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Currently, the teacher’s professional activities are taking place in difficult and 
contradictory conditions. One of the reasons for this is that there is a discrepancy between the 
required level of competence that meets the professional status of the teacher, the cultural level, 
lifestyle and the real opportunities that society provides for achieving them. In this regard, the 
task arises of creating a pedagogical potential for personnel, adequate in its training to the level 
of professional culture and professional self-determination of a teacher, integrated into modern 
socio-economic conditions. 
In solving this problem, the role of psychological science is especially great. Obviously, the 
professional formation of the personality of a young teacher in the process of his training in 
higher education includes not only the mastery of students by a certain combination of 
knowledge, skills, but also his professional and personal self-improvement, the formation of an 
active life position, the education of such important qualities as responsibility for shaping 
subjects of education, sociability, tact, criticality, self-criticism, etc. 
It is no coincidence that outstanding teachers repeatedly emphasized that only a teacher
who is a highly developed personality, will be able to see and educate a personality in students. 
Therefore, self-improvement and the formation of the professional orientation of the personality 
of the future teacher is the most important task of university education. In solving this problem, 
it is important to understand the psychological process of development itself, self-improvement 
and personality formation at its various stages. 
As we know, the formation of a person as a person acquires special significance at the 
youthful stage of ontogenesis. This is determined by those psychological neoplasms of a given 
age that create the basis for a full-fledged personal development of a growing person who is able 
to solve many life problems independently, be successful in society significant activities, have 
the ability to easily adapt, find his place, determine his position in relation to rapidly changing 
conditions society, that is, a person socially determined. 
In the process of becoming a future teacher, pedagogical practice is of particular 
importance. First of all, it allows students to test the subjective experience of self-regulation in 
pedagogical interaction obtained in the course of theoretical teaching in real practice, to correlate 
their abilities and requirements with the requirements for the teacher in this aspect, to realize 
their problems. 
Thus, the task of forming a pedagogical potential for personnel that meets modern 
requirements for pedagogical mastery and personnel development makes the statement of the 
problem of professional self-determination of a teacher relevant
The relevance of this problem increases when it comes to issues of psychological adaption 
of students in the new socio-economic conditions and new education systems (psychological, 
career guidance), as well as the problem of the formation of professional self-determination. 

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