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Морозов Проблемы хим стандарт

2.1. Fruits

In accordance with the State Pharmacopoeia of 

the USSR, XI-th edition, the section “Quantifi cation” 

includes a chromatographic-spectrophotometric method 

for estimating the sum of fl avonoids (in terms of 

hyperoside). Their quantity in fruits should be at least 

0.06% at the wavelength of 365 nm [24].


cation of fruits in the European 

In our opinion, this technique is rather cumbersome 

and diffi cult from the point of view of interpreting the 

results of the analysis, because the chromatogram of the 

test solution determines substances absent in the refer-

ence solution.

In the European Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacopoeia 

of the Republic of Belarus, in the section “Qualitative de-

termination” of leaves with hawthorn fl owers, a thin lay-

er chromatography method is provided using a reference 

solution consisting of chlorogenic acid and hyperoside 

dissolved in methanol. The following system is used as 

a mobile phase: anhydrous formic acid – water – methyl 

ethyl ketone – ethyl acetate (10: 10: 30: 50). The mani-

festation is carried out by a spray – a solution consisting 

of a 10 g / l solution of aminoethyl ester of diphenylboric 

acid in methanol and then a spray of a 50 g / l solution of 

polyethylene glycol in methanol. After that the substance 

is displayed in UV light at 365 nm [26, 28].

As far as we can see, there are some disagreements 

regarding the analysis of leaves with hawthorn fl owers, 

which stem from the use of different approaches to the 

standardization of raw materials. Consequently, the prob-

lem of the most appropriate method to be used, remains 

unsolved because of the characteristics of the fl avonoid 

composition of the raw materials being examined.

1.4. Leaves

Leaves, as a kind of medicinal plant material, are 

described only in the Pharmacopeia of the Republic of 

Belarus. To determine the authenticity, in the Pharmaco-

peia the following reactions are presented: with ammo-

nium chloride (greenish-yellow staining while heating), 

iron (III) solution of ammonium sulfate in the presence 

of hydrochloric acid in butanol (red staining while heat-

ing) [28].

In our opinion, to determine the authenticity of haw-

thorn leaves, it is advisable to add a thin layer chroma-

tography method using standard samples.

Summing up the results of this section, it seems to us 

that the analysis of the authenticity of all types of haw-

thorn raw materials should be carried out diagnostically 

on signifi cant substances.

Thus, the qualitative analysis of the fl owers  with 

the use of hyperoside state standard sample (SSS) is 

objective (the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR, XI-

th edition, the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of 

Belarus), the use of four standards (chlorogenic acid, 

coffee acid, hyperoside and rutin) to determine the 

authenticity of hawthorn fruits is not quite appropriate, 

since these substances are not specifi c to the discussed 

type of raw materials and are often found in other plants.

In our opinion, in the case of shoots (leaves with 

fl owers) it makes sense to use a mixture of standards, 


Фармация и фармакология Т. 6 № 2, 2018

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