Б. Н. Исабеков қазақстанның идустриалды-инновациялық дамуының басымдықтары

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көлемде қолдана отырып, әлеуметтік-экономикалық дамудың аймақтық бағдарламасын құруы қажет. Аймақтар қуатты болса, Қазақстан экономикасы да қуатты болады.

Мысал ретінде, аймақтың әлеуметтік-экономикалық дамуын жоспарлау бойынша, аймақтық индустриалды-инновациялық қызметтің стратегиясын Павлодар облысында 2002 жылы жаңа жоспарлау жүйесінің элементтерін жүзеге асыру бойынша жұмыстар басталды. Бірінші кезеңде Павлодар облысының 2002-2005 ж.ж. әлеуметтік-экономикалық дамуының негізгі басымдықтары құрастырылып, бекітілді. Екінші кезеңде, «Импорт алмастырушы өндірістерді дамыту сызбасы» құрастырылды. Үшіншіде – «2003-2010 жылдарға арналған Павлодар облысы әкімінің индустриалды стратегиясы» құрылды.

Аймақтық стратегияның мақсаты қолда бар факторлар мен ресурстар әлеуетін тиімді қолдану жолымен аймақтың материалды өндіріс құрылымын жетілдіру болып табылады. Ол Павлодар облысының әлеуметтік-экономикалық дамуының басымдықтарын жүзеге асырушы мемлекеттік басқару органдарының шаралар кешенін мысал түрінде айтуға болады. Аймақтық стратегия белгілі бір дәрежеде индустриялық өндіріспен байланысты барлық бағдарламаларын ескереді. Жалпы аймақтың тұрақты дамуын қамтамасыз ету үшін индустрияны жаңа, неғұрлым жоғары даму деңгейіне ауыстыру қажет. Оны келесі құрылымдық міндеттерді шешу жолымен жүзеге асыруға болады:

  • инвестицияларды ынталандыру негізінде индустриялық дамуды әртараптандыру;

  • мемлекеттік реттеуді ынталандыру және нарық инфрақұрылымын дамыту;

  • индустриалды-инновациялық қызметті ынталандыру, қазіргі заманғы технологияларды құрастыру және енгізу.

Индустриалды-инновациялық стратегия шегінде шешімдерді қабылдаудың маңызды принципі:

- мемлекет пен бизнес арасындағы серіктестік қатынастар;

  • мемлекеттік шараларды құрастыру кезіндегі шаруашылық субъектілердің жоспарларын ескеру болып табылады.

Серіктестік қатынастар бизнес үшін өнімнің бәсекеқабілеттілігін және өндірістің әртараптандырылуын жоғарылату мақсатында белсенділігін ынталандыратын іс-әрекеттермен қамтамасыз ету арқылы шешіледі.

Сонымен, облыстың аймақтық стратегиясы, өндірістік басымдықтар дамуы негізінде инвестициялық жобалар бизнес жоспарлар портфеліне жинақталған. Инвестициялық жобалар бизнес жоспарының портфелін құрастыру кезі индустриалды-инновациялық қызметтің ең күрделі бөлігі болып табылады. Өйткені оларды іске асыру үшін ресурстардағы қажеттіліктерді анықтап, әлеуметтік және экономикалық салаларын бағалау қажет. 2015 жылғы кезеңге дейін 1900 млн. АҚШ долларын құрайтын 139 инвестициялық жобалардың бизнес жоспарларын іске асыру көзделген.

Аймақтық индустриалды-инновациялық қызметтің стратегияларын жүзеге асырудың негізінде қол жеткізген әлеуметтік-экономикалық және техникалық нәтижелер жиыны республикалық стратегияда белгіленген көрсеткіштерді жүзеге асыруға мүмкіндік береді.

Explore innovational development with regional view

It is possible to choose the model given by RK’s economical institute, based on the division into four groups specialized and solvable featured specificity problem regions, resource-productive capacity, analyze regions for innovational capacity to carry objective conditions in economy of the Kazakhstan.

І group – requiring high technology, with high scientific-technical capacity convenient for manufacturing economical conditions. These regions are leaders in technical-technology, however, with high level capacity of social and economical, development regions like East Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Karaganda, Kostanai and North Kazakhstan.

ІІ group – strategical featured with natural mineral resource reserve and high level capacity in scientific-productive development. Atyrau, Aktobe, Mangystau, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda and Zhambyl are in this group, because their non-rational branched structure of people’s farm, mineral raw material digging and manufacturing branches are absolutely dominating.

ІІІ group – main positions in trade capacity and industry are in North Kazakhstan, Akmola, Kostanai, Zhambyl, Kokshetau, South Kazakhstan, Taldykorgan, West Kazakhstan and Almaty.

IV group – non rational branched structure, regions with economical disinclined limited ability featured like extreme technical-technological conditions and crisis areas.

So, there are different conditions for scientific-technical development, but these conditions are differentiated on researches of social-economical developing strategy.

Regions with high level scientific-productive – North and Central Kazakhstan, medium – West and East Kazakhstan, lowest – South Kazakhstan. Therefore, North and Central Kazakhstan’s enterprises can fully be chosen like polygon for manufacturing innovational developing model. In these regions main branches of industrial complex, standard scientific-productive potential and people with high engineering-technical competence cumulated.

In whole, region’s economic is developing and commercial transformational trends are formed by compositional-investment trend deformation, also self-financing abilities of region.

Firms in clusters are more adapted to answer buyers’ needs and go faster in new initiates and manufacture rate(picture 1).

Draw attention to clustered compositional firm and buyer’s current needs, they are cumulated at companies which know buyer needs and constant interrelations, from similar branched firms, collecting information cumulated at specialized contracture. These firms define consumer demand tendency faster than their opponents. For instance, at Silicon field computer companies define customer needs and wishes faster and profitable, and nobody can compete with them.

Taking part in cluster helps to access new technology, work methods and benefits of delivering commodity. Firms in cluster are informed about technology progress, access to new components and equipment, new marketing and service conceptions. This obligation comes easier with help of other cluster members. In opposite circumstance, individual firms are low informed, more wasted and can get new information only in own field with extra waste. Cluster gives big opportunity to innovation. It is a great possibility to answer for concrete needs and move in fastest way.

Picture 1- Structure form of technological cluster in regions

Note: done by author

First group regions roles are very important for implementation of industrial-innovational developing country. Here for most important high technological -scientific capacious product and performing manufacture can be included. Let us give some examples. For example, Karaganda is industrial developed region of our country. Universities, scientific-researching and project-constructional organizations are making their job. On its territory «Sary-Shagan» telecommunication and space connection center is continuing its work. Nonferrous and ferrous metals, carbon and other mineral reserves were found. This region takes first place at carbon producing. Scientific-technical problems which need solution are to find out deep producing carbon technology and use it, to discover productive way of taking rare metals and liquid fuel. The difference of Karaganda’s carbon is ability of reprocess along carbon-chemical cycle. By taking different valuable products, it is possible to implement carbon-chemical branch in this area.

Building technological park, producing and fixing manufacturing technical machine, constructing creating manufacturing technical machine, can be put in insured scientific-technical future, at the first plan also producing base and need for carbon branches. Scientists of chemical-metallurgy institute named after ZH.Abishev study manufacturing branch having their own influence from producing coke.

To extend and increase quality ferrous metallurgy producing metal product list, needs to learn to inflow steel without stop, rolling branch, special steel and various oil tube production. Ferro-mortar produce has big future. Possibility to arm and produce tendency non ferrous metallurgy technical in advance, increasing extra value of export product and register metal broker's in London are developing aims. So the suitable purposes are: increase copper rolled wire and enamel-wire industry volume, learn to produce copper tubes with wide diameter, also adoption of «Kazakhmys» corporation in Balkash city’s copper factory. It is necessary to look for abilities like using resource in hand for producing rubber and plastic equipments and to rebuilt chemical branched manufacture for export.

Mineral-raw material resource, remaking power complex, oil, boxit, and chromit and other rich ore reserve are reasons for building industrial complex in the Pavlodar region.

Main purpose of innovational regions:

  • product quality and ability to compete;

- to make and develop electrometallurgy complex which started working in Aksu ferromelting factory;

- to extend aluminium producing by ended technology cycle for rolling;

Increasing power of producing electronic products, medicine, everyday

technique and other technological product manufacture is wanted.

East Kazakhstan region aim is reprocessing mineral resource deeply, providing with products like producing machine and metal processing, by this, to make right results. Increasing ability of export product with regions economical foundation non ferrous metallurgy appropriate to ISO – 9000 international standard, zinc, lead and copper concentration, titan sponge, fuel for atomic reactor, beryllium, tantalum, rare earth element. 10 large and medium producing manufacture machines placed in region for the aim to increase high extra cost for modernization and technical rearm tend needs performing. Also metal gamma needs attention export producing scientific market branch.

Fifth place by oil prediction reserve, chrome ore, stone salt, cobalt, nickel and is taken by large reserved West Kazakhstan, which industrial-innovational development role is high. That is why, main tasks are following:

  • to produce oil and gas;

  • to enter new technological processing complex;

  • to develop oil-chemical branch;

  • to form and develop regional industrial-innovational service;

  • to build high developed infrastructure for increasing attraction of investments;

  • to defend environment concerning carbon-hydrogen raw material transportation and to increase producing intensively;

By concluding notes above West Kazakhstan – is the future of our country and large economical developing region.

Main attention has to be paid for scientific-technical and economical problem, calculating concrete abilities of this region.

Problems in large region like dividing natural resource unequal, some weak capacious regions give influence to social-economical development of Kazakhstan and make new issue born. In conclusion, using new industrial politic, republic and regional authority, there is possibility to develop region manufacture and scientific-technical wire with formation of structural economical capacity.

Development institutes which appeared depending on this, start to help fo developing and continuing using fully investment and innovational capable region reserve, financial resource source, income of fuel-energetic resource export, slowly taking income forming high technology to product manufacture.

Basing on nowadays technology economical reform of regions, firstly, defines the advantages of economical development, and as shown above social-economical system develops the quality indicator of a territory. The based analysis found that territorial organization with producing infrastructure level gives negative influence for the economical external valuation tendency.

Paying attention to social problem «extending life source of region», this is main subject to balance the city – mineral-raw material base or complex. By expert calculation, region’s raw material base in working manufacture is enough for 10-15 years. In this situation scientist need «extending life source». Then, not only producing raw materials in manufactures, also deep producing complex and science requiring, working with techno gene raw material manufacture should be organized. This problem is very important, it must be solved systematically forming industry in every region and in every city.

Industrial-innovational service depends on territorial conduct. In foreign countries quantity of innovational small firms are approximately 20% . Spreading of industrial-innovational service by small firm is profitable. Their specificity is like individual firm’s kind. That is why, inspiring small-scale business is important for all regions.

If there is no value for high developed infrastructure constructed for large investment, many regions won’t be so lucky in international market compete. The abilities for attracting investment basing only on industrial-innovational service have to be looked because it is not profitable to reuse morally and technical-technological old equipments. So, industrial-innovational service needs capital contribution to give good results on high level. To make constructional changes, entrepreneur needs consolidate and economical freedom to develop. There is no word, while realizing strategy, there will appear possibility to minimize social-economical developing disbalance and disproportion. Cause of this, every region has to build new scientific-technical strategy depending on its feature. In its time, performing social-economical system in Kazakhstan on high level, will give ability to implement following acts:

  • to define scientific-technical field of region;

  • to define advantages in industrial-innovational service;

  • to build scientific-technical field like part of social-economical model in region;

  • to appreciate resources of industrial-innovational service;

  • to define correctness of problem in scientific-innovational field;

  • to appreciate social-economical performing result;

In Kazakhstan, educated-experimental and informational-analytic structures, universities and study places, scientific-researching institute’s structure composition classified:

Karaganda city – 34, South Kazakhstan region – 28, Pavlodar – 23, Aktobe region – 20 and etc.. Based on analyzing by region point scientific research situation(29 table), most active scientific research organizations are located in Almaty and it takes 35 % of total lot weight. So, about other regions: East Kazakhstan – 33,1%; Mangystau – 9,6%; Atyrau – 7,7%; Karaganda – 5,6%. With this, there is a scientific-technical capacity in regions for innovational development and cluster construction.

Developing program of industrial-innovational service in region must consist of two blocks:

- based on developing strategy of industrial-innovational service;

- based on making industrial-innovational project list;

Industrial-innovational service of Kazakhstan Republic conducts developing strategy, like structural division, firstly, region and city using local scientific-technical capacity in wide volume, there must be constructed the social-economical developing region program.

Table 1 – Lot weight of regions by scientific research in Kazakhstan


Total wastes for research and projects, thousand tenge

Lot weight of regions , %

KR( total)












East Kazakhstan



West Kazakhstan









South Kazakhstan



Astana city



Almaty city



RK Statistic agency inform,Almaty 2008y.

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