«Шетел тілдері» кафедрасы
Дүйсенбекова М.Л
Пәннің аты: Практикалық грамматика.
Шымкент – 2008-2009ж
Шетел тілдері кафедрасы
Практикалық сабақ жоспары
Топ: __________
Пән: Практикалық грамматика
Күні: _________________
Оқытушы: Дүйсенбекова М.Л
Сабақтың тақырыбы: The Noun. Plural of Nouns
Сабақтың мақсаты: the main aim of the lesson is to develop speaking, writing skills; to study grammar structures, to use nouns in the sentences correctly, especially plural of nouns.
Сабақтың міндеті:
Сабақтың мазмұны:
The noun is a part of speech denoting substances, i.e. things (table, book), living beings (boy, dog), materials (air, gold) and abstract notions (beauty, happiness, love, courage, struggle, peace, progress).
The morphological characteristics of the noun are the following:
(1) Countable nouns have the category of number expressing singularity or plurality: a student (singular) — students (plural).
(2) Nouns denoting living beings and some other nouns have the category of case represented by two forms: the student— the student's (book).
The main syntactical functions of the noun in the sentence are those of the subject and the object.
The students passed their exams.
It may also be used as predicative, attribute and adverbial modifier.
This is our teacher. He is the boy's father. He is a teacher of mathematics. I've been studying English for a year.
The noun is associated with the following structural words: (1) articles: a book, the book; (2) prepositions: in the room, on the table.
It may be modified by the following notional parts of speech: (1) adjectives: a funny story, fine weather; (2) pronouns: my brother, every student, this house; (3) numerals: five pages, page five, the fifth floor; (4) verbals: the rising sun, the lost letter, generations to come.
Besides, the noun may be modified by another noun: a stone wall, a news report, birthday presents.
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