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University life. In 1951 having ended 10 classes, G.K. Ergaliev entered the Kirov Kazakh State University (nowadays named after al- Farabi) on economic faculty, where was studying during 1-st semester. After that, having passed difference in examinations, transferred to geological branch of geological and geographical faculty of the same university, which graduated in 1956, having received the diploma of the engineer of geologist-explorer.

In 1954 the first practical training after the third course G.K. Ergaliev passes as senior collector in the Central-Kazakhstan expedition of the Institute of Geological Sciences under academician KazSSR AS R.A. Borukayev’s supervision. He participates in geological surveying of 1:200 000 scale in Akmola and Kokshetau areas, and then under V.S. Zvontsov’s management (then post-graduate student, later candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences) was engaged in detailed surveying of 1:10 000 scale on the area of Aleksandrov group of polymetal deposits, Bayanaul area, Pavlodar oblast.

In 1955 the second practical training G.K. Ergaliev also passes under V.S. Zvontsov’s management. Within 3 months he is engaged in editorial geological surveying of 1:200 000 scales on Bayanaul and May regions of the Pavlodar oblast. To check up his work the academician R.A. Borukaev arrived by the airplane YaK-12. He recommended to V.S, Zvontsov, that the student-probationer Gappar Ergaliev should further path independent routes.

Institute scientific activity. In 1956, after graduation from the university, G.K. Ergaliev on academician R.A. Borukayev’s recommendation, by academician K.I. Satpaev’s consent, was taken to the Institute of Geological Sciences, AS, KazSSR, where he works till the present time from senior technician up to the laboratory manager.

In 1956, 1957 G.K. Ergaliev participates in geological mapping of 2 Quadrangles of the scale 1:200000 of Shyngyz-Tarbagaty folded area. These geological mapping helped him to take possession of all field methods of middle scale geological mapping, study natural outcrops of volcanic, magmatic and sedimentary rocks, define their petrographic composition, measure space elements of layers, trace their stretch, search for fauna and establish types of stratigraphic and tectonic boundaries of geological bodies (series, formations, beds and layers), and also establish displays of minerals etc. Participation in geological mapping more opened G.K. Ergaliev’s mind than specialization in mountain developments and single ore deposits.

Till 1961 G.K. Ergaliev continues to work in north and northeast areas of Central Kazakhstan. Together with academician R.A. Borukaev takes part in work of all geological parties and expeditions of industrial geological organizations of Kazakhstan carrying out State geological mapping 1:200000 scale on territories of Stepniak, Selety, Boschekul geological areas, and also in Ordatass anticlinoria of Arkalyk zone of Shyngyz-Tarbagaty volcanic arc folded area.

On academician R.A. Borukayev’s assignment G.K. Ergaliev still in 1957 has carried out detailed routing crossings of Pre-plaeozoic and Paleozoic beds of Shyngyz and Akshatau Ranges with the purpose of drawing up a series of stratigraphic profiles for writing his first independent clause «Erementau series of Akshatau and Arkalyk Ranges». Then he takes part in thematic and editorial works in Ekibastuz-Maikain, Kyrykkuduk (nowadays area of Stepnogorsk) and Arkalyk-Tundyk areas. By the results of these works in Ekibastuz-Maikain area he for the first time revealed Devonian flora in upper Zharsor unit, earlier dated as ashgilian unit of the top of Ordovician. There was revised the age of Teleskol formation deposits. Some earlier non-dating terrigenous formations, conditionally dated as Ordovician, have received paleontological characteristic.

On the basis of detailed mapping and on geological mapping materials the new variant of the geological map of 1:200 000 scale of Kyrykkuduk area was made which further became a basis for the edition of the State geological map of this area. To east from Lidovka he in details has studied a section of Erkebidaik formation of the middle Ordovician, at several levels has found out the graptolites, trilobites etc., having specified its age. Later this section became the object for many subsequent researches as basic for llandeilian and lower caradocian stages.

Having estimated results of carried out works, academician R.A. Borukayev has insisted on G.K. Ergaliev’s studying one of managing groups of Cambrian trilobite fauna, thus giving him the large road to science. Simultaneously G.K. Ergaliev continues to be engaged in editorial geological works in Arkalyk-Tundyk area on a joint of the Karaganda and Pavlodar areas contiguous to former Semipalatinsk nuclear poligon. Here, he finishes drawing up a geological map of quadrangle М-44-XXXVI, 1:200 000 scale, begun by him in the 1960 which has served in the further basis for the edition of the State map of this region. Besides on the area of the given quadrangle and surround to north of areas of Espetuz and Alkamergen lakes the nature of a number locations with fauna of middle and upper Cambrian Sasyksor and Tortkuduk formations concerning time later to Ordovician.

In 1966, on assignment of his supervisors, academician R.A. Borukayev and doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences N.K. Ivshin, within one month G.K. Ergaliev has prepared for demonstration to 10 leading experts (Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Tashkent and Frunze) the terrigenous-carbonate section of the upper half of upper Cambrian in area between Olenty and Shiderty rivers (region of Kuyandy mountain), offered as candidate of Shiderty Stage of the upper section of Cambrian system for Soviet Union territory.

In middle of the sixties N.A. Sevryugin has found out trilobites of the same faunistic «horizon» to east from Edrey mount, in sandstones of Agyrek formation. From this and other spots G.K. Ergaliev gathered the large trilobites and inarticulate brachiopods collection, belonging to the second half of Lenian stage of lower Cambrian, on the joint conclusion with N.K. Ivshin. During this period it was the most ancient fauna in Kazakhstan. The detailed section of containing rocks was carefully made and they were referred to Zhangabul formation of lower Cambrian. In 1966 on R.A. Borukayev’s insisting this spot was shown to N.V. Pokrovskaya (Moscow), the best expert on lower Cambrian trilobites in the Soviet Union.

All listed data on areas of Central Kazakhstan have found reflection in stratigraphic schemes of Boschekul-Shynyz type of section of Cambrian deposits (Decision of interdepartmental meeting of East Kazakhstan …, 1971) and in papers of G.K. Ergailev and N.K. Ivsahin etc. in 1972.

Being understand the enormous geological importance of paleontological science as fundamental basis of geochronology, G.K. Ergaliev has engaged in study of trilobite fauna, as dominant group of the most ancient marine ecosystems of Cambrian period.

In 1960-1967 G.K. Ergaliev thoroughly studies stratigraphy and biostratigraphy in that time «non-dated» deposit of Southern Kazakhstan – Bolshoi Karatau mountains and Zhabagly. As a result of annual field and laboratory works on trilobite fauna complexes for the first time in these regions the biostratigraphic zonal scheme of partition of middle and upper Cambrian and tremadocian of Ordovician was developed. The given stratigraphic scheme within the limits of large territory promoted subdivision of the deposits of Cambriam system from Precambrian units. Terrigene thicks, before dated by lower Cambrian, were dated as Vendian. Uniform lithostratigraphic scheme of Vendian and Cambrian deposits of Baikonur-Karatau-Zhabagly structural-formation zones of Southern Kazakhstan was developed. In Cambrian on the basis of lithology and facies attributes, stratigraphic situation and paleontologic data there were detached two formations with their former names – Kurumsak and Kokbulak. Earlier these formations in the age attitude by many researchers on the basis of individual (at times doubtful) fauna and correlation with synchronous formation of Malyi Karatau Mountain concerned (together with tillite Baikonur formation) to middle and upper Cambrian.

On the base of finds of trilobite fauna (in more than 55 localities) along all section from base up to top of Kokbulak formation the natural change of its age limits from north on a southeast was convincingly shown, i.e. is proved, that the formation of this unit in adjacent areas of uniform Baikonur-Karatau-Zhabagly zone has covered appreciably different geological age units. This natural phenomenon (principle Golovkinsky or Willer-Wisley) G.K. Ergaliev for the first time was determined not only in these areas, but also on Kazakhstan as a whole.

Due to high percent of presence before known genera and kinds of trilobites biostratigraphic zone scale of middle and upper Cambrian and tremadocian of Baikonur-Karatau-Zhabagly zone was well compared to scales of Cambrian and tremadocian of all Soviet Union and foreign countries (Western Europe, Northern China, Australia and Northern America).

It is necessary to note, that determination in these areas faunistic complexes of zones Lotagnostus asiaticus - Hedinaspis regalis and Agnostus hedini – Diceratopyge mobergi, and also the zones Glyptagnostus stolidotus had enormous importance for exact definition of age of containing deposits and reliable intercontinental correlation. The first two zones corresponded to the top of the third Cambrian series (not to all top Cambrian, on Tredson, 1939), as assumed many, the third zone is referred, according to traditions, to base of upper Cambrian and was compared to the same zone of Mindialian stage of Australia and zone of Crepicephalus Dresbachian stage of Northern America.

By results of researches of the given period were: first, publication of some data in joint paper with R.A. Borukayev and N.K. Ivshin «Cambrian of Kazakhstan», submitted in materials for XXII session of the International geological congress in 1964; secondly, materials of G.K. Ergaliev’s candidate dissertation on a subject «Stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Cambrian and Tremadocian of Baikonur-Karatau- Zhabagly zone of East Kazakhstan». Its level far exceeded the limits of the usual candidate dissertations, the work on development huge and unknown in that time material was appreciated by S.G. Ankinovitch and N.V. Pokrovskaya, very highly; in third, results of researches was in a basis of geological papers on Vendian and Cambrian deposits for summary volumes of Geology of USSR of 1971 and 1972; in fourth, it was a period when G.K. Ergaliev finally defined the basic directions of further researches on stages and zonal partition of Cambrian deposits of Karatau Range, in particular on Malyi Karatau.

In 1968-1992 G.K. Ergaliev’s scientific activity was very differed from previous. There was the period of intensive and purposeful work, when he began regular study of continuous sections of all Cambrian three series of Malyi Karatau Mountains: earlier known a little Kyrshabakty section of middle and upper Cambrian unique in the Soviet Union and in foreign countries. By the purpose of there was level-by-level searches of invertebrate fauna, in particular trilobites. In sections the consecutive natural change of trilobite complexes, under the contents responding to zones and stages was established. The scale of Cambrian deposits of Malyi Karatau Mountains was created paleontologically characterized which responded general (GSS) or international stratigraphic scale (ISS) of Cambrian system.

The realization of thematic, complex researches and commercial themes, carried out in the institute concerns to the same period: «Cambrian of East Kazkahstan» (1966-1970); «Biostratigraphy of lower Cambrian of Karatau Range and faunistic substantiation of the lower boundary with Precambrian» (1971-1975); «Stage and zonal partition of upper Cambrian of Malyi Karatau Mountains» (1972-1976); «Stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Paleozoids of Kazakhstan. Development of the correlative unified charts» (1977); «Geology and metallogeny of Karatau» (1978-1982); «Monographic study of upper Cambrian» (1992-1996); «Geology and metallogeny of Balkhash segment of the Earth crust of Kazakhstan» (1983-1992). Ahead there was coming large, difficult and laborious, but promising work:

- мonographic description of enormous collection of trilobites, being a fundamental key of stratigraphic scales not only concrete region but also of many countries;

- рreparation and realization of 2nd and 3rd Interdepartmental stratigraphic meeting on unification of stratigraphic and correlative charts of Precambrian and Phanerozoic of Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata, 1971 and 1986).

- рarticipation with the report in work of the All-Union meeting on Precambrian stratigraphy of Kazakhstan and Northern Tia Shan (Karaganda, 1969);

- realization of the All-Union geological excursions on sections of Karatau, Kendyktas, Northern Tian Shan (in 1971, 1978, 1979 and 1981);

- рarticipation in drawing up 4 paleotectonic maps of USSR territory of 1:5 000 000 scale on VSEGEI subject «A history of tectonic development of the territory of USSR in late Proterozoic-Cambrian» (1972-1975);

- realization of International advisory stratigraphic meeting on general questions with the purpose of drawing together the points of view of Soviet, European and American scientists on «Stratigraphic divisions on the example of Ordovician and Silurian» (Alma-Ata, 1977);

- рarticipation in the work of V All-Union meeting «Lithology and sedimentary geology of Precambrian of Kazakhstan», preparation and realization of the geological guidebook of excursions in Karatau Range area (1986);

- рarticipation with the theses in works of XXVII session of the International geological congress (Moscow, 1984) and III International symposium on Cambrian system stages (Novosibirsk, 1990);

- рreparation of the guidebooks for three International and two All-Union excursions on Karatau Range sections, reception of the foreign and Soviet scientists and realization of joint works and participation in many International meetings and excursions.

Scientific activity of G.K. Ergaliev in this period was extremely fruitful. He has offered a number of new scientific subjects, realization of which required the purposeful and indefatigable intense work. So, for the first time in territory of the Soviet Union and in world practice at studying stratigraphy Cambrian system, he has revealed continuous Kyrshabakty section in one structure, of thickness about 600 m in Malyi Karatau Mountains, which became basic (stratotype) for stages and zonal partition of upper Cambrian. Offered by G.K. Ergaliev Ayusokkanian, Sakiak and Aksaian stages were accepted by USSR Interdepartmental stratigraphic committee for all geological service of the Soviet Union (Order ISC …, issuer 21, 1983) and have come in the Geochronological chart of 1984, and also in the instruction on drawing up geological maps and in a number of the tutorials of higher school hand-books.

Being the member of organizing committee G.К. Ergaliev actively participates in organization and realization of 2nd and 3rd Interdepartmental stratigraphic meetings on unification of Precambrian and Phanerozoic stratigraphic charts of East Kazakhstan. Before the beginning of 2nd meeting in 1971 he for the first time carries out the All-Union geological excursion on acquaintance with Precambrian, Cambrian and Lower Ordovician sections of Kendyktas Mountains, Middle and Northern Tian Shan, Bolshoi and Malyi Karatau. The leading experts of scientific and industrial organizations of the Soviet Union – 40 men, among them the scientists of a world level B.M. Keller, T.N. Spizharsky, V.G. Korolyev etc. participated in excursion

G.K. Ergaliev is the author of stratigraphic and correlation chart of Karatau type of sections of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan accepted by 2nd and 3rd Interdepartmental stratigraphic meetings in 1971 and 1986. These charts were included in a basis of legends of State Geomaps-200, being the base of metallogenic prognoses of constructions in Kazakhstan territory. He has achieved establishment of Aksay state geological reserve as unique stratigraphic and paleontological object in Southern Kazakhstan (Order of KazSSR Ministry of Council from April 11, 1985, № 132). G.K. Ergaliev published over 50 papers devoted to Kyrshabakty section of Malyi Karatau Mountains. In 1990 in Novosibirsk (Russian Federation) he has defended doctor’s thesis on a subject «Cambrian of Southern Kazakhstan and Ulytau (stratigraphy, stage and zonal partition, trilobites)».

In this period G.K. Ergaliev actively expanded contacts to many scientific geological organizations of the distant foreign countries and near foreign countries, was in extensive correspondence and personally met scientists of USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Australia, China, Russia, Ukraine, Kirghizia, Estonia on exchange of experience and discussed researches at a modern level. Constantly has participated in the International and Republican forums devoted to fundamental and applied questions of geological science. Directly examined typical sections of Cambrian system of foreign countries, first of all of Yakutia (Russian Federation) and Peoples Republic of China offered as ISS standards.

G.K. Ergaliev on assignments of constant stratigrphic commissions on stratigraphy of Cambrian system of USSR Interdepartmental stratigraphic committee (ISC) and International Union of geological sciences (IUGS) UNESCO organizes and carries out the international excursions and meetings, All-Union colloquiums on trilobites and joint field works with scientists of USA, Sweden, Poland, Great Britain etc.

G.K. Ergaliev’s appreciable scientific contribution there were the publications on stratigraphic and paleontological sections in the multivolume collective monographs, issued on results of complex researches of major ore deposit belts of Kazakhstan. To them concern: «Geology and metallogeny of Mugodjar» (1977), «Chu-Ili ore belt. Geology of Chu-Ili region» (1980), «Geology and metallogeny of Karatau» (1986), «Balkhash segment» (1986), «Ordovician and Silurian boundary in Kazakhstan» (1980). He simultaneously published fundamental papers devoted to geological structure and stratigraphy of Kazakhstan and large sections of many all-union reports such as «Geology of USSR» (v. XL, 1971; v. ХХ, 1972), «The Atlas of paleotectonic maps of USSR» (1975) etc. In this period there were published two monographs of G.K. Ergaliev, devoted to stratigraphy, paleontology and regional geology of Kazakhstan on systems of Lower Paleozoic: «Lower Cambrian trilobites of Malyi Karatau» (Ergaliev, Pokrovskaya, 1977), «Trilobites of Middle and Upper Cambrian of Malyi Karatau» (Ergaliev, 1980).

In the joint monograph with N.V. Pokrovskaya the level-by-level descriptions of faunistic characterized Lower Cambrian deposits for the first time are given, to which the largest phosphate deposits are connected. On trilobite complexes the chart of a partition of Lower Cambrian deposits and its comparison to the charts of other areas of USSR and foreign countries is offered. For the first time are described Lower Cambrian trilobites, including the managing taxes of genera Redlichia in layers higher phosphorites, which have finalized Lower Cambrian age of productive formation.

In the second monograph G.K. Ergaliev most in detail has described continuous carbonate section of Middle and Upper Cambrian on Kyrshabakty River, with the extremely rich rests of trilobite fauna and other faunistic groups. On example of this section there is given detailed stage and zonal scale of deposits under the managing of agnostids. The correlation of stratigraphy scale of Middle and Upper Cambrian with the appropriate scales of different areas of the Soviet Union and foreign countries is given.

The correlation value of section consists that from 20 zones allocated on Kyrshabakty River, 12 are global, and 8 – age equivalents of working zones on polymerid trilobites of Upper Cambrian of many countries of the world. This most increases reliability of correlation of stratigraphic scales of Globe. The offered correlation scales till now with some additions and specifications have sustained test by time.

The successes of stratigraphic and paleontological researches of Cambrian deposits of Kazakhstan were very high in former Soviet Union, and on some questions they had a world level; in particular stage and zonal partition of the top of Cambrian system on materials of Kyrshabakty section in Malyi Karatau. Their important value for global geoscience is connected to a geographical situation of the given section at the centre of Eurasia.

Many fundamental questions of paleontology and stratigraphy with G.K. Ergaliev’s participation have discussed at international conferences, congresses and symposia. Implementation of all these works brought him worldwide fame. Management of XXVII session organizing committee of the IGC (Moscow, 1984) and the third International symposium on Cambrian period in 1983 on the recommendation of USSR Academy of Sciences and the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences Presidium appointed G.K. Ergaliev the head of All-Union and International geological excursions.

Since 1992 to the present G.K. Ergaliev together with colleagues in Regional geology laboratory, along with basic case studies carries out the large-scale contract works on the instructions of the Committee of geology and mineral using of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He, as a full member of the International Subcommission on Cambrian stratigraphy, continuously carries out works to improve the stratigraphic scale of Cambrian deposits of the Aksay state geological reserve, which is part of the Common or the International stratigraphic scale. Purpose – detailed stratigraphic section, allocation of stratigraphic units in it (stratotypes) departments, lines and areas, the establishment of the scope and boundaries in accordance with the rules of the International Stratigraphic Codes (H. Hedberg, 1976) and the Russian Federation (A.I. Zhamoyda, 1992, 2006). Particular attention is given to determination of the lower boundary of biostratigraphic zones at the choice of points of global stratigraphic stratotypes and points (GSSP) on the first appearance datum (FAD) of trilobites cosmopolitan taxa, mainly miomer agnostids.

The most important and primary project in 1995-2001 is to study the geology and metallogeny of Semipalatinsk nuclear testing polygon for many years remained outside the scope of activities of all kinds of geological researches. Carrying out this work required the following studies:

- statement of the geological survey mapping in the scale of 1:200 000;

- development and improvement according current level of stratigraphic charts of Paleozoic deposits, study of sedimentology, paleontology, magmatism and tectonics of the landfill and adjacent regions of Shyngyz Tarbagatay folded region;

- stratigraphy, facies, monographic description of fauna and conditions for the productive formations of Central Kazakhstan Paleozoic.

According to the results of these studies for the first, there was composed the first geological map of Semipalatinsk nuclear polygon 1:200 000 scale, with a description of stratigraphic sections of Paleozoic by type of scheme which is designed zoning of the landfill, secondly, made ​​models of stratigraphic schemes, which shows the position of the main stratolevels of metallic and nonmetallic minerals of ore-bearing formations common feature, thirdly, determined tectonic position and geodynamics of the landfill site in accordance with modern geotectonic concepts, and fourthly, refined and detailed stratigraphic position of bakanas, maidan and boschesor faunistic horizons of Shyngiz Mts.

Despite the tendency of common reducing the scope of works and related organizations, the staff of laboratory and G.K. Ergaliev personally participates in realization of international cooperation programs, including the important ones such as preparation and testing of two international cronolevels of Cambrian system along Kyrshabakty river in Aksay State Geological Reserve (Malyi Karatau).

In October 2002, in Almaty there was held International seminar-meeting «State, prospects and problems of stratigraphy of Kazakhstan» organized by G.K. Ergaliev and laboratory staff of the regional geology, under the auspices of the Committee of Geology and Mineral Resources Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the meeting was to review the current state of stratigraphic studies of Precambrian and Phanerozoic systems in Kazakhstan in connection with the new tasks of geological mapping and the transition to the stage of geological restudying and preparing to publish new series of geological maps of 1:200 000 scale, as well as the development framework of the International geological scale.

The second stratigraphic meeting in December 2005 in Karaganda was convened by the Committee of Geology and Mineral Resources, the territorial administration «Tsentrkaznedra» and K.I. Satpayev IGN. It reviewed the materials received after 2002 on Precambrian and of all systems of Kazakhstan Phanerozoic, suitable for international requirements for the development of common chronostratigraphic scales. The meeting approved the stratigraphic code of Kazakhstan composed by I.F. Nikitin, G.K. Ergaliev, A. Baibotsha and others in the state and Russian languages.

In 2001-2011 G.K. Ergaliev with colleagues on the instructions of the Committee of Geology and Mineral Resources has been busy with implementing the project «paleontological and stratigraphic studies of supporting sections». The result was publishing the «Atlas of the supporting stratigraphic sections of Kazakhstan» (Almaty, 2008). It includes 37 of the most representative supporting section of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. This is the first study and publication of materials on supporting sections. Great scientific importance has composing the catalog of stratotypes of general, regional and zonal Paleozoic divisions and their boundaries (Program 40).

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