В данной статье рассматривается проблема поэтапного формирования нравственного воспитания студентов на уроках иностранного языка. Дается перечень целей, задач и способов нравственного воспитания в вузе

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Cуюбердиева Турсынова статья

Keywords: morality, education, foreign language, student, formation, content, culture, national value

The effectiveness of training of a future specialist depends on the personality of the University teacher, his general, professional and moral culture. To form a moral culture and tastes in accordance with modern requirements, to develop moral values and ideals among young people - these are the tasks of the entire system of moral education of students at the University. The current state of formation of moral culture among University students can not be considered satisfactory - this is directly related to the shortcomings of University training of future specialists.[3, P. 18]

Moral culture is formed through a morally-oriented orientation of the integral pedagogical process, in which the system of actions of University teachers is aimed at organizing pedagogically appropriate activities of students, their interactions and relationships with the target setting for the full development of their scientific worldview., moral consciousness, humanism, collectivism, patriotism in close unity with the national, national both in the consciousness and behavior of their personalities, a developed sense of the new, high social activity and civic responsibility, on their full mastery of General cultural skills. [4, P. 91]
The structure of a person's moral culture consists of:
a) the development of moral consciousness (moral knowledge of good, honor, etc.);
b) the development of a moral worldview (moral ideals, norms and principles, moral orientations and interests, beliefs and beliefs);
c) perfection of moral qualities (humanity, respect for people, compassion, empathy, justice, conscientiousness, kindness, honesty, dignity, sense and understanding of duty, responsibility, etc.);
d) consistent display of moral qualities, compliance with the norms and principles of morality.
Morality as one of the forms of social consciousness expresses the inner world, revealing the truth. Some of the norms are supported by public opinion and social compulsion, while others are supported by established habits. But moral norms regulate only conscious, volitional behavior, which is determined by its direction, and not only the result. [5, P.11]
It should be noted that teaching a foreign language plays an important role in the formation of communication skills in the team, in the course of solving educational and industrial tasks, improving the psychological climate in the classroom as a means of increasing the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages.
In accordance with the criteria, we have compiled characteristics of three levels of moral culture formation - high, medium and low.
High level is characterized by a steady focus on the moral and professional improvement, the visible manifestation of all components of moral culture of the teacher, the most important of which are: the presence of deep knowledge about the moral values of the native and foreign cultures, about pedagogical ethics, active position in acquiring knowledge, strong ethical beliefs, developed evaluation skills and emotional sphere, self-esteem, formation of moral habits, the ability to make moral choices in unusual situations, awareness of the need for their own moral creativity to improve social norms of morality, the ability to moral self-improvement and education of students on the basis of creative understanding and transfer of values of native and foreign cultures.
The medium level is characterized by a weak focus on moral and professional self-improvement, uneven manifestation of the above components of the teacher's moral culture.
The low level is characterized by a lack of need for professional and moral self-education, a passive position in the educational process, a weak expression or absence of various components of the teacher's moral culture, and individual anti-human manifestations.
1. Pedagogy: studies'. manual / N. K. Stepanenkov – 2nd ed., ISPR. and add. – Minsk: Ed. Skakun V. M., 2001 – - 448 p.
2. A.V. Torkhova, N.Y. Klyshevich; ed. - Minsk: NIO, 2000. - 120 p.
3. Titova, S. A. Spiritual and moral education / S. A. Titova. - Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2006.
4. human Spirituality: pedagogy of development: studies. manual / ed. by N. V. Mikhalkovich. - Minsk: thesei, 2006. - 400 p.
5. Ruvinsky, L. I. Moral education of the individual / L. I. Ruvinsky. - Moscow: MSU Publishing house, 1981. - 184 p.

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