Issn 305-9397. Ғылым және білім. 2022. №1-1 (66) issn 2305-9397

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Журнал Наука и образование №3-3(68) 2022

In arid ecosystems the soil salinity is stated to be the main factor to determine the growth and 
development of irrigated crops. After the development of saline lands for a long time (more than
50 years), the ineffectiveness of their improvement by washing the salts against the background of 
collector-drainage systems was established, In this regard, the main direction in the modern-
conditioned struggle is the selection of salt-tolerant crops on dispersed developed small areas (40-100 
hectares) among the lands not used for irrigation, with a utilization factor (CI) of no more than 0-4. In 
this case, non-irrigated areas serve as a zone of aeration and accumulation of saline waters flowing 
from neighboring irrigated areas. Thus, positive balance of the salt regime of soils is maintained in the 
upper (0-70 cm) soil horizons to a medium degree.
It is possible to develop medium saline soils for irrigated cultivated pastures through the 
selection of crops that combine high salt tolerance with high productivity. 
Long-term experiments carried out with a large set of crops under irrigation, differing in the 
degree of salinity, have confirmed the high efficiency of reclaiming saline lands for irrigated 
cultivated pastures. As a result, the unsuitability of cultivation on saline lands has been established. 

ISSN 2305-9397. Ғылым және білім. 2022. № 3-3 (68)____ _ 
Of the crop selected high salt tolerance and climatic productivity was distinguished by sweet 
clover and its mixtures with the participation of Awn and Dactylis Glomerata, which provide stable 
high productivity from 492.1 to 531.2 kg/ha of hay and pasture mass. 
Түйін сөздер: суармалы жайылымдар, тұзды жерлер, аридті дақылдар, өсімдіктердің 
тұзға төзімділігі, екі жылдық, көп жылдық шөптер, жемшөп дақылдары, түйе жоңышқа, 
жоңышқа, шөп қоспалары, көпкомпонентті жайылымдық алқаптар. 

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