Использование инновационных технологий в образовании


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Lebedeva O.E., Parpura O.A.

FSEI HPE Altai State Agrarian University Barnaul


Лебедева О.Е., Парпура О.А.

ФГОУ ВПО «Алтайский государственный аграрный университет»

г. Барнаул

В статье рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся подготовки специалистов АПК. А именно самостоятельная работа студентов как на занятиях по иностранному языку, так и во внеучебной деятельности. Также перечислены традиционные и новые формы контроля результативности самостоятельной работы студентов.
The effectiveness of modernization of higher education depends on many factors and conditions that focused on the identification of reserve capacities of the quality of graduates. Competitiveness, competence and independence as the most important personality traits are key to the future of the creative personality expert, therefore, the organization of the learning process in contemporary higher education should be linked primarily with their development. In a rapidly updated information graduate high school, you must have a solid foundation of professional activity, which will provide opportunities for further professional growth [1].

The need for a conscious, active, creative attitude to the future of specialist professional activities, the importance of self-education students, the formation of their culture of self-employment. However, the observation of students indicate that many of them have not formed an independent work skills, they do not know how to work with the special literature, highlighting the most significant in the information. For example, note-taking is reduced to rewriting the source, the message is not an analysis and comparison of views, but a simple retelling of the material. Students with difficulty integrate and use knowledge of related sciences [2].

Analysis of this problem has shown that individual activity requires special conditions for development in the educational process necessary to shift the focus from memorizing the information on its active search for development initiative, creativity and personal responsibility for their own students' learning activity.

Individual students' work is any activity related to the upbringing of thinking of the future professional. In a broad sense, independent work should be understood as the totality of self-activity of students in the classroom and outside it, in contact with the teacher and in his absence.

Although educational standards for extracurricular work assigned half of teaching time student, this norm in many cases is not maintained. The number and volume of tasks to independent work and the number of control measures to discipline determined by the teacher or the department in many cases based on the principle "The more the better." It is not always done the job evaluation of the complexity and time required for preparation. It is not always consistent on-time deadline for submission of homework assignments in different disciplines, which leads to uneven distribution of independent work time. All of these factors are pushing students to the formal relation to the implementation of the work to the writing off and, paradoxically, reduce the time spent by a student at a real job. Quite common was non-self-homework, course work (sometimes for a fee), as well as cheating and cribs on control measures. Many learning tasks are not configured on the active work of students, their implementation can often be done at a number of formal actions, without creativity, and even without an understanding of the operations.

Active independent work of students is only possible if there is a serious and sustained motivation. The strongest motivating factor - an effective preparation for further professional activities.

Among the factors that also contribute to enhancing self-study are the following:

1. The usefulness of the work. If a student knows that the results of his work will be used in preparing the publication, the relevance to the assignment varies significantly for the better and the quality of their work increases.

2. Student participation in the research work carried out by the department.

3. Participation in competitions in various academic disciplines, competitions, training and research.

4. Using the motivations of control knowledge (the cumulative assessment, rating, tests).

5. Encourage students for success in learning and creative activities (scholarships, bonuses, savings scores) and sanctions for academic failure. For example, for the work delivered to the earlier period may be marked increased evaluation, as otherwise it lower.

6. Customization tasks performed in the classroom and outside it, the constant updating.

7. Motivating factor in an intensive academic work and, above all, self is the personality of the teacher. The teacher may be an example for the student as a professional, as a creative person. The teacher can and should help the student discover his creative potential, to determine their prospects for internal growth.

In the study of foreign language self-organization of work should be unity of three interrelated forms:

1. Extracurricular self-study;

2. Individual classroom work, which is under the direct supervision of the teacher;

3. Creative, including research work [3].

Types of extracurricular self-study are diverse: preparation and writing essays, reports and other written works on assigned topics.

Classroom independent work can be realized in practical exercises. Practical English lessons to at least 1 hour of the two (50% of the time) set aside for independent performance of tasks. Practical training is better to build as follows:

1. Introduction teacher (target classes, the main issues to be considered).

2. A quick survey.

3. Implementation 1-2 Examples of typical assignments.

4. Self-fulfillment of tasks.

5. Analysis of model errors (at the end of the current occupation or early next).

The impact of students' independent work is largely determined by the presence of active methods of control.

In recent years, along with traditional forms of control - set off, the exam is widely introduce new methods. As such technology in current practice of higher vocational education is often regarded rating system of training, allows students and faculty to act as subjects of educational activity, i.e. are partners.

The rating system of teaching involves rating evaluation of students, but it's not an easy transition from the five score scale, and to objectively reflect on a scale expansion of the range estimation of individual abilities of students, their efforts spent in some type of independent work.

Very useful, in our opinion, may be a test control of knowledge and skills of students, which differs objectivity, saves time teacher, is largely exempt him from the routine work and allows you to concentrate more on the creative side of teaching, has a high degree of differentiation of subjects by level of knowledge and skills and effective in the implementation of rating systems, makes it possible to individualize the learning process.

Organization of independent work of students is determined by the teacher. Work student must be under constant supervision by teachers. The student should be confident in the correctness of his output learning. To this aim, and all the traditional methods, especially, oral questioning, tests and inspection of written homework.

Work for the student to be "attractive". "Attractiveness" of work, you can create certain benefits for tests and examinations: the majority of students exempted from taking the formal set-off, some students are exempt from the exam.

Thus, the independent work of students benefit not only themselves, but also in some way influences the learning process. Of course, such a formulation is typical only for the current stage of development of higher education, where the lack of funds, primarily material resources, does not allow to reduce the existing gap between the development of universities and agricultural enterprises.


1. Zhuravleva LA, Plotnikov, VV, Philipiev VA Independent work of students and its role in the process of becoming a person of a young specialist / Social problems of forming young people. - Sverdlovsk, 1989. - S. 119-123.

2. Berezin NY Bibliographic form of training as a means to enhance the independent work of undergraduate students / Independent work of students in a restructuring of the educational process. - Chelyabinsk, 1988. - S. 162-165.

3. Galician E. Organization of independent work of students / E. Galician / / Higher education in Russia. - № June. - S. 160-163

Библиографический список

  1. Журавлева, Л.А. СРС и ее роль в процессе становления личности молодого специалиста / Л.А. Журавлева, В.В. Плотников, В.А. Филипьев // Социальные проблемы формирования молодежи. – Свердловск, 1989. – С. 119-123.

  2. Березин Н.Я. Реферативная форма обучения как средство активизации самостоятельной работы студентов младших курсов / Н.Я. Березин // Самостоятельная работа студентов в условиях перестройки учебного процесса. – Челябинск, 1988. – С. 162-165.

  3. Галицких, Е. Организация самостоятельной работы студентов / Е. Галицких // Высшее образование в России. – №6. – С. 160-163

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