Composite Ni-nanodiamond coating deposited by electroless method, J. Chem. Chem. Eng., 6, 599-603, 2012. ISSN 1934-7375.

Kaleicheva, J., Z. Karaguiozova, M. Kandeva, E. Lyubchenko, V. Mishev. Improvement of surface properties of ductile cast irons covered with nanostructured composite nickel coatings, Proceedings of the Second National Conference with international participation “Metal science, novel materials, hydro- and aerodynamics ’2012”, 31 May-1 June, 8-13, 2012. ISSN 1313-8308.

Kancheva, R., G. Georgiev, Plant optical properties for chlorophyll assessment, Proc. SPIE 8531, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XIV, 85310K, 2012, doi:10.1117/12.974633; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.974633

Kancheva, R., G. Georgiev, Spectrally-based quantification of plant heavy metal-induced stress, Proc. SPIE 8531, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XIV, 85311D, 2012, doi:10.1117/12.974533; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.974533

Karadjov Y., L. Markov, Hанодиамантите като компонент на смазоични материали: от идея към практическа реализация, Journal scientific and applied research, vol. 2, 2012, ISBN 978-954-577-654-0, pp. 51-56.

Karaguiozova Z., J. Kaleicheva, E. Lyubchenko, Improvement of surface properties of ductile cast irons by chemical deposition of nickel, "Nanoscience&Nanotechnology”, issue 12, 117-120, 2012. ISSN 1313-8995.

Karaguiozova Z., J. Kaleicheva, M. Kandeva, Wear resistant coatings obtained by EFFTOM-Nickel technology, Tribological Journal Bultrib, Vol. II, No02 (02), 80-90, 2012. ISSN1313-9878.

Koleva, R., Tomov, B., Dachev, T., Matviichuk, Y., Dimitrov, P., MOON radiation environment in the vicinity of Earth magnetosphere, preprint IAC-12,A1,4,22.p1,x16302, 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, 1-5 October 2012.

Kopecká, M., R. Vatseva, J. Feranec, J. Oťaheľ, A. Stoimenov, J. Nováček, V. Dimitrov, Selected changes of arable land in Slovakia and Bulgaria during the period 1990-2006, Moravian Geographical Reports, Volume 20, Issue 1, 43-54, 2012, ISSN 1210-8812.

Krezhova, D. D., N. M. Petrov, S. N. Maneva, Hyperspectral remote sensing applications for monitoring and stress detection in cultural plants: viral infections in tobacco plants, in Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XIV, edited by Christopher M. Neale, Antonino Maltese, Katja Richter, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8531 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2012), ISSN: 0277-786X, ISBN: 9780819492715, pp. 85311H-1 - 85311H-9.

Lievens F., Jordanova M. Making the eHealth Connections - Telemedicine/eHealth Structures and Initiatives, Ukrainian Journal of Telemedicine and Medical Telematics, 10, 1, 2012,

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Manev A. Динамика тропопаузы и аномалии температуры поверхности Черного моря , Journal scientific and applied research, Vol. 1, 2012. pp.114-121, ISSN 1314-6289.

Mavromichalaki, H., Papailiou, M., Dimitrova, S., Babayev, E.S., Loucas, P. Space weather hazards and their impact on human cardio-health state parameters on Earth. Natural Hazards 64 (2), pp. 1447-1459, 2012.

Mendeva B., Krastev D., Gogosheva Ts., Petkov B. The UV radiation and total ozone during solar eclipse. International Journal of Research and Applications “Sun and Geosphere”, ISSN: 1819-0839, (Special Issue), vol. 7, N 1, pp. 65-68, 2012, Available online:  http://www.sungeosphere.org/

Naze, Y., Zhekov, S.A., Walborn, N.R. 2012. High-resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Magnetic Of?p Star HD 148937. The Astrophysical Journal 746, 142 (ИФ = 6.024).

Nedkov R., I. Ivanova, D. Panayotova, M. Dimitrova, M. Zaharinova; Ecomonitoring investigation of land cover of the municipality of Kardzhali, using aerospace and GPS data; Екологично инженерство и опазване на околната среда, No 4, 2012, ISSN 1311 – 8668.

Nedkov R.; Assessment of information efficiency and data quality from microsatellite for the need of ecological monitoring; Aerospace research in Bulgaria, 2012, Volume (24), pp. 146-150, ISSN 1313 – 0927.

Papailiou, M., Mavromichalaki, H., Kudela, K., Stetiarova, J., Dimitrova, S. Cosmic radiation influence on the physiological state of aviators. Natural Hazards 61 (2), pp. 719-727, 2012.

Petkov, D., H. Nikolov, D. Borisova, Remote sensing spectrometric system for emergency response on board of unmanned helicopter, Proc. SPIE 8532, Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions, 85320A, 2012, doi:10.1117/12.974593; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.974593

Publ. Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Bošković” No 11, 2012, 375-383.

Roumenina, E., L. Filchev, V. Vassilev, P. Dimitrov, G. Jelev, G. Stancalie, E. Savin, D. Mihailescu. Comparative Analysis of Land-Use/Land-Cover Maps For Chosen Test Areas on The Territory of Bulgaria and Romania Using Simulated Proba-V And Spot Vegetation Data. // EARSeL eProceedings, No 11, Vol. 2, 2012, pp 155-160. Publisher: EARSeL and BIS Verlag, ISSN 1729-3782.

Schuster, M., Ts. Dachev, P. Richter, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, R3DE, Radiation risk radiometer-dosimeter On the international space station (ISS) – radiation data recorded during 18 month of EXPOSE-E exposure to open space climate, Jornal of Astrobilogy, 12, 5, 2012. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2011.0743.

Semkova J., R. Koleva, St. Maltchev, N. Bankov, V. Benghin, I. Chernykh, V. Shurshakov, V. Petrov, S. Drobyshev, I. Nikolaev, Depth dose measurements with the Liulin-5 experiment inside the spherical phantom of the Matroshka-R project onboard the International Space Station, Advances in Space Research 49 (2012) 471–478, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2011.10.005, Impact factor 1.178.

Semkova J., R. Koleva, St. Maltchev, N. Bankov, V. Benghin, I. Chernykh, V. Shurshakov, V. Petrov, Radiation characteristics in the spherical tissue-equivalent phantom on the ISS during solar activity minimum according the data from Liulin-5 experiment, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2012, (Available online 4 August 2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2012.07.006, Impact factor 1.596, (5 year IF= 1.671).

Semkova, J., R. Koleva, St. Maltchev, N. Bankov, V. Benghin, I. Chernykh, V. Shurshakov, V. Petrov, S. Drobyshev , Recent results for space radiation environment in the spherical tissue-equivalent phantom on the ISS from Liulin-5 experiment IAC-12, A1, 4, 17, x13407 , IAC-2012 Congress, 2012, http://www.iafastro.net/iac/paper/id/13407/ext/appendix/IAC-12,A1,4,17.p1,x13407.pdf

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Shkevov R., N. S. Erokhin, L.A. Mikhailovskaya, N. N. Zolnikova. Numerical investigation of the efficiency of charged particles surfatron acceleration by wave packets in space plasma, JASTP, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2012.07.001. 5-Year IF= 1.671

Simeonova, B., G. Dura, L. Simeonov, Definition of the Tasks for the EU-PHARE Danube Regional Pesticide Study Project 1995-1997, in Environmental Security Assessment and Management of Obsolete Pesticides in Southeast Europe (Eds. L. I. Simeonov, F. Z. Macaev, B. Simeonova), NATO Science for Peace and Security: Environmental Security C, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 453-460.

Simeonova, B., G. Dura, L. Simeonov, The Danube Regional Pesticide Study Project 1995-1997: a Brief Synthesis of the Results, in Environmental Security Assessment and Management of Obsolete Pesticides in Southeast Europe (Eds. L. I. Simeonov, F. Z. Macaev, B. Simeonova), NATO Science for Peace and Security: Environmental Security C, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 461-469.

Skinner, S.L., Zhekov, S.A., Gudel, M., Schmutz, W., Sokal, K.R. 2012, New X-Ray Detections WNLStars. The Astronomical Journal 143, 116 (ИФ = 4.035).

Stoeva P., A. Stoev, S. Kuzin, Solar Corona In White Light During Five Total Solar Eclipses, Sun and Geosphere, The International Journal of Research and Applications,Vol.7 - No.1 2012, Editor-in-Chief: Atila Ozguc, Guest Editors: Vladimir Obridko and Rositza Koleva, ISSN: 1819-0839.

Stoyanov, S. Space Research and National Security. // International Journal Scientific and Applied Research. Association Scientific and Applied Research. Vol. I, 2012, p. 154 – 157. Publisher: SRTI-BAS and “Episkop Konstantin Preslavsky U-ty”. ISSN 1314 – 8289 EBSCO, USA.

Stoyanov, S., G. Mardirossian. Research of the Relationships Between Light Dispersion and Contrast of the Registered Image at Different Background Brightness. // Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, № 24, 2012, pp. 109-115. Publisher: SRTI-BAS, ISSN 1313-0927.

Stoyanov, S., M. Filipova. Research of the Influence of Nuclear Explosions on the Content of Ozone in the Atmosphere. Научны журнал „Исследвания, результаты” 2012, стр. 103-107, Publisher: Казахский национальный аграрный университет. ISBN 978-601-241-217-8.

Tanev St., Petar Getzov, Plamen Trendafilov, Hristo Hristov,Lubomir Aleksiev, Svetlin Doshev, Blaga Ruseva, Julieta Taneva Scientific research complex "beon-1" performance indicator of the operators in extreme conditions. Jubileen Internetional Congress , Education-Science-Technologies 40-years Bulgaria space country, Tom 2, p. 368 .

Teodosiev D., J. Georgiev, N. Petrov, R. Miteva, H. Nikolova, Optimization of the endoprosthesis coating process with nanodimentional layer of vitreous carbon in order to achieve maximal evenness of the working surfaces, Scientific Proceedings of International Conference “NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING days 2102”, ISSN 1310-3946, Year XX, No 1 (133), June 2012, pp. 112-115. 2012 (in Bulgarian).

Teodosiev D., R. Valov, V. Petkov, N. Petrov, B. Sharanov, B. Tabakova, I. Kalimanova, D. Diakov, A technology of preparing prototypes of endoprotheses’ heads based on composite ceramic Al2O3 – CaTiO3 impregnated and covered with a nanolayer of glasscarbon , Scientific Proceedings of International Conference “NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING days 2012”, ISSN 1310-3946, Year XX, No 1 (133), June 2012, pp. 108-111. 2012 (in Bulgarian).

Teodosiev D., R. Valov, V. Petkov, S. Simeonova, A. Petrova, B. Tabakova, Microstructural and Mechanical Study of Composite Ceramic Material Intended for Hip Joint Prosthesis, Scientific Proceedings of International Conference “NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING days 2012”, ISSN 1310-3946, Year XX, No 1 (133), June 2012, pp. 104-107. 2012 (in Bulgarian).

Teodosiev D., Valov R., Petkov V., Simeonova S., Petrova A., Tabakova B., Microstructural and Mechanical Study of Composite Ceramic Material Intended for Hip Joint Prosthesis, Journal Resource Saving Technologies for Production and Pressure Shaping of Materials in Machine-Building, ISSN 2218-1806, pp 107-115, 2012, http://resource-saving.snu.edu.ua

Teodossiev D., R. Valov, V. Petkov, N. Petrov, B. Tabakova, Bio compatible ceramic material (Al2O3, CaTiO3) Coated With Vitreous Carbon for Medical applications, Scientific Proceedings of International Conference “NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING days 2012”, ISSN 1310-3946, Year XX, No 1 (133), June 2012, pp. 100-103. 2012 (in Bulgarian).

Teodossiev D., T. Nikolova, R. Koleva, P. Nenovski, J. Vojta , S. Singh, Simulations and comparison with pc1-2 pulsations and narrowband wave events observed in the plasma mantle, Journal scientific and applied research, vol. 2, 2012, ISBN 978-954-577-654-0, pp. 112-121.

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Valev D., Consequences from conservation of the total density of the universe during the expansion, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, Vol. 24, 2012, pp. 60-66 (ISSN: 1313-0927); http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.0933

Valev D., Estimations of total mass and density of the observable universe by dimensional analysis, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, Vol.24, 2012, pp. 67-76 (ISSN: 1313-0927)

Vasenkov, A., Newsome D., Verners O., Russo M. F., Zaharieva, R., van Duin, A. C. T., Reactive molecular dynamics study of Mo-based alloys under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions. J. Appl. Phys. 112, 013511-1-013511-13, 2012. doi: 10.1063/1.4731793. ISSN: 0021-8979

Velinov P.I.Y., S. Asenovski, L. Mateev, A. Mishev, Improved COsmic Ray Ionization Model for Ionosphere and Atmosphere (CORIMIA) with account of Monte Carlo simulations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), JOP (Institute of Physics), V. 372, pp. 1-4, 2012.

Velinov P.I.Y., S. Asenovski, L. Mateev, Improved Cosmic Ray Ionization Model for the Ionosphere and Atmosphere (CORIMIA) with Account of 6 Characteristic Intervals, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., V. 65, No 8, pp. 1135-1144, 2012.

Velinov P.I.Y., S. Asenovski, L. Mateev, Ionization of Anomalous Cosmic Rays in Ionosphere and Middle Atmosphere Simulated by Corimia Code, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., V. 65, No 9, pp. 1261-1268, 2012.

Velinov P.I.Y., S.N. Asenovski, L. Mateev, Numerical Calculation of Cosmic Rays Ionization Rate Profiles in the Middle Atmosphere and Lower Ionosphere with Relation to Characteristic Energy Intervals, Acta Geophysica, V. 61, 2012, DOI: 10.2478/s11600-012-0084-y.

Werner R., Sunspot number prediction by an autoregressive model, Sun and Geosphere, 7(2), pp 75-80, ISSN: 1819-0839, 2012.

Yankova Krasimira “Corona–Support for the Entirety of High Energetic Disk”, Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 2 (2012) 395-400.

Yankova Krasimira. “Structure of accretion disk in the presence of magnetic field”, Proceedings of the VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference (VII BSAC), Publ. Astron. Soc. “Rudjer Bošković” No 11, 2012, 375-383.

Zhekov, S.A. 2012. X-rays from colliding stellar winds: the case of close Wolf-Rayet+O binary systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422, 1332-1342 (ИФ = 4.900).

Zhekov, Zh. Visir Optic Appliances Designed for Observation on the Board of Spaceships. // International Journal Scientific and Applied Research. Association Scientific and Applied Research. Vol. I, 2012, pp. 109–113. Publisher: SRTI-BAS and Episkop Konstantin Preslavsky U-ty”. ISSN 1314 – 8289 EBSCO, USA.

Велкоски, С. Електромагнитни полета и геопатогенни зони – биологичен ефект и защита. // Автореферат на дисертационен труд за присъждане на образователна и научна степен „Доктор”. 2012. София. 66 с.

Грозданова, Т., Изследване на трибологичните свойства и характеристики на самосмазващи се антифрикционни материали, предназначени за аеро-космически приложения, ИНЖЕНЕРНИ НАУКИ, Списание на БАН, год.XLIX, 2012, N 4, София, 64-70.

Димитров, П. Оценяване и картографиране на показатели на структурата на иглолистни гори чрез спътникови многоканални изображения. // Автореферат на дисертационен труд за присъждане на образователна и научна степен „Доктор”. 2012. София. 38 стр.

Димитров, П., А. Велчев. Реликтните каменни ледници като морфоложка форма в алпийския пояс на Рила планина. // Годишник на СУ, Геол.-геогр. фак., 103(2), 2012, стр. 97-111. Издател: Университетско издателство СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”. ISSN 0324–2579.

Желев, Г., М. Червеняшка, П. Димитров. Пространствен модел на динамиката на Земеползването в района на мини “Марица изток” с използване на дистанционни методи. // Екологично инженерство и опазване на околната среда, 11(1), 2012, стр. 5-11. Издател: НД ”ЕИООС”, ISSN 1311 – 8668.

Иванова Т. 30 години космическа програма „България - 1300”. Наука, том ХХІІ, 1, 2012, 61-67, ISSN 0861-3362

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