А. В. Коваленко World Educators of the Kindergarten Movement для студентов направления подготовки

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ACROSS: 4. A group of people who are united in a single organization for a particular purpose. 6. A talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, news and information are exchanged. 8. A system of communication consisting of a set of small parts and a set of rules which decide the ways in which these parts can be combined to produce messages that have meaning. 13. A representation of smth, either as a physical object which is usually smaller than the real object. 14. A high-ranking degree. 17. A place for children between the ages two and five. 18. A person or people who have the moral or legal right or ability to control. 19. To prepare or be prepared for a job, by learning skills or by mental or physical. 20. Information about a subject which has been obtained by experience.

DOWN: 1. A particular way of doing something. 2. A serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part. 3. A student, usually one who has been the most successful in a particular class, who makes a speech at a special ceremony at the end of a school year. 5. A young person between childhood and adulthood. 7. The act of making information or stories available to people in a printed form. 9. A person who has a degree from a university or college. 10. The achieving of desired results. 11. Money which a person agrees to give to another person when he dies or something that is a part of the history. 12. A test done in order to learn smth or to discover whether smth works or is true. 15. A teacher who gives too much attention to formal rules and is not interesting. 16. Teaching someone, esp. using the formal system of school, college or university or giving knowledge of a particular subject to someone.

ACROSS: 1. The usual state of mind of a person which is shown in the way that he behaves. 5. Money which a person agrees to give to another person when he dies or something that is a part of the history. 6. Skill needed to do something. 7. Teaching someone, esp. using the formal system of school, college or university or giving knowledge of a particular subject to someone. 8. A place for children between the ages two and five. 10. The study of the methods and activities of teaching. 12. To care for a child until it is an adult. 15. A home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them. 17. A clear explanation. 19. To prepare or be prepared for a job, by learning skills or by mental or physical. 20. A calculation which you make.

DOWN: 2. A close friendship between two people. 3. The classes at school in which children do exercise and learn to play sport. 4. To support a person, organization or activity by giving money or other help. 6. A person with special knowledge on a particular subject. 9. To have a job. 11. A teacher who gives too much attention to formal rules and is not interesting. 13. The things that you must have in order to have a satisfactory life. 14. A person who takes control by force. 16. The process by which characteristics are able to be given from a parent to their child through the genes. 18. To not succeed in what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do.
























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