Key words: blended learning, face-to-face, interactive whiteboard, speaking skills,communication.
A blended learning course combines online classroom instruction with an online learning component
that is conducted via Blackboard and other out-of-class activities [1, 12]. We use the face-to-face meetings
to build the group of teams after explaining and debating the course rationale, goals and learning outcomes.
Also important is giving an explanation on how the online component integrates and works. Each stage
of the course and the expectations are clarified. Feedback is given on issues around the tasks that students
carry out. The learning materials are available for download; links to other sites with useful materials are;
a news forum is provided enabling teachers to post information regularly, and a course discussion forum
enables learners to share ideas,ask questions and discuss their progress on the course [2,38]. Students
collaborate on the group wiki pages to share information on meeting times and draft/edit their term paper;
students are also encouraged to use micro-blogs on their profile pages to reflect on their learning and re-
cord ideas they have gained which they might like to develop later. The totality of the blend is a learning
experience that has kept students engaged, interacting in English and interested in learning like they never
have been before.
Its aims are to develop integrated linguistic skills, with an emphasis on listening comprehension and
oral production and a focus on learning for authentic communication. It has been implemented through a
blended learning (b-learning) strategy. In general, b-learning is defined as a combination of technologyand
classroom instruction in a flexible approach to learning that recognizes the benefits of delivering some
training and assessment online but also uses other modes to make up a complete training program which
can improve learning outcomes and/or save costs [3,7].
As a matter of fact, blended learning classes meet once each week for two hours in the classroom and
for two hours each week online at a time of the student’s choosing. The four hours do not include the time
it will take to complete class assignments listed on the course syllabus. Students must complete course
assignments by the specified due dates. I think that, blended learning is for students who wish to combine
face-to-face instruction with online activities such as collaborative discussions, group projects, or other
Successful blended learning students are:
• interested in active and participatory learning-both in the classroom and online;
• comfortable with using the computer, the Internet, and Blackboard;
• organized and good at time management;
• strong writers, critical thinkers, and communicators;
• willing to dedicate quality time to the online component of the class.
Blended learning students should expect to spend between 2-3 additional hours online throughout the
week. This time does not include regular coursework such as reading, writing, and studying.
Blended learning courses provide more flexibility in when you attend class than traditional on-site
courses, but they require just as much dedication and focus on the learning process. The reward for the
student comes from taking a more active, participatory role in the learning process. By engaging and col-
laborating with other students and the instructor on a regular basis in the classroom and online discussions,
the blended learning student becomes an active contributor to the learning process [4,41].