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transmissionсущ. 1) передача, перенос 2) передача (на радио или телевидении) 3) пересылка 4) тех. а) передача б) коробка передач в) трансмиссия; привод

сavalry cущ. кавалерия, конница

backup1. сущ. 1) запас, резерв; дублёр, второй состав 2) = backing поддержка, подстраховка 3) информ.; = backup copy резервная копия (программ, данных) 4) муз. музыкальный фон, фоновая музыка 5) скопление, затор

grid сущ. 1) решётка, сетка 2) сетка координат

pal [] брит. / амер. сущ. друг, приятель, сотоварищ, товарищ

crab – гл. дрейфовать

2. These words and phrases are connected with cars and racing. Match them with their definitions.

1 gasket

A a large truck for transporting heavy loads, with a back part which can be raised at one end so that its contents fall out

2 gas-guzzler

B car with the wheels outside the car's main body and, in most cases, one seat, usually built specifically for racing, frequently with a higher degree of technological sophistication than in other forms of motor sport

3 dump truck

C a flat piece of soft material or rubber that is put between two joined metal surfaces to prevent gas, oil or steam from escaping

4 dent

D a liquid obtained from petroleum, used especially as a fuel for cars, aircraft and other vehicles

5 open-wheeled car

E a small hollow mark in the surface of something, caused by pressure or by being hit

6 gasoline

F energy from moving water, wind, the sun and gas from animal waste

7 alternative energy

G a car that uses a lot of fuel


H gas, coal and oil, which were formed underground from plant and animal remains millions of years ago

9 brake

I a device that slows or stops the movement of a vehicle:

10 fossil fuel

J global positioning system: a system that can show the exact position of a person or thing by using signals from satellites (= objects in space that send signals to Earth)

3. Complete the sentences below with the words from exercise 2.

  1. More emphasis should be placed on developing alternative energy sources such as wind, solar energy, and tides.

  2. The gasket blew and oil leaked out.

  3. She ran into my car and put a dent in it.

  4. Suddenly we heard a screech of brakes and saw the car swerve to miss the cyclist.

4. Do the crossword.


1. a device sent up into space to travel round the Earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television, etc. (Satellite)

3. a small vehicle for travelling on water (boat)

6. a reddish brown substance that forms on the surface of iron and steel as a result of decay caused by reacting with air and water (rust)

7. one of the parts at each corner of a car above the wheels (fender)

8. damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste (pollution)


2. a type of path or road, often in the shape of a ring, which has been specially designed and built for sports events, especially racing (track)

4. a thick liquid that comes from under the Earth's surface which is used as a fuel and for making parts of machines move easily

5. the set of necessary tools  for a particular purpose (equipment)

9. a complete journey around a race track that is repeated several times during a competition (lap)

Такое задание, как соотнести изображения персонажей с их именами, по силам даже самым слабым студентам.

Match the pictures with the names of the characters.

a. Lightning McQueen

l. Professor Zundapp

b. Crabby

m. Sarge

c. Fillmore

n. Ramone

d. Sheriff


e. Lizzie

p. Mel Dorado

f. Combat Ship

q. Guido

g. Flo

r. Miles Axlerod

h. Mack

s. Finn McMissile

i. Leland Turbo

t. Francesco Bernoulli

j. Mater

u. Luigi

k. Otis

1. 2. 3.

Как вариант в одном из юнитов студентам предлагается задание разгадать анаграммы.

3. Use the clues and the anagrams to find the words.

1. a competition in which people run, ride, drive, etc. against each other in order to see who is the fastest ACER___________

2. a part of a car that makes the engine cool IORTARDA_______________

3. area where cars are repaired SPTI___________

4. a small building where you put your car EAGGRA_____________

5. a bar attached to the front and back of a car to protect it in an accident UMBPRE________

6. methods or systems for discovering the cause of a problem


4. Complete the sentences below with the words from exercise 3.

1. She won the 100-meter race in 11.06 seconds.

2. A racing car rushed to the pits.

3. My car engine overheated because the water had leaked out of the radiator.

4. The car has a four-cylinder engine.

5. The car bumper was crashed because of the accident.

6. Did you put the car in the garage?

7. Requests for off-site testing and diagnostics are frequently ignored or refused without explanation.

Раздел After you watch предназначен как для аудиторной, так и для внеаудиторной работы студентов и содержит в том числе грамматические задания.

Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb to be in Present Simple.

1. You _______ right.

2. What _____ it?

3. It ____ time.

4. They ____ free, Mater.

5. He ________ awesome.

6. Tire pressure _____ excellent.

7. What ____ I doing here?

8. The project ____ still on schedule.

9. You ____ meeting the American.

10. ___ that all you want?

11. What ___ a rendezvous?

Read the text. Fill in the gaps or complete the sentences with the following words.

Reduces, has laid, has, use, have to, be used, are made

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