А. В. Коваленко World Educators of the Kindergarten Movement для студентов направления подготовки

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Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi – Иоганн Генрих Песталоцци

Neuchatel – Невшатель, франкоязычный кантон на западе Швейцарии.

Lavater - Иоганн Каспар Лафатер (1741 – 1801), швейцарский писатель. Писал на немецком языке. Изучал теологию, был пастором в Цюрихе.

Johann Kaspar Bluntschli – Иоганн Каспар Блюнчли (1808 – 1881), швейцарский юрист, политик.

Anna Schulthess – Анна Шультгесс

Aargau – кантон Ааргау

«Leonard and Gertrude» - «Лингард и Гертруда»

«The Evening Hours of a Hermit» – «Досуги отшельника»

Switzerland – Швейцария

Canton – Кантон Швейцарии – это единица административно-политического деления. Всего в Швейцарии 26 кантонов.

Canton of Nidwalden – Нидвальден – кантон в центре Швейцарии.

«How Gertrude Teaches Her Children«Как Гертруда учит своих детей»

Burgdorf – Бургдорф – самый большой город в кантоне Берн

Yverdon – Ивердон

Lake Neuchatel – озеро Невшатель

Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail – Ипполит Леон Денизар-Ривайль, французский педагог.

Ramsauer – Карл Рамзаюр, известный преподаватель физики.

Blochmann – Блохманн Карл Юстус, учитель у Песталоцци в Ивердине, в Швейцарии.

Carl Ritter – Карл Ри́ттер (1779 – 1859), немецкий географ.

Friedrich Froebel – Фридрих Фребель (1782 – 1852), немецкий педагог-новатор.


Exercise 1. Put in the missing letters. Check yourself with a dictionary: m-st-rp-ece, c-nq-e-or, co-sc-ou-n-ss, p-d-go-ue, -ef-r-er, a-ho-i-ms, r-f-ec-i-ns, o-s-u-i-y, e-po-i-ion, r-be-li-n.

Exercise 2. Find the right pronunciation of these words in a dictionary, read them and explain their meaning: an educational reformer, to bring up with smb, to meet with failure, to write a masterpiece, rote memorization.

Exercise 3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. to bring up

a. a person who lives alone and apart from the rest of society

2. to devote

b. a plant

3. to induce

c. a clear explanation

4. to marry

d. a person who takes control by force

5. madder

e. a calculation which you make

6. to fail

f. to give your time, love wholly to smth you believe in or a person

7. hermit

g. to care for a child until it is an adult

8. reckoning

h. to not succeed in what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do

9. conqueror

i. to become the legally accepted husband or wife of someone I an official or religious ceremony

10. exposition

j. to persuade someone to do smth

Put your answers in this table. Model:

1. g

Exercise 4. Learn new words and word combinations and use them in your topics.

corporal punishment to associate oneself with another person

a Swiss pedagogue from the easier to the more difficult

to meet with failure a series of aphorisms and reflections

rote memorization to leave without food or shelter

to do the best to devote oneself to education

orphaned children to take smb under the charge

a deserted convent to take interest in education

to establish a school an educational reformer

to teach children to write a masterpiece

the alphabet to bring up with smb

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text «Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi» with a dictionary. Choose sentences which help you to tell about a Swiss pedagogue and educational reformer.

Exercise 6. Choose the best word to complete the sentences. Check yourself with a dictionary.

1. conqueror

2. brought up

3. induced

4. failed

5. hermit

6. to marry

7. exposition

8. hermit

1. When their parents died an aunt … them … .

2. She has … all her energies to the care of homeless people.

3. They … her to take the job by promising editorial freedom.

4. Men tend … later than women.

5. I tried to persuade him to come, but I … .

6. The cave was inhabited by a … in the 19th century.

7. William the … was the first Norman King of England.

8. The minister’s speech included a clear … of the government’s policies.

Exercise 7. Read the text once more and decide if the following statements are true or false. Prove your point.

1. In Switzerland Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi associated the party of reform.

2. All his life was spent for improving the condition of the people.

3. Pestalozzi’s opening of his farm-house was successful.

4. «Leonard and Gertrude» was Pestalozzi’s masterpiece.

5. His first published book was a series of aphorism and reflections.

6. During the French invasion of Switzerland Pestalozzi took orphaned children under his charge.

Exercise 8. Read the text again and complete the following sentences by choosing the one correct variant (a, b or c) that best completes the sentence.

1. The death of Pestalozzi’s … turned him from politics.

a) friend b) father c) mother

2. Pestalozzi’s business failed because he … .

a) was fond of politics b) attempted the cultivation of madder

c) knew nothing of business

3. In 1798 Pestalozzi converted a deserted convent into … .

a) his farm-house for cultivation of madder

b) a school for orphaned children

c) a hospital for French soldiers

4. His masterpiece «» was about … .

a) politics b) school reforms

c) the gradual reformation of a whole village

5. According to Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi the role of the educator is … .

a) to teach both children and subjects

b) to teach children, not subjects

c) to teach subjects, not children

6. Pestalozzi’s method of education is … .

a) to proceed from the easier to the more difficult

b) to proceed from the more difficult to the easier methods

c) to proceed easy and difficult methods together.

Exercise 9. Read the text «Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi» and answer the following questions.

1. When and where was Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi born?

2. Who brought up Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi by?

3. Where did Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi study?

4. What induced Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi to devote himself to education?

5. What was his first published book?

6. What his masterpiece do you know? What is it about?

7. What was the role of the educator according to Pestalozzi’s opinion? How do you understand it?

8. What was Pestalozzi’s last work?

9. What was the real work of his life according to Pestalozzi’s mind?

Exercise 10. Make an information map to collect information about Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

to be a Swiss


Exercise 11. Creative task.

Brainstorming. Brainstorm all your ideas and thoughts and make computer presentations "A great Swiss pedagogue and educational reformer Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi". (Pay attention to the rules of brainstorming).

Rules of Brainstorming

1. Express no negative evaluation of any idea presented.

2. Work for quantity, not quality – the longer the list of ideas, the better.

3. Expand on each other's ideas, piggyback – if someone's idea prompts an idea in your head, then share it with your group.

4. Encourage zany, far-out ideas.

5. Record each idea, at least by a key word or phrase.

6. Set a time limit for the brainstorming session and hold strictly to it.
Text 2. Friedrich Froebel (1782 – 1852)

Grammar: Времена группы Indefinite

Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel (April 21, 1782 – June 21, 1852) was a German pedagogue, a student of Pestalozzi who laid the foundation for modern education based on the recognition that children have unique needs and capabilities. He developed the concept of the “kindergarten”, and also coined the word now used in German and English. Friedrich Froebel was born at Oberweißbach in the Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt in Thuringia. His father, who died in 1802, was the pastor of the orthodox Lutheran parish there. The church and Lutheran Christian faith were pillars in Froebel's own early education. Oberweißbach was a wealthy village in the Thuringian Forest and had been known centuries long for its natural herb remedies, tinctures, bitters, soaps and salves. Families had their own inherited areas of the forest where herbs and roots were grown and harvested. Each family prepared, bottled, and produced their individual products which were taken throughout Europe on trade routes passed from father to son, who were affectionately called "Buckelapotheker". They adorned the church with art acquired from their travels, many pieces of which can still be seen in the renovated structure. The pulpit from which Froebel heard his father preach is the largest in all Europe and can fit a pastor and 12 men, a direct reference to Christ's apostles. Shortly after Froebel's birth, his mother's health began to fail. She died when he was nine months old, profoundly influencing his life. In 1792, Froebel went to live in the small town of Stadt-Ilm with his uncle, a gentle and affectionate man. At the age of 15 Froebel, who loved nature, became the apprentice to a forester. In 1799, he decided to leave his apprenticeship and study mathematics and botany in Jena. From 1802 to 1805, he worked as a land surveyor. In the picture you can see the house in Oberweißbach where Friedrich Froebel was born.

He began as an educator in 1805 at the secondary school in Frankfurt, where he learnt about Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi’s ideas. He later worked with Pestalozzi in Switzerland where his ideas further developed. From 1806 Froebel was the live-in teacher for a Frankfurt noble family’s three sons. He lived with the three children from 1808 to 1810 at Pestalozzi’s institute in Yverdon in Switzerland. In 1811, Froebel once again went back to school in Göttingen and Berlin, eventually leaving without earning a certificate. He became a teacher at the Plamannsche Schule in Berlin, a boarding school for boys, and at that time also a pedagogical and patriotic centre. During his service in the Lützow Free Corps in 1813 and 1814 – when he was involved in two campaigns against Napoleon – Froebel befriended Wilhelm Middendorf, a theologian and fellow pedagogue, and Heinrich Langethal, also a pedagogue.

After Waterloo and the Congress of Vienna, Froebel found himself a civilian once again and became an assistant at the Museum of Mineralogy. This did not, however, last very long, and by 1816 he had quit and founded the German General Education Institute in Griesheim near Arnstadt in Thuringia. A year later he moved this to Keilhau near Rudolstadt. In 1831, work was continued there by the other cofounders Wilhelm Middendorf and Heinrich Langethal. In 1820, Froebel published the first of his five Keilhau pamphlets To Our German People. The other four were published between then and 1823. In 1826 he published his main literary work “The Education of Man” and founded the weekly publication “The Educating Families”. In 1828 and 1829 he pursued plans for a people’s education institute in Helba, but they were never realized.

From 1831 to 1836, Froebel once again lived in Switzerland. In 1831 he founded an educational institute in Wartensee. In 1833 he moved this to Willisau, and from 1835 to 1836, he headed the orphanage in Berne, where he also published the magazine “Features of Human Education”. In 1836 appeared his work “The New Year 1836 Calls For the Renewal of Life”. He returned to Germany, dedicated himself almost exclusively to preschool child education and began manufacturing playing materials in Bad Blankenburg. In 1837 he founded a care, playing and activity institute for small children in Bad Blankenburg. From 1838 to 1840 he also published the magazine “A Sunday Paper for the Like-Minded”.

In 1840 he coined the word kindergarten for the Play and Activity Institute he had founded in 1837 at Bad Blankenburg for young children, together with Wilhelm Middendorf and Heinrich Langethal. These two men were Froebel’s most faithful colleagues when his ideas were also transplanted to Keilhau near Rudolstadt. He designed the educational play materials known as Froebel Gifts, which included geometric building blocks and pattern activity blocks. Friedrich Froebel's great insight was to recognize the importance of the activity of the child in learning. He introduced the concept of “free work” into pedagogy and established the “game” as the typical form that life took in childhood, and also the game’s educational worth. Activities in the first kindergarten included singing, dancing, gardening and self-directed play with the Froebel Gifts. Froebel intended, with his «Mutter und Koselieder» – a songbook that he published – to introduce the young child into the adult world.

Froebel died on 21 June 1852 in Mariental. His grave is still found at the cemetery at Schweina, where his widow, who died in Hamburg, was also buried on 10 January 1900.


Friedrich Froebel – Фридрих Фребель (1782 – 1852), немецкий педагог, теоретик дошкольного воспитания, создатель понятия «детский сад».

Oberweißbach – Обервайсбах, город в Германии, в земле Тюрингия.

Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt – Шварцбург-Рудольштадт, германское графство.

The Thuringian Forest – Тюрингенский лес.

Yverdon – Ивердон.

Wilhelm Middendorf – Вильгельм Миддендорф, немецкий педагог.

Heinrich Langethal – Генрих Ланденталь, немецкий педагог.

Griesheim – Грисгейм.

Keilhau – Кейльгау.

«Mutter und Koselieder» - «Материнские песни».

Mariental – Мариенталь.


Exercise 1. Put in the missing letters. Check yourself with a dictionary: p-da-og-e, c-p-bil-ti-s, r-co-n-ti-n, c-n-e-t, c-u-ch, a-fe-ti-n-te, s-co-d-ry, ce-t-f-ca-e, e-u-ati-n, o-p-an-ge.

Exercise 2. Find the right pronunciation of these words in a dictionary, read them and explain their meaning: a great pedagogue, a literary work, a boarding school, to leave school without earning a certificate.

Exercise 3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. orphanage

a. someone who has agreed to work for a skilled person for a particular period of time and often low payment, in order to learn that person’s skills

2. needs

b. a person who is learning at a college or university

3. colleague

c. teaching someone, esp. using the formal system of school, college or university or giving knowledge of a particular subject to someone

4. pedagogy

d. a person who is in charge of taking care of a forest

5. capability

e. a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them

6. education

f. a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work

7. pastor

g. the arrangement by which students sleep and eat meals at their school during school time

8. student

h. the study of the methods and activities of teaching

9. forester

i. a person who teaches people

10. apprentice

j. one of a group of people who work together

11. educator

k. skill needed to do something

12. a boarding school

l. the things that you must have in order to have a satisfactory life

13. kindergarden

j. a leader of a Christian group or church, esp. one which is Protestant

Put your answers in this table. Model:

1 e

Exercise 4. Learn new words and word combinations and use them in your topics.

modern education to have unique needs and capabilities

an early education the foundation for modern education

a great pedagogue to leave without earning a certificate

the secondary school a pedagogical and patriotic centre

a literary work the concept of the “kindergarten”

a boarding school to produce individual products

to coin the word a gentle and affectionate man

to dedicate oneself to smth preschool child education

to pass from father to son to head the orphanage

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text with a dictionary. Choose sentences which help you to tell about a German pedagogue Friedrich Froebel.

Exercise 6. Choose the best word to complete the sentences. Check yourself with a dictionary.

1. needs

2. orphanage

3. certificate

4. education

5. ability

6. apprentices

7. kindergarden

8. surveyor

1. They don’t have enough food to meet their … .

2. “… is what survives when what had been learnt has been forgotten”

3. Most of the work was done by … .

4. She has the … to summarize an argument in a few words.

5. He had grown up in an … because his mother could not take care of him.

6. Their two children have been going to a … since they were small babies.

7. A … is a person whose job is to measure and record the details of areas of land.

8. Jane’s qualified teacher now that she was her … in Education.

Exercise 7. Read the text once more and decide if the following statements are true or false. Prove your point.

1. Friedrich Froebel was a student of John Amos Comenius.

2. F. Froebel coined the word «kindergarten».

3. Each family produced its individual products passed from mother to daughter.

4. Individual products which bottled in Oberweissbach called «Thuringian Forest».

5. Friedrich loved nature that’s why he became the apprentice to a forester.

6. F. Froebel had founded the General Education Institute in Switzerland.

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