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Complex Object. b) Read them out in Russian for your fellowstudents to

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Complex Object. b) Read them out in Russian for your fellowstudents to
translate them into English. Correct their mistakes if any at all.
XXI. a) Read and translate the text:
On Thursday evenings the two librarians at the library in
Benham, Pamela Cream and Violet Meade were to work until
nine o’clock. The girls didn’t mind staying late; in their small
town there was very little for two unmarried girls to do anything.
That’s why when Inspector Ellis of the local police offered to
give judo lessons to anybody who wanted them, Pamela was the
first to enrol. She began learning judo exactly as she did every
thing else, thoroughly and with great interest. She always
insisted on doing her best. She was a small woman, but in judo
that does not matter. She was healthy, strong and brave. If not
really beautiful she was pleasant to look at and no wonder
Inspector Timothy Ellis fell in love with his best pupil. They
were to get married soon.
That Thursday Tim was to call for her at nine o’clock to take
her out to dinner. It was already eightthirty and Pamela was
returning the books to the shelves, while Violet was serving the
remaining readers.
When Pamela was passing the windows near the back door
she noticed that the blind was up. She tried to pull it down, but

it kept rolling to the top of the window, making a very loud
noise. At last Pamela managed somehow to make it stay down,
then went to the next aisle. To her greatest surprise she saw two
men there. “Oh,” she said, “I’m sorry, gentlemen, but readers
are not allowed in this section of the library!” “I’m sorry, Miss,”
said the smaller of the two men with an ugly face, who seemed
as surprised as Pamela, “we didn’t know it.” The other man,
much larger than the one who spoke stood with his back to
Pamela, leaning against the shelves. The smaller man said: “I’m
afraid my friend is feeling rather weak. He wants some fresh air.
Could you help me take him out, Miss?” “Oh, I’m so sorry,” said
Pamela and put her arm about the bigger man who was quite
heavy. The smaller man took his friend by the other arm and the
three of them started moving slowly to the back door. Suddenly
Pamela stopped in horror. She saw blood on the man’s coat.
Looking at him closely she saw he was dead. The truth flashed
in her mind. “You ... you killed him... here, in our library!”
“Aren’t you a smart young lady!” hissed the short man angrily,
“go on helping me and avoid attracting attention, or you’ll get
what Blackie got.” Pamela obeyed. They were in front of the
window when suddenly Pamela had an idea. That new judo hold
that Tim had taught her, maybe it would work! She must take
her chance. That murderer was very dangerous, one more dead
body that could well be her own wouldn’t make him lose sleep.
Oh, if only the hold worked!
Her hand touched the window blind. It went up with a loud
noise. The man, greatly surprised by it, dropped Blackies arm
and Pamela let go of the other arm. The heavy body fell to the
floor. The murderer snatched out a knife and rushed at Pamela,
who was ready for him...
When the frightened people from the library came running
into the back room they saw two men lying on the floor and
whitefaced Pamela standing over the unconscious murderer...
(After George P. McCallum’s
“Tales of Mystery and Suspense”)

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