Бұл Қмж ust kz сайтында жасалынған. «Ustaz tilegi» ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығының сайтынының Қмж бөлімінде кез-келген пән, кез-келген сынып бойынша Қмж және презентацияны жүктеп ала аласыз. Ол үшін сілтеме арқылы өтіңіз

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1-тоқсан 3-сынып Smiles

If you wish, you can assign some or all of the corresponding activities from the Activity Book for homework. If this is the case, make sure you explain them first in class.

T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job!
Well done!” “One more time, please”

Pupils Book

Module 1

LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 4

The Theme: Body parts (2)


Teacher's name:


Learning objective(s)
that this lesson is contributing to

To talk about farm animals and pets.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:
3.R5 understand the main points of simple sentences on familiar topics by using contextual clues
3.R1 read and spell out words for others
3.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines
3.S1 make basic statements related to personal information, people and objects on familiar topics and classroom routines
3.L6 understand some specific information in short, slow, carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics

Assessment criteria

Learners have met the learning objectives if they can talk about farm animals and

Language focus

Structures: the verb ‘have got’ (negative/interrogative/short answers)
Language in use: Nanny Rose hasn’t got black hair. Has Liam got red hair? Yes, he has. My pet has got a big body and four short legs.

Target vocabulary

Farm animals: cow, goat, rabbit, chicken, duck, frog
Pets: pony, dog, cat, parrot

ICT skills

Using audios

Extra materials

The On the Farm poster.

Previous learning

Animal’ vocabulary, the verb ‘have got’ (affirmative), adjectives

Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson
Team work
7 min.

Organization moment:
Ask about the weather. Open the envelop and ask students to take the cards with numbers. They should find their team according to the number:1 First 2. Second 3.Third
In differentiation part «Magic cards» method was used to encourage them to identify the numbers. And find his/her team.

I wish….” method helps to start the lesson with telling supporting words to each other.
The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere
Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:
“Good job!
Well done!”

CD player


30 min.

Listen, point and repeat. Then match.
Pupils’ books closed. Put up the On the Farm poster on the board. Point to each animal, one at a time, and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each animal in random order. Ask individual pupils to name the animal. Ask the rest of the class for verification.

Extension (Optional)
Name an animal. The pupils mime it or make a sound associated with this animal. Repeat with other animals. Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to and repeat the words. Play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Then they match the pictures to the animals. Check their answers.
Answer key: 1 a 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 b 6 c

T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job!
Well done!” “One more time, please”

Pupils Book

Find the animals and write.
Refer the pupils to the pictures and the word search. The pupils look at the pictures, write the names of the animals and circle the words in the word search. Check their answers.

Answer key
2 rabbit 3 duck 4 dog 5 chicken 6 frog

T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job!
Well done!” “One more time, please”

Pupils Book

Make sentences.
Pupils’ books closed. Point to your hair. Say, then write on the board: Have I got (black) hair? The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Underline the words in bold. Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the persons in the interrogative form. Point to your hair again. Say, then write: I have not got (fair) hair. Follow the same procedure and present the negative form, long and short form. Ask again: Have I got (black) hair?
Write: Yes, I have. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Explain how the positive short answer is formed. Point to a male pupil, say, and then write: Has he got (black) hair? The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Underline the words in
bold. Say and write: No, he hasn’t. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Explain how the negative short answer is formed. Pupils’ books open. Go through the Study spot section briefly.

Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check their answers.

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