
Guidance for Flight Crews

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Guidance for Flight Crews

Crews should follow company approved emergency procedures and manufac- turers guidance regarding the conduct of the flight, management of aircraft sys- tems, identification of the source of a suspected fire, and fire fighting.
At the first indication, or suspicion of smoke and fumes, or a fire within the aircraft, the flight crew should don smoke goggles and oxygen masks. Goggles and masks need to fit tightly.
Unless smoke and fumes are clearly present on the flight deck, the captain may elect in order to maintain communication with the cabin crew, to delay fitting his own mask until the co-pilot has donned his protective equipment and is in a position to take control of the aircraft.
A flight crew does not have very long to deal with the situation – time is criti- cal. It is necessary to isolate and control the fire using all available resources, to commence descent immediately and begin planning for an emergency landing. An emergency should be declared and ATC told that the aircraft is in descent. Putting an aircraft on the ground within 15 minutes of a fire being detected is a challenge if you are at cruising altitude in a modern passenger jet, so any delay in commenc- ing descent may lead to fatal consequences.

Ex. 3. Do the crossword puzzle. All the words are related to the fire issues discussed in this unit.

Across: 3. (adj) Containing poison; poisonous. 4. (n) A very high level of temperature. 5. (v) To cover a large area. 6. (n) Toxic smoke. 8. (v) To discover or notice something, especially if it is not easy to see. 11. (v) To make a fire stop burning. 12. (v) To start to burn.
Down: 1. (n) The first sign that something is burning. 2. (n) A hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is on fire. 5. (v) To expe- rience difficulty in breathing. 6. (n) A person, usually a man, whose job is to put out fires. 7. (n) A pair of glasses that fit closely to the face to protect the eyes from smoke in case of fire. 9. (v) To put on an oxygen mask. 10. (n) An injury or a mark caused by fire or heat.

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