Сабақ Тақырыбы: «Kazakh national food»

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Рудный қаласы әкімдігінің

«№19 орта мектебі» ММ

Ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы: «Kazakh national food»

Сынып: 6 «А»

Пән мұғалімі: Тлебаева Г.А.

2016-2017 оқу жылы

Plan for the open lesson

Form:6 «А»

Theme: “Kazakh national food”

Aims: 1.  To introduce pupils the new words, to get information about traditional food in Kazakhstan and the names of national dishes, to teach pupils how to prepare it. To teach pupils to compare eating in Kazakhstan

2. To teach pupils to be attentive to each other
3. To develop pupils interests in studying English
Visual aids: interactive board, cards
Procedure of the lesson:

I. Org.moment:

Good afternoon dear children. How are you ? before beginning our lesson let`s stand to the round and say to each other some compliments. For example: -You are kind.

-You are beautiful.

-You are handsome.

-You are pretty.

-You are as busy as a bee.

- You are as eager as a beaver.
Talk to the duty :

  • Who is on duty today?

  • What date is it today?

  • What month is it now?

  • What day of the week is it today?

  • Who is absent today? Ok. thank you

II. Phonetic exercise

III.Білу. Introduction: teacher to prepare for children videos

Ok children what can you say about our video? What pictures are these?

How do think what about our lesson today?

Can you tell me the title of our lesson? Oh, right you are!

Today you will study “Kazakh national food”

And now children let`s think and say aims and tasks of our lesson.

So, very good children. Now you must divided into two groups, for this you need to collect puzzle with pictures.
Meat food milk food

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