М. Ибраева ф. ғ. к., ассистент-профессор Назарбаев Университеті CREATING ONLINE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS FOR LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Мақалада тіл үйрету мен бағалау үдерісінде пайдаланылатын онлайн технологиялардың артықшылықтары мен қиындықтары қарастырылады. Kahoot, Moodle, Google handouts сияқты жүйелерді пайдалана отырып, тіл үйрету сабақтарын жаңаша ұйымдастыру студенттердің уақытын бағалаумен қатар, жаңа оқыту технологияларымен ұтымды жұмыс істеу мүмкіндігін қамтамасыз етеді. Using online technologies in teaching and assessing the language is considered to be effective
education. For effective assessment, creating online testing materials is a recognized method in
higher education aimed at engaging students in effectively learning the language. In an era of
dynamic globalization, the demand for instructional technologies is increasing, as is the amount
of bilingual, trilingual, and multilingual people around the globe. This paper will discuss ways of
creating online assignments, vocabulary and grammar tests, as well as establishing various forums
for group discussions or peer feedback for evaluating syllabi using tools like Kahoot and Moodle,
Google handouts, google doc, particularly when designing teaching and testing materials. These
tools are alternatives to traditional class designs that can be varied during the teaching process.
Designing online materials with the use of Kahoot and/or Moodle is beneficial in saving time that
can be deployed for other activities, raising students’ motivation, as well as in creating a variety of
class designs and for teambuilding. This paper covers the advantages of designing online teaching
and testing materials and its challenges on Kahoot, Moodle and other tools. The evidences gathered
in class observations while utilizing these online technologies will be described in this paper. The
findings highlight a new area for classrooms in which both students and instructors can use iPad, cell
phones, tablets and note-books in class for reaching objectives and fulfilling learning outcomes. This
approach will create alternatives for online environments where students will be able to learn the
language and assess their knowledge themselves. This research will be useful in developing theories
of teaching language acquisition in bilingual and multilingual educational settings.