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participation, duration of interaction

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Наука и жизнь Казахстана №3 (59) 2018

participation, duration of interaction
Social network
population of people / 
organizations related to social 
joint labor activity, cooperation, 
informational exchange, friendship of 
Virtual community
Internet communities
М. Кастельс
Network community
М. Грановеттер, Б. 
Латур, Дж. Урри
integration of users of 
communication networks with 
similar interests or activities in 
the Internet space 
General discourse with prolonged and 
emotional involvement in the process of 
communication, the formation of a web 
of personal relationships, conducting 
joint activities with the help of computer 
network tools
From technical point of view, the networked social community is traditionally described as a 
component of Internet services, information Web-resources, actions of participants and message 
In our view, social media is more about communication, and networking is more about a virtual 
platform for sharing experience, learning and skills development. So, according to Sergodeyev V. a, 
social network is an interactive multi-user website, the content of which is filled by the participants of 
the network (individual texts, photos, videos, audio and video files, audiobooks, databases) [6]. At the 
same time, users are integrated into the Internet community on the provided technical platform, if there 
is a common public discourse in the communication.
Network community as a special kind of social associations is not just a long–term and emotional 
involvement in the process of communication of a set of communities of people with similar activities 
or interests, it is conducting joint activities with the help of computer network tools.
The foundation of such integration is the "common knowledge", shared by the majority of community 
members and containing ideas about this community, norms of interaction, value-semantic images [7; 
The network community is often a self-managed, flexible, but at the same time poorly managed 
system. Raising the issue of increasing the manageability of the network community may seem 
redundant. However, if we turn to the theories and models of management as a systemic phenomenon, 
new resources influencing educational processes will be discovered.
Since the governance is a function of organized systems, within the framework of this discussion, 
an interesting situation highlights certain social dimensions, functions, management features that are 
authentic to online community.
From this point of view there is an interesting Mukanova S.D.'s monograph, where the review of the 
theoretical provisions reveals management as a social phenomenon [8;56]. In particular:
- Self-government is considered as a type of social activity (Gladkikh I. V.); 
- The philosophy of influence is replaced by a philosophy of reflective management, interaction and 
collaboration (Konarzewski Y.A.).
Analyzing different approaches, the author focuses on the position that will be the starting point for 
us: the process of managing any systems is reduced to motivating people's behavior and stimulating their 
actions and activities [7; 56].
A subculture of the pedagogical network community is formed in Kazakhstan. The social network, a 
relatively new form of organization of professional communication, becomes a part of the educational 
infrastructure, and its importance cannot be underestimated. 
In relation to the management of network communities, two types of resources are important for us: 
actual (real) and potential, in turn, including organizational, educational-methodical, motivational.
Current network community management resources
The possibilities of network communities are used in the creation of a single educational space of 

the country. The evidence of this is the organization of the network community on the website of JSC 
"NCPC" Orleans " (table 2).
Table 2-Portrait of the network pedagogical community on the website "Orleu"
Description of the option
Control system
Department of Innovation and Public Relations of JSC "National Center 
for Professional Development "Өrleu", further Administration
мoderators of directions
The name of the 
http://forum.orleu-edu.kz/ - pedagogical community of JSC National 
Center for Professional Development "Өrleu"
Target audience
Pedagogical workers of the pre-school educational system of the Republic 
of Kazakhstan, audience members of advanced training courses of JSC 
NCPD "Өrleu"
Ways and means of 
Rules of work of the JSC "NCPD "Orleu"
Forum structure by types of courses and rubrication
Тhe presence responsible people in the branches of «Orleu» - curators of 
Ways to motivate site 
visitors to productive 

Educational elements of the content of educational programs for preschool 
workers on the issues of the network community
Advertisement of the network community of JSC «NCPD» Өrleu»
Training audience members to registrate at the forum in the framework of 
the technological module
Stating a common problem, question , that requires a joint solution by 
Specificity of the network 
Corporate educational website
The possibility of intracorporate and international communication
The portrait of the network community illustrates the structural and organizational resources of 
professional training throughout life.
Content in the network is created and transformed by the pedagogical community itself, at the same 
time the management system seeks to direct this process through the rubrication of Internet forum and 
moderation, and looks for ways of making it interesting and exciting.
The network, being an organizational resource, structures the educational space. It focuses on the 
ways of influencing various professional platforms.
Users coordinate and cooperate actions for mutual benefit on the basis of the use of social capital 
- a resource of trust, tolerance, reciprocity. They are provided with the possibility of synchronous 
and asynchronous communication, access to information content and the ability to manage it. Self-
presentation, self-identification happens because of participation in discussions and creation of own 
Recently, one more resource has received a powerful development. This is educational and 
methodological support of course and post-course work resource, that motivates teachers to participate 
in networked communities.
Standard programs for professional development of pedagogical staff of pre-school organizations, 
approved by the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
(Decree No. 92 of 28.01.2016 "On the approval of educational programs for advanced training courses 
for teachers of pre-school, secondary, supplementary, and special education") and implemented in 
Karagandy Institute for Advanced Training of educators, contain motivational resources that encourage 
teachers to be active in the Internet network.
In the Typical educational programs for professional development of pre-school organizations, there 
are general end-to-end content elements: the teacher's ICT competence in the context of the systemic 
renewal of the content of education, the use of ICT in training and education of dossiers, the methodology 

of distance learning, new forms of distance learning content (screencasts, podcasts, webinars) Mobile 
and SMART-training.
Each of the elements "works" for the development of ICT competence of teachers of pre-school 
organizations – audience members of courses. These elements are localized in the authentic structural 
components of the curriculum, such as: the subject of independent works of audience members, the 
subject of project works, technological and variable modules (Table 3 ).
Table 3 – Correlation of the end-to-end educational elements of typical programs for the improvement 
of professional skills of teachers of pre-school organizations with universal competencies
Types of competence
Content of training elements on the organization of the Internet community
Information-intellectual - Information and educational technologies Intel "Education for the future" 
of the XXI century. Use of Google services in training.
- Acquaintance with international telecommunication projects, Kazakhstan 
networked educational communities, educational portals and analysis of 
their work
- Basics of working with educational portals and professional pedagogical 
network communities, placing their own educational resources on the 
Instrumental and 
Use the Internet to create a networked community and conduct a forum
Technologies for designing educational content for preschool children by 
means of standard software training
Basics of interaction in networked pedagogical communities
nteraction of teachers in the Internet community as a condition for the 
development of professional competence
Basics of working with educational portals and pedagogical network 
communities, placing their own educational resources on the Internet
The content of these elements of the program of the courses takes the audience members out of the 
actual educational activity under the guidance of the teacher, as it helps them to expand the horizons of 
professional activity in the post-course period and continue working on the personal growth program. 
On the technical and social base of the website JSC "National Center for Professional Development 
"Өrleu" teachers of pre-school organizations are given the opportunity to create their virtual "selfs", to 
communicate in the professional space, to present the results of their research and implement strategies 
for updating the content of education.
This manifests a contextual approach to professional development.
Potential resources for managing the network community. 
1. Motivational resource
Management of the network community involves initiating the participation of teachers in the 
intellectual agenda of the education system.
The driving force behind the development and support of the network activity of teachers in this 
direction is the contradiction: 
The educator joins the community created and acting according to certain rules, the management 
system seeks to increase the impact of network interaction in accordance with the common goals 
and strategies for the development of education, at the same time, members of the community, are 
realizing personal preferences and freedom of choice, tend to view the community more as a form of 
communication, association of interests and self-expression.
The goal is to ensure the oncoming movement, balance and harmony of internal and external 
Expected result: formation of a personal brand and competitiveness of a modern Kazakhstan teacher.
2. Organizational and methodical resource
For moderators of the community, who are entering into network relations, important to create a point-

to-point interaction with Internet users, to position the strategic tasks of the educational development, 
on the base of basic and professional needs of teachers. The condition of influence and authority of 
moderators in the Internet space is information competence and readiness for continuous interaction.
Traditional types and forms of methodical work with educators can be claimed by the network 
community, this placement and expert discussion of the contest materials, holding seminars, olympiads, 
online meetings within the group, etc.
Management specialists need to learn to conduct with the teachers a serious, personal, targeted 
dialogue or polylogue, to talk with meanings. Write and recommend what they believe in themselves.
The goal is to train a network moderator who can be involved in active forms of social behavior in 
the network and act as a conduit for the actual pedagogical ideas of the Extension Programs.
Expected result: popularization of probabilistic models of professional behavior and image of the 
reflecting teacher.
3. Educational content as a resource
Network communities can be the criteria for the activity of professional users, the popularity of 
certain sites, the quality of the operation of control systems, etc. But, most importantly, they discuss 
the pressing problems that are significant from the standpoint of the practice of each particular teacher 
and the education system as a whole. Networking communities can support the mass introduction of 
innovative teaching methods and education, disseminate electronic innovation resources, receive or 
provide advisory support.
The main function of the moderator is to be an active participant in the process of accumulation, 
transformation of content and exchange of various resources.
The goal: strengthening the influence of moderators and trainers on the formation of the content of 
the network community, taking into account the strategies for the development of education.
Expected Result: Applied nature of the topic of networked educational content with a long-term 
Using a set of resources of network interaction will allow to influence educational processes in the 
long-term / strategic direction, and, as a result, to obtain an ideal balanced management result.
The main function of the moderator is to be an active participant in the process of accumulation, 
transformation of content and exchange of various resources.
Monitoring the functioning of the network of educators of pre-school education on the website of the 
Karaganda branch of the "National Center for Professional Development "Oleu"" shows that the growth 
in activity is more due to the placement of the current educational content (in-demand training materials 
for practical use) (Table 4.) .
Table 4 – Statistics of activity of the network Internet community of audience members of short-term 
courses of Professional training - teachers of preschool and primary education for 3 years
Category of 
members of 
the online 
Total number 
of listeners 
(for 3 years)
Number of 
forum topics
Number of 
Number of 
responses / 
responses ratio 
(1 response 
count views)
Teachers of 
Primary school 
* December 2017 data
At the same time, there is not enough self-presentation and self-positioning of personal achievements 
of users, extensive discussion discussions. Peaks of user activity are observed in the period after the 
completion of the course preparation and placement of new material announced at post-course support 

Thus, the prospects for the development of the network community are obvious: as a stable and 
constantly updated system, it itself becomes a resource and part of the pedagogical subculture.
Professional virtual communication is not a tribute to fashion, rather it is a trend, for the support 
of which a complex of organizational and methodical resources is needed. The balance of external 
management and self-management of the network community is achieved through common goals, 
reliance on creativity and creativity of users, opportunities for self-presentation and self-positioning of 
personal achievements.

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