М. Нұркентаева Магистр. Назарбаев Университеті С. Абжанова Магистр. Назарбаев Университеті С. Мұсабекова Магистр. Назарбаев Университеті FAMILY LANGUAGE POLICY IN KAZAKHSTANI FAMILIES Мақалада Қазақстандағы үштілділік мәселесі қарастырылған. Тілдердің үштұғырлығы мәдени жобасының жоғары оқу орындарында, қоғамда жүзеге асырылу барысында қазақстандықтардың өміріне, білім беру саласына, сондай-ақ экономикаға тиімді әсері сипатталады. Kazakhstan is a dynamically developing young country where about 130 nations and nationalities
live together in peace and harmony for about 25 years since Kazakhstan has gained its independence
from the Soviet Union. Having population with about 17 million people, Kazakhstan is developing
trilingual policy in the educational system and aim at increasing the number of speakers in the state
official language (i. e. Kazakh) up to 100%, Russian and English up to 85% and 25% respectively
by 2020. The main goal of Language Policy (hereinafter LP) in Kazakhstan is to increase the
competitiveness of graduate staff and growth of export potential of the education sector (Nazarbayev,
2007). Various factors influence the reconsideration of the language policy in Kazakhstan, for
example, the implementation of the trilingual policy in all educational institutions, globalisation of
the economy, internationalisation of the educational curriculum contributed to the development of the
economy and of the educational system particularly. Intermarriages that facilitated the use of LP in
the micro-level domains are also considered as unforeseen factor for the development of the family
language policy (hereinafter FLP). Most families in Kazakhstan are bilinguals due to the fact that
Kazakhstan was under the Russian colonisation for about 70 years and people had to learn and speak
the language of the dominants. Since the «Trinity of languages» project launched, many Kazakhstani
families, mostly young families and children have begun to learn English. From one hand it is good,
but from the other hand, older generation concerns regarding to the loss of the mother tongue among
young people. Each family creates their own FLP and they even do not guess about the existence of
FLP in the linguistics or science in general.
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