Английский язык

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түріМетодические рекомендации
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Кудрявцева Л.В., Решитько Е.В. Английский язык. Часть 2 методические рекомендации для студентов профилей Математика, Информатика

1. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation: graph, pictograph, circle, straight, right, visual, item, present, entire, change, chart.

2. Make up sentences of your own using the words and expressions given below:
can present, visual form, with relation to, is used to show, bar graph, line graph, pictograph.

3. Answer the following questions:
1. What does a graph present?
2. What can we do by using a graph?
3. What are the most commonly used graphs?
4. What is the difference between a pictograph and the bar graph?
5. What do we call a circle or a line graph?

4. Translate into English:
Наиболее часто встречающиеся диаграммы - это пиктограммы, диаграммы в виде столбцов, диаграммы в виде круга и линейные диаграммы. Распределительная диаграмма показывает соотношение всех частей одного целого.
Диаграммы обычно используются, чтобы показать размер или количество различных предметов или размер и количество одного и того же предмета в разное время.

5. Translate into Russian:
Plane geometric figures have only two dimensions: length and width. Geometric figures that have three dimensions are called geometric solids or solid figures. The three dimensions of solid figures are length, width and thickness or height.
Prisms. A prism is a solid, each side of which is a polygon, and the upper base of which is parallel and congruent (the same size and shape) to the lower base. In a right prism the sides are perpendicular to the bases. Right prisms include the rectangular prism and the cube. A geometric figure with six sides, all of which are rectangular, is called a rectangular prism. If the dimensions of a rectangular solid are equal, the solid is called a cube. The faces of a cube are squares.
A cylinder is a circular prism, the bases of which are equal circles that are parallel to each other. The axis of a right cylinder is the line between the centres of the bases.
A pyramid is a solid figure formed by a polygon called the base and sides of triangles meeting at a common point called the vertex.
A cone is much like a pyramid but has a circle for a base.

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