Учебно-методическое пособие для практических занятий студентов вузов неязыковых специальностей Павлодар (075) ббк 81. 2 Англ-9

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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан
Павлодарский государственный университет

им. С. Торайгырова

Факультет иностранных языков
Кафедра практического курса иностранных языков


Учебно-методическое пособие

для практических занятий студентов вузов неязыковых специальностей


УДК 811. 111 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ-9


Рекомендовано к изданию заседанием кафедры практического курса иностранных языков


Каирбаева А.К. - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

Составители: Омарова Х.С., Успанова Г.К., Макарихина И.М., Майтина Н.Ж., Смагулова Г.Ж, Кажикенова Г.М., Аипова А.К., Куанышева Б.Т., Жанжигитова Ж.К., Нуржумбаева А.К., Макаренко М.В., Нурсапинова М.К.

А64 Английский язык для студентов вузов неязыковых специальностей: учебно-методическое пособие. – Павлодар, 2008. – 131 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие включает общеобразовательные и страноведческие тексты, предтекстовые, текстовые и лексико-грамматические упражнения,также тестовые задания к каждому разделу, которые способствуют прочному усвоению темы.

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для практических занятий студентов 1,2 курса неязыковых специальностей, владеющих определенными знаниями и навыками по английскому языку.
УДК 811. 111 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ-9

© Омарова Х.С., Успанова Г.К., Макарихина И.М. и др.,2008

© Павлодарский государственный университет

им. С.Торайгырова, 2008

Основной целью обучения студентов английскому языку как предмету общеобразовательного блока в вузах является обучение практическому владению разговорно-бытовой речью и языком специальности для активного применения иностранного языка, как в повседневном, так и в профессиональном общении.

Целью данного пособия является достижения студентами практического овладения разговорно-бытовой, социально-политической речью (в рамках ограниченного количества часов, согласно учебно-типовой программы), развивая поликультурную личность студента по средствам этнокультурного, общечеловеческого и гуманитарного характера текстов.

В условиях очного обучения такие виды речевой деятельности как чтение, говорение, перевод и письмо используются на протяжении всего курса как средство обучения.

В учебно-методическом пособии предлагается комплекс заданий, направленный на контроль понимания прочитанного, обучение возможностям способов передачи полученной при чтении информации. Пособие включает грамматический и лексический материал, необходимый для развития умений чтения иностранной литературы.

Практические задания характеризуются следующими признаками:

- рациональный объем и сочетание языковых заданий;

- высокая актуальность, информативность и познавательность текстового материала;

- аутентичность;

- коммуникативная направленность;

- страноведческая репрезентативность.

Предтекстовые и послетекстовые коммуникативные задания, словообразовательные, грамматические и речевые упражнения направлены на снятие трудностей лексического, грамматического и концептуального характера, тренировки и закрепления языкового материала. В то же время текстовый материал и задания служат цели обобщения и контроля знаний пройденного материала и степени сформированности соответствующих речевых навыков и умений.

Целью второго этапа является контроль степени понимания текста и формирование разнообразных стратегий чтения.

На третьем этапе выполняются в письменной и устной форме послетекстовые языковые и грамматические задания, которые направлены на развитие всех видов речевой деятельности (говорение, письмо, чтение, аудирование).

Пособие содержит 7 разделов, составленных на основе типовой учебной программы, являющейся составной частью Государственных стандартов высшего образования Республики Казахстан для подготовки дипломированных специалистов по дисциплине «Иностранный язык».

1 Student and student’s life
1.1 Let’s Get Acquainted

1.1.1 Read and translate the text

Let’s Get Acquainted
Steve: Hello! My name is Steve, Steve Milrow. I am 23 and I am from Great Britain. Last year I am graduated from Oxford. I also got married last year. My wife’s name is Irene. She is very pretty and smart and I love her very much.

Irene: Hello! I am Irene – Steve’s wife. I am twenty and I am from Wales. I am a student from Oxford. I study literature and history there and I’m going to become a teacher. We live in a town not far from London and I like it very much.

Nataly: Hi! I’m Nataly- Steve’s sister. I’m eighteen. Last summer I graduated from Rainbow College and I work as a secretary now. I like my job very much, but I want to go on high education. Next year I’ll try to enter a University.

George: Hello, everybody! My name is George. I’m Steve’s brother. I’m really smart. I go to school and I’ll go to college soon, because I want to be a zoologist. I work at the Zoo during my free time.

Mark: Hi, guys! I’m Mark Swift. I’m seventeen and I’m British. I study at school and my parents want me to enter a college or University. But I like sport and I’m going to become a professional racer. I hope I’ll do it.

Andrew: Hello! My name is Andrew Swift. I am Mark’s brother. I am 15 and I study at school. My favourite subjects are math and computers. I’m real computer expert. I know everything about it.

Kate: Hello! I’m Kate- Andrew’s best friend. We study at one school, but I like history very much. I’m 14 and I’m from Scotland. Two years ago we came here and I like this town very much. I like my family and especially my Mum – Joan Winsley.
1.1.2 Say true or false

1. Steve is Nataly’s husband. 2. Mark is Andrew’s brother. 3. Kate is Andrew’s girlfriend. 4. Nataly is Irene’s sister. 5. George is Steve’s brother. 6. Jane is Mark’s girlfriend. 7. Irene is Steve’s wife.8. Kate is George’s girlfriend. 9. Jane is Irene’s sister. 10. Andrew is Kate’s friend. 11. George is Mark’s brother.

1.1.3 Answer the questions

1. How old is Mark? 2. What does Andrew do? 3. What is Irene? 4. Where is Irene from? 5. What does George like? 6. Where did Steve graduate from? 7. Where does Jane study? 8. When did Jane come to the town? 9. How old is Nataly? 10. Where does George work? 11. What does Andrew like? 12. What is Mark’s surname? 13. Where is Kate from? 14. Who is Irene going to become? 15. When did Steve and Irene get married? 16. What’s Jane’s favourite kind of sport?

1.1.4 Our characters are really interested in your personal information. Here is a questionnaire for you to complete

1.What’s your name? 2. What’s your surname? 3. Where are you from? 4. Is your town big or small? 5. Is it a well-known town in your country? 6. What is it famous for? 7. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 8. Are you married? 9. What do you do? 10. What are you interested in? 11. Do you go in for sport? 12. What is your favourite activity? 13. Who would you like to become?

1.1.5 Read the text and say whom you would like to make friends
Irene: Well, actually it’s very difficult to speak about yourself, but still, I try. I think that I’m home-loving, kind and patient. I can get on with people well, because I always try to help them and they trust me. But sometimes I’m lazy – I don’t want to do anything. And I guess Steve doesn’t like it very much.

Steve: I’m practical, I think, because I always try to do the work that will help me in future. I’m also honest and I don’t like those people who lie to me, because I always notice it and tell them about it. That’s why they say that I’m tactless. I won’t argue, perhaps I am. What I don’t like about myself is that I’m sometimes bossy and Irene knows it very much. I’m sorry.

Jane: Me? Ha! My mother says that I’m light-minded, because I do everything without thinking. I like to take risks, because I’m really risky. The feature of character that I hate is that I’m undisciplined and my mother is always angry with me about it. But I’m really hard-working. I try to do everything when I’m asked, but sometimes I just forget about it.

Mark: I’m very active, although my parents say that I’m lazy, because I don’t like to do the things they want me to do. I think, that I’m leading, because I want other people to follow me. They sometimes get offended with me and say that I’m really that bad. I’m just very honest and tell people what I think about them. It’s natural, I believe. And if they don’t agree with me, it’s their problem.
1.1.6 Translate into Russian

Active, ambitious, attentive, boastful, clever, conservative, critical, determined, hard-working, home-loving, honest, kind, leading, light-minded, lazy, optimistic, patient, polite, practical, risky, responsible, rude, self-centered, selfish, shy, sociable, tactless, thorough, timid, trustworthy, undisciplined

2.1 A House of My Dream

1.2.1 Say these words and word combinations aloud. Underline the stressed syllables

Image, ideal house, the house of their dreams, a perfect house, childhood, to be brought up, to feel oneself comfortable and welcome, cosy, quite, an arbour, bench, a lawn, a playing yard, to sit around, a mansion, an isolated place, columns, tower, gates, ancient, mysterious, the top-floor, kitchen equipment, not to be much of a hostess, a rancho, the cattle-yard, to take care of, serenity.

1.2.2 Read and translate the text
A House of My Dream
Are you proud of house you live in? If your answer is "Yes", then you are really a lucky person. But very often it happens so that people don't like the house they live in. That's why in their dreams they often have an image of an ideal house, the house of their dreams

"What is the house of your dream?"- it is a question that several people were asked and here are their answers.

Irene:For me, it's absolutely easy to say what my idea of a perfect house is. I've been dreaming about it since my childhood. I was brought up in such a house. This is the house my parents have.

My house should be my home, first of all. I mean it should be a place where I feel comfortable and welcome. I dream about a cosy house in a centre of a small quite town, not very big but large enough for me and my family. I think it should be the place where I feel comfortable and welcome. I think it should be a house with three bedrooms, a kitchen, a sitting-room, and a big dining-room with a large table. I like to have guests and to treat them on something tasty - that's what I need a big dining-room for.

I would also like to have a small garden with flowers and fruit trees, with an arbour and some comfortable benches. There should also be a lawn and a playing yard for children. I'd also like to have a fire­place in the house to sit around it with my husband and children. Isn't it great?

Natalie: Well, let me think about my ideal house... It should be large, first of all... a mansion, I think, somewhere in an isolated place, two- or three-storeyed building with a balcony, columns and the things like that. It's even better if it looks like a castle with towers and gates, and high walls. It's so romantic! Plenty of rooms, staircases, attic and basement. It would be great if it was a real old house where ghosts lived, like in fairy-tales. I could feel there a princess. But there should be, of course, all those modern conveniences like central heating, electricity, cold and hot water, gas and telephone. The furniture should be also ancient, expensive and dark. And I'll have two Doberman dogs, of course. It'll add much to the style. There should be something mysterious about it. Yes, I think that's the house of my dream, the place I'd like to live in, isn't it great?

Jane: A house I'd like to live in? No, I'd better call it a flat. If you have a house of your own you have to take care of it. It's easier to live in a flat, somewhere in the centre of a city, in a skyscraper on the top-floor. Well, yes, I think it'll be fantastic!

It shouldn't be very large: just a bedroom, a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom and a large living-room. There should be enough places for parties. I like to have parties with dancing, music and snacks. The more people will become better. So I'll need plenty of space for guests. There should also be as much kitchen equipment as possible to safe my time and effort. I'm not much of a hostess. If I had a flat like that I'd be really happy, wouldn't I?

George: A house of my dream? Well, it would be a farm or a rancho, I think. It'll be situated near a forest, a river or a lake. You know, I like nature. The house should be a simple one, not very big, but with a large yard and fields around. I don't need all the modern conveniences, for I won't spend much time in there.

I'd like to have some cottages or cabins also to have some rest when I get tired. There should be a garden also to grow fruit and vegetables. But the main thing is the cattle-yard, the place I can keep cows, sheep, horses and pigs in. I like animals and I like to take care of them. There should also be five or seven dogs to live with me. Dogs are my favourite animals: they are so clever and kind! And that's practically all I want. Nature, animals and serenity - these are the only things I long for. Isn't it terrific?

1.2.3 Find the sentences in the text to prove that…

1. Irene wants to live in a house which is similar to the house where her parents live. 2. Irene wants to live in the house with her family.3. Irene wants to live in a very comfortable house. 4. Irene wants to live in a small house with a garden and a lawn. 5. Natalie wants to live in a very old and expensive house. 6. Natalie likes mystery and fairy-tales. 7. Natalie wants to live in a house with modern conveniences. 8. Natalie likes everything to be stylish. 9. Jane wants everything to be simple. 10. Jane doesn't want to live in a house of hers.11. Jane likes parties. 12. Jane likes to have a lot of guests. 13. George likes nature very much. 14. George likes to spend time in a village. 15. George likes animals very much. 16. George is a very modish people.

1.2.4 Complete the following ideas about housing

Complete the following ideas about housing

1) Irene has been dreaming about ____________________.

2) Irene thinks that her house should be her home where she _____________________.

3) Irene wants to live in a very cosy house with ________________________________.

4) Irene likes to have guests and to __________________________________________.

5) Irene wants to have a_______________________________________ near her house.

6) Natalie wants to live in a __________ somewhere in ____________________.

7) Natalie dreams about a house which looks like a _________ with ___________.

8) Natalie wants to live in a house with modern conveniences like _________________.

9) The furniture in Natalie’s house should be __________________________________.

10) Jane doesn't want to live in a _____, but she dreams about a _______ in a ____________.

11) Jane doesn't want to have a large flat: just _________________________________.

12) There should be a lot of place for_______________ in Jane's flat.

13) Jane is not very much of a ___ , that's why she wants to have as much ____ as possible.

14) George would like to live in a _________.

15) George wants his house to be surrounded by ___________.

16) The main thing in George's house is a___________with _____________.

17) George's favourite animals are __________ because they are __________.

1.3 My Home is My Castle

1.3.1 Say these words and word combinations aloud. Underline the stressed syllables

Castle, kindness, to feel oneself lonely and miserable, help respect, attention , sympathy, safe, to be in a trouble, to be grown-up enough, to live in one's own, independence, freedom, to make one's own decisions, to build a home of one's own, to stay alone, a cage, to be allowed, cruel, rude, to feel desirable at home, to ignore.

1.3.2 Read and translate the text
My Home is My Castle
Kate: What is home for me? I can say that my home is my best place in the world. It's a place where I can always meet love and sincerity of my relatives. Only there I can find kindness of my mother and understanding of my father. To me being at home always means being with my family who cares me and supports me when I need it.

People say "East or West, home is best" and I completely agree with them. Wherever I am, I always feel lonely and miserable, because I can't stay far from home for a long time.

I can't even imagine being far from my parents, as it is very difficult for me to do without their help and respect. You know, I'm happy only when we are together. Only then I feel desirable, for I know that they also need my attention and sympathy.

I don't understand people who say that for them home is just a roof over their heads. Can it be true? I guess not, because I think that a real home is a place where you feel cosy and safe, otherwise it is not home.

Natalie: What is home? I know that when people say "home" they mean their family first of all. I think that they are right. I also believe that home is the place where I can find care and attention of my parents. I need them very much, especially when I am in a trouble, because I think that they are always the first people to help me.

I like my home because I was born and brought up there and my dearest people live in that place. But now when I am grown-up enough to live in my own I think that I need more independence and freedom. I am grown-up enough to make my own decisions and to build a home of my own.

I think of a place where I can have rest and stay alone, for only the feeling of independence can make me happy and comfortable at home. I am thankful to my people for their understanding and attention, but my idea of home is a little bit different from my relatives. And this is the only reason I'd like to live in my own.

Mark: Home? To my mind home is just a house you live in. It's simply a roof over my head and a place where I sleep and eat. Some people say that their homes are the only places they feel comfortable in. I can't agree with them.

My home is like a cage for me, where I'm not allowed to do what I really want. I can't say that my parents are cruel and rude with me, but they live their own lives and are not very much interested in mine. My parents never pay attention to me and they don't understand my soul. What's more I never feel desirable at home, because I know that they ignore me very often.

I try to spend at home as little time as possible. I like to be with my friends, because I know that they need me. My home is the last place I want to be in, because I feel lonely there. It's not a home; it's just a place where I live.
1.3.3 Find the sentences in the text to prove that

1. For Kate home is the best place in the world. 2. Kate feels lonely when she is far from her home. 3. It is very difficult for Kate to do without her parents' support. 4. Kate can always find kindness and attention at her home. 5. Natalie loves her home very much. 6. Natalie wants to be independent. 7. Natalie wants to live alone. 8. Mark doesn't like his home. 9. Mark wants to be away from home as much as possible. 10. Mark is unhappy.

1.3.4 Say true or false

1. Kate likes her home very much.2. Natalie wants to live at home as long as possible.3. Mark doesn't like his home. 4. Kate's parents understand her perfectly. 5. Natalie can always find care and attention in her home. 6. Mark's home is a cage for him. 7. Kate feels lonely and miserable at home. 8. Natalie thinks that she is grown-up enough to live alone. 9. Mark likes to spend a lot of time at home. 10. Kate suffers a lot when she is far from home. 11. Natalie’s idea about her home is similar to her parents' idea. 12. Mark's parents are rude and cruel.

1.3.5 Find the sentences similar to the following ideas

1. Kate can always find love and understanding of her parents at home. 2. To Kate home means her family. 3. Kate doesn't feel happy away from home. 4. Kate can't stay without her relatives' help and support. 5. Natalie thinks that her home is her family. 6. Natalie’s parents always support her. 7. Natalie dreams about a home of her own. 8. Mark's home is simply a house for him. 9. Mark's parents don't let him do what he wants.

1.3.6 Find the sentences that can help you explain why…

1. Kate feels desirable at home. 2. Kate hates to be far from home. 3. Kate's home is the best place in the world. 4. Natalie loves her family very much. 5. Natalie is thankful to her parents. 6. Natalie wants to live alone. 7. Mark's home is a cage for him. 8. Mark doesn't like his parents. 9. Mark thinks that his parents ignore him

1.3.7 Explain the reasons why…

1. Kate loves her parents very much. 2. Natalie wants to live alone

3. Mark doesn't feel desirable at home
1.3.8 Fill in the articles where necessary

1. I dream about ... cosy house in ... centre of ... small quite town, not very big but large enough for me and ..... family. 2. I think it should be ... house with ... three bedrooms, ... kitchen, ... sitting-room, and ... big dining-room with ... large table. 3. But there should be, of course, all ... those modern conveniences like ... central heating, ... electricity, ...cold and ...hot water, .. .gas and ...telephone. 4. If you have ... house of... your own you have to take ... care of it. 5.It's easier to live in ... flat, somewhere in ... centre of... city, in ... skyscraper on ... top-floor. 6. I like .. .animals and I like to take ... care of them.

1.3.9 Translate the following dates into English

12 января 1993 года, 31 марта 2000 года, 22 сентября 2002 года, 21 декабря 1995 года, 20 августа 1950 года, 11 октября 1999 года.

1.3.10 Replace the underlined words by the personal pronouns

1. The house is not suitable for a young couple. 2. The mother is helping the daughter to look for a job. 3. George thinks that the houses must be cosy and comfortable. 4. Jane and Irene think about the ideal places of living. 5. I and my husband at last have found the house of our dream.

1.3.11 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions (where necessary)

1. Irene wants to live ... a house which is similar ... the house where her parents live. 2. Irene wants to live ... the house ... her family.3. Irene wants to live ... a very comfortable house.4. Irene wants to live ... a small house ... a garden and a lawn.5. Natalie wants to live ... a very old and expensive house. 6. Natalie wants to live ... a house ... modern conveniences. 7. Jane doesn't want to live in a house ... her own.

1.3.12 Make the sentences into the plural form

1. My home is my castle.2. One says that for him home is just a roof over his head.3. My brother lives his own life and is not very much interested in mine.4.The room of my sister-in-law is light.5. The opinion of a student is not right.

1.3.13 Put the correct form of the verbs to be or to have

1.It ... difficult to find a suitable house now, ... it? 2. ... you got a new or an old house? 3. Your relatives live with you, ... they? 4. There ... only twenty flats in our house. 5. I ... no time to visit you yesterday.6. What ... you fond of? 7. My hobby ... drawing.8. Some people say that their homes ... the only places they feel comfortable in.9. I like ... at home.10. ...she going to buy a new flat next year? 11. … proud of the house you live in?

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