С. Абжанова Магистр. Назарбаев Университеті С. Мұсабекова Магистр. Назарбаев Университеті RESEARCH INTEGRATED TECHING IN LANGUAGE Мақалада қазақ тілі сабақтарында, атап айтқанда «Бизнес этикеті» курсында оқыту мен зерттеуді үйлестірудің маңыздылығы туралы айтылады. Оқыту стратегиясының мазмұны курс барысында орындалатын тапсырмалар мен сабақтан тыс атқарылатын жұмыстардың тіл үйренудегі тиімділігін саралау арқылы сипатталады. In Nazarbayev University which aims to become the first research and world-class university
in Kazakhstan, it is important to use research to enhance the student learning experience. In this
article, we would like to describe the role of research integrated teaching in Kazakh classes, where
both teacher and students use their research skills to review research papers, collect and analyze
data, generate, interact, and share enthusiasm in learning process.
Since teaching and research are supposed to go hand-in-hand in research intensive university,
I asked myself: ‘How could teaching and research be optimized in language classes?’ Thus, developing
a researcher’s ‘mindset’ through different assignments became one of the main goals of Business
Etiquette course. I find myself spending a significant amount of time on revising and refining my
materials, my approach and my techniques. I tried to focus on effectiveness of the course and wondered
which strategies worked and which were less successful.
We would like to share our teaching experience regarding integrating research into teaching used
in our language courses. Most of them are focused on task-based learning, namely problem solving,
moving from theory to real life; and these assignments help students to use their research skills to
review research papers. Other non-class activities such as conducting workshops and seminars on
Business Correspondence in Kazakh and putting good researchers/successful businessmen in front
of students promote students’ interests and stimulate new learning directions. In this course, students
also work as article reviewers and write their own articles in Kazakh. These assignments encourage
students to make a contribution to social life. And using Survey Monkey and Moodle as a tool to get
feedback is more effective way in research integrated teaching.
As ‘Research is creating new knowledge’ (Neil Armstrong), we tried to highlight the importance
of integrating research into teaching based on our personal teaching experience. Balancing the time
spent on teaching and research can lead to more realistic expectations of staff performance. Other
factors such as career development can significantly affect teaching productivity and effectiveness.
From our experience at NU, we find that it is possible to integrate research into teaching in language
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Б. Х. Ақжолова Оқытушы Алматы мемлекеттік көлік және коммуникациялар колледжі