Арианна Хаффингтон Революция сна: Как менять свою жизнь ночь за ночью

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В переводе В.Н. Раппопорта. – Прим. пер.

The Romantics, «Talking in Your SleepIn Heat, Nemperor Records, September 1983.

Lockley and Foster, Sleep, 9.

«Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep,» National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, http://www.ninds.nih.gov.

Deirdre Barrett, «What Processes in the Brain Allow You to Remember Dreams?» Scientific American, June 12, 2014, http://www.scientificamerican.com.

Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman, «Regularly Occurring Periods of Eye Motility, and Concomitant Phenomena, During Sleep,» Science 118 (1953): 273–74.

«William C. Dement,» Stanford School of Medicine, http://www.med.stanford.edu.


William C. Dement, phone conversation with the author, April 17, 2015.

Jonathan Webb, «Eye Movements 'Change Scenes' During Dreams,» BBC News, August 12, 2015, http://www.bbc.com.

Jennifer Robinson, «What Are REM and Non-REM Sleep?» WebMD, October 22, 2014, http://www.webmd.com.

Els van der Helm, Justin Yao, Shubir Dutt, Vikram Rao, Jared M. Saletin, and Matthew P. Walker, «REM Sleep Depotentiates Amygdala Activity to Previous Emotional Experiences,» Current Biology 21 (2011): 2029–32.

Afsana Afzal, «UC Berkeley Study Shows Dream Sleep Relieves Emotional Stress,» The Daily Californian, November 29, 2011, http://www.dailycal.org.

Rachel Leproult, Georges Copinschi, Orfeu Buxton, and Eve Van Cauter, «Sleep Loss Results in an Elevation of Cortisol Levels the Next Evening,» Sleep: Journal of Sleep Research & Sleep Medicine 20 (1997): 865–70.

Carla S. Moller-Levet, Simon N. Archer, Giselda Bucca, Emma E. Laing, Ana Slak, Renata Kabiljo, June C. Y. Lo, Nayantara Santhi, Malcolm von Schantz, Colin P. Smith, and Derk-Jan Dijk, «Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Circadian Rhythmicity and Expression Amplitude of the Human Blood Transcriptome,» PNAS 110 (2013): E1132–41. Согласно результатам исследования, проведенного в 2015 г. в Уппсальском университете, даже одна бессонная ночь может вызвать изменения в генах, управляющих биологическими часами.
Jonathan Cedernaes, Megan E. Osler, Sarah Voisin, Jan-Erik Broman, Heike Vogel, Suzanne L. Dickson, Juleen R. Zierath, Helgi B. Schioth, and Christian Benedict, "Acute Sleep Loss Induces Tissue-Specific Epigenetic and Transcriptional Alterations to Circadian Clock Genes in Men," The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 100 (2015): doi: 10.1210/JC.2015–2284.

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