Сабақ тақырыбы Intelligences. The Theory of Multiple Intelligence

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Short plan 28

Пән аралық байланыстар

Biology, History

АКТ қолдану дағдылары

Бастапқы білім

Physical structure of the human brain

Сабақ барысы

Stages / Time

Teachers actions

Students actions



5Ws strategy
(Whole class activity)
10 min

Teacher begins the lesson and elicits the topic of the lesson by asking special questions.

Students answer the teacher’s questions and define the topic of the lesson.

Formative assessment: Teacher will encourage students who attempt to answer.

Differentiation by levels: Students answer the questions which suit their levels. Some of the students may answer easier questions, while others may answer more difficult questions.

Teaching topical vocabulary
(Whole class activity)
20 min

Before giving the text to students, teacher introduces with the new words from the text.
Vocabulary Words

Students learn new words beforehand.


Jumbled paragraphs
(Group work)
30 min

Teacher divides text into several parts and mixes them up. Then mixed up paragraphs of the text will be given to students.

Ex7 How do the characters in The War of the Worlds express their fears? Find examples in the adapted extract below.

Students will find the correct order of paragraphs and get the main idea of the text by reading.

The narrator expresses his fears physically by walking around and shouting (lines 4-5). Then he expresses his fear by doing something careless and dangerous (lines 42-43). He also expresses his fears by letting his imagination run wild (lines 3-4). He also expresses his fears in his description of others (lines 31-32).
The curate expresses his fears physically in the way he acts like a helpless child (lines 23-24) and the way he followed the narrator (lines 25-26). He also expresses his fears verbally by trying to reassure himself (line 20).

Formative assessment:
A learner:
-reads the text in detail;
-defines its main idea;

Differentiation by content: Students will get different variants of mixed up paragraphs. Students will find the correct order of paragraphs and get the main idea of the text by reading.

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