А. В. Коваленко World Educators of the Kindergarten Movement для студентов направления подготовки

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Jean-Ovide Decroly – Жан Овид Декроли бельгийский педагог-реформатор, врач и психолог.

Uccle – Уккел – одна из девятнадцати коммун, образующих в совокупности Брюссельский столичный регион.

Ronse – Ронсе, маленький бельгийский городок.

The University of Gent – Гентский университет.

Leon Brunschwig – Леон Бруншвиг.


Exercise 1. Put in the missing letters. Check yourself with a dictionary: a-m-sp-e-e, -s-ab-is-m-nt, o-s-rv-ti-n, -x-re-s-on, -ri-r-ty, -b-nd-n-e-t, p-ot-c-ion, -p-ro-ch, c-n-em-or-ry, -e-avi-ur.

Exercise 2. Find the right pronunciation of these words in a dictionary, read them and explain their meaning: to be a pioneer in the education of children, a school for disabled children, to credit the school’s homelike atmosphere, exceptional children.

Exercise 3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. career [kə′riə]

a. doing nothing, not working or operating

2. demand [di′ma:nd]

b. a mother and father of a person

3. gifted [′giftid]

c. a job which you are trained and in which it is possible to advance during your working life, so that you get greater responsibility and earn more money

4. passion [′pæ∫ən]

d. leaving a place, thing or person forever

5. patient [′pei∫ən]

e. the condition of being extremely poor

6. poverty [′povəti]

f. a person who has special ability in smth or a greater range of ability than average

7. idleness [′aidlnəs]

g. smth that must be dealt with as soon as possible and before other less important things

8. abandonment [ə′bændənmənt]

h. a forceful request

9. parents [′peərənts]

i. a person who is receiving medical care

10. priority [prai′oriti]

j. a very powerful feeling

Put your answers in this table. Model:

1. c










Exercise 4. Learn new words and word combinations and use them in your topics.

endurance for the frustrations of life an observation

to take up the research on smth a turbulent spirit

the universal needs of the child a preventive role

to be based on three processes abnormal children

association of space and time an educational content

a manual expression to face with the poverty

a written expression speech-defective children

an artistic expression a nonhandicapped student

an exceptional child a new intellectual approach

an oral expression an educational abandonment

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text with a dictionary. Choose sentences which help you to tell about Jean-Ovide Decroly.

Exercise 6. Choose the best word to complete the sentences. Check yourself with a dictionary.

1. brilliant

2. passion

3. ideology

4. career

5. priority

6. gifted

7. abandonment

8. poverty

1. She’s very … - she’s a wonderful athlete, she writes beautifully and plays the guitar and soon.

2. Why is … such a rave quality in the English?

3. He’s hoping for a … in the police force.

4. Two million people in the city live in very great … .

5. The … of the land first began at the end of the last century.

6. The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a …

7. Her mother was a … scientist.

8. The United states was opposed to the country’s socialist … .

Exercise 7. Read the text once more and decide if the following statements are true or false. Prove your point.

1. Decroly affirmed that biological and mental phenomena of all behaviour were corrlated.

2. Decroly worked as a student assistant at the Brussels Polyclinic.

3. He worked with abnormal and speech-defective children.

4. Schools can be the most powerful means of preventing idleness, poverty and crime.

5. The role of the parents becomes more important as the school’s role has become more difficult.

6. Schools must prepare each child effectively for life as a person, a worker and a citizen.

Exercise 9. Read the text «Jean-Ovide Decroly» and answer the following questions.

1. What was Jean-Ovide Decroly?

2. What education did he receive?

3. With whom did Jean-Ovide Decroly meet during his study in Berlin and Paris?

4. J.-O. Decroly took up again his research on mental illness in Brussels, didn’t he?

5. Modern education wasn’t going to change solely to fulfil the social function, was it?

6. What was the school’s role in the life of a person, according J.-O. Decroly?

7. What will technical and scientific training be based on?

8. What is the main idea of the modernizing of educational content?

Exercise 10. Make an information map to collect information about Jean-Ovide Decroly.

Jean-Ovide Decroly

to discover the medi-

cine of the mind
Exercise 11. Creative task.

Brainstorming. Brainstorm all your ideas and thoughts and make computer presentations "Ovide Decroly is Belgian pioneer in the education of children". (Pay attention to the rules of brainstorming at p.14).

Text 11. Janusz Korczak (1878 – 1942)

Grammar: The Gerund

Janusz Korczak, the pen name of Henryk Goldszmit was a Polish-Jewish children's author, pediatrician, child pedagogue, known as Pan Doktor (Mr Doctor) or Stary Doktor (Old Doctor) and one of the most famous reformers of education whose name is included in the sanctum sanctorum of the world pedagogics as well as of the elementary humanity. Korczak was born in Warsaw to an assimilated Jewish family. His mother was the daughter of prominent Kalisz Jews and his father Jozef Goldszmit was from a family of proponents of the haskalah. Korczak's father died in 1896, possibly by his own hand, leaving the family without a source of income. Over the next few years, the family was forced to abandon their spacious apartment and, during his teens, Korczak was the sole breadwinner for his mother, sister and grandmother. In 1898 he used Janusz Korczak as a writing pseudonym in Ignacy Paderewski's literary contest. The name originated from the book Janusz Korczak and the Pretty Swordsweeperlady by Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. In 1890s he studied in the Flying University. In the years 1898–1904 Korczak studied medicine at the University of Warsaw and also wrote for several Polish language newspapers. After his graduation he became a pediatrician. During the Russo-Japanese War in 1905–1906 he served as a military doctor. Meanwhile his book Child of the Drawing Room gained him some literary recognition. After the war he continued his practice in Warsaw. In 1907 – 1908 Korczak continued his studies in Berlin. When he was working for the Orphan's Society in 1909 he met Stefania Wilczynska.

In 1911 – 1912 he became a director of Dom Sierot, the orphanage of his own design for Jewish children in Warsaw. Korczak's orphanage is still in operation today. He took Wilczynska as his closest associate. There he formed a kind-of-a-republic for children with its own small parliament, court and newspaper. He reduced his other duties as a doctor. In 1914 Korczak again became a military doctor with the rank of Lieutenant during World War I. During the Polish-Soviet War he served again as a military doctor with the rank of major but was assigned to Warsaw after a brief stint in Lodz. In 1926 Korczak let the children begin their own newspaper, the Mały Przeglad, as a weekly attachment to the daily Polish-Jewish Newspaper Nasz Przeglad.

On August 5 1942, German soldiers came to collect the 192 orphans and about one dozen staff members to take them to Treblinka extermination camp. Korczak had been offered sanctuary on the Aryan side of Warsaw but turned it down repeatedly, saying that he could not abandon his children. Now too, he refused offers of sanctuary, insisting that he would go with the children. The children were dressed in their best clothes, and each carried a blue knapsack and a favorite book or toy.

According to a popular legend, an SS officer recognized Korczak as the author of one of his favorite children's books and offered to help him escape. By another version, the officer was acting officially, as the Nazi authorities had in mind some kind of special treatment for Korczak. Whatever the offer, Korczak once again refused. He boarded the trains with the children and was never heard from again. Some time after, there were rumors that the trains had been diverted and that Korczak and the children had survived. There was, however, no basis to these stories. Most likely, Korczak was killed with most of his children in a gas chamber upon their arrival at Treblinka. There is a cenotaph for him at the Powazki Cemetery in Warsaw.

Korczak was one of the first pedagogues who changed the general attitudes of teachers and parents towards students and children. His general concept was that any child has his own way, his own path, on which he embarks immediately following birth. The role of a parent or a teacher is not to impose other goals on a child, but to help children achieve their own goals. In the book, he shares much of his experience dealing with difficult children. Ideas of Korczak were further developed by many other pedagogues such as Simon Soloveychik. He wrote such pedagogical books as «How to love a child», «The child's right to respect», «Playful pedagogy». Korczak often employed the form of the fairy tale in order to actually prepare his young readers for the dilemmas and difficulties of real adult life, and the need to take responsible decisions. The perception of a child and of the period of childhood were the purposes he had served during his adult life. Korchak wrote many books for children, about children and education, he published hundreds of articles in public-social, medical, pedagogic, psychological magazines. The book «How to love a child» written in the twentieth of the XX century is in a certain sense a manifesto of humanism, an ageless commandment transmitted to our and future time from the times which, it might seem, are far from us but they are very similar to our time for the matter concerns love of children, and it is an eternal value.

From www.korchakcentr.ru/pages.


Henryk Goldszmit – Эрш Хенрик Гольдшмит.

Janusz Korczak – Януш Корчак.

Warsaw [′wo:so:] – Варшава.

Stefania Wilczynska – Стефания Вильчинская.

«Child of the Drawing Room» - «Дитя гостиной».

«The child's right to respect» - «Право ребенка на уважение».

«Playful pedagogy» - «Шутливая педагогика».


Exercise 1. Put in the missing letters. Check yourself with a dictionary: -e-or-er, -n-o-e, b-e-d-in-er, -s-ud-n-m, -ed-at-ici-n, r-c-g-it-on, -r-h-n-ge, -a-l-a-ent, a-ta-h-e-t, -o-c-rn.

Exercise 2. Find the right pronunciation of these words in a dictionary, read them and explain their meaning: a pen name of smb, to be the most famous reformer of education, to achieve smb’s own goals.

Exercise 3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. pen name

a. a person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs to live on

2. author [′o:Өə]

b. an acceptance that something is true or legal

3. pediatrician [pi:diə′tri∫ən]

c. a safe place for someone being chased or hunted

4. income [′iηkΛm]

d. an aim or purpose

5. breadwinner [′bredwinə]

e. to leave smb forever

6. recognition

f. a particular place where all people are killed

7. extermination camp [ik′st3:minei∫n]

g. children’s doctor

8. sanctuary [′sæηkt∫uəri]

h. a name which a person uses instead of his/her real name, esp. their work

9. to abandon [ə′bændən]

i. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments

10. goal [gəul]

j. a writer of a book, article, play, etc

Put your answers in this table. Model:

1. h

Exercise 4. Learn new words and word combinations and use them in your topics.

to be the sole breadwinner for smb an eternal value

the author of the children’s books to help children

to gain smb literary recognition a child pedagogue

difficulties of the adult life the general attitude

to achieve smb’s own goal a writing pseudonym

a source of income a manifesto of humanism

to become a pediatrician the form of the fairy tale

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text with a dictionary. Choose sentences which help you to tell about Janusz Korczak, a Polish-Jewish children's author, pediatrician, child pedagogue.

Exercise 6. Choose the best word to complete the sentences. Check yourself with a dictionary.

1. author

2. sanctuary

3. abandoned

4. extermnated

5. income

6. pen name

7. breadwinner

8. recognition

1. In the United Kingdom … support is money that is paid by government to people who have no income or very low income.

2. The artist Van Gogh achieved little public … .

3. Million of Jewish people were … in concentration camps in the Second World War.

4. The illegal immigrants took … in a local church.

5. Men are often expected to be the … in a family.

6. George Orwell was a … - his real name was Eric Blair.

7. When the rebel troops arrived, the village had been … already … .

8. Ernest Hemingway is the … of such works as “A Farewell to Arms”, “To Have and Have not”, “The Old Man and the Sea”.

Exercise 7. Read the text once more and decide if the following statements are true or false. Prove your point.

1. During his teens, Janusz Korczak was the sole breadwinner for his family.

2. Janusz’s father died leaving the family without a source of income.

3. Janusz Korczak is his real name.

4. There was its own parliament, court and newspaper in Korczak’s orphanage in Warsaw.

5. According to a legend, an SS officer offered Korczak to escape.

6. We know that J. Korczak was killed with his children in a gas chamber.

Exercise 8. Read the text again and complete the following sentences by choosing the one correct variant (a, b or c) that best completes the sentence.

1. Henryk Goldszmit is … .

a) his father’s name b) his pen name c) his real name

2. After the graduation of the University Janusz … .

a) an officer b) a pediatrician c) a military doctor

3. Janusz Korczak also wrote for … .

a) literary recognition b) Polish magazines

c) Polish language newspapers

4. He formed … for children in Warsaw.

a) a secondary school b) an ordinary orphanage

c) a kind-of-a-republic

5. During World War I he became … .

a) the author of children’s books b) a military doctor

c) a director of orphanage

6. J. Korczak changed the general attitudes of … towards students and children.

a) teachers and parents b) children and students

c) SS officers

Exercise 9. Read the text «Janusz Korczak» and answer the following questions.

1. What was Janusz Korczak?

2. Is Janusz Korczak his real name?

3. What do you know about Janusz Korczak’s family?

4. What did J. Korczak found for Jewish children in Warsaw?

5. What was the difference between Korczak’s «kind-of-a-republic» and other orphanages?

6. What had happened with J. Korczak and his children during the Great Patriotic War?

7. What is J. Korczak’s book «How to love a child» about?

8. What J. Korczak’s pedagogical books do you know? Have you read any of them?

Exercise 10. Make an information map to collect information about Janusz Korczak, a Polish-Jewish children's author, pediatrician, child pedagogue.

Janusz Korczak

to be a children’s


Exercise 11. Creative task.

Project work. You have already read a lot of information about the world great educators of kindergarten movement. Now choose one of them and tell other students about him or her. Prove that your educator with his (her) system of education is the best in the kindergarten movement. Try to show your own project with diagrams, pictures, tables and schemes.
























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