Варианты тестов платного пробного тестирования нцт 020 года вариант 1-слушание Text

Text15 Stephen couldn't... the television and the light explain

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  1. Stephen couldn't... the television and the light

  1. explain

  2. turn on

  3. see

  4. find

  1. He’s sure that there was ...

  1. a ghost

  2. something strange

  3. television

  4. somebody in the room

  1. He went to ... again

  1. sleep

  2. have breakfast

  3. study

  4. relax

  1. Stephen wants to spend another night at the hotel to see the ...

  1. ghost

  2. interviewer

  3. television

  4. giant

  1. He ... something or somebody in the room.

  1. touched

  2. observed

  3. recognized

  4. felt

  1. When he woke up at night the ... was still on

  1. light

  2. radio

  3. television

  4. programme

  1. Stephen was ...

  1. irritated

  2. furious

  3. scared

  4. surprised

  1. He ... relax only after turning the television and going to bed

  1. wasn't able to

  2. couldn't

  3. should

  4. was able to


  1. Henry VIII ... his wife Catherine

  1. divorced

  2. tortured

  3. worshipped

  4. beheaded

  1. ... was the 2nd wife of the King Henry

  1. Anne Boleyn

  2. Elizabeth I

  3. Bloody Tower

  4. Catherine

  1. Anne was ... on May 19, 1536.

  1. crowned

  2. beheaded

  3. imprisoned

  4. arrested

  1. The tourists came to the tower that has a very close connection with

  1. queen Catherine

  2. the guide

  3. Henry VII

  4. Anne Boleyn

  1. The tower is called the ... Tower

  1. Ghost

  2. Bloody

  3. Dark

  4. King's

  1. Some people say they saw Anne Boleyn's ghost... her head

  1. dropping

  2. carrying

  3. playing with

  4. crying over

  1. Anne Boleyn was arrested and executed in May,...

  1. 1456

  2. 1446

  3. 1536


1-слушание 1

Text 1

2-слушание текст не найден 2

1-слушание 6

Text 6

2-слушание 7

Text 7

1-слушание 10

2-слушание текст не найден 11

1-слушание 15

Text 15

2-слушание 16

Text 16

1-слушание 21

Text 21

2-слушание, текст не найден 21

1-слушание 24

Text 24

2-слушание текст не найден 25

1-слушание текст не найден 30

2-слушание 30

Text 30

1-слушание 33

Text 33

An interview 33

2-слушание 34

Text 34

1-слушание 40

Text 40

2-слушание 41

Text 41

1-слушание текст не найден 43

2-слушание 44

Text 44

An interview 44

1-слушание 47

Text 47

2-слушание 48

Text 48

Text 1 52

Text 2 53

Text 3 54

Text 4 54

Text 5 55

Text 6 56

Text 7 56

Text 8 57

Text 9 58

Test 1 70

Test 2 71

Test 3 73

Test 4 74

Test 6 76

Test 7 80

Test 8 84

Test 9 89

Test 10 90

Test 11 92

Test 12 93

Test 13 95

Test 14 97

Test 15 98

Test 16 100

Test 17 104

Test 19 107

Test 20 112

Text 1 Three BC Festivals 113

Text 2 114

Family value 114

Text 3 “The Driver” 115

Text 4 Australia 116

Text 5 117

The end of life on Earth 117

Text 6 118

The Facebook party that became a riot 118

Text 7 120

Money Can’t Buy Everything 120

Text 8 121

English speaking countries 121

Text 9 122

Superstitions 122

Text 10 New York 123

Text 11 124

Walt Disney 124

Text 12 If statues could talk 125

Text 13 126

Computer Games and Children 126

Text 14 Siberia’s medical train 127

Text 15 128

British management 128

Text 16 Noise 130

Text 17 131

Text 18 132

Text 19 133

  1. Anne Boleyn spent in the room ...

  1. 18 months

  2. 18 days

  3. 19 days

  4. 19 months


  1. Simon ... fora computer company ...

  1. leaves

  2. applies

  3. looks

  4. works

  1. Simon's work is connected with ...

  1. tourism

  2. construction

  3. trainers

  4. computers

  1. He doesn’t get home until...

  1. 6:00

  2. 11:00

  3. 7:45

  4. 9:00

  1. Simon gets up at...

  1. Seven

  2. Nine

  3. Six

  4. eleven

  1. Simon usually comes home ...

  1. For lunch

  2. After 7

  3. Before 6

  4. For a cup of coffee

  1. Simon lives and works in ... cities

  1. disconnected

  2. different

  3. the same

  4. small

  1. Simon has a morning ... at work.

  1. meal

  2. tea

  3. coffee

  4. milk

  1. Professor asks Simon to tell about his...

  1. daughter

  2. weekend

  3. typical day

  4. office


  1. The first man in the story stopped on the bridge ...

  1. because he wanted to swim

  2. because he saw a big fish

  3. to watch a strange fisherman

  4. because he wanted to catch some fish

  1. When the man caught a big fish, he ...

  1. put it into his basket

  2. started to get ready to go

  3. threw it back into the river

  4. was very surprised

  1. The man started to get ready to go after...

  1. the first fish

  2. the second fish

  3. the third fish

  4. the fifth fish

  1. He kept only one fish because ...

  1. he didn't want to eat

  2. he couldn't cook the others

  3. he was in a hurry

  4. someone was watching him

  1. The fisherman was ...

  1. in the water

  2. on the coast

  3. on the boat

  4. on the bridge

  1. The third time he caught...

  1. some algae

  2. a huge fish

  3. a small fish

  4. nothing

  1. The man was surprised because ...

  1. the fisherman caught a lot offish

  2. the fisherman couldn't catch anything

  3. the fisherman threw all the big fish

  4. the fisherman threw all the fish

  1. The man was crossing the bridge ...

  1. before midday

  2. in the afternoon

  3. in the evening

  4. on Monday morning


  1. It took ... to go back to his house in the taxi

  1. 12 minutes

  2. 20 minutes

  3. 220 minutes

  4. 10 minutes

  1. He left the house at...

  1. 10 p.m.

  2. 10 a.m.

  3. 9 p.m.

  4. 9 a.m.

  1. Finally Martin had to go ...

  1. home

  2. to work

  3. on holiday

  4. away

  1. Martin was going on vacation to ...

  1. Italy

  2. Spain

  3. France

  4. the USA

  1. Martin discovered ... when he went back outside

  1. that the taxi had gone

  2. that he didn’t have his phone

  3. that the taxi had arrived

  4. that he didn’t have his passport

  1. Martin got to the airport the second time by ...

  1. bus

  2. train

  3. car

  4. taxi

  1. He arrived late at the airport because ...

  1. there was a lot of traffic.

  2. he went another way

  3. he was in a hurry

  4. he was tired

  1. He realized that he didn't have ...

  1. his document

  2. his phone

  3. his press pass

  4. his driving license


1.Whales ...

  1. sweat

  2. breathe air

  3. drink water

  4. live in the lake

2.To get food whales ...

  1. jump

  2. swim

  3. learn things

  4. dive

3.Blue whale can grow to be ...

  1. a hundred feet long

  2. as an elephant

  3. blue

  4. small

4.The largest animal on earth is ...

  1. the killer whale

  2. humpback whale

  3. the blue whale

  4. sperm whale

5.Some whales are trained to ...

  1. dive down deep

  2. live in large glass tanks

  3. play with doll

  4. roll

6.Whales ... water

  1. run out of

  2. leap out of the

  3. drink

  4. like

7.Whales live in the ...

  1. lakes

  2. oceans

  3. glass tanks

  4. air

8.They rise to the surface of the water to ...

  1. breathe

  2. talk

  3. fly

  4. eat

Lexical-grammar test

Test 1

  1. I can ... say that I ... ill.

  1. really I never

  2. extremely / never am

  3. firmly I am never

  4. finally I am ever

  1. Today is the thirtieth of May

  1. 33d

  2. 13th

  3. 30th

  4. 13

  1. There are 12 months in a year.

  1. twelves

  2. twentieth

  3. twelve

  4. twenty

  1. I need five ... of bread

  1. bowls

  2. lumps

  3. spoons

  4. loaves

  1. If he ... harder, he ... the game.

  1. had tried, would have won

  2. would have tried, had won

  3. would have tried, won

  4. had tried, had won.

  1. He seemed to me ... annoyed man ever.

  1. the more

  2. more

  3. the most

  4. more and more

  1. By Friday I ... this new book by Marquez.

  1. will have finished

  2. will have been finished

  3. will be finishing

  4. will finish

  1. My boss ... some very important guests tomorrow.

  1. is receiving

  2. will have received

  3. will be received

  4. receive

  1. If people ... more carefully there ... fewer accidents.

  1. drive/would be

  2. drove/would be

  3. drove/will be

  4. drives/will be

  1. Our train arrived ... Amsterdam and passengers sighed.

  1. in

  2. at

  3. by

  4. on

  1. I think you behaved very ... that’s why your friends were upset.

  1. selfishly

  2. selfish

  3. better

  4. good

  1. When I was small, I liked ... very much and my mother didn't make me ...

I did it with pleasure.

  1. to be dancing, to dance

  2. have danced, dance

  3. dance, to dance

  4. to dance, dance

  1. The police made the two boys ... the litter they had dropped.

  1. picking up

  2. to pick up

  3. picked up

  4. pick up

  1. - Has anybody arrived yet? - Not yet. I’ve ... Emily all day out.

  1. calling

  2. been calling

  3. be calling

  4. being calling

  1. I am tired. I ... all night.

  1. ve been working

  2. has been working

  3. has worked

  4. ‘ve just worked

  1. A He always helps his mom with chores!

B: ...

  1. What good a boy!

  2. What is a good boy!

  3. What a good boy!

  4. What good boy he is!

  1. My house is the one ... the brown door on the left.

  1. on

  2. at

  3. by

  4. with

  1. In the Middle Ages, surrounding a castle with a ditch filled with water proved ... a successful technique ... its security.

  1. having been I of ensuring

  2. bang I to be ensured

  3. to be / for ensuring

  4. have been I to ensure

Test 2

  1. She started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that she was out... three months.

  1. for

  2. at

  3. in

  4. on

  1. An adjective embarrassed should be used in ...

  1. What an ... view!

  2. The film was extremely ...

  3. Last week, a ... situation took place.

  4. Nick was really ... because of that news

  1. It... reported that more than 2 million people have visited EXPO 2017.

  1. will

  2. is

  3. had

  4. are

  1. I put only a little ... and ... in my tea.

  1. sugar, milk

  2. sugars, milks

  3. sugars, milk

  4. sugar, milks

  1. I was also a poor woman, who ... herself and lonely.

  1. despairing

  2. excitement

  3. deceiving

  4. despaired

  1. I like your... Where have you bought them?

  1. trousers

  2. a pair of trousers

  3. some trouser

  4. trouser

  1. Our baby is due to be born ... Christmas Eve.

  1. at

  2. on

  3. in

  4. of

  1. If you stay ... a hotel you can take a single room or a double room

  1. on

  2. for

  3. at

  4. of

  1. I ... here for the past three decades.

  1. am living

  2. have lived

  3. was living

  4. lived

  1. While I ... in the garage, I ... my back

  1. was working, hurt

  2. working, hurt

  3. worked, hurt

  4. am working, hurted

  1. When she had known me for a year, she ... me to tea.

  1. has invited

  2. invites

  3. invited

  4. had invited

  1. Complete the sentence.

Please, stay here. I don’t want you ... anywhere.

  1. to go

  2. going

  3. go

  4. went

  1. He ... understand the language when he first came there.

  1. will

  2. must

  3. couldn’t to

  4. couldn’t

  1. Dan ... TV when his parents arrived.

  1. had watched

  2. were watching

  3. has watched

  4. was watching

  1. Martin could have saved a lot of money if he ... the stereo from the catalogue.

  1. has bought

  2. bought

  3. would have bought

  4. had bought

  1. I might not be at home ... Tuesday morning, but I’ll be there ... the afternoon.

  1. in, at

  2. at

  3. at, on

  4. on, in

  1. ... sky is blue and ... sun is shining.

  1. A, a

  2. The, the

  3. -,-

  4. The, -

  1. It's rather cool now. If it... a little warmer we ... to the country.

  1. is/should go

  2. will be/would go

  3. were/could go

  4. had been/should go

Test 3

  1. That was a ... holiday.

  1. disappointful

  2. disappointing

  3. disappointed

  4. disappoint

  1. The film is really exciting, I’ve seen ... three times.

  1. he

  2. him

  3. her

  4. it

  1. Scientists believe that human beings speak ... now than 250 years ago.

  1. more quietly

  2. more quietlier

  3. quietly

  4. most quietly

  1. I want to be ... teacher.

  1. -

  2. the

  3. an

  4. a

  1. I might not be at home ... Tuesday morning, but I’ll be there ... the afternoon.

  1. at, on

  2. on, in

  3. in, at

  4. at

  1. I’m ... my driving test tomorrow.

  1. taking

  2. take

  3. will take

  4. will taking

  1. If you don’t want to burn yourself, you ... lie in the sun all day.

  1. won’t

  2. shouldn't

  3. don’t

  4. couldn’t

  1. think you behaved very ... that’s why your friends were upset.

  1. selfishly

  2. good

  3. selfish

  4. better

  1. There are millions of stars in ... space.

  1. the

  2. some

  3. a

  4. an

  1. The matter... at the next meeting.

  1. will be discussed

  2. were discussed

  3. is discussed

  4. are discussed

  1. This is our everyday habit. We ... do yoga in the morning.

  1. seldom

  2. always

  3. sometimes

  4. never

  1. She ... to translate new films to the studio last week.

  1. was invited

  2. has invited

  3. is invited

  4. have invited

  1. Don't worry. If I ... them I ... the situation.

  1. shall see/shall explain

  2. saw/would explain

  3. see/shall explain

  4. had seen/would have explained

  1. It’s a pity my watch is fast again. I’ve recently had it...

  1. being repaired

  2. to be repair

  3. is repairing

  4. repaired

  1. It’s ... cheap restaurant and the food ... good.

  1. reasonableness, extremeness

  2. reasonably, extremely

  3. reasonable, extreme

  4. more reasonable, more extreme

  1. - Do you prefer watching a DVD at home ... to the cinema?

  1. to go

  2. to going

  3. going

  4. go

  1. Don’t phone Assel from 5 to 6, she ... an English class.

  1. was having

  2. has

  3. will have

  4. will be having

  1. There is ... cheese on the table.

  1. the

  2. some

  3. a

  4. any

Test 4

  1. You ... a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I ... to concentrate.

  1. made, am trying

  2. are making, am trying

  3. are making, tried

  4. making, am trying

  1. The letter... a week ago and it... yesterday.

  1. is posted, is received

  2. posted, was received

  3. was posted, was received

  4. making, am trying

  1. There was ... wrong with the car but Roger could do ... at that moment.

  1. nothing/something

  2. something/nothing

  3. anything/something

  4. something/anything

  1. You ... look very well.

  1. don’t

  2. hasn’t

  3. doesn’t

  4. haven’t

  1. While I ... in the garage, I ... my back

  1. was working, hurt

  2. working, hurt

  3. worked, hurt

  4. am working, hurted

  1. -1 don't like reptiles.

  1. Neither am I

  2. So do I

  3. Neither do I

  4. I don't like them too

  1. Choose the antonym to the underlined word.

The tourists stood outside the palace admiring its beautiful sight.

  1. opposite

  2. in front of

  3. inside

  4. between

  1. The economic news looks good,...?

  1. don't they

  2. aren't they

  3. isn't it

  4. doesn't it

  1. At present pollution is a big problem ... some parts ... the world.

  1. on/of

  2. in/of

  3. of/to

  4. with/for

  1. Andrew returned the shoes and took a pair... boots ... .

  1. of/for

  2. for/-

  3. to/after

  4. of/instead

  1. want to be ... engineer.

  1. -

  2. the

  3. an

  4. a

  1. Which of... American ... holidays originated in ... USA?

  1. the/-/the

  2. an/the/-

  3. -/a/the

  4. the/a/the

  1. She ... already ... to the text in the lab.

  1. has/listened

  2. was/listening

  3. is/listening

  4. had/listened

  1. If you don’t want to burn yourself, you ... lie in the sun all day.

  1. won’t

  2. shouldn’t

  3. don’t

  4. couldn’t

  1. Complete the sentence.

We talked about... to Europe next summer.

  1. going

  2. gone

  3. went

  4. go

  1. I wish I ... French, then I ... what the guide is talking about.

  1. could speak, would understand

  2. would be able to speak, understood

  3. can speak, would understood

  4. can speak, understand

  1. I am really looking forward to ... you at the party.

  1. seeing

  2. to see

  3. to be seen

  4. that we see

  1. Complete the sentence.

My brother is ... in history.

  1. to interest

  2. interesting

  3. interest

  4. interested

Test 6

  1. His father went to work ... his son woke up.

  1. before

  2. until

  3. after

  4. because

  1. He went to ... hospital to visit his brother.

  1. -

  2. the

  3. a

  4. an

  1. I think your glasses are in ... kitchen.

  1. a

  2. -

  3. an

  4. the

  1. I promise I ... in touch with you if I need your help.

  1. will be getting

  2. get

  3. will have got

  4. will get

  1. Our house is ... the end of the road.

1-слушание 1

Text 1

2-слушание текст не найден 2

1-слушание 6

Text 6

2-слушание 7

Text 7

1-слушание 10

2-слушание текст не найден 11

1-слушание 15

Text 15

2-слушание 16

Text 16

1-слушание 21

Text 21

2-слушание, текст не найден 21

1-слушание 24

Text 24

2-слушание текст не найден 25

1-слушание текст не найден 30

2-слушание 30

Text 30

1-слушание 33

Text 33

An interview 33

2-слушание 34

Text 34

1-слушание 40

Text 40

2-слушание 41

Text 41

1-слушание текст не найден 43

2-слушание 44

Text 44

An interview 44

1-слушание 47

Text 47

2-слушание 48

Text 48

Text 1 52

Text 2 53

Text 3 54

Text 4 54

Text 5 55

Text 6 56

Text 7 56

Text 8 57

Text 9 58

Test 1 70

Test 2 71

Test 3 73

Test 4 74

Test 6 76

Test 7 80

Test 8 84

Test 9 89

Test 10 90

Test 11 92

Test 12 93

Test 13 95

Test 14 97

Test 15 98

Test 16 100

Test 17 104

Test 19 107

Test 20 112

Text 1 Three BC Festivals 113

Text 2 114

Family value 114

Text 3 “The Driver” 115

Text 4 Australia 116

Text 5 117

The end of life on Earth 117

Text 6 118

The Facebook party that became a riot 118

Text 7 120

Money Can’t Buy Everything 120

Text 8 121

English speaking countries 121

Text 9 122

Superstitions 122

Text 10 New York 123

Text 11 124

Walt Disney 124

Text 12 If statues could talk 125

Text 13 126

Computer Games and Children 126

Text 14 Siberia’s medical train 127

Text 15 128

British management 128

Text 16 Noise 130

Text 17 131

Text 18 132

Text 19 133

  1. I saw him ... down the street.

  1. was walk

  2. was walking

  3. walking

  4. walked

  1. Complete the sentence.

Let’s go out. It... now.

  1. doesn’t rain

  2. isn’t raining

  3. aren’t raining

  4. don’t rain

  1. ... wanted to go skiing over the winter break.

  1. Us

  2. We

  3. Me

  4. Them

  1. ... Tower in Paris was built between 1881 and 1889.

  1. A Eiffel

  2. Eiffel

  3. An Eiffel

  4. The Eiffel

  1. We expected him ...

  1. to be late

  2. be late

  3. will be late

  4. being late

  1. I am tired. I... all night.

  1. has worked

  2. has been working

  3. ‘ve just worked

  4. ve been working

12. You can get to ... Heathrow Airport by underground.


B) the


D) a

13.Tim's ... horse was bigger than ... rest.

A) -/a


C) -/the

D) -/-

14. The doctor... it... be pneumonia and ... her to go to hospital.

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1   ...   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   ...   51

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